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Questions tagged [redis]

Redis is a "NoSQL" in-memory database.

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Could not create server TCP listening socket. bind: Address already in use. Processes won't stop, how to configure redis properly?

I was working with an ERPNext project, and when trying to install the hrms module, I ran into some redis related issues, and made some changes to see if those worked but it didn't. Now that I was able ...
Ransike Randeni's user avatar
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How to install redis 7.2 on amazon linux 2023

How to install redis 7.2 on amazon linux 2023. When I do the default installation it only install redis 6.x.
kumar's user avatar
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Getting message A stop job is running advanced key-value store no limit

I am using ubuntu OS. when I started my system I am seeing a message " A stop job is running advanced key-value store no limit". My Laptop screen is stuck not able to do anything. Can ...
sandeep singh's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use redis-cli to export the values of a list only?

I am trying to export all values of a redis list using redis-cli as a list of strings in shell scripts. However, there are some unwanted text that I couldn't get rid of. For the following list q1: ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Remove temporary files from disk caused by Redis command BGREWRITEAOF

Context description My Linux distribution contains redis-server 6.0.5. Redis is configured to use persistence AOF (Append Only File) and the RDB persistence is disabled. At boot a script requests to ...
User051209's user avatar
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Why does the redis-server take too long to load in memory the database at boot?

My Linux distribution uses the redis database. At boot the redis-server needs about 80 seconds to load the dataset. The following is a log that shows what I have written: redis-server[249]: 249:M 17 ...
User051209's user avatar
0 votes
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Rspamd Ratelimit doesn't work

I have set up my rspamd and redis server but the ratelimit doesn't work. The Rspamd speaks to Postfix and my log file doesnt show anything unusual. Even GTUBE works --> So, the spam protection ...
cd4user's user avatar
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Iptables blocks localhost from accessing redis

I have the following iptables rules: -P INPUT ACCEPT -P FORWARD ACCEPT -P OUTPUT ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -s MY_IP_ADDRESS/32 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6379 -j ACCEPT -A ...
Sam Leurs's user avatar
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2 answers

starting a background job on the remote host over ssh hangs the calling script

I have this code : for i in $ipb $ipc $ipd; do ssh -i ~/.ssh/'key' 'name'@${i} /bin/bash << EOF nohup ${install_dir}/redis-stable/src/redis-server ${install_dir}/${port}/node.conf & ...
aveillon's user avatar
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The RAM load is constantly increasing. Is it possible to reduce it?

RAM load rises to 85% from 32G I have varnish and nginx installed on my server. Recently I noticed that the load on RAM is very high. I am afraid that it will continue to grow and the site will stop ...
Alice's user avatar
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Open web browser on host machine via private ip after installing software on Linux server

I need to open a web browser on the host machine. I am given a private IP address after installing software on a Red Hat Enterprise 7.9 Linux server. Here are the steps I have taken so far: SSH into ...
brandog's user avatar
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Redis cli shell script unknown operand deleting keys with hex

Created a shell script that deletes keys that matches a pattern using the following script: host=${1:-} port=${2:-6379} database=${3:-0} pattern=${4:-"Test"} cursor=-1 keys="" ...
Anonymous Duck's user avatar
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redis-server doesn't start as a service on Debian 10 because of status=227/NO_NEW_PRIVILEGES [closed]

I have a Debian 10, on a Digital Ocean droplet, I'm trying to install and run Redis as a service, which won't start because and error related to NoNewPriviliges. I've reviewed the similar question ...
Repox's user avatar
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3 votes
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No module named 'apt_pkg'

I use redis in my project. However, when I try to start the server with the following command, '$ redis-server --daemonize yes', I keep getting the same error message that says no module named '...
Khashhogi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

nftables allow redis only from specific IP addresses

I am configuring a REDIS server and I want to allow connections only from a set of specific IP addresses. This is a Debian 10 server, and the recommended framework to use is nft, which I haven't used ...
Miguel Mesquita Alfaiate's user avatar
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Terrible Redis benchmark results on 5.2.11, Lenovo P1 Gen 2

I am getting some real terrible Redis benchmarks on my brand new, extremely high spec laptop (Lenovo P1 Gen 2) ~ % cat /proc/cpuinfo processor : 0 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 6 model ...
Sam Saffron's user avatar
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How to implement a worker system using only Cron?

I have a PHP web application with a particularly slow endpoint and I have diagnosed that this is being caused by a complicated function call. It is not essential that the function call is completed ...
tom6025222's user avatar
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why connection refused by host(centos)

There is redis service running on centos 7.6 it looks fine there,( I try to connect this client from another machine in same network( There is incoming request from ...
Y3N3RRR's user avatar
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installed redis but can't see it in nmap's scan

Redis installed and looks to be running: [me@hsredistest01 ~]$ sudo systemctl status redis ● redis.service - Redis persistent key-value database Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/redis....
Y3N3RRR's user avatar
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systemd looking for update-rc.d when I try to enable redis service in Ubuntu 14.04

I was trying to install redis from source in Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04. I did followed everything exactly from this tutorial. Only difference was that my logfile path was /redis/logs/redis-server....
adeel109's user avatar
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How to enable redis service in Ubuntu 14.04

