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External luks encrypted hard drive is mounted but sometimes no longer shows on lsblk?

I have an old linux laptop being used as a home server. It runs a bunch of docker containers basically. I have an external luks encrypted hard drive connected to the laptop which is mounted and luks ...
Terence Chow's user avatar
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lsblk can see all drives attached but udev only shows half of them. Conflicting indentifiers?

I'm trying to make a zfs pool on a terramaster D8 Hybrid DAS connected via USB with 4x HDD and 4x NVME drives using this guide. When i try to build the get the drive ids to build the zpool, not all of ...
DisplayName's user avatar
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how to provide the device name that related to LVM2_member

LVM2_member could be different according to device partition number example lsblk -f | grep LVM2_member | awk '{print $1}' └─sda3 or on other redhat machine lsblk -f | grep LVM2_member | ...
yael's user avatar
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fstab, mountpoint - what did I miss?

I can't figure out what I'm missing or done wrong. lsblk dose not show the mount points(?) NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 1.8T 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 ...
Arelius's user avatar
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Block size output from lsblk and blockdev don't match

Why the output of LOG-SEC column and --getbsz in the following don't match? Are these values of different quantities? How to find actual values? And is the output of following stat command always ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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Extending rootfs on centos

so I can see in lsblk that I have a 250G disk, but when I run pvresize /dev/sda3 I am not able to see the free space to extend the volume group. Do I need to modify the partition table in single user ...
Joe's user avatar
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Subpartition inside partiton not showed in lsblk or /dev/

I installed archlinux inside my /dev/sdb4 and used the guided partition scheme. After install i can't mount /dev/sdb4 (ext4). The error was VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem. lsblk shows me: sdb 8:...
cat Man's user avatar
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Why the output of lsblk have almost the same lines?

lsblk -d -o NAME,SIZE,TYPE | grep disk show me the such things sda 894.3G disk sdb 894.3G disk sdc 3.7T disk sdd 3.7T disk nbd0 64G disk Are the sda and sdc have sdb and sdd similarly ...
palmasd1's user avatar
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lsblk: Why FSSIZE is not equal to FSAVAIL + FSUSED

Porcupine's user avatar
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How to check how much space is available on block device disk (e.g not used on partition)

I have multiple block devices: e.g sda (sda1, sda2 & sda3). sda3 is further divided into LVMs which all has a X amount of space on them. However, I want to be able to list how much space is ...
N. J's user avatar
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resize disk partition which is used by RAID

I need to shrink the sdb4 partition, which currently occupies the entire 7TB of my sdb drive, in order to create an sdb5 partition for my application. The challenge lies in the fact that there is a ...
luddite478's user avatar
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What are these empty 0B SIZE read-write loop devices?

What are these empty (0B SIZE) read-write loop devices? sudo lsblk --all NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 7:0 0 0B 0 loop loop1 7:1 0 0B 0 loop loop2 7:2 ...
adrelanos's user avatar
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lsblk incorrect readonly

Hi I'm trying to detect ro filesystem mainly for root partition This is portable system using usb as OS disk The state is readonly, I cannot write anything touch /tmp touch: setting times of '/tmp': ...
wpsd's user avatar
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Return the root partition name with lsblk or similar when the partition is encrypted

This is my lsblk output: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS nvme0n1 259:0 0 465.8G 0 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 512M 0 part /efi ├─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 420G 0 ...
Polizi8's user avatar
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Is it safe to permanently remove swap in device with huge memory?

I have a desktop with 128G RAM. This is my typical memory usage when I am not running calculation-heavy scripts: sam@debian:~$ free -ht --si total used free shared ...
bgi8353's user avatar
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'lsblk' is not displaying the GPT partition label after formatting the disk

My lsblk is not showing gpt partition label for one disk partition, which was freshly formatted with mkfs.ext4 -v -L MyLabel mydev somehow the partition was not labeled properly afterwards. I didn't ...
xpt's user avatar
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Disk size is variable

I was flashing a new operating system to a device, but after the process was complete, I couldn't boot into it. I then checked the disk, and I noticed something strange. Different tools report ...
TKirishima's user avatar
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What is `nvme0n1p2` in `lsblk` command output? [duplicate]

