Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Department of Economic and Social Science
Introduzione: l'approccio metodologico 1 A livello di UE, nell'ultima decade numerose regioni rurali hanno mostrato un notevole dinamismo soprattutto dal punto di vista occupazionale (Esposti et al., 1999); analoghi risultati sono emersi... more
- by Franco Sotte
The paper proposes an evolutionary reading of rural development referred to cases of rapid industrial growth, where a strong concentration process has involved the main urban centres and the successful industrial districts. This... more
The paper deals with the relation between the local development in the region of Marche (Italy) and the Balkan regions with especial attention given to Albania. Rural development based upon specialised industrial districts has reached a... more
- by Franco Sotte
Although representing less than 20% of total CAP expenditure, the Rural Development Policy (RDP) 2007-2013 is supposed to support rural areas which are facing new challenges. Currently, many EU rural areas are experiencing major... more
Rural areas still play a major role within the EU, as Europe is still a fairly rural continent. Moreover, EU rural areas are going through greater challenges and major transformations. After the Eastern enlargements of the EU (in 2004 and... more
In this task, research is mostly finalised to analyse how EU policies have been distributed across space. Here, the main focus is on Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) expenditure. The same territorial detail adopted in previous tasks is... more
This paper aims to assess the distribution of overall Gross Domestic Product and employment effects produced by Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) payments across the European Union space. It is empirically investigated how policy funds... more
A major objective of this study is to analyse the evolutionary patterns of regional linkages and disparities across the EU space, especially those related to rural and peripheral/remote regions. In particular, this report assesses the... more
The paper presents a dynamic model for the analysis of the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) strategy. In a context of increasing globalisation, both intersectoral and international technology spill-ins may greatly affect the... more
- by Franco Sotte
Although RDP 2007-2013 expenditures represent less than 20% of total CAP expenditures, this policy is supposed to support rural areas in facing new challenges. Actually, EU rural areas are going through major transformations. Due to the... more
This paper is aimed at assessing distribution of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) expenditure through the European Union (EU) space. Firstly, spatial distribution of past CAP expenditure is analysed, specifically 2007-2011 payments. Both... more
This paper is aimed at assessing distribution of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) expenditure through the European Union (EU) space. Firstly, spatial distribution of past CAP expenditure is analysed, specifically 2007-2011 payments. Both... more
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the most important EU Policy in terms of total expenditure. Nevertheless, its impact on EU-27 regions is rather uneven: actually, some regions have historically received a larger support than... more