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Questions tagged [oracle-database]

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Agent does not start automatically after reboot

On my oracle db server, I'm using linux 8.9. How do I get my emctl agent to start automatically after a reboot, as it does on other servers that I have. It was advised from oracle to add a sleep ...
polo67's user avatar
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Trouble Installing Oracle 19c on Oracle Linux 9

I am following a tutorial to install Oracle 19c on Oracle Linux 9. If I run the installer (runInstaller) as a non-root user, I get a permissions denied error. But if I run it with sudo, I get Oracle's ...
Google User's user avatar
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Python module not available to another user in same group

Both users foobar and foobiz are in same group on RHEL. foobar$ python3 -m pip list Package Version ----------------- ------- oracledb 1.4.2 pip 21.3.1 foobiz$ ...
zundarz's user avatar
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Binary file with field seperator ^A is not loading using SQLLDR

I'm trying to upload .dat file to Oracle DB using SQLLDR.  File data columns are separated by "^A".  File charset is of binary. bash-4.4$ file -i /tmp/t_details_all_data_20240209.dat /tmp/...
Pat's user avatar
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Installing oracle-database-preinstall-21c - Oracle Linux

I am completely new to Linux world. I am following a course in udemy and trying to install the oracle database on oracle Linux 9.1. One of the prerequisites is to run the below command dnf install ...
DMDM's user avatar
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How to debug StoreOnce Oracle RMAN plugin on HP-UX?

We have an old Oracle 10g database on old Itanium machine (BL870c i2) which is running HP-UX B.11.31 (it appears to be latest version). Also we have a StoreOnce 3640 (s/w version 4.2.1-1942.21, which ...
Nikita Kipriyanov's user avatar
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Error installing oracle 19c database pre-install on oracle linux server 7.6

I'm tryin to install oracle 19c on oracle linux 7.6, I'm required to install oracle 19c preinstall , knowing that this is a fresh install I don't understand why i'm getting these errors : yum -y ...
Mohamed Douzi's user avatar
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Count read, rejected and discarded data from CSV

So for example, I have tried inserting 9 columns in the oracle sql table. Table ACCOUNTREQUEST: 7 Rows successfully loaded. 2 Rows not loaded due to data errors. I want to create a echo.txt or .log ...
Mark Llasos Villa's user avatar
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What is missing from these Oracle Solaris 11.4 firewall rules to allow traffic

I am trying to reach a separate, in-house application server from our Solaris server. The only firewalls that exist between these two are the native firewalls. We have set the following rules on the ...
Scott's user avatar
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How to distinguish between a oracle database installation and oracle client installation

hello experts, I have a bash script to execute which when executing on a oracle database server will do things like reading some files , and populating some tables but if same is executed on a oracle ...
achak01's user avatar
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ORA-01017 from sqldeveloper but ok from sqlplus

I've logged into Oracle 19c via sqldeveloper as sys and created a new user -- USER SQL CREATE USER data_owner IDENTIFIED BY "password!" DEFAULT TABLESPACE "USERS" TEMPORARY ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Can I install an Oracle DB on a Solaris 10/11 VM (not sparc)?

I have Solaris machines (10/11) which are running on VMware and I am intending on installing a DB on them. Can I install on Oracle DB if it's not on sparc? if so- where can I find instructions? If not-...
Stan's user avatar
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I try to install Oracle 19 on CENTOS 8 GUI by run vncserver and X11

I try to install Oracle 19 on CENTOS 8-GUI by using vncserver and X11. When I try to run this ./runInstaller, I got this ERROR: Unavale to verify the graphical display setup. This application requires ...
MiSFhE's user avatar
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Pass Linux variable in Oracle script

How to pass Linux variable in Oracle code? I need to pass it in below format and it should not ask for "enter a value for 1:" Please advise. mount='/u08/dbname/' sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba&...
Divya's user avatar
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Running a .sh script with crontab [duplicate]

I have a file named that I run manually using ./ The script file contains the following: #!/bin/bash cd /home/etapa/Scripts echo "@CDRS_ETAPATOTAL.sql" | sqlplus -s ...
Roberto Vélez's user avatar
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Unable to boot Oracle Linux in Virtual Box

I hope this is the right place to ask this question. I'm trying to install Oracle Linux 8.1. It works but then the reboot needed after the installation takes it back to the installation screen. It ...
Simi's user avatar
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How do I write SQL to fetch strings that begin with % in Oracle?