I am trying to write an ansible role for redis stand-alone server installation. I downloaded the tarball from redis repo, extracted it and ran make commands to install it. Then I made changes in ...
adeel109's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Unable to create a proper PEM for Redis Desktop Manager

On Ubuntu, I have a problem to establish a connection to redis server using SSH tunnel and SSH key with Redis Desktop Manager (RDM). What are the symptoms? I can connect to the server where redis is ...
jacek.ciach's user avatar
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redis hvals: get return as array structure

When I do redis -h host -a password -p port HVALS myhash command on redis, it will return all values of that hash, one per line. In my case that values are JSON formatted strings. I want to store ...
Francisco Panis Kaseker's user avatar
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Cannot increase maximum open files for redis

I am using ubunto 18.04, When i run redis-server on the terminal it says # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo # Redis version=4.0.9, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=11260, just ...
M. Habib's user avatar
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How can I use date and time in SET Redis command

I just installed the stable version of Redis server, on a Debian 8.7.1. Everything works fine so far. I want to know how I can use the current date and time in a SET entry. For example: SET test:test ...
Amir Amini's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

systemd rejecting with 'more than one ExecStart= setting'

I'm trying to write a systemd service file for redis. Here's my file: [Unit] Description=Redis persistent key-value database [Service] ExecStart=/...
rajat banerjee's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Redis logfile permission error, but the permission is already 777

gentoo /var/log/redis # ls -al total 8 drwxrwxr-x 2 root redis 4096 12月 3 16:05 . drw-rw-r-- 5 root root 4096 12月 3 15:57 .. -rwxrwxrwx 1 redis redis 0 12月 3 16:05 redis.log gentoo /var/log/...
Vonfry's user avatar
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CentOS - Specifying an alternate redis.conf with systemctl

I used systemctl to enable automatic start up of redis on my server. This works fine. But I would like to change the name of my redis.conf, and have multiple redis instances. How do I use systemctl ...
TheCatWhisperer's user avatar
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netstat output is "ESTABLISHED -" (no program name attached). What is the issue?

My server program is running and I am trying to establish some TCP connections from redis client. I am trying to establish 1150 client connections, and when I check netstat at server side I find a ...
SKM's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Cannot install redis server

Tried to install redis-server using Kubuntu 16.04 64 bit version using: sudo apt install redis-server But receive this message while installing: Setting up redis-server (2:3.0.7-1~dotdeb+6.1) ... ...
Yansen Tan's user avatar
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Stalled TCP connection with data in RecvQ and ESTABLISHED off

My networking skills are quite poor and I am trying to understand the following netstat -ton meaning. We have redis server and a client with a thread connecting to it via PUB/SUB. The client ...
coulix's user avatar
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How to resolve systemd (code=exited, status=227/NO_NEW_PRIVILEGES)?

I am trying to install the GitLab community package on a Debian Stretch system, but one of its dependencies, redis-server, fails to install when starting the service using systemd. Complete log: $ ...
Tankernn's user avatar
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How do i add redis to selinux so that it's permissive?

I'm new to SELinux and CentOS, I have two vm's running a minimal centos7, I've configured firewall-cmd for the default redis port, but the only way I've been able to get the two vm's allowing redis to ...
Ourjamie's user avatar
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Monitoring script for redis server

I facing problem to write a script for redis server . I know it will very normal script ,but due to my lack of knowledge I can't able to . Currently I can getting out put when using below command ...
Arya Ray's user avatar
6 votes
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Process mount is read only

I have a rw file system /myraid0. # cat /proc/mounts | grep myraid0 /dev/mapper/isw_cfdbejjgdi_myraid0p1 /myraid0 ext4 rw,relatime,stripe=8,data=ordered 0 0 I have no problem writing to /myraid0 as ...
Jeff's user avatar
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How to install redis 3.0.7 on Debian 8

I'm trying to install Redis 3.0.7 (latest stable version at the moment) on Debian 8. I use this commands : add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/redis-server apt-get update apt-get install redis-server ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
4 votes
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Disable snapshotting ("save" setting) on running instance

How can you disable snapshotting on a running Redis instance? You can disable the "save" setting in the Redis configuration by commenting out the "save" lines. E.g., #save 900 1 #save 300 10 #save ...
ohmu's user avatar
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Unable to establish an SSH tunnel using Redis Desktop Manager

I am trying to connect to an Elasticache Redis Server via an AWS Ubuntu instance and using an ssh tunnel. When I try to configure Redis Desktop Manager to connect via an ssh tunnel and provide ...
Addonis1990's user avatar
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Redis as service on CentOs6

I've been trying to get redis to run as a service on a CentOS 6 server but I cant get the startup script to work properly. the startup script distributed with redis does not support chkconfig so I ...
Toby's user avatar
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19 votes
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Process which locks up, ignores SIGKILL, is runnable (not a zombie or in uninterruptable sleep). What state is it in?

I have a process which several times now has stopped responding and appears to be completely locking up. It doesn't respond to any attempt at strace or peeking with gdb (gdb just hangs on a wait4() ...
alienth's user avatar
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