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Get a list of all user's commands from a non-interactive shell

I am writing a script that would automatically suggest some new aliases/functions to be added to a user's shell config. Before doing that, however, I would like to make sure the aliases being ...
zoickx's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way I can use .bash_aliases in a shell-scripts? [duplicate]

Is there a way I can use bash aliases from my .bash_aliases file within a shell-scripts? I thought of something like including source "$HOME/.bash_aliases into my script but it does not work.
nath's user avatar
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How to show help for some bash command in less (like man do) rather than print it to console

For example, there is no manual pages for trap command. Running: man trap will give: No manual entry for trap Running: trap --help will print help straight to bash console without using less like ...
Anton Samokat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unix Command (and bash alias) or script to band/unban IP addresses in Fail2ban without having to lookup and specify "jail name"

I am creating a bash alias (or possibly a script) to ban and unban IP addresses with fail2ban on Ubuntu 20.04. The bash syntax I am using to unban IP address is: fail2ban-client set YOURJAILNAMEHERE ...
DanRan's user avatar
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Order in which files within /etc/profile.d are sourced in CentOS 7.9? (for defining aliases)

I have a question related to aliases/environment variables on CentOS 7.9. I am trying to make an alias for ll with: echo 'alias ll="ls -alhF --color=auto"' > /etc/profile.d/ ...
Tristan's user avatar
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1 answer

use aliases in bash script

I use aliases in my code, it works the first time and shows the current time, but the second time, when I call it shows past time(time showed before instead of current time) GNU nano 6.2 ...
Milad Alkhamis's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

/etc/zshrc is not applied when log in

I have no idea why having aliases that are applied to all interactive terminal (i.e., my user account and sudo) is so difficult. Most web search result were about BASH, but my shell is ZSH (Manjaro ...
Damn Vegetables's user avatar
1 vote
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Minify bash command with arguments

Want to minify bash command using arguments. I am often checking the internet provider's and other Free and Public DNS Servers with the code below running in tmux, but wondering, how this can be ...
eapo's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I make an alias for a command with sudo

I want to add two aliases, so one executes a command when non sudo, and the other executes a command when sudo, like this: alias v = 'nvim' alias 'sudo v' = 'sudo -E nvim ' I also have set alias sudo=...
Ramita's user avatar
  • 11
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1 answer

How to send output to next input line?

This my snippet alias hst="history 1 -1 | cut -c 8- | uniq | fzf ". when I run hst The output is $ ~ hst (the output from hst) $ This is what I want $ ~ hst $ (the output from hst) Example ...
Jamm Utkarsh's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

bashrc + why source not refresh the .bashrc file

we add the following line to bashrc file alias reboot="echo you not allowed to do reboot on this machine - sorry" so we get more ~/.bashrc # .bashrc # User specific aliases and functions ...
yael's user avatar
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Why doesn't creating file with echo work for remote directories in this script?

I aliased the following script: #!/usr/bin/bash if [[ -d "template.html" ]]; then : else cp -n /home/$(whoami)/CS/Software/Pollen/template.html . fi /usr/bin/echo "#lang pollen [...
John Smith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to evaluate bash alias before being passed to bash function?

I have defined a test alias as: alias testalias='python3 -c "f = open(\"/tmp/testopenfile\", \"w+\"); f.write(\"hi\n\")"' It works fine when I run it directly ...
Machinexa's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Kali Linux - run './' by running 'pycharm' in terminal

Currently I need to access the folder in my desktop, and then a bin subfolder to reach ./pycharm. So I want to automate all of: cd Desktop cd pycharm-community-2021.3.1 cd bin ./ to pycharm ...
ThomasReiner's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why do I have to use this command twice to execute it?

I made an alias alias goto="cd $@ && source ~/.zshrc" and it works, but only if I execute it twice. Even after I execute it twice in one shell, and if I want to move to another dir, ...
Leo1807's user avatar
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2 answers

Is escaping shell aliases in scripts useful when executing scripts?

