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Questions tagged [aix]

AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive, pronounced "a i ex") is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM for several of its computer platforms.

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3 votes
4 answers

print text between special characters on same line and remove starting and ending whitespaces

I am trying to achieve getting text between special characters. You can follow the below to understand what I am trying to achieve. I have the necessary commands to do this, however I am looking for a ...
Christopher Karsten's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Convert pipe delimited column data to HTML table format for email

I am trying to convert delimited data format to html column table output for email printing and I am unsure how to use pipe delimiter as a separater for HTML tabular formatting. Below is what I could ...
Christopher Karsten's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

AIX: BFF file can be extracted but not used for installation

I work in an ancient AIX 4.3.3 environment, please don't ask. There is a BFF file from a legitimate AIX CDROM from which I must install a package. I can interact just fine with the file with restore. ...
Michael B. Ortiz's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why is the ntptrace peers list inconsistent with the ntpq peers list?

Environment: NTP Clients (AIX 6.1 TL07) + P/S NTP Servers (ST1 GPS). Symptom: the ntpq -pn command outputs both the primary and secondary (candidate) NTP server. the ntptrace command just outputs ...
lylklb's user avatar
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3 answers

Find command slow when I'm not piping into awk

I have a script I've used for many years for building a list to some directories, with the following lines: ##Find all scenarios for this sector number find /gsgt/source/scenarios/AT_* -name ${...
atc_ceedee's user avatar
0 votes
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RPM libgcc package conflicts with installed libgcc version newer

I am installing gcc4 ( on aix. One of the dependencies is libgcc 4.8.3-1.I install it via rpm -i libgcc-4.8.3-1.aix7.1.ppc.rpm and get the error: ...
ibse's user avatar
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1 answer

AIX - BASH REGEX INTO IF STATEMENTS = Segmentation fault (coredump)

Hello everyone and thanks for your support! I'm facing a problem while using REGEX inside a bash script through =~ operand. Environment: GNU bash, version 4.1.7(1)-release (powerpc-ibm-aix5.1.0.0) ...
omar.c's user avatar
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0 answers

XCOFF binary editor

Is there a tool for editing a built XCOFF file? I'd like to specify the path to some dependencies after the build, just like the -bipath flag does when XCOFF is linked. I'm looking for something like ...
ibse's user avatar
  • 361
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0 answers

Unable to build a cpp program on AIX with gcc fsanitize address

I'm trying to build a cpp program on AIX 7.2 using gcc with address sanitizer (-fsanitize=address) but this errors out with: cc1plus: warning: '-fsanitize=address' not supported for this target ...
Sanchit Gupta's user avatar
0 votes
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Finding the WCHAN value

This is running on AIX version: 7, release: 2, on powerppc. I have a process that is hung, and the output of ps -ef -o THREAD is: USER PID PPID TID ST CP PRI SC WCHAN F ...
Jonathan Card's user avatar
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0 answers

Installing PAM radius server on AIX

i was trying to install radius server on our test server running AIX7.3 on it. i have perform following things: Extract the tar file to /tmp where i have downloaded pam_radius-1.4.0.tar.gz. Modify ...
Subesh poudel's user avatar
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SSL Error on Curl AIX

Hi guys I'm fairly new to curl and connectivity. I'm encountering an issue below using curl command: curl curl: (35) Unknown SSL ...
CLRR's user avatar
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1 answer

Add hours to the date and time

I have a requirement to add offset hours to the datetime value. Get the previous date (e.g. 2023-10-19 00:00:00.000000) previous_date=`TZ=TZ+24 date '+%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00.000000'` Calculate the ...
Pixel's user avatar
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Runtime library search order on AIX

If I understand correctly, the variables LIBPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH have a higher priority than the argument to the linker -blibpath. I'm looking for how to tell the loader to search for libraries ...
ibse's user avatar
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1 answer

Find command with -mmin not working as expected

In our production servers(AIX)there are multiple API calls which made every micro seconds and those API call details will be appended in an log called ins.log. On the other hand, we are using this ...
thelak kumar Anbalagan's user avatar
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0 answers

Why does AIX on Power require that the svc instruction must be preceded by an unconditional branch or a CR instruction?

