Since the 1950s, the UN Statistical Division has encouraged nations to standardize the definition... more Since the 1950s, the UN Statistical Division has encouraged nations to standardize the definitions used in data collection. A key concept in censuses and surveys is the household: This is the unit for which information is collected and analyzed, and is thus an important dimension of data that are the basis for many policies. We aim to understand the tensions between conformity with UN guidelines and national priorities. We analyze the documentation around the UN household definition over this period. Using detailed census and survey documentary data for several African countries, especially Burkina Faso, Senegal, Uganda, and Tanzania, we examine the disparities between national census definitions of “household” and the UN definition. Perspectives from interviews with key informants within national statistical offices demonstrate the variability in the importance accorded to the UN harmonization aims and the problems that arise when these standardized approaches interact with local norms and living arrangements.
DEcrites pour la premiere fois par Thibierge et Weissenbach, les calcifications sous-cutanEes con... more DEcrites pour la premiere fois par Thibierge et Weissenbach, les calcifications sous-cutanEes constituent une complication fr&tuente de la scldrodermie syst6mique, puisqu'elles sont observ6es chez 10 h 25 % des patients, et tout particuli6rement chez ceux ayant un CREST syndrome. Elles si~gent essentiellement an niveau des mains (86 % des cas), leurs autres localisations (avant-bras, coudes, genoux) Etant plus inhabituelles. Nous rapportons l'observation originale d'une patiente porteuse d'une sclErodermie systEmique, ayant prEsentE une pseudo-tumeur de l'6panle gauche secondaire ~t une calcinose sous-cutanEe. Une patiente, ~g6e de 61 ans, est hospitalisEe en juillet 2001 pour une volnmineuse tum6faction pr6scapulaire gauche. Ses antEcEdents sont marquEs par une sclErodermie systEmique de type CREST 6voluant depuis 1995. A l'admission, l'examen clinique r6v~le une pseudotumeur (10 cm x 14 era) inflammatoire et douloureuse ~t la palpation situEe en regard de l'Epanle gauche. Les examens biologiques sont normaux, et notamment le bilan phosphocalcique. La radiographie et le scanner de l'6panle gauche objectivent une calcification <~ exubErante >~ et hEt6rog~ne, localis6e an niveau de ]'articulation scapnlo-humErale gauche. En raison du caract~re hyperalgique de la lesion, une exEr~se chirurgicale est rEalisEe, l'analyse histologique de cette calcification mettant en Evidence l'existence de cristanx d'hydroxyapatite. La calcinose pseudo-tumorale est une complication rare de la scl6rodermie systEmique, sa prevalence 6tant estimEe ~t 1%. Les mEcanismes physiopathologiques qui concourent ~t la survenue de cette calcinose sous-cutan6e sont mal ElucidEs ; ils sont probablement intriqu6s (r61e de microtranmatismes, de facteurs vasculaires et inflammatoires), les calcifications apparaissant tardivement au cours de la maladie et en l'absence d'anomalies du mEtabolisme phosphocalcique.
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2005
Clinical and laboratory features, complications and treatment were retrospectively studied in 70 ... more Clinical and laboratory features, complications and treatment were retrospectively studied in 70 patients with bacteriologically documented typhoid fever, treated between January 1995 and June 2002 at Principal Hospital in Dakar, Senegal. Data analysis was done on a global basis as well as comparatively between the 37 children (under 15 years) and 33 adults. Mean age was 16.7 years (range, 1 to 52). The sex ratio was 1.4. Clinical manifestations included fever (97%), headache (50%), vomiting (71%), abdominal pain (54%), diarrhoea (49%), nnd splenomegaly (10%) without statistically significant difference between children and adults. Lyinphopenia was found in 51% of patients and anaemia in 78%. Coexisting illnesses Included malaria in 25.5% (mainly children) and hepatitis (transminases > 10N) in 24%. Complications included cholecystitis in 3 patients, gastrointestinal haemorrhage in 2, peritonitis in one, endocnrditis in one and osteomyelitis in one. Only one patient (HIV-positive)...
The frequency of conductive trouble is not know in West-Africa where the evacuation to Europe and... more The frequency of conductive trouble is not know in West-Africa where the evacuation to Europe and the cardiology institute of Abidjan has been for long time the only possibility to implant stimulators. We analyse our experience, the problems ant the perspectives. Over a three year period 92 patients (47 men, 45 women) were implanted using new (47%) or a recycled pacemaker. The technique used was essentially endoveinous (sub-clavicular puncture) except 2 children. The medium length of treatment was 24 months. Syncope was noticed at the entrance in most 50% of cases. The degenerative etiology was dominant in 85%. Most cases (87%) used the VVI mode. Complications comprised 3 leads deplacements, 5 infections, 1 pacemaker syndrome and 1 death by mesenteria ischemia. Seven patients died later without any relation of cardiac pacing. Despite an intrinsically high cost, pacemaker implantation is feasible and useful in selected indications in developing countries.
Hydroxyurea is an antineoplasic agent usually used in myeloproliferative syndromes, but also in o... more Hydroxyurea is an antineoplasic agent usually used in myeloproliferative syndromes, but also in other benign pathological circumstances. Several dermatological manifestations have been recognized as being secondary to its prolonged use, of which the leg ulcer. We report an observation. Mrs. L.D, 47 years, were hospitalized on July 14, 2004 for an ulcer of left ankle in a feverish context. She was followed since 2001 for a chronic myelogenous leukaemia, and took hydroxyurea at a rate of 1500 mg per day, with a good clinical and hematologic answer. She presented a painful ulcer compared to the left external malleolus, with purulent bottom, without signs of vascular attack. The hemogram showed a hyperleucocytosis with 24.000 white elements/mm3 with neutrophilic polynucleosis. Pus sample on the ulcer showed Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the blood culture was negative. The cure was obtained two months after stopping hydroxyurea. The ulcer of leg related to hydroxyurea is a seldom described...
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2011
Adult-onset Still's disease is a uncommon form of inflammatory rheumatism. It has rarely been... more Adult-onset Still's disease is a uncommon form of inflammatory rheumatism. It has rarely been reported in black Africa. The purpose of this report is to describe a case in a 49-year-old woman from Dakar, Senegal.
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2011
The purpose of this report is to describe a case of abdominal actinomycosis (Actinomyces israelii... more The purpose of this report is to describe a case of abdominal actinomycosis (Actinomyces israelii) with a pseudo-tumoral appearance in a 57-year-old Senegalese woman.
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2008
Posters have become an essential tool for dissemination of study findings at medical meetings. By... more Posters have become an essential tool for dissemination of study findings at medical meetings. By presenting a quick snapshot, posters can be an effective means of communicating the main findings of the research quickly and of stimulating rewarding exchanges with the people in attendance. Success depends on catching and holding the attention of passing attendees long enough to establish contact and share knowledge and experience. The purpose of this article is to provide a few guidelines and techniques for preparing and presenting effective and clear research posters at scientific meetings.
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2007
In contradiction with long-standing conventional wisdom that it is a rich country's disease, ... more In contradiction with long-standing conventional wisdom that it is a rich country's disease, diabetes mellitus is increasingly a major concern in developing countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Care facilities have not kept pace with the sharp increase in diabetes mellitus. The WHO has predicted a worldwide rise in the prevalence of diabetes that is expected to affect 300 