Book Chapters by Theodoros Karyotis
Social Movements and Everyday Acts of Resistance: Solidarity in a Changing World, 2023
This chapter sets out to provide a critical snapshot of actually existing intentional economies i... more This chapter sets out to provide a critical snapshot of actually existing intentional economies in Greece, based on fieldwork with four cooperatives in the second-largest city, Thessaloniki. Do alternative economic endeavours live up to the task of destabilising the economy as it is usually known and performed, or do they submit politics to the laws of the economy, as critics would have it? This piece of research explores the political potential of alter-economic projects. It probes their capacity to transform established day-to-day relationships, examines their implementation of novel egalitarian and horizontal modes of operation, and assesses their contribution to broad social transformation towards equitable, autonomous, plural, solidary, ecologically sustainable, and caring worlds.
C. Petropoulou, J. Holloway, F. Matamoros Ponce, E. González Cruz, P. Doulos, M. A. Melgarejo Pérez, D. Tzanetatos, K. Zafeiris, C. Tsavdaroglou (coord.). Luchas invisibles en tiempos de pandemia, Vol.II. Mytilene-Puebla: University of the Aegean, Greece ; Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico, 2022
This chapter discusses the politics of housing precarity in the time of pandemic. In Greece, the ... more This chapter discusses the politics of housing precarity in the time of pandemic. In Greece, the biopolitical response to the pandemic has been taking place in a context of ongoing austerity, whereby essential public services have been degraded and housing precarity, previously reserved for those at the margins, is invading the lives of the homeowning majority. Adhering to a mode of governance through precarization, government policy has renounced the task of reinforcing social structures of support and is limited to redistributing vulnerability by shifting risk from the present to the future and creating further subdivisions among the precarious through new discourses of worthiness and blame. While governmental #StayAtHome campaigns reassert the home as the centerpiece of the biopolitical response to the health crisis, new mechanisms for the commercialization and financialization of housing are being introduced by recently adopted insolvency legislation. The discourse of individual responsibility in fending off contagion thus clashes against the conditions of unaffordability, exclusion and precarity in the housing sector. In this context of generalized insecurity, housing mobilizations have been emerging mainly around precarized homeownership, rent and work precarity, and migrant solidarity. Despite diverging interpretations of the housing challenges and a diversity of demands, housing movements are enacting new forms of political agency that take insecurity as the starting point for inclusive struggles around solidarity and mutual care.
Experiencias de resistencias entre utopías y distopías: luchas invisibles en tiempos de pandemia, 2022
El presente texto reflexiona sobre las relaciones de propiedad y vivienda en Grecia en la época d... more El presente texto reflexiona sobre las relaciones de propiedad y vivienda en Grecia en la época de la pandemia. En primer lugar, para situar la precariedad habitacional en el contexto de la precarización generalizada, introducimos los conceptos de precariedad y precarización como gubernamentalidad, y proponemos una conceptualización de la precariedad habitacional que toma en cuenta las fuerzas estructurales que operan para producir múltiples inseguridades y desigualdades. Luego, ofrecemos una breve descripción del régimen de propiedad griego, así como de la reestructuración de la vivienda que se está llevando a cabo actualmente, a raíz de la cual la precarización, que tradicionalmente afectaba a las poblaciones marginadas, está alcanzando ahora a la mayoría social. A continuación, analizamos la política de la precariedad habitacional en la época de la pandemia, centrándonos tanto en la respuesta biopolítica gubernamental como en el papel de la vivienda y las relaciones de propiedad en la estructuración de las experiencias de la pandemia. Por último, evaluamos las respuestas y resistencias a los procesos anteriores, esbozando las principales líneas de movilización por la vivienda en Grecia.