Does escaping bash aliases make any sense in any - not sourced and normally run - shell scripts? Consider the simplest situation with ls for which many users have re-defined its functioning with an ...
Vlastimil Burián's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Make alias from existing alias

I have 2 separate files, which are both sourced from my .zshrc, one of them (the first one) is defining this alias: alias wget='wget --hsts-file="$XDG_CACHE_HOME/wget-hsts"' problem is that ...
ItsDrike's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set an environmental variable from another script?

I set a variable WORKSPACE="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" in ~/.bashrc - which essentially sets $WORKSPACE to the root of the git repository so that I can write alias for some of the ...
Darshan L's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to make .bashrc alias that runs an .sh file containing a second alias, and then runs that second alias?

Is it possible for me to do what is described in the title? Lets say I have a script "" and within that script there is an alias "shalias" that runs some stuff. Putting ...
Justin Finkelstein's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to make bash alias work with command inclusion i.e. $() (the dollar sign and parenthesis)

I used to have aliases like: alias mount-open="sudo mount $(sudo blkid | gawk '/2tb-open/ { print substr($1, 0, 9) }') 2tb-open" I can't be 100% sure that it was the same, but 100% it was a ...
d.k's user avatar
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2 answers

Running a script when a particular command is run

I want to run "./" if someone executes "cat abc.txt" Is there some way to do this without using alias? I want to use this for strengthening security of some specific files ...
SidJo's user avatar
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3 votes
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alias inside a script returns command not found

Using bash in a Debian system. bash --version GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later &...
gogasca's user avatar
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2 answers

Executing alias string command

I wrote a simple script to go through my development project directory and add an alias shortcut for each one: shopt -s dotglob #Use shopt -u dotglob to exclude hidden directories find ~/development/*...
Leo's user avatar
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2 answers

sudo misinterpreting aliases

In my ~/.bashrc I have the alias link='ln -sf' set, and it's working accordingly during my shell sessions. However, for root protected locations, where I need to use sudo in the command beginning, it ...
artu-hnrq's user avatar
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echo alias prints space between env variable and first argument

have a weird problem..... Im configuring my arch setup and one of my aliases isnt working..... alias es='echo $SCRIPTDEST/$1' For some reason it prints a space between $SCRIPTDEST/ and $1, ruining ...
Delupara's user avatar
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pass multiple search terms to text browser via bash_aliases in prompt

I want to achieve a bash alias so that I can type just: $> lynxsearch most popular unix text browsers $> w3msearch most popular unix text browsers (or the search terms within quotes or ...
menuhin's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't I define aliases (using `export`) that are in my current directory? Doing so gives a `not found` message

TLDR: have to define an alias/variable using the export command, I can't use the full path and using a relative path (i.e. defining the alias while in the directory directly above what I want to ...
James Ronald's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

alias: backup & and edit file

I need to backup files (usually images) before editing (and overwrite) them. Currently I do it by: cp file.jpg ~/BACKUP/file.jpg exiv2 BLABLABLA file.jpg How can I do it with a single command? e.g. ...
mattia.b89's user avatar
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how to remove leading space in command line argument [duplicate]

I am losing my mind here.. have tried every combination of functions that strip whitespace but I can't get rid of this particular whitespace I want to write a convenience alias so that typing runit ...
vesperknight's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make alias interpretive?

I have a list of servers I often connect to, named like server001, server002... server999. I don't want to store 1000 alias hardcoded with these server names. I also don't want to write a function and ...
return 0's user avatar
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set alias to read variable and then use in second command; only works when I execute them manually

I am with CentOS 7 and I want to bind an alias to launch PostgreSQL shell(psql). I defined this alias and append it in /etc/profile.d/alias: alias psql-local="read -p \"PSQL: enter the DB to connect: ...
WesternGun's user avatar
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What is the correct way to assign a function containing chained commands to an alias in .bashrc?

I wish to invoke an alias as follows: alias_name arg0 arg1 arg2 arg0 = filename arg1 = General string arg2 = String representation of last command The aim is that by calling the alias and passing ...
MarkMark's user avatar
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Shell Script To CD and Run a Python Script

OK, I know that there is a lot like this question but I literally get nothing. The thing i need is a script that cd's to /home/project then runs python3 I created an alias to cd alias name=...
akkaygin's user avatar
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How can I improve below alias?