In my Ubuntu 23.04 system, running lsblk gives the following output: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 7:0 0 4K 1 loop /snap/bare/5 loop1 7:1 0 55.6M ...
Ar Rakin's user avatar
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Unable to boot on centos 7

Since today, I cannot boot into my Linux CentOS 7. I am directly taken to emergency mode. I have tried the following commands without success: sudo umount /dev/sdb1 and sudo fsck -p /dev/sdb1 I have ...
user979974's user avatar
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What is the issue with lsblk command in some server display full details and it is not other

What is the issue with lsblk command in some servers displaying full details and it is not others? Examples: Server 1 ~]$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda ...
Maan's user avatar
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unable to find or mount sd card

I have a SD card that is giving me some trouble. I followed some instructions from here and used the command sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M ...
Diego's user avatar
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How does lsblk obtain sector size?

My disk is sda. There is the size file /sys/dev/block/8:0/size. Its unit is sectors. When I run strace lsblk I can see it reading this file. But how does lsblk get the sector size to later show the ...
zomega's user avatar
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parted + is it correct to create disk partitions in Linux only by percentage

we want to create 2 partitions from each new disk by parted command as the following example: sdg 8:96 0 50G 0 disk ├─sdg1 8:97 0 25G 0 part └─sdg2 ...
yael's user avatar
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How do I find out what is the hard disk for OS in Linux

in our bash scripts , we have many places in the code that need to capture only the disk that related to OS ( operation linux/RHEL system ) we are using Linux versions as 7.2/7.5/7.6/7.9 , and on most ...
yael's user avatar
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lsblk + how to print only the disks that are without filesystem

we want to print only the disks that are without filesystem by command line from following example we can see that sde disk is without filesystem lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE NAME FSTYPE sda ├─...
yael's user avatar
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Why are uuid and ptuuid different for different commands

I get the following results for the 3 commands blkid, lsblk and sfdisk on an Arch Linux system $ lsblk --json -p -b -o+PTUUID,UUID /dev/sda1 { "blockdevices": [ { "...
wasp256's user avatar
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wipefs + disk not cleaned

we erased the disk signature as the following ( this is after we performed umount ) wipefs -a /dev/sde /dev/sde: 2 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000438 (ext4): 53 ef then we check that disk is ...
yael's user avatar
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How can I get the lsblk-devices that are NOT in use

root@pve-virt-01:~# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 250G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 1007K 0 part ├─sda2 8:2 ...
jsterr's user avatar
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fdisk or sfdisk + how to show the disks size in GIB and not in GB

we can print all disks by the following ( on our RHEL machine ) fdisk -lu | grep "Disk /dev" Disk /dev/sda: 247.0 GB, 246960619520 bytes, 482344960 sectors Disk /dev/sdb: 4294 MB, 4294967296 ...
yael's user avatar
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bash + how to compare arg to one of the disks in linux machine

I can capture the disk devices of my Linux machine with the following command: lsblk -lnb | numfmt --to=iec --field=4 | grep disk | awk '{print $1}' sda sdb sdc sdd In my bash script I used the line ...
yael's user avatar
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How do I tell which partition I booted from?

Is there a way to know which partition you actually booted from? fdisk -l reveals a "Boot" column that I definitely don't have on my NVME. Is this just legacy information? Device Boot ...
celvro's user avatar
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How does it possible two hardware RAIDs in lsblk but one - in lspci?

lspci output: Slot: 02:00.0 Class: RAID bus controller Vendor: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic Device: MegaRAID SAS 2208 [Thunderbolt] SVendor: Dell SDevice: PERC H710P Mini (for ...
palmasd1's user avatar
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RHEL 7.9 Help: Why do I get differences between lsblk and df

I have resized recently the rhel-root partition of my RHEL 7.9 system, basically I did the following commands: pvresize /dev/sda2 lvextend -l+100%FREE /dev/rhel/root I was able to resize the ...
Wilson S.'s user avatar
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How to get path of hardware RAID array in lsblk?

