I am trying to pass one liner sshpass command to Solaris box but won't work. those are the options I tried:
sshpass -p "passw" ssh "[email protected]" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no `at 11:04 Dec 10 <<< touch /tmp/test_file`
sshpass -p "passw" ssh "[email protected]" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 'at 11:04 Dec 10 <<< "touch /tmp/test_file"'
sshpass -p "passw" ssh "[email protected]" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "at 11:04 Dec 10 <<< "touch /tmp/test_file""
sshpass -p "passw" ssh "[email protected]" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "at 11:04 Dec 10 <<< \"touch /tmp/test_file\""
also tried this variations:
"at 11:04 Dec 10 <<<\"touch /tmp/test_file\""
"at 11:04 Dec 10 <<<touch /tmp/test_file"
"at 11:04 Dec 10 <<< touch /tmp/test_file"
'at 11:04 Dec 10 <<<touch /tmp/test_file'
'at 11:04 Dec 10 <<<"touch /tmp/test_file"'
"/sbin/sh at 11:04 Dec 10<<<"touch /tmp/test_file""
I keep on getting: sh: syntax error at line 1: `<' unexpected
also tried this: "at 13:19 Dec 10 <<EOF touch /tmp/atran3 EOF"
and that gives me error: at: bad time specification