Diez años construyendo ciudadanía en movimiento(s): el 15M y otras luchas hermanas, 2021
En este breve capítulo pretendo rastrear las mutaciones en los procesos de subjetivación política... more En este breve capítulo pretendo rastrear las mutaciones en los procesos de subjetivación política en Grecia en la última década a través del análisis de tres momentos importantes en los que el tiempo político se vio condensado: la Revuelta de diciembre de 2008, la ocupación de las plazas en 2011, y el referéndum de 2015, poniendo el foco sobre diversos imaginarios en contienda, superpuestos pero divergentes. Yuxtaponiendo el proletariado auto-negante de Holloway, la multitud diversa de Hardt y Negri, y el pueblo
hegemónico de Laclau, propongo un marco conceptual tentativo para comprender el desarrollo de las luchas sociales desde el punto de vista del sujeto colectivo, con el objetivo de vincular dicho desarrollo a los debates al interior de los movimientos sociales.
Venturini, F., Değirmenci, E. and Morales, I. (2019) Social ecology and the right to the city: towards ecological and democratic cities. Montréal: Black Rose Books. ISBN: 9781551646817, 2019
Modern social struggles erupt as urban phenomena with a strong spatial component. City dwellers m... more Modern social struggles erupt as urban phenomena with a strong spatial component. City dwellers may define their desire for full participation in the city’s socio-political life as a right to the city to be reclaimed against authorities, or they may dive right in and self-manage the urban space as a commons – or they may do both. The right to the city and the urban commons are not mutually exclusive strategies of contestation but rather two different vocabularies, which however lead to contrasting conceptions of the political. When a technical-juridical conception of rights becomes the centrepiece and horizon of progressive politics, the discourse of rights tends to ratify existing systems of domination by subordinating lived, contentious politics to impersonal juridical constructs. The commons is not an alternative to “rights talk”, but rather a way in which rights may be fleshed out, and tethered to contentious politics waged by concrete communities. These are some of the issues this text seeks to raise, exemplified in the context of Greek urban struggles over the past decade.
Kothari, Ashish, A. Salleh, A. Escobar, F. Demaria, and A. Acosta (eds.) (2019) Pluriverse: a post-development dictionary. New Delhi: Tulika Books and Authorsupfront. ISBN: 9788193732984, 2019
“Worker-led production” refers to a diverse set of practices that aim to give protagonism to the ... more “Worker-led production” refers to a diverse set of practices that aim to give protagonism to the subjects of labour: the workers themselves. The vision of a future society directed by the “associated producers” themselves cuts across all historical currents of the left; to this day, democratic self-management at the workplace is for many an effective way to bridge the chasm between this vision of the future and the day-to-day struggle within capitalism. The embeddedness of worker-run companies in wider social movements and their attentiveness to the needs and demands of communities make them important components in a strategy of maximising social resilience and self-determination.
Pluriversum: Ein Lexikon des Guten Lebens für alle, 2019
Der Begriff ‚Arbeiter*innengeleitete Produktion‘ bezieht sich auf eine Reihe von Praktiken, die ... more Der Begriff ‚Arbeiter*innengeleitete Produktion‘ bezieht sich auf eine Reihe von Praktiken, die darauf abzielen, den Subjekten der Arbeit, das heißt den Arbeitenden selbst, die Hauptrolle einzuräumen.
Pluriverso. Dizionario del post-sviluppo, 2019
La produzione gestita da lavoratori e lavoratrici comprende un insieme variegato di pratiche che ... more La produzione gestita da lavoratori e lavoratrici comprende un insieme variegato di pratiche che mirano a dare centralità ai soggetti del lavoro: lavoratori e lavoratrici stessi.
Pluriverso: un diccionario del posdesarrollo
La «producción dirigida por los trabajadores» se refiere a un diverso conjunto de prácticas cuyo ... more La «producción dirigida por los trabajadores» se refiere a un diverso conjunto de prácticas cuyo objetivo es dar protagonismo a los sujetos del trabajo: los propios trabajadores. En las empresas recuperadas por los trabajadores se generan «ecosistemas solidarios» en torno a los «bienes comunes fabriles», ayudando a dar el salto de la mera producción de mercancías a la producción de relaciones, sujetos y colectivos, englobando la vida social en su totalidad y actuando como un baluarte contra los procesos de desposesión y cercamiento.