I detect list of hardware arrays by next command: lspci -vmm | sed -E -n '/RAID bus|SCSI controller/,/^ *$/p' | tr -d '\t' Example: Class:RAID bus controller Vendor:Broadcom / LSI Device:MegaRAID SAS ...
palmasd1's user avatar
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How to update/refresh changed partlabels as reported by lsblk?

On Linux, the command lsblk -o partlabel will display the partlabel for block devices. I have used gdisk to change a partlabel. After the change, lsblk is still reporting the old value of the ...
mpb's user avatar
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Size discrepancy between df -h output and lsblk output [duplicate]

When I run df -h and lsblk, on my Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Oracle Cloud instance, there is a discrepancy between sizes of my /dev/sda1 mount. I am not sure if this has to do with GiB vs GB or something else....
Rob's user avatar
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fdisk prints nothing and devices are not mounted

I am quite new to Linux, and I need to mount some devices, using the lsblk command and more. lsblk presents the devices (internal, I don't have external ones) the output is: # lsblk NAME ...
ayala's user avatar
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'dd' command disk copy retains old size

I recently upgraded my home server and wanted to increase my cloud disk to 2TB from 600gb. After some research I found the dd command which can fully copy a disk, which in my case seemed like a good ...
MrSkeed's user avatar
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lsblk size not adding up

I am using Ubuntu 20.04. when I do lsblk size is not adding up. root@UbunutuTemplate-001:/home/tca# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT loop0 7:0 0 4K 1 loop /snap/bare/5 ...
Mohammed's user avatar
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linux + from lsblk partitions size are greater then disk size

I get the following details from RHEL 7.2 machine , sda DISK is using LVM lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 250G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 500M 0 part /boot ├─sda2 8:2 0 199.5G 0 part │...
yael's user avatar
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How to access files in USB in linux

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04, recently (almost a week ago) I upgraded my kernel from 5.11.0 to 5.14.0 and after that I can't access any USB drivers. The system recognises my USBs since when I run lsusb it ...
Adeeb HS's user avatar
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Drive not connecting after power outage

I have a raspberry pi with two external hard drives. the electricity went off today and after that i couldn't enter the rpi. what i ended up doing was to remove the flash card and enter it in another ...
john-jones's user avatar
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Parse lsblk with jq

I am currently trying to parse the output of lsblk with jq and filters it based on some criteria. Given the following example output: { "blockdevices": [ { "name":...
Kyu96's user avatar
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Can't see mounted drive under lsblk, blkid or mount

I have mounted an external hard drive via /etc/fstab with the following entry: UUID=a8286fc9-5b08-41d9-8c4e-cb993a8976d1 /home/bu/safe-heaven-2/ ext4 defaults 0 I can read/write from this disk but I ...
password is password's user avatar
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Does Linux update the size of a block device?

In the light of emmc wearout monitoring I'm wondering about the size as displayed inside a running Linux OS. An emmc chip has an internal manager which keeps track of the usage intensity of all the ...
Whois_me's user avatar
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external hard drive not showing with fdisk & lsblk

this is output of dmesg [ 17.064706] usb 2-2: new SuperSpeed USB device number 3 using xhci_hcd [ 22.496752] usb 2-2: device descriptor read/8, error -110 [ 22.600534] usb 2-2: new SuperSpeed ...
Phoxett's user avatar
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Where is the udev database stored and what sets the permission?

I'm using Debian. When reading man lsblk I see mention of a udev db: The lsblk command reads the sysfs filesystem and udev db to gather information. If the udev db is not available or lsblk is ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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how to compare the lsblk disk size values to disk size values from df -h

I want to compare the size of the disk between the size from df -h to lsblk Because we performed resize2fs , and after resize2fs I want to check the size from df -h against the size from lablk So we ...
yael's user avatar
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Meaning of the output from lsblk command

I have recently started using Linux and would love to know how to interpret the output from the lsblk -f command. More specifically, I would like to know the different partitions and sizes. For ...
unix_user1's user avatar
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How do i read this raid information output?

Im currently working on a remote ubuntu 18.04 server where i need to set up a new raid array (raid1) and then mount it as an available partition to the active filesystem. The first step for me is to ...
MajesticOl's user avatar