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Saving terminal output to file line-by-line (writing and closing file after every print)

I have a Python script running on a Linux machine which is printing output out to the terminal. Currently, I'm logging this output to a file using the script command. However, the problem with this ...
ExtremistEnigma's user avatar
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Having multiple computers on network access file?

Say I have a program being run on multiple computers all on the same network (and all on the same account). Every once in a while the program needs to read/write a file save.dat. The actual file ...
Graviton's user avatar
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Read file and write output in another file using shell script

My input file is: Employee e_id e_name 100 abc 101 xyz 102 pqr Salary e_id e_salary 100 12345 101 67890 Dependents e_id depp1 depp2 100 qwer tyui 102 asdf ghjkl I want the output line by line as ...
Dev's user avatar
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Overwriting an input file

Solutions that I have come across for replacing the contents of an input file with converted output involve using a temp file or the sponge utility. Stephane Chazelas's answer here indicates another ...
iruvar's user avatar
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