I'm using i3-wm and I have Mod3 working as a hotkey. I have the following in ./config/i3/config
#This command works
bindsym Mod3+f exec "firefox"
#This doesn't work nor do my other scripts
bindsym Mod3+w exec "openBrowser"
Both of these commands work fine when I run them from bash but only the 'firefox' command runs with the hotkey. Running my own script doesn't work.
Additional Details:
openBrowser is a script in /opt/bin/
which is in my path. Also tried doing:
#This command works
bindsym Mod3+f exec /opt/bin/openBrowser
I've also tried other scripts none of which work when invoked by i3. Thus I've determined it's not an issue with the script.
I also noticed when I'm in bash if I do Mod3+w my cursor blinks, where as if I do Mod3+[any unset key] the key writes it's value to the screen. So it seems i3 is at least trying to run the function.
in your config but also tried/opt/bin/openbrowser
. So how the file is actually called? Case matters. Also, do you have any relative paths in that script? i3 runs it from other directory than your script is located in. This could also be a reason. Try to start the script from the directory where i3 config is located.