The IBM AIX Documentation for the svc (Supervisor Call) instruction has a note that states To ensure correct operation, an svc instruction must be preceded by an unconditional branch or a CR ...
gorignak's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

"for" loop is not executing on the remote server using SSH

The below "for" loop works locally on the same server. But when triggered through "ssh" protocol on remote servers, the output is not received. Please, can anyone suggest how to ...
ShyamNarayan's user avatar
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1 answer

AIX 7.1 Python3 Installation: Symbol Resolution Issue

I'm trying to install and run Python 3.9 on one of our AIX Operating Systems. I used yum to install Python 3.9. Current OS Level: root@our_AIX_host:/opt/freeware/libexec > oslevel -s 7100-05-11-...
Jesse C.'s user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why does ksh93 not support the %T format specifier of its built-in printf in AIX?

We have tested the following commands with ksh93 printf in many AIX 5.3/6.1 systems, but they all failed with the same result. Why is that? # # oslevel -s 6100-07-09-...
lylklb's user avatar
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1 answer

UNIX - Determine Physical Device of specific File System

While trying to troubleshoot a possible I/O disk performance issue on AIX 7.2: $ oslevel -r 7200-05 $ oslevel I'm trying to understand how to identify the target device (iostat), without ...
edwio's user avatar
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NFS unable to mount server denied Access

On the server side (AIX) vi /etc/exports /NFS -rw exportfs -a On the client side, which is my laptop with ubuntu os. showmount -e Export list for /NFS (everyone) While ...
Gone Lastvirus's user avatar
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POSIX compatible TAR for AIX and Solaris

I have created a TAR archive with our product using maven-assembly-plugin. The TAR archive is in the POSIX format. Our QA complains about PaxHeaders.X files when extracted. Do the AIX (version AIX 7.1 ...
wilx's user avatar
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1 answer

Writing a ksh-script with a predefined time-out

My OS is AIX (7.2) and my shell is ksh88 (preferably) or ksh93, if necessary. I want to write a script that sets some maximum timer for its execution. If it manages to finish its task within this time ...
bakunin's user avatar
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1 answer

Configuring AIX auditing for rmdir and syslog collection

How can the auditing feature in an AIX Unix system be configured to collect information about the removal of a directory (though rmdir) and send it to syslog?
Tekkkee's user avatar
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Mediawiki on AIX, PHP-component missing

My OS-Version is AIX (oslevel -s shows "7200-05-03-2148") and i try to install a Mediawiki (1.39.1). I used the RPM-packages from the "AIX Toolbox for Open Source Software" ...
bakunin's user avatar
  • 585
5 votes
4 answers

Sort by 3 different columns with numbers and text aix

I am trying to perform a sort by 3 different columns in the correct order on an AIX system. The below is an extract of a larger file that displays the longest running runtimes between the open ...
Christopher Karsten's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to convert seconds to when getting difference between 2 times

I performed a calculation that converts current timestamp giving milliseconds as well using perl command such as below: perl -MTime::HiRes=time -MPOSIX=strftime -e ' $now = int(time() * 1000); printf &...
Christopher Karsten's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Update /etc/group in AIX with sed

I need to add Centrify/AD accounts to local root groups, which is why I need to manually edit /etc/group as the AD accounts are not recognized via adding the "proper" way, across all of our ...
Dana's user avatar
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1 answer

List of sessions for ncftpd per user

I am dealing with an AIX 7.1 server running ncftpd 2.8.6. I can count the sessions of established connections counting the number of ncftpd processes. However, how can I list which ncftpd users are ...
Rui F Ribeiro's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

IBM AIX - Method to identify Cluster or HA services

I am keen to learn if existing IBM AIX servers from different location have Clustering/HA features. Kindly let me know the steps to check. Thanks.
Nick eric adelee's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

korn shell Store for loop output "values" in array and pass to another loop

Need help with array in korn shell. I need to pass the values from first for loop to 2nd loop. The first loop returns /opt/IBM/db2/V11.5 /opt/IBM/db2/V11.5.8 /opt/IBM/db2/V11.5.8 Then I am greap &...
user3590915's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Blocking a specific port

I need to block specific ports temporarily on AIX 7.2 to simulate an application using this port. I am developing a workaround for an application ignoring the entries in /etc/services and using ...
bakunin's user avatar
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1 answer

Switch user using EOF does not work su - ${instance} <<'EOF'

I am running a ksh script from root where I switch (su) to different users and execute the commands. But, some reason EOF does not. Here is part of my code. This part of the code does not work su - $...
user3590915's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Find if network interface is a virtual device in AIX

