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Questions tagged [autostart]

Applications started when a desktop environment starts, i.e. as part of graphical login

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Why can I not upgrade sysv-rc-conf on Debian as it's held back? (is there an alternative tool)

Why was sysv-rc-conf removed from the Debian repos? Is there for example a better alternative with a GUI? When I run sudo apt-get upgrade it's the only package held back: The following packages have ...
mYnDstrEAm's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04: I cannot start my browser automatically once logged in

Basically I want to login in my system and let the system to open for me my Web browser (Thorium). Since I' using Ubuntu 22.04 and I want to start the browser as user (and not as root), I followed ...
Dave's user avatar
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get access to console of application that is auto started

I have my "c" application which uses a lot of printf to display the necessary information. Application has started automatically at boot time (using init.d or systemd). How I can access to ...
Андрей Тернити's user avatar
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How to permanently disable autostarting of applications on Linux/Debian?

Many GNU/Linux distros come with autostarts configured that are not needed for most users and are a privacy and security risk (even if small). In principle, it makes sense to only autostart things one ...
mYnDstrEAm's user avatar
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Shouldn't files in /etc/xdg/autostart/ be removed when removing a package?

I came across the messages below with sudo journalctl --since today | tail -n 3000. Shouldn't autostart entries be removed from there when removing a package? It seems like general good practice to ...
mYnDstrEAm's user avatar
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How are "Applications" run with krunner managed wrt processes?

I have a bash script, called runthunderbird, that… runs thunderbird : #!/bin/bash sleep 5 thunderbird & disown When I execute runthunderbird from krunner, Thunderbird starts after 5 seconds as ...
ysalmon's user avatar
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Enabling php-fpm service on FreeBSD

I am in the middle of setting up a FreeBSD system1 with nginx (v1.24.0) and php (v5.6 2), that uses php-fpm to communicate between nginx and php. Because of the age of php v5.6, I had to build it from ...
Peter M's user avatar
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Cannot remove desktop files from .config/autostart folder

I am configuring a arch based machine with a minimal desktop setup. I am logging into a qtile session, and I have the 'lxsession' package installed and run on start, but I am not logged into an lxde ...
lyndhurst's user avatar
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Starting an application with a .desktop file right at system start: Why is it inactive after system start, requiring selection by alt + TAB?

All application startups set by GUI for current user sessions are stored as files at a certain place of per home directory: cd ~/.config/autostart Set an application to start up with every boot by ...
futurewave's user avatar
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Force app to start in systray at autostart (in i3wm)

On i3 I start qstardict at the session opening with the following line on the i3config : exec --no-startup-id qstardict So, Qstartdict open its window at each session starting witch is messy. ...
fauve's user avatar
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Debian 12 with XWayland: Problem with gnome-startup-applications and gnome-tweaks

After updating to Debian 12, gnome-startup-applications, and more generally, gnome-tweaks stopped working. $ gnome-tweaks WARNING: Shell not installed or running (gnome-tweaks:19742): dconf-WARNING **...
Denis da Mata's user avatar
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Bash AutoStart script does not copy files from shared folder

I have added a startup bash script to a device running Raspbian (Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)). This is my script: #!/bin/bash mkdir -p /home/pi/App; mkdir -p /home/pi/Shared/Service; ...
McNets's user avatar
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Trying to start a bash script from autostart

I am trying to start a script which starts the browser in full screen mode and refreshes the pages every 24 hours from the autostart file. I created the file ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart ...
user199590's user avatar
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What is the definitive (and simplest) way to use fbi on Raspberry OS Buster to display images automatically on startup?

I have made all sorts of modifications to my ACLs and even created a photos.service that starts fbi, but it only starts, and displays 1 image before the screen goes blank. I have other processes (web ...
jp314's user avatar
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How can I auto run the USBs files when it's plugged into my Chromebook?

Auto running the file with a ".inf" is not working.
Anonymous212's user avatar
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Solaar and onboard are showing twice in the tray-bar after upgrading to Debian 12

After upgrading Debian11/KDE to Debian 12, Solaar (for Bluetooth input devices) and onboard (for a virtual touchscreen keyboard) is showing twice in the tray-bar. I checked with the process manager ...
mYnDstrEAm's user avatar
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How can I start a udev-activated systemd user service on login?

