Eralba Cela
I am currently a Post doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy. I joined Università Politecnica delle Marche in 1999 to enrol for a Degree in Economics. I completed my PhD in Demography at the University of Bari (Italy) in 2008. Since then I have held a number of research and teaching positions at the Università Politecnica delle Marche. I consider myself as an economist by background, a demographer by specialization, a sociologist by passion and an anthropologist by attitude. My work has involved a range of themes situated within population studies with a focus on migration. The research has been funded by a range of national and European agencies, including the EU, and I have played a key role in preparing the bids and managing the projects. Recent and forthcoming publications from my research include articles in top-rated international peer-reviewed journals.
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Papers by Eralba Cela
later on experienced the transition from emigration to immigration countries, and host today large shares of developing countries' population. By means of official data, we describe demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the migrant population both in the European Union as a whole, and in Italy and we give some insights regarding the effects the recent crisis had on the conditions of the immigrant population.
later on experienced the transition from emigration to immigration countries, and host today large shares of developing countries' population. By means of official data, we describe demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the migrant population both in the European Union as a whole, and in Italy and we give some insights regarding the effects the recent crisis had on the conditions of the immigrant population.