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Manjaro fails to open GUI of software manager (pamac-manager)

Since at least yesterday, my Manjaro (kernel 6.1.112-1) fails to open the GUI of the software manager. It is however able to open it in other instances: when the little icon reminds me, that there are ...
Diasaur's user avatar
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delete a package/app installed with pacman -U option

I have installed a docker desktop application on my Arch Linux xfce4 and I want to delete it because I want to only use docker-cli (because the docker desktop conflicts with docker-cli in services and ...
T-NeX's user avatar
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How to install specific-package-version (when multiple version available from multiple repos) in Archlinux?

I'm trying to install nim-2.0 in my system. When I try to install with pacman -S nim or yay -S nim It direclty installs the nim-1.6.... version. How to install package when there is multiple versions ...
Garid Z.'s user avatar
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I can't install cgpt in Arch Linux using Pacman, what to do?

I've been unable to install cgpt in Arch Linux. I don't know what it is, but it's needed for a script. Here is the output of my Terminal: # pacman -S cgpt error: target not found: cgpt # cgpt -bash: ...
Ciel Ruby's user avatar
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How to install libtcod on Arch Linux distro?

I can't find any documentation on this, other than using apk-get. Is there any way to download this library through pacman? I've only been using the linux terminal for maybe a month, so there might be ...
Herodegon's user avatar
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How to install packages with Pacman from a list contained in a text file?

I installed a minimal version of Manjaro Cinnamon edition, and now want to upgrade it to the full edition. The list of packages are available in this text file. How to install them with Pacman ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
5 votes
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unable to upgrade zoom on Arch Linux

I've got zoom installed on my Arch box. When I start it, it shows me a window which states on the bottom Version: 3.5.374815.0324. The problem is, I don't remember how I got this original version ...
stdcerr's user avatar
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Incorrect virtualbox (kernel) installed for Manjaro/Arch/pacman

I did a bad virtualbox installation on 4.19.2-1-MANJARO with pacman. This is my initial install stdout: [gloom@tacos-pc etc]$ sudo pacman -S virtualbox error: could not register 'multilib' ...
gloomy.penguin's user avatar
8 votes
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Forcefully install package with pacman

What I want is pacman alternative command for this command:- sudo dpkg --force-all -i somepackage.deb I had dependencies installed manually but pacman tells me to install additional packages from ...
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pip install causes error: bash: /usr/bin/vendor_perl/pip: No such file or directory

I have installed the python-pip package with the pacman package manager as I am using Manjaro Linux. I have cloned this repository where there is a requirements.txt in the folder tango_with_django_19/...
Paradox's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do I downgrade a whole group of packages with pacman?

I need an old version of qt5 for anki. (qt5-5.7) Therefore I would like to downgrade all qt5-packages (the whole group). Is there a way to do this with pacman?
linuscl's user avatar
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30 votes
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Arch Linux pacman error: failed retrieving file

I just installed Arch Linux today. I am trying to install elinks using pacman -S elinks And I get a long, long list of: error: failed retrieving file 'elinks-0.13-17-i686.pkg.tar.xz' from some....
The Ledge's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to install skype on arch

I've looked everywhere and nothing has worked. I am just trying to install skype. I tried to see if it was in the repositories but didn't find it. So I wen't to the skype website and found a linux ...
Yoseph Alabdulwahab's user avatar
10 votes
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pacman doesn't download dependencies with -S and -w?

I got this weird thing going on where, pacman -S -w awesome xorg-xinit xorg-server xorg-server-utils pacman doesn't download all the required dependencies. The reason for downloading the packages ...
Torxed's user avatar
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How to automatically update the top info directory

I use MSYS2 on my Windows machine and when I installed make, as a dependency pacman installed guile. Listing the files of the guile package revealed that it has info pages ( installed at ...
legends2k's user avatar
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How to tell package manager that dependencies are already installed?

I'm running Arch Linux, and I have texlive 2013 installed from CTAN, not from repositories. Now when I try to install lilypond via pacman, it wants texlive-bin-2013.30973-7 and texlive-core-2013.31589-...
Ivan Kapitonov's user avatar
7 votes
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Can I make pacman aware of packages installed manually?

Due to my setup I cannot make use of pacman to actually install packages, however if I install a package from the Arch repositories manually by downloading and extracting it, eg: wget http://mirrors....
Jivings's user avatar
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