I have a slightly convoluted setup that allows me to start a systemd user service (launchpad-daemon.service) when a USB device is plugged in, and stop it when the device is unplugged. It consists of ...
ash's user avatar
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How openbox knows .bash_aliases used in its autostart file

I'm using two commands in a file executed by my .config/openbox/ which are also aliased in my .bash_alises and one of them changes from time to time. The thing is that I also use these ...
muggi's user avatar
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Where on earth could my startup tasks be?

Ok, for context: I once created a task to run a script whenever I boot my computer up and log in specifically as root. That was a while ago. I now want to remove that script from autostarting, but I'...
Lee's user avatar
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From where does KDE get the programs to start automatically?

When Evolution is installed, my KDE session automatically starts its background services like the calendar alarm notifier. I don't see startup scripts in ~/.config/autostart and have no idea what else ...
allo's user avatar
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Samba service auto start at boot on modern Debian/Kali/

How can I set the Samba server to autostart at boot... ( like the old systemd -> systemctl enable ) update-rc.d smbd enable does not work also... after reboot the service --status-all says that ...
ZEE's user avatar
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Autostart services in System V system

In systemD, we need to execute this command to autostart an application on system startup: sudo systemctl enable <service-name>. What will be the equivalent command for sysvinit since chkconfig ...
belmont's user avatar
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XDG autostart order - how to control it?

When logging into my XFCE session, there are several "things" started via the XDG autostart mechanism. Is it possible to control the order in which applications start, or having some sort of ...
Jurc192's user avatar
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How to find and disable a specific startup script?

Problem A couple months ago I configured a startup script (or 3) to launch three terminal windows. Each terminal window is pointed to a specific directory and is set to a different window title. That ...
Joooeey's user avatar
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Check status of systemd autostart scrips

I'm talking about the autostart scripts placed in ~/.config/autostart. I know that systemd-xdg-autostart-generator creates .service files for them. So where do i find the generated files so that i can ...
Thenujan Sandramohan's user avatar
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Automatically mounting LUKS encrypted volume during boot

Running RHEL 7.9, my root partition is LUKS encrypted so during system boot I am prompted at the console for the passphrase to continue booting; that part is fine. Once system is booted, in /etc/...
ron's user avatar
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Starting python script in startup

I would like to start python script in startup. Script changes wallpaper automatically every hour using feh --bg-max PATH/to/bg. Using Arch linux and qtile window manager. I've tried to execute it in ....
user511488's user avatar
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Python script not launching properly on reboot/startup Raspberry Pi

For context, I am using Raspberry Pi model 3B+. Currently I am trying to run a python script at the Pi's boot up. But I am struggling with getting the program to launch properly. When I use the ...
Luc's user avatar
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Mount and Start Docker on Startup

I have a local VM running on Ubuntu that, on start, I need to run two commands on (as my user, andreas): sudo mount -a docker-compose up -d The last command is run in my home directory, and can't be ...
Andreas Christodoulou's user avatar
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XFCE4 - Session and Startup: where are autostart items saved?

In XFCE4, there is a list of items to be started when an XFCE4-session is started (XFCE4 Settings xfce4-settings-manager → Tab "Application Autostart"): I'm wondering where this list is ...
polemon's user avatar
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Unable to start systemmd service

I run a logger collecting data using a Python script. Currently using a tmux, so I can detach and close the ssh tunnel. I would prefer it to start at the systemstart. I've followed this recipe to the ...
cheesus's user avatar
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Trying to start a .sh on boot

I try to start a file when the Server starts. Some info: It's a headless vServer I tried crontab but that didn't work either My current approach is systemctl command When I login the user is ...
Wayn Iway's user avatar
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LightDM running command after authenticating (pam_exec or other)

LightDM allows using dm-tool lock to "lock" the session. But I can't find config responsible for authenticating in /etc/pam.d. /etc/pam.d/lightdm - is only during initial login to session /...
Danil's user avatar
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How to implement automatic, conditional startup of flatpak applications at login?

