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Questions tagged [deepin-desktop-environment]

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Google Chrome not updating in Deepin Linux after release update to 20.9

After release updating Deepin Linux to 20.9 and if you have previously installed Goggle Chrome you'll notice it can no longer be updated (specifically to version Downloading and trying to ...
ChanganAuto's user avatar
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Kernel panic following GLIBC upgrade

I was trying to install software on Deepin Linux 20 that required an higher version of GLIBC. I found a Stack Overflow question about how to do that and followed the instructions on some of the ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Delete files in debian-based did not free up space

I am using linux deepin 20.03 that based on debian 10.10 on my laptop. Some days before, I deleted some files (at least 60GB) from my partition with rm command. But theirs space didn't free up. Are ...
Mohammad Ali Amini's user avatar
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System freeze on shutdown, but another similar is not my case

I found System freeze on reboot/shutdown , But I am a UEFI user, so I cannot use the noefi flag. Also, I am not using Nvidia graphic cards. System info CPUInfo: ...
Emoji's user avatar
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Show confirm popup while deleting file from 'Delete' button

I have just installed "Deepin 20" and it is running fine. Now issue is that when I delete a file by pressing a Delete button then it deletes file immediately. If I delete it with shift+...
Azam Alvi's user avatar
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How to upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 DDE to 20.04 DDE

Willing to upgrade my Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE) based on Ubuntu 18.04 I was confronted with the lack of explanation on how to do so reliably to 20.04 DDE. Any enlightened, safe method on how to ...
Lurch's user avatar
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Why lsb_release -c command , returns n/a? [duplicate]

recently I switched from zorin os to deepin 20 for it's outstanding UI and eases of use for daily operations. it's almost OK but if I need some newer packages which are not listed in official deepin ...
smbanaei's user avatar
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How can I increase the maximum number of workspaces on Deepin 15.11?

I already tried both com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences.num-workspaces and org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences.num-workspaces to 16 on dconf-editor and then rebooting my computer, but still I ...
Bruno Mello's user avatar
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No WiFi on Fedora 30

sorry to jump directly to the issue, but I am facing quite a frustrating issue on Fedora 30. I have been using fedora on both GNOME and Deepin desktop environment till yesterday. Till yesterday I was ...
Himanshu Sharma's user avatar