Holloway, John, Katerina Nasioka and Panagiotis Doulos (eds.) Beyond Crisis: After the Collapse of Institutional Hope in Greece, What?, San Francisco, PM Press ISBN: 978-1-62963-515-6, 2020
From 2009 on, Greece has become a laboratory of implementation of neoliberal austerity policies b... more From 2009 on, Greece has become a laboratory of implementation of neoliberal austerity policies but has also seen fierce resistance and a surge of creative alternatives. This article aims to outline the central political imaginaries of overcoming austerity that arose in this period –Plan A of reform and redistribution, Plan B of national economic reconstruction outside the Eurozone and Plan C of a bottom-up reorganisation of politics and economy around the commons– and the interplay between the three in the context of anti-austerity politics. It especially focuses on the abandonment of Plan A by the political forces that expressed it and the challenges faced by adherents of the third imaginary (“Plan C”) in subverting the capitalist market and in addressing the question of power and the state.
Azzelini, Dario (ed.) An Alternative Labour History, Chicago, Zed Books., 2015
The history of the 20th century is the history of the push and pull between the market and the st... more The history of the 20th century is the history of the push and pull between the market and the state, between private and public property, at the expense, usually, of cooperative and communal forms of social existence and production. Following the dismantling of the apparatuses of redistribution by the triumphant neoliberalism in the late 20th century, we are now witnessing an intensification of new and old processes of enclosure. In response, a new mode of politics has come to the fore, dismissing both state and private capitalism, and placing a reinvented form of community at the centre of political life. In this chapter, we set out from an outline of the particular histories of the commons in Greece and we go on to trace out their re-invention in the present, in response to the onslaught of neoliberal capitalism. We dwell on producers’ cooperatives and the self-management of production in agriculture and industry as a key instrument of commoning. Tracking the obstacles, the resistances and the dangers that these common alternatives have encountered, we seek to shed light on the different paths they chart and the new prospects they open up for workers’ control over production and distribution within an enlarged social economy of solidarity for our times.
by Athina Vitopoulou, Haris Tsavdaroglou, Aimilia Voulvouli, Ana Vilenica, Theodoros Karyotis, Michail Psimitis, Dražen Crnomat, Marvi Maggio, Maddalena Gretel Cammelli, Myrto Tsilimpounidi, Karla Helena Guzmán Velázquez, and Chara Kokkinou Research Group: Invisible Cities, 2016
Κοινωνικά Κινήµατα Πόλης και Περιφέρειας
Urban and Regional Social Movements
Aπρίλιος 2016, ... more Κοινωνικά Κινήµατα Πόλης και Περιφέρειας
Urban and Regional Social Movements
Aπρίλιος 2016, Θεσσαλονίκη, σ. 488, ISBN 978-618-82533-0-8
April 2016, Thessaloniki, 488 p., ISBN 978-618-82533-0-8
Επιµέλεια/ Editors
Κρίστη (Χρυσάνθη) Πετροπούλου / Christy (Chryssanthi) Petropoulou
Αθηνά Βιτοπούλου / Athina Vitopoulou
Χαράλαµπος Τσαβδάρογλου/ Charalampos Tsavdaroglou
Ερευνητική Οµάδα / Research Group
Αόρατες Πόλεις / Invisible Cities
Νο Copyright
Αναφορά ∆ηµιουργού
[email protected]
Opinion Articles by Theodoros Karyotis
In their collextive text, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski reflect on the arrival of the Zapati... more In their collextive text, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski reflect on the arrival of the Zapatista delegation from the point of view of the European, and in particular Greek, grassroots movements. They ponder the historical and current importance of Zapatismo and its influence on the development of political contestation in Europe and in Greece. The authors attempt to highlight the aspects of Zapatismo that have contributed to movement theory and praxis and have provided inspiration for generations of activists and collectives. They also enumerate other political projects that resonate and enmesh with Zapatismo to produce novel emancipatory practices. The authors attempt at examining the obstacles and pitfalls in ‘translating’ the Zapatista experience to European urban contexts. Finally, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski explore some of the paths that may lead us forward in the pursuit of social emancipation.
This is the extended English-language original of the Spanish-language pocketbook Preguntando con los zapatistas. Reflexiones desde Grecia sobre nuestro impasse civilizatorio, published in Spanish by Cooperative Editorial Retos, Cátedra Jorge Alonso, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales in 2022.
