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When is mandatory use the "--keep-newer-files" option for the tar command?

About the tar command Introduction Having for example: source numbers 001.txt # with the 111 content 002.txt # with the 222 content 003.txt # with the 333 content If is created the numbers.tar....
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
5 votes
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How to extract the tar.gz file but without overwriting existing files?

With the unzip -n /path/to/filename/ command the compressed file is uncompressed but does not overwrite existing files. This approach is useful when the same compressed file was ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
1 vote
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tar create: How to avoid to show the "tar: Removing leading `/' from member names" message in the terminal?

About the tar command If is executed the command: tar -czf numbers.tar.gz numbers The numbers.tar.gz file is created - from the numbers - in the current directory But for script purposes - by testing ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
0 votes
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Why tar command uses gzip command through 'z' option?

In Linux Ubuntu about the 'tar' command for these versions: tar -tzf /path/to/filename.tar.gz # Show the content tar -xzf /path/to/filename.tar.gz # Extract the content Observe both commands use ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Difference between GNU tar's --transform and --xform options

What is the main difference between GNU tar --transform to --xform? From reading the GNU tar manual, I assume they might be the same and the latter is a "sugar syntax".
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correct order while combining different options of a command

I usually combine options together whenever there are more than one option to be used with respect to some command. For example , if i want to create an archive using tar i will write tar -cvf archive....
LocalHost's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the rationale for using -f in tar [duplicate]

From man tar: -f, --file ARCHIVE use archive file or device ARCHIVE Please consider: tar -zxvf myFile.tar.gz As far as I understand, z means "gzipped tarball", x means "extract", v means "...
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14 votes
4 answers

Portable way to invoke tar with a list of files from stdin

I want to create a .tgz from the content of a directory. I also want to strip the leading "./" from the tar'ed content. I had done this as follows: cd /path/to/files/ && find . -type f | cut -...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why does the specific sequence of options matter for tar command?

I was trying out tar command to make archive with .tar extension. please have a look at the following series of commands I tried: $ ls abc.jpg hello.jpg xjf.jpg $ tar -cfv test.tar *.jpg tar: test....
Alex Jones's user avatar
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in which units does tar --checkpoint measure?

GNU tar offers the option --checkpoint where a message should be printed each checkpointreached. Question:: In what does --checkpoint measure? My best guess is Bytes. I wasn't able to find a hint ...
erch's user avatar
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28 votes
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tar cvf or tar -cvf?

I have learned to use tar without '-' for options, like tar cvfz dir.tar.gz Directory/ but I recently came accross the slightly different tar -czvf syntax (I think the 'f' must be the last option in ...
ascobol's user avatar
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