I want to run less -F command on latest updated log file of one binary (which creates logs with names which start with xtest*) which is in logs directory. I was able to create below alias in csh, but ...
BreakBadSP's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How can I pass aliases from a shell to a script run by it? [duplicate]

$ alias alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"' alias egrep='...
Tim's user avatar
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Override `cd` or other builtin functions more than once

Say I have this bash function: cd(){ builtin cd "$@" echo "do my own thing" } the problem is that if I override cd in another place, only 1 override will count, any other override will be ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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Refresh command output in alias [duplicate]

When I set in .bashrc something like: alias="docker stop $(docker ps -aq)" or alias="echo $(ls -l ~)" obviously never refreshes the command output in $(), so is an string... So, my question is, ...
xpeiro's user avatar
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Variable expansion succeeds with echo but fails without a command (execution by expansion) [duplicate]

I created a file nano ~/uncwe/configurations/ This file contains: set -a rse="~/${repo}/internal_software/" set +a I sourced the file, then tried to execute: ${rse} bash ${rse} ...
Arcticooling's user avatar
-2 votes
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Sourcing works manually but fails when done from script [duplicate]

Using curl as in: bash <(curl -s | tr -d '\r') I executed some remote script. The remote script includes the following two aspects: ...
Arcticooling's user avatar
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How to set an alias upon command execution?

I want other developers to have some convenient methods. Therefore I want to give them a script, that automatically sets an alias. E.g the command grunt compileModule:[modulename] should set the ...
Dominik Reinert's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

How to turn globbing on and off?

Within my ~./bashrc in an alias I have turned of globbing like this. alias x='set -f;.' But which command enables globbing again or should I set this options in Any response is ...
John Goofy's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Can't use alias in script, even if I define it just above!

I have a very wierd case... If I run a script with /bin/bash, it can't recognize aliases that I set even inside the script. And the most strange thing is $ cat -n 1 #!/bin/bash 2 ...
nichen's user avatar
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3 answers

Use commands under directory only for interactive use?

I have a bin/ under $HOME. This contains some augmented versions of common commands. Hence, I don't want these commands to be used by scripts, but only to be used in interactive use. Is the best I ...
Utku's user avatar
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How to create an alias to run a command and exit in bash?

Here is my alias. alias myAlias='myScript --option& && exit' I want to run the script myScript with option option in background and then exit from bash. I want to set it up as an alias ...
posixKing's user avatar
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deferring argument in "alias" in .bashrc

I work with LINUX (ubuntu 14) My newly purchased laptop forces me to use the bash shell, and it has .bashrc. I used to use the C-shell before that and tried to copy its aliases from .cshrc to .bashrc ...
Al Kap's user avatar
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5 votes
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executing alias on variable in bash

I came upon this strange behaviour in my bash script. #!/bin/bash V=a alias $V="echo test" echo $(a) #returns 'test' echo $($V) #returns ...'a: not found' Is there any ...
Cole C's user avatar
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3 answers

What are some of the most useful aliases and bash scripts? [closed]

I just picked up some basic bash over at Codecademy today. I was curious what some commonly-used or personal favorite aliases and bash scripts are out there to put in my bash_profile document. Is ...
Perplexing Pies's user avatar
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On using $hash_array[$(global_alias)]

Identical code works on one system, fails on another: % zsh --version zsh 5.0.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) % typeset -A frobozz % alias -g foo='echo xyz' % frobozz[$(foo)]=9 % echo ${(kv)frobozz} xyz 9 % ...
kjo's user avatar
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Forcing the expansion of a global alias in part of a word

I have a couple of scripts /tmp/foo/ and /tmp/foo/, the look like this: # /tmp/foo/ alias -g __FILE__='${(%):-%x}' alias -g __DIR__='${${(%):-%x}%/*}' printf "sourcing %s\n" ...
kjo's user avatar
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bash script not creating alias and not updating $PS1 [duplicate]

I thought I will write a bash script to set the alias I frequently use, and also to change the command promt. Below is my script. #!/bin/bash # Make useful aliases alias c='clear' alias p='pwd' ...
sps's user avatar
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