Could someone please assist on how to fetch the data in SQL for all the strings starting with %%string? I tried below to escape %% but it didn't work SELECT * FROM Tablename WHERE host LIKE ‘[%][%]%’...
Ram's user avatar
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Convert 2 HTML file output from SQL query into 1 main HTML output file in shell script

In shell script, I used 2 different SQL query & output of these 2 files in HTML format like (eg- ab.html, cd.html). Shell script as -> #/bin/ksh ab=$(SQLPLUS -s <username>/<password>@...
Shahin P's user avatar
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How to get result of SQL query in shell script with same format that when we run on Oracle SQL developer/Toad/PLSQL developer

In shell script I am using SQL query. #/bin/ksh var=$(sqlplus -s <user>/<password>@DB <<EOF set heading on set trimspool off set linesize 200 set feedback ...
user8487380's user avatar
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Shell script that starts sqlplus utility and executes a query, gathers output

I'm trying to do this: In #!/bin/bash sqlplus / as sysdba select * from dual; And just when I run this shell script, it opens sqlplus utility, but it cannot execute the next line that I ...
Shantharam Puranik's user avatar
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Tunnel fails with "channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused" and ORA-12537 or ORA-12514

Here is what I did: 1/ Establish connection from my client PC to jump with tunnel in putty with: L2234 ('Source port') localhost:2235 ('Destination') 2/ Once logged onto this jump server, in ...
Seb's user avatar
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Query Oracle database through python

Background: New to python. I have a high security client. Anything on the O/S must go through a lengthy (nearly impossible in some cases) process to be approved by the IA department. I want to ...
Marinaio's user avatar
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How to assign select statement from Oracle to shell variable

I have a script which is working fine in TOAD: SELECT max (ID)+1 from apps_details; When I'm trying to run it in the shell script, I'm getting an error: DB_CONNECT="XXXXX/XXXXX@XXXXXX" echo "...
arielma's user avatar
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Change hostname in tnsnames.ora file

I'm trying to write a script to update just the hostname in the tnsnames.ora file. I'm needing the entry to work case insensitive. For example ${DBNAME} is lowercase database name and in my tnsnames....
idkdba's user avatar
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Prevent Script from Inserting Space in File Name

I have an Oracle database table that is storing the full path and name of a file in a table column. In a SQL client I can run: select file_name from table where request_id=12345 and I will get this ...
Jay Tracewell's user avatar
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oracle 11g installation on ubuntu 16.04 sysctl permission denied?

I am trying to install oracle 11g on ubuntu 16.04 after setting oracle 11g xe kernel parameters successfully # Oracle 11g XE kernel parameters fs.file-max=6815744 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=...
user8716806's user avatar
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ORA-09925 when login to Oracle in Manjaro

I have installed Oracle 12c in my Manjaro PC, and i can't login because i got this error: ORA-09925: Message 9925 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No ...
Ilyes GHOMRANI's user avatar
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CentOS rpm package not available when using yum

I wanted to install Oracle 11.2 on my centOS7. I did all but one prerequisite steps. Oracle requires me to have a lot of rpm packages preinstalled. Do I need to find all of them and then download ...
Z.Szymon's user avatar
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How to Resolve Yum Dependencies for Oracle DB Installation

I have a Ubuntu 18 VM and am trying to install an Oracle XE 12c database locally. I have downloaded the related .rpm file and try to install it as instructed via: yum -y localinstall oracle-database-...
Malvon's user avatar
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What is the difference between su - oracle and pbrun /bin/su - oracle [duplicate]

Could anyone explain the difference between the below commands: su - oracle and pbrun /bin/su - oracle
user327368's user avatar
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ssh sqlplus command has $ symbol and it gets substituted

I'm Running some SQLPLUS code over ssh. ssh -q node1 'export ORACLE_SID=DB11D_1;ORAENV_ASK=NO;. oraenv >/dev/null 2>&1;sqlplus -s / as sysdba << ENDSQL whenever sqlerror exit 1 alter ...
A Sanghvi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Grep content for multiple files

My OS is Sun Solaris. SunOS sintscdldmu001 5.11 11.3 sun4v sparc sun4v I gave the command alter database backup controlfile to trace; and happened to forget it. When i needed the contents of the ...
Abstract Circle's user avatar
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Delete remotely oracle schema using shell script [closed]

