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Questions tagged [setxkbmap]

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How do I create a per user xkb keymap?

It is possible to create your own custom xkb maps by adding files to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols. However, this directory is managed my dpkg and requires root access. Is there a way of placing a keymap ...
Att Righ's user avatar
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Prevent keyboard layout from being changed

For some reason my keyboard layout occasionally switches to another language. Is there a way to prevent other software from changing my keyboard layout? I can run... setxkbmap de fix it, but it ...
Ocean's user avatar
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Remap Right Alt to Backspace

As the title says how can I remap Right Alt to Backspace? I am on X11 I am aware that something can be done using setxkbmap but I not aware of the command for my particular case.
Mach50's user avatar
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xkb utf8 symbols but no syms

Fedora 39 here, but this should apply in general for any linux. My ~/.xkb/symbols/my has this (part): replace key <FK01> { [ F1, F1, {H,e,l,l,o}, {W,o,r,l,d}, XF86_Switch_VT_1 ] }; ...
Robert D.'s user avatar
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`setxkbmap kr` not doing anything?

I'm trying to add a configuration to my multilingual setup on my ArchLinux desktop, but Korean doesn't seem to do anything, despite it being listed under setxkbmap. How do I set it up similarly to ...
psygo's user avatar
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XKB spec says 63 levels max per type. For me it's 8. What am I doing wrong? version: Distribution: Kubuntu 23.04 I duplicated the included EIGHT_LEVEL_ALPHABETIC_LEVEL_FIVE_LOCK type, inserted an additional level as Level1, and shifted all existing levels by +1....
Dongchen's user avatar
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xkb: how can `modifier_map` be completely replaced

When defining a custom keyboard layout with xkb, how can I completely override a modifier? E.g. when I have xkb_keymap { xkb_keycodes { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" }; xkb_types ...
ensc's user avatar
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How to translate setxkbmap to xinitrc config

I am setting my keyboard layout using this command on every startup: setxkbmap us,cz -variant ,ucw -option grp:caps_switch How can I write this configuration in to xinitrc file so xserver loads it ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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setxkbmap and xmodmap often stop working

I have a script to: Set the keyboard layout to include accents Set capslock as mod when held Set capslock as escape when pressed It looks like this: setxkbmap -rules evdev -model evdev -layout us -...
indeedwatson's user avatar
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Map <C-S-A-hjkl> to Arrow Keys with XKB Map

I'm trying to also have access to my arrow keys from the default Vim hjkl. Since CtrlShiftAlt seems to be a rare key combo, I was thinking about using that. How would I do that using setxkbmap (or ...
psygo's user avatar
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WARNING: Running setxkbmap against an XWayland server

I'm using Fedora 37, tilix terminal emulator with fish shell. Whenever I open a terminal, I get the warning WARNING: Running setxkbmap against an XWayland server How come? How to avoid it?
tsorn's user avatar
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Map Caps Lock to AltGr and Escape - why does setxkbmap silence xcape daemon?

I'm on a 20.04 Ubuntu machine. I've been trying to use a combination of setxkmap and xcape to map AltGr and escape onto my caps-lock key, where a quick key press acts as escape and a longer key press ...
DBJ's user avatar
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How to set keyboard layout and keep configuration?

I changed from gnome to i3wm and now everytime I log in to my computer the keyboard layout is set to english (my keyboard is spanish). I was able to change it with this command but just for the ...
Luis Urán's user avatar
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xkb swap backslash and return: how to deal with shift?

I'm trying to swap Enter and Backslash key. I figured out how to swap them when Shift is not involved: key < RTRN > {[ backslash ]}; key < BKSL > {[ Return ]}; However, when shift is down, ...
Maciek's user avatar
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How to use setxkbmap to map keys permanently?

I'm currently using xmodmap to remap some keys, keeping my configuration in a .Xmodmap file, but every time I boot my laptop, or my screen locks, the customization is lost and I have to run xmodmap ~/....
Lucas's user avatar
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How to (permently) set keyboard mappings using setxkbmap? It gives an error

I am diving into custom keyboard mappings. Basically, I just want to switch the Alt_L with Ctrl_L and Alt_R with Ctrl_R (kind of like Command on MacBooks). In the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ctrl ...
vshas's user avatar
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Is there an API to query setxkbmap's current layout?

A bit related to this previous question of mine, I wonder if there's a way to query what is the current layout. Say I have run setxkbmap -layout it,ru -variant ,phonetic -option 'grp:caps_toggle' and ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Adding a single keycode to the existing XKB configuration

I have a MECHREV laptop, /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name "Jiaolong Series GM5ZG0O". Its keyboard has a button for toggling trackpad on/off. However this key emits keycode 93 which is not ...
SnakE's user avatar
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How to keep keyboard mapping after reboot?

In order to remap my keyboard I use the following commands: $ setxkbmap -layout fr -variant latin9 -option '' $ setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps $ printf "keycode 127 = Caps_Lock NoSymbol Caps_Lock&...
crocefisso's user avatar
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Use left-ctrl to swap keyboard layout?

