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Questions tagged [command-substitution]

Questions about shell command substitution (such as $(command) or `command`), its mechanism, correct syntax etc. Not to be confused with aliasing.

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-4 votes
1 answer

Why is command substitution resulting in 'command not found error'?

So doing $(cat /etc/passwd) results in "No such File or Directory" and "$(whereis cat)" results in "command not found" Why is command substitution not working in the ...
jstar100x's user avatar
0 votes
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bash - check free available space against requered

in bash i will run a script that take a look in the folder folder123/ to know how much space is requered for the files they are in there. but this requered value will i multiplie with 1,5 and than ...
user447274's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I iterate over the white space separated words returned by a command substition?

I have the following simple shell command: for x in $(echo one two three); do echo $x; done When executed, it simply prints one two three on one line, i. e. the result of the command substitution is ...
René Nyffenegger's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Nested command substitution doesn't work, but hardcoded results work

I am trying to pass filenames retrieved from everything voidtools via their es.exe command line (it works similarly to mlocate) to an "image previewer" like gwenview or nsxiv (in wsl ...
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
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Command Substitution doesn't work with spaces [duplicate]

I'm trying to pass a list of image files to open gwenview. The only way that seems to work is to list them on command line. However, some file paths have spaces, so they have to be additionally quoted....
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
0 votes
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bash variable problem [duplicate]

Apologies if this is nooby question but I am new to bash scripting and I couldn't find anything similar. I am trying to use ffmpeg to re-encode a load of files and that requires I pull out some ...
Andy Ashwood's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Pass output of command line to awk variable

I am trying to normalise a data file using the number of lines in a previous version of the data file. After reading these questions, I thought this could work: awk -v num=$(wc -l my_first_file.bed) '{...
Whitehot's user avatar
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2 answers

Bash scripting: When to use variable, when function?

basic, innocent question: In bash scripting, why ever using a function, if one can set a variable containing command substitution with the essence of the function - a certain command or set of ...
futurewave's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

zgrep command not working correctly on command substitution [duplicate]

I am preparing a script that will try to detect two texts on the same line.  This pattern is present in my application log files, which then further used to identify which file contains the pattern. ...
Piyush Nikhade's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to make bash abort a command on an inline execution error

Command substitution, or Inline Execution as I call it, $() in Bash allows for text returns; before the execution of a main command. How do I abort the main command, if a $() returns an error code ...
user5211's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

SSH for loop: parameter passed to function captured in variable is not expanded

I have several servers which have several files with deploy date info I need to parse, and get a local copy of the files which are 2 months old or older. #!/bin/bash # split on new line not space # ...
Nickotine's user avatar
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1 answer

unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' when using backticks as variable

The below code is working: [ec2-user@ip restore]$ echo $snap_name manual-test-2024-01-11-11-26-19 [ec2-user@ip restore]$ aws rds describe-db-cluster-snapshots --db-cluster-identifier creditpoc3 --...
jayvardhan's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

output of cat when file contains asterisks and quotes [duplicate]

I have a command stored in a text file command which looks like this: command_name par1 par2 path/with/backslashes -option_1 3 -option_2 0.05 --option_3=* -p 'P001=A' -p 'P002=B' ... The three dots ...
Michele Ancis's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How can I use parameter expansion together with command substitution?

I want to create 12 directories named after the months. So I tried using locale to get the month names, piping to tr to separate them with commas, then put braces around and passed to mkdir. But ...
teraspora's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't realpath --relative-to work in a command substitution?

user@debian:~/test/B$ find .. .. ../A ../A/x ../A/y ../A/z ../B user@debian:~/test/B$ find ../A -type f -print0 |xargs -0 -i% realpath --relative-to=../A % x y z user@debian:~/test/B$ # But user@...
FriendFX's user avatar
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1 answer

When simply `| cat -`, I get file descriptor errors

Here's the working diff command: $ diff -u <(echo 'foo:bar:baz' | tr : "\n") <(echo 'foo:baz' | tr : "\n") --- /dev/fd/11 2023-08-30 13:11:50 +++ /dev/fd/13 2023-08-30 13:...
Scoobie's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Parse command with expanded variables