In Linux we can use /sys/devices/virtual/net/<if_name> if the if_name is present under the directory, the device is virtual. In AIX do we have any way to check if an interface say en0 or lo0 is ...
1994's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use asterisks in awk if statment

I have a scenario where I need to print a line, but using an awk if to search for a number the is appened with a double colon with more numbers: See below example: test1 test2 37:375003 test3 test4 ...
Christopher Karsten's user avatar
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1 answer

How to check if the disk is shared in Linux and AIX? [closed]

How to check if the disk is shared in Linux and AIX? For example, let's say we have the /dev/sdd in srv1 and srv2 hosts and the disk must be shared across the two servers (the same disk). How can we ...
Astora's user avatar
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1 answer

Getting a permission denied while invoking remote server script and command in if loop is not working properly

We have two servers, one is aix and other is linux, so from our linux server, i am trying to invoked script that is located on aix to minimise script execution time. code: On linux machine ssh user@$...
Geek's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get CPU statistics PER PROCESSOR on AIX without requiring root privileges?

I want to get the per processor statistics for my AIX machines. I can use the ‘sar -P ALL 1 1’ (Documentation) command but it requires root privileges. Is there a command that can give me PER ...
Purven Dudhaiya's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Exclude last N lines that has been last modified from list and with file extension ending in .gz

I want to use the find command on AIX to exclude files ending in .gz, and it must also exclude the last 2 lines from the list. For example, inside the directory, I have: shop14_0_Log0002019754.gz ...
Christopher Karsten's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

In AIX, how to avoid overwrite a file with cp?

We need to periodically archive some big files older than 2 days to a NAS while keeping their directory tree structure. Those files are kept for 7 days in the source directory. At first we used find ...
vegatripy's user avatar
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Sort absolute directory path alphabetically and numerically

I am having difficulty finding solutions online to sort an absolute directory path using letters and numbers. Example is the below in a file called test.txt /opt/informix/data/dcdwhdev/rootdbs.2 /...
Christopher Karsten's user avatar
2 votes
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Installing AIX 7.2 from two iso files, using QEMU under CentOS 8

I'm trying to install AIX 7.2 having it on two iso files, virtualizing with QEMU version 4.2.0. I've created a disk file using the following command: qemu-img create -f qcow2 hdisk0.qcow2 20G Then I ...
zlatonick's user avatar
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1 answer

Display branch name in $PS1 on ksh88

I want to display my current git branch in the prompt in ksh88. I'm working on a legacy project, when the backend run on IBM's AIX, with a mandatory ksh88 shell. I can switch to say, bash, for some ...
Rafiki's user avatar
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Dnf/Yum repository install on AIX 7.1 ImportError: 0509-022/0509-150 libcrypto

I am trying to create a Yum/Dnf Repository for an offline AIX 7.1 and I've downloaded all the repos by using the reposync on a linux machine that was connected to the internet. I've installed the Dnf ...
Cat Hariss's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Crontab scheduling for specific option

I need to add a crontab entry which runs every quarter ,on second sunday ,at 02 am. Which of the below one is correct? the OS is AIX. 00 02 8-14 */3 0 && / or 00 02 8-14 */3 * [...
user1929905's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

ksh on AIX - pwd in prompt does not update when changing folders

I'm very new to AIX as well as ksh, but I currently have some downtime at work and am trying to configure my prompt to be both colored and show my current location. At the moment, I get the correct ...
Mineralwasser's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I disable mount on AIX?

I want to disable mount mentioned in /etc/filesystems. (By disabling I mean set the mount option to false). I heard, that the /etc/filesystems file, should not be edited directly, so I don't want to ...
John Ronald's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Script to monitor and alert for new orphaned pids

How would you go about detecting and alerting about newly orphaned pids? I would like to cron a script that checks once a day for any orphaned pids (PPID = 1) for a specific user and only alert if a ...
jonske's user avatar
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AIX ACLs difference "permit" versus "specify"

What's the difference in AIX ACLs with permit versus specify: This is what the documentation says: "The permit, deny, and specify keywords are defined as follows: permit Grants the user or ...
amm's user avatar
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How do you install NodeJS on AIX?

I am currently running a server running AIX 7.1 and was wondering how I install NodeJS. I cannot seem to find the apt-get package manager, nor the yum package manager? How do I go about doing this?
Jim Dunkley's user avatar

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