If I want to switch between two keyboard layouts (gb and apl) by holding down the right ctrl key, I can run: setxkbmap -layout gb,apl -variant ,dyalog -option grp:rctrl_switch Is there anything ...
Lapwing482's user avatar
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How to remap Caps Lock to a specific key?

By default I have the following key mapping: $ xmodmap -pke ... keycode 49 = oe OE oe OE leftdoublequotemark rightdoublequotemark leftdoublequotemark ... keycode 66 = Caps_Lock NoSymbol Caps_Lock ......
crocefisso's user avatar
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Using setxkbmap to disable the menu key

On my Debian for Raspberry Pi, the win key pops open the desktop's main menu. This blocks all other keyboard input, so I constantly trip over it. How can I disable the menu behavior using setxkbmap so ...
Byron Hawkins's user avatar
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How to set Caps Lock as Hyper (and change modifiers) using xkb?

This is currently my .xsessionrc file: xmodmap -e "remove Mod4 = Hyper_L" -e "add Mod3 = Hyper_L" -e "lock = Hyper_L" -e "keysym Caps_Lock = Hyper_L" & ...
cidra's user avatar
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How to assign dot symbol for the numpad del key in the KDE (X11) permanently?

I use the KDE Plasma with X11 on my laptop. And I set up two keyboard layouts in the KDE settings: US English and Russian. I'd like to assign the dot symbol for the numpad Del key. I found the ...
Serge Roussak's user avatar
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implicit types in xkb

The keymap source (in .xkb format) of the current XKB configuration can be obtained by running xkbcomp $DISPLAY -. Mapping to keysyms is done in the xkb_symbols section of this file. Some of the ...
user001's user avatar
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xkb: Why is the compose key set to NoSymbol after a system update (OpenSuSE 15.2 → 15.3)?

After upgrading my OpenSuSE Leap from 15.2 to 15.3, I found out that the Compose key (keycode: 135) was no longer working. In fact, xev no longer recognised it as Multi_key, but as NoSymbol: KeyPress ...
Neppomuk's user avatar
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Remap Caps Lock generate Left and Right

I'm trying to get Caps Lock to generate Left and Shift+Caps Lock to generate Right. I would like other modifiers (not Shift) to be passed through unchanged. I have a new laptop with tiny arrow keys ...
Arthur A. Gleckler's user avatar
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Setting CAPS_LOCK + arrows to Home, PgUp, PgDown, End in xkb

I'm trying to set some CapsLock + arrows keybindings in xkb Using ArchLinux, KDE, Xorg What I'm trying to achieve (wishful thinking) Ultimately, the perfect solution would be No modifier CapsLock as ...
Esgariot's user avatar
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Custom XKB layout before login

I have made a custom keyboard layout with XKB, but when I type my password on the login screen, the system still uses a QWERTY layout, only after the login my customized layout is applied. Is it ...
ssL's user avatar
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XKB not recognizing my custom layout

I created a custom keyboard layout (the file is called “brc”) based on Colemak for my Lubuntu 18.04, and copied it to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols: default partial xkb_symbols "basic" { ...
ssL's user avatar
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Wrong keyboard layout even though everything in the OS seem to report correct/wanted layout - e.g. åäö becomes [';

I installed Manjaro 21.x (don't remember exact version) a few months back and I chose the Gnome flavor. As per usual I set up my OS to have two keyboard layouts (US and SE) and life was great. Then ...
Anton Pettersson's user avatar
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Reassigning Right_Control from control modifier key to mod3 without using xmodmap

I am doing a task that is taking me longer than expected as xmodmap cannot be combined with other commands such as setxkbmap and so on. My goal is to change Right_Control key from been assigned on ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
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How to map a sequence of keys to <dead_greek>?

I have mapped Insert to Multi_key (also known as Compose) so I can input ä or µ. I've used xmodmap -e 'keycode 118 = Multi_key' in my wm init script. Now, checking /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/...
Zeta.Investigator's user avatar
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How to map compose key to insert via setxkbmap?

I'm using US (non-international) layout. One way of typing üäöß is setting a compose key via: setxkbmap -layout us -option compose:ralt Unfortunately, this removes the normal "alt" ...
Zeta.Investigator's user avatar
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Keyboard conf at `/etc/profile` does not work

This is a script that I can source or run to setup my keyboard layout: #!/bin/bash # Testing to only apply the layout to Kinesis keyboard. # Get Device ID with: `xinput -list | grep -i key debug_out=/...
Gauthier's user avatar
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How do I fix exit code 1 for a systemd service running inputplug?

I want to set up a systemd service to set my custom keymap when my bluetooth keyboard is plugged. I am using inputplug, as suggested here. Since I need to have an executable command containing no ...
maddingl's user avatar
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Why does setxkbmap on a single device also change other devices?

I am running Ubuntu on a Thinkpad laptop with an external keyboard linked up. The laptop keyboard has a GB layout and the external has a US layout. First, I output a list of the connected devices (I'...
TSGM's user avatar
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Map right Alt to Ctrl key

I use Linux Mint Mate 17, which is based on Ubuntu 14.04, and I want to map my right Alt to act as a Ctrl key (since I can reach it with my right thumb, which is more comfortable).  How can I do that? ...
ars's user avatar
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