Rather than put some applications in $HOME/.config/autostart and start them at every login, I want to use a CASE statement to define which get launched on which days (some things only get launched on ...
DoctorSoup's user avatar
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Mystery of Zoom auto-restarting, how do I stop it?

I'm running an ordinary Debian system on which I have installed Zoom. After using Zoom, and quitting, the program keeps restarting. After I kill it I use ps to check and it is gone, after about 15 ...
Bob Dickerson's user avatar
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Run a bash shell script on iMac on startup

I have a bash shell script /var/tmp/ that runs on iMac in an infinite while loop. I wish this script to run 24X7 and even when the iMac is rebooted the script should autorun. I want to run the ...
Ashar's user avatar
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How to run binary at Linux start-up with sound?

I have a C++ program where I use the SDL2_Mixer module (which is based on Pulsesink, I think) to output audio. I want to run it on startup, but it does not want to work out very well. I set my default ...
Totemi1324's user avatar
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How to add a command to an autosart that will use keyboard shortcuts or a command?

I have my favorite applications as an autostart and I want one to be automatically placed in another workspace. How can I do that? Are there any tips, tables with ready-made solutions? The only thing ...
dez's user avatar
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Run shell command exectly one time at login

I am on Ubuntu 18.04 and trying swap Ctrl and CapsLock using xmodmap. But failed to find a way of doing that automatically: .[X|x]modmap[rc] and .config/autostart didn't work. What other ways are ...
vatosarmat's user avatar
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Why is minidlnad being started automatically and how to prevent its autostart?

Since recently minidlnad is starting automatically even though I haven't configured it to do so (I noticed that by running sudo lsof -i after startup). How can I stop it from starting automatically? ...
mYnDstrEAm's user avatar
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What's causing a process to start at startup?

I've got a problem: A while ago, I installed a piece of software called wii-u-gc-adapter, and when I run it, I can plug my GameCube controller in to my Linux machine desktop computer to play games. ...
Rentsy's user avatar
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How to remove Kaccessible in KDE neon / KDE Plasma 5.20?

I still don't know why KDE Accessible / the screenreader starts automatically and how to conveniently prevent it via KDE's options. In the latest version of KDE that's used by KDE neon I could not ...
mYnDstrEAm's user avatar
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service won't autostart on boot

So I have been trying to autostart a service and I'm getting no where. I've tried autobooting on both Mint 19.3 and 20 and Ubuntu 18.04 for the service lizardfs-chunkserver.service and autostarting ...
user437796's user avatar
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Unable to start a service on boot (Linux Mint 19.3)

I'm trying to setup a service to run on startup. I've searched for hours and tried multiple methods but none have been fruitful. My machine is running on linux mint 19.3 The service I'm trying to ...
Mark's user avatar
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command in .bashrc is being executed twice

I am using .bashrc to execute a python script on system boot: sudo -u pi python3 /path/to/ and then I add @lxterminal to file /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart to make sure a terminal ...
michael's user avatar
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Running a script from autostart results in poor performance

I have a bash script to show an FFplay stream of a usb webcam and that script is set to run on start as a .desktop file. The only problem is that when it is run this way I'm getting terrible ...
SilentNightx's user avatar
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Stop automatic application execution on graphical login

I use Manjaro 20, and have changed the display manager from LightDM to SDDM, out of that and installing normal applications, I haven't changed anything on the system. For some reason xfce4-terminal ...
Ninten Duck's user avatar
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Stop BusyBox Command Line for Loading on Start Up

My computer turned itself off to protect itself from a power-surge. This has happened before many times, with nothing weird happening the next time I turned on the computer. I would press the power ...
E Tam's user avatar
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How to delay PM2 autostart at boot?

I am running the latest version of Debian on an Intel NUC and I've setup PM2 autostart at boot with pm2 startup For my needs I need to delay its start by let's say 30 seconds. How to do that please?
Cr4z33's user avatar
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Autostarted .desktop application doesn't exit on log out

I'm following the answer of Autostarting .desktop application at startup not working, and it is working well. I'm launching a python script. The .desktop application looks like this: [Desktop Entry] ...
russau's user avatar
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