It is part of the 28-pocketbook collection Al Faro Zapatista in commemoration of more than 500 years of resistance, 28 years of public life, and the Journey for Life!
La delegación zapatista llega al continente europeo en circunstancias extraordinarias. Por un lad... more La delegación zapatista llega al continente europeo en circunstancias extraordinarias. Por un lado, todas las sociedades sufren una crisis sanitaria a raíz de la pandemia de covid-19. Por otro, los efectos de la crisis climática se sienten, y las inundaciones, sequías e incendios forestales están afectando a los ecosistemas y a los asentamientos humanos a una escala y frecuencia sin precedentes. Estos acontecimientos se producen en un momento en el que el capitalismo financiarizado se mueve de una crisis sistémica a la próxima, intensificando la explotación de los seres humanos y de la naturaleza, y creando un círculo vicioso acelerado de crisis y degradación. Es descorazonador que, en medio de semejante impasse civilizatorio, nuestra capacidad de imaginar un futuro poscapitalista sea seriamente limitada. En ese sentido, la Travesía por la Vida llega en un momento oportuno para avanzar en la búsqueda de la emancipación social. En este texto reflexionamos desde los movimientos de base europeos, sobre la llegada de la delegación zapatista y, en particular, desde los movimientos griegos que se están movilizando para acogerlos. Destacamos los aspectos del zapatismo que han contribuido a su teoría y praxis así como los obstáculos y escollos a la hora de “traducirlo” en contextos urbanos europeos.
ROAR Magazine, 2015
When viewed from the outside, the relationship of the SYRIZA party with the grassroots movements ... more When viewed from the outside, the relationship of the SYRIZA party with the grassroots movements that have been resisting austerity on the ground in the past five years can easily be idealized. After all, both were responses to a barbaric attack on the Greek popular classes, and both aimed to put an end to neoliberal structural adjustment. A closer examination, however, demonstrates the fundamental differences between the two projects, and can reveal that their confluence was a mere marriage of convenience that ended in a bitter divorce.
ROAR Magazine, 2017
In Greece, resistance to austerity comprises a mosaic of struggles for a right to the city, conce... more In Greece, resistance to austerity comprises a mosaic of struggles for a right to the city, conceived as the collective self-determination of everyday life.
Conference Presentations by Theodoros Karyotis
Alternative Futures & Popular Protest Conference, Manchester, UK, 2021
In this working paper, I trace the mutations in political subjectivation in Greece through three ... more In this working paper, I trace the mutations in political subjectivation in Greece through three important moments in the latest cycle of mobilisation: the December 2008 revolt, the square occupations of 2011, and the referendum of 2015. In all these events, political time was condensed, bringing forth different, overlapping but divergent, contentious imaginaries. First, in December 2008, a complete absence of demands and the dissolution of all insurgent identities into a collective and peculiar “we” signified a break not only with the political establishment, but also with the accepted forms of political struggle and dissidence. I examine this event in reference to John Holloway’s non-identitarian political philosophy. Second, like in many other countries at that time, the Greek squares in 2011 were constituted as a network of porous, open-ended and self-organised processes, as an ongoing negotiation to give content and meaning to the occupied urban space. I approach this event as an example of the politics of inclusion and multiplicity propounded by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. Lastly, the collapse of the traditional two-party system under the weight of austerity politics gave rise to a new hegemonic party, Syriza, which created an antagonistic frontier between the people and the elites, and attempted to represent the diverse aspirations and demands of the former, condensed in the empty signifier of hope. Here I mobilise Ernesto Laclau’s discourse theory, approaching the crisis as a large-scale dislocation which allowed a new hegemonic power to emerge out of a chain of equivalences, all those who suffer under austerity. In all three cases, the focus is on the processes of subjectivation. By juxtaposing Holloway’s self-negating proletariat, Hardt and Negri’s diverse multitude and Laclau’s hegemonic people, I propose a tentative framework for understanding the development of social struggles in Greece from the viewpoint of the collective subject, with the aim of linking this discussion back to the debates within the social movements.