I have a remote instance like database-ora12 with existing user tester / password and SID=orac How I can delete remotely database or schema from this system for this user using shell script without ...
Hemant's user avatar
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Extract Dump Files Files Names

I'm trying to automate a database refresh but, now I'm stuck at a part trying to extract the dump files filename to use it with the IMPDP command. The thing is that we use this parameter doing the ...
Eduardo Santiago López's user avatar
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Swap memory high Usage

I need to know what is the actual effect of Swap memory full ?. I have already enough ram but it is still using swap memory? I am using Server With Oracle 11g Database. So if because of swap memory ...
Ray's user avatar
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How To Find All Locations Where $PATH is Set [duplicate]

I would like to know if there is a way to determine where a specific part of my $PATH variable is being set. About a year and and a half ago I went through the tedious process of setting up a Oracle ...
Aaron Chamberlain's user avatar
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How to install php7 on solaris 10 with Oracle Instant client

I am trying to install php7 with oracle on Solaris 10. The oracle instant-client-basic and instant-client sdk was downloaded from oracle The instant client-basic was unzipped and this creates the ...
kplus's user avatar
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IF| ELSE condition to check if Oracle database query output shows any result or NULL

I am finding it hard to write an if|else statement for the below condition. What I am doing is I have an Oracle database where I am running the below query and it returns output in rows (it can show ...
Mohammeddba's user avatar
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Exporting and importing a mysqldump from within a mysql CLI heredocument

The following code drops a DB user and a DB instance by the name of test, if both exists, then creates an authorized, all privileged DB user and a DB instance with the same name (also test). mysql -u ...
Arcticooling's user avatar
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Kernel Panic Not syncing : Fatal Exception

We have DB-DR on Remote Datacenter, And RHEL got hang twice in last two days, Yesterday it was showing just Black screen , And in today morning when i arrived at office again saw notification that DB-...
OmiPenguin's user avatar
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Oracle 11gR2 failed on CentOS 7

I am installing Oracle 11gR2 on CentOS 7. I have the packages installed, I have the kernel parameter set but still its not working. Here are the images. [Installation Image
Taimur Falak's user avatar
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Can not install Oracle database in Linux 7

I am trying to install Oracle database to Linux machine.I am getting error down below Could not execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is ...
1010111100011's user avatar
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Checking the execution of the previous command

I have to perform an operation in a script by connecting to oracle database.I am trying to use expdp command in my shell script to dump the data . Vi expdp hr/oracle@oracle table=man ...
Rak kundra's user avatar
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error installing oracle 11g on Ubuntu 17.04 Mate

I am trying to install Oracle 11g on my Ubuntu Mate 17.04 machine. In one of the installation steps, I am required to key in the proxy details/credentials. In our college, there is a wifi as well as ...
Upendra01's user avatar
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Need to pass arguments in script

I just wanted to know is there any way to pass the arguments in perl script ( during compilation time (i.e., the values should not be asked during script run time) Below is an example ...
Maheswar's user avatar
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How to increase temp space in fedora 20

I need to install oracle 11g in my PC. So I have installed fedora 20 in VMware virtual machine and now I need to install oracle. I tried it several times, and every time I'm getting the same error. ...
mad_ss's user avatar
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Why all oracle processes are reading /proc/<pid>/cmdline of multiple system processes?

I am exploring oracle processes and it's lsof output. I am wondering what is /proc/<pid>/cmdline. 145 same cmdline openfiles displayed for each process of oracle. So what exactly is this? Eg: ...
GP92's user avatar
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How to execute a script based on a file

I am trying to write a script that will connect to Oracle from a jump server (i.e) I will execute my script from a jump server, In my script I will have a config file as below #USERNAME PASSWORD ...
sabarish jackson's user avatar
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Installer Oracle Server not allows to enter a value in the field

I set up a server for home testing on Virtual Box. I can't enter the letters in the field "email", only numbers, how do I fix it? Thanks for any help.
Sergey Sigaev's user avatar
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Unable to start database in glassfish in CentOS7

Environment: VPS, CentOS7, glassfish3, server is running. Tried: both in root and glassfish user. a comamnd: "startNetworkServer" and sudo netstat -lntp | grep 1527 nothing happened so it seems port ...
user215894's user avatar