Trying to test something and not quite nailing it either way I've tried, so not sure if I'm being silly or not. Essentially I need to parse a string to ipa-getcert's post-save argument which should ...
dmgeurts's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Bash variable substitution into yq command

Given a YAML file, example.yaml: node: sub_node: get_this: I'd like to get a variable containing get_this using Mike Farah's yq and the string sub_node yaml="$(cat example.yaml)" ...
Lee's user avatar
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Command substitution not working with environment variable

I have this command which I want to variabilize. Particularly I want the latest argument presence to depend on an environment variable. ansible-playbook --inventory inventories/ssg-dev deploy.yml --...
Guerric P's user avatar
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0 answers

What does !^ (exclamation mark caret) do in bash? [duplicate]

Does anyone know what the command !^ does in the bash shell? I know ! relates to history expansion and ^ relates to command substitution (when it's not being used in a regular expression when it ...
geckels1's user avatar
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1 answer

Loop to Monitor Line Count Growth Using wc -l

I've written a short bash script to monitor the line count growth (wc -l) in a file which is receiving results from a loop. Thus: printf "Name of file to monitor\n" read file printf "...
Leighton 's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to pipe output of a command to another command (which does not take a file as input?) [duplicate]

What I want Simplified command: echo "helloworld" | echo $1 I know, this would be possible with cat, but what if a command like echo does not take a file as input? My actual command: ls -...
Bog's user avatar
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How should alias in command substitution behave?

I tested a few scripts with different shells, and the results differ. # test 1 foo(){ echo $(al);} alias al='echo 123' foo # test 2 alias al='echo 123' foo(){ echo $(al);} alias al='echo abc' foo # ...
anonymous's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to atribute multiple values to an array from a command substitution?

Consider the following shell script function: #!/bin/bash declare -a dir function() { local -a directories=( "A/B/C D" "E/F G H" ) #Initialize local array. printf "%q " ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Distribute subcommands over head command to avoid writing same words twice?

I would like to try to write this command: while read -r repo; do gh repo delete $repo; done <<< $(gh repo list --no-archived) which basically cleans up my GitHub and deletes everything that ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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recursive history search for tcsh shell

In bash shell, i generally use CTRL+R to fuzzy search a command that i executed recently. However the same doesn't seem to work for tcsh or csh shells. I want to understand if/how to do the same ...
Anuraag Tummanapally's user avatar
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1 answer

referencing a ${variable} value inside a sed substitution

I am trying to replace a string within a couple of similar sql scripts. in my toolbox I have a for loop as well as grep and sed inside a bash script. #!/usr/bin/env bash for efa_instance in ...
vrms's user avatar
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3 answers

Iterate over a multiline variable and extract a particular line and use it as a command

The variable I wish to extract will look something like this ttyACM0 ttyACM1 I would like to iterate over this variable and issue the command: echo disconnect > /dev/ttyACM0 and then echo ...
Nir's user avatar
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1 answer

Syntax Question for Bash using pipes

I am trying to set a variable to a value returned by a program (lynx). I cannot get past which parenthesis or bracket I use to accomplish my goal. I have this: DEBFILE=${(lynx -listonly -dump https://...
Joe Burden's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to take the number including dot from an output of one command and use it in another one?

How to take the number including dot from an output of one command and use it in another one? For example, this command chia wallet show -w standard_wallet gives this result Wallet height: xxxxxx ...
God of Money's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Parameter substitution inside indirect expansion

I want to achieve the parameter substitution inside indirect expansion, but I cannot achieve it with a single command. I get a "bad substitution" error. Let me know if there's a clever way ...
Alapati Srikanth Chowdary's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can bash_history save evaluated commands output?

Is there a way for bash or other shells' history to save the output of evaluated commands when it's a parameter? $ echo $(pwd) && history /root 0 I want something like: 1 echo $(pwd) &...
Jesse Taube's user avatar
-1 votes
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Call command with one argument being the result of cat'ing a file

How do I call a command with on argument being the result of cat'ing a file? npx aws-api-gateway-cli-test \ --username $username \ --password $password \ --method $method \ --body cat user....
Sebastian Nielsen's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to use the string returned by $() to be used as more than one argument in another command?