International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference: Rethinking Informality, 2020
Owing to its particular sociopolitical history and its status as a semi-peripheral country, Greec... more Owing to its particular sociopolitical history and its status as a semi-peripheral country, Greece has followed a pattern of economic and urban development radically different to that of most northern European countries. A main characteristic of that pattern is informality. This presentation consists of two parts. In the first part, I examine the origins of informality and its functions in recent Greek history: sustaining a high rate of growth with minimal costs for the state and employers, and maintaining social peace in the context of the familistic welfare system. Parting from an understanding of informality not as spontaneity or absence of state control, but as an alternative normativity that stems from deliberate state action or inaction, I approach informality not as an anomaly peculiar to the Greek political formation, but as an extra-institutional mechanism of redistribution, which has served to incorporate the population in the mainstream of social life. In this light, I examine the four main pillars of informal welfare in Greece: clientelism, the informal sector, familialism and homeownership. In the second part of the paper, I offer an interpretation of the institutional reforms that followed the sovereign debt crisis and the concomitant bailout programs starting in 2010 as a concerted attempt to dismantle this informal system of redistribution and to extend the reach of the state in previously informalized areas of social and economic life, without, however, reinforcing a formal system of guarantees, such as the welfare state.
Books by Theodoros Karyotis
We present to you the new publication from TRISE, entitled Asking questions with the Zapatistas: ... more We present to you the new publication from TRISE, entitled Asking questions with the Zapatistas: Reflections from Greece on our Civilizational Impasse, authored by TRISE members Theodoros Karyotis, Ioanna-Maria Maravelidi, and Yavor Tarinski.
Editor: Matthew Little | Cover: Apollon Petropoulos | Design: George Chelebiev
Publisher: Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE) | Year: 2022
In their collextive text, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski reflect on the arrival of the Zapatista delegation from the point of view of the European, and in particular Greek, grassroots movements. They ponder the historical and current importance of Zapatismo and its influence on the development of political contestation in Europe and in Greece. The authors attempt to highlight the aspects of Zapatismo that have contributed to movement theory and praxis and have provided inspiration for generations of activists and collectives. They also enumerate other political projects that resonate and enmesh with Zapatismo to produce novel emancipatory practices. The authors attempt at examining the obstacles and pitfalls in ‘translating’ the Zapatista experience to European urban contexts. Finally, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski explore some of the paths that may lead us forward in the pursuit of social emancipation.
This is the extended English-language original of the Spanish-language pocketbook Preguntando con los zapatistas. Reflexiones desde Grecia sobre nuestro impasse civilizatorio, published in Spanish by Cooperative Editorial Retos, Cátedra Jorge Alonso, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales in 2022.
It is part of the 28-pocketbook collection Al Faro Zapatista in commemoration of more than 500 years of resistance, 28 years of public life, and the Journey for Life!
Book Chapters by Theodoros Karyotis
hegemónico de Laclau, propongo un marco conceptual tentativo para comprender el desarrollo de las luchas sociales desde el punto de vista del sujeto colectivo, con el objetivo de vincular dicho desarrollo a los debates al interior de los movimientos sociales.
Urban and Regional Social Movements
Aπρίλιος 2016, Θεσσαλονίκη, σ. 488, ISBN 978-618-82533-0-8
April 2016, Thessaloniki, 488 p., ISBN 978-618-82533-0-8
Επιµέλεια/ Editors
Κρίστη (Χρυσάνθη) Πετροπούλου / Christy (Chryssanthi) Petropoulou
Αθηνά Βιτοπούλου / Athina Vitopoulou
Χαράλαµπος Τσαβδάρογλου/ Charalampos Tsavdaroglou
Ερευνητική Οµάδα / Research Group
Αόρατες Πόλεις / Invisible Cities
Νο Copyright
Αναφορά ∆ηµιουργού
[email protected]
Opinion Articles by Theodoros Karyotis
This is the extended English-language original of the Spanish-language pocketbook Preguntando con los zapatistas. Reflexiones desde Grecia sobre nuestro impasse civilizatorio, published in Spanish by Cooperative Editorial Retos, Cátedra Jorge Alonso, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales in 2022.