My use case: I need to remove all dev packages listed in composer.json file. Suppose I have two packages: projectx/package-nice and projecty/package-good. To remove them I need to run: $ composer ...
Lawrence's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Echoing/printing a bash `ls` command substitution without quotes [duplicate]

I have the following example: $ a="$(ls)" $ echo $a backups cache crash lib local lock log mail opt run snap spool tmp $ $ echo "$a" backups cache crash lib local lock log mail ...
t7e's user avatar
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2 answers

fish shell: why does `file `which command`` work in zsh and bash, but not fish?

Before switching to fish shell, I frequently used various commands in zsh with which some_command. An example might be: $ file `which zsh` /opt/local/bin/zsh: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64 /bin/zsh: ...
ylluminate's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to generate multiple complete commands with command substitution?

There are many commands that accept multiple parameters, like touch, ls and rm. So that I can use the construct {1..3} to generate multiple parameters for the command. For example: [root@192 ~]# touch ...
Fajela Tajkiya's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to execute a string of bash command with command substitution

Suppose I have a bash variable like this: tmp1='$(echo foo)' or tmp2='`echo foo`' How to achieve foo as result? I know that removing the command substitution from the string should work, but is ...
simonmysun's user avatar
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Why does $(RANDOM) work differently from $(ls -la)?

for command substitution in bash, we do this hello=$(ls -la) echo "$hello" but when i do the same for below command,it fails,it says RANDOM not found hell=$(RANDOM) echo "$hell"...
TheGameiswar's user avatar
3 votes
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Don't run command when command substitution result is blank

I have the following code to run pylint on all files in a Git repository with file extension .py, fed by command substitution. pylint $(git ls-files '*.py') The script runs just fine except when ...
JohnnieL's user avatar
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Handling whitespaces in the parameters into a command substitution [duplicate]

I have troubles with whitespaces and command substitution. I made a tiny script to show the problem: #! /bin/bash a="toilet -t --font='Dot Matrix' --filter metal --filter border ABC" #a=&...
tres.14159's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Command substitution with xargs inputs [duplicate]

I'm trying to write a simple command that will create symlinks for all files in a specific directory (Yes, exactly like lndir but I cannot use it so I try to mimic it). I tried the following using ...
Avi Shukron's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What's the differences? (command substitutions) [duplicate]

printf "%s" `echo ../.. | sed 's/[.]/\\&/g'` printf "%s" $(echo ../.. | sed 's/[.]/\\&/g') printf "%s" "$(echo ../.. | sed 's/[.]/\\&/g')"
Nor Vegia's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can someone tell me the difference between these three command substitutions?

I am asking why these three commands give three different answers: $ printf "%s\n" `echo ../.. | sed 's/[.]/\\&/g'` &&/&& $ printf "%s\n" $(echo ../.. | sed '...
eracesa's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

passwordless check to see if a user can use 'sudo'

I want to check if a user is able to use sudo - but without the need to write the password - for bash shell scripts purposes. I did some research and I found: Sudo - is there a command to check if I ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to use string substitution in one command with command substitution?

When the git branch command is executed it usually shows: * main .... # other branches Having the following through command substitution and string substitution work as expected: current_branch=$(...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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3 answers

How to retrieve the command executed by command substitution for log reports

For Simplicity, consider the following: x=$(java --version) echo "x: $x" It works how expected showing: x: openjdk version "11.0.13" 2021-10-19 OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Behaviour for output of Command Substitution working with String variable with Pipes [duplicate]

For simplicity and how source/input of this post for the coming scenarios, observe the following java --version openjdk 11.0.13 2021-10-19 OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-11.0.13+8 (build 11.0.13+...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

mount cifs: how to retrieve the status of the command execution from the terminal?

The following mount cifs code works fine: sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/ \ -o username=alpha,rw,uid=alpha,gid=tango,dir_mode=0770,file_mode=0770,...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Bash: Alias not recognized in shell interpolation

~$ bash --version GNU bash, version 5.1.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) ~$ alias bab=python ~$ $(echo bab) bash: bab: command not found I'd expect bab to be turned to "python", but it ...
Nitz's user avatar
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