It is part of the 28-pocketbook collection Al Faro Zapatista in commemoration of more than 500 years of resistance, 28 years of public life, and the Journey for Life!
Conference Presentations by Theodoros Karyotis
Books by Theodoros Karyotis
Editor: Matthew Little | Cover: Apollon Petropoulos | Design: George Chelebiev
Publisher: Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE) | Year: 2022
In their collextive text, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski reflect on the arrival of the Zapatista delegation from the point of view of the European, and in particular Greek, grassroots movements. They ponder the historical and current importance of Zapatismo and its influence on the development of political contestation in Europe and in Greece. The authors attempt to highlight the aspects of Zapatismo that have contributed to movement theory and praxis and have provided inspiration for generations of activists and collectives. They also enumerate other political projects that resonate and enmesh with Zapatismo to produce novel emancipatory practices. The authors attempt at examining the obstacles and pitfalls in ‘translating’ the Zapatista experience to European urban contexts. Finally, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski explore some of the paths that may lead us forward in the pursuit of social emancipation.
This is the extended English-language original of the Spanish-language pocketbook Preguntando con los zapatistas. Reflexiones desde Grecia sobre nuestro impasse civilizatorio, published in Spanish by Cooperative Editorial Retos, Cátedra Jorge Alonso, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales in 2022.
It is part of the 28-pocketbook collection Al Faro Zapatista in commemoration of more than 500 years of resistance, 28 years of public life, and the Journey for Life!
hegemónico de Laclau, propongo un marco conceptual tentativo para comprender el desarrollo de las luchas sociales desde el punto de vista del sujeto colectivo, con el objetivo de vincular dicho desarrollo a los debates al interior de los movimientos sociales.
Urban and Regional Social Movements
Aπρίλιος 2016, Θεσσαλονίκη, σ. 488, ISBN 978-618-82533-0-8
April 2016, Thessaloniki, 488 p., ISBN 978-618-82533-0-8
Επιµέλεια/ Editors
Κρίστη (Χρυσάνθη) Πετροπούλου / Christy (Chryssanthi) Petropoulou
Αθηνά Βιτοπούλου / Athina Vitopoulou
Χαράλαµπος Τσαβδάρογλου/ Charalampos Tsavdaroglou
Ερευνητική Οµάδα / Research Group
Αόρατες Πόλεις / Invisible Cities
Νο Copyright
Αναφορά ∆ηµιουργού
[email protected]
This is the extended English-language original of the Spanish-language pocketbook Preguntando con los zapatistas. Reflexiones desde Grecia sobre nuestro impasse civilizatorio, published in Spanish by Cooperative Editorial Retos, Cátedra Jorge Alonso, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales in 2022.
It is part of the 28-pocketbook collection Al Faro Zapatista in commemoration of more than 500 years of resistance, 28 years of public life, and the Journey for Life!
Editor: Matthew Little | Cover: Apollon Petropoulos | Design: George Chelebiev
Publisher: Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE) | Year: 2022
In their collextive text, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski reflect on the arrival of the Zapatista delegation from the point of view of the European, and in particular Greek, grassroots movements. They ponder the historical and current importance of Zapatismo and its influence on the development of political contestation in Europe and in Greece. The authors attempt to highlight the aspects of Zapatismo that have contributed to movement theory and praxis and have provided inspiration for generations of activists and collectives. They also enumerate other political projects that resonate and enmesh with Zapatismo to produce novel emancipatory practices. The authors attempt at examining the obstacles and pitfalls in ‘translating’ the Zapatista experience to European urban contexts. Finally, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski explore some of the paths that may lead us forward in the pursuit of social emancipation.
This is the extended English-language original of the Spanish-language pocketbook Preguntando con los zapatistas. Reflexiones desde Grecia sobre nuestro impasse civilizatorio, published in Spanish by Cooperative Editorial Retos, Cátedra Jorge Alonso, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales in 2022.
It is part of the 28-pocketbook collection Al Faro Zapatista in commemoration of more than 500 years of resistance, 28 years of public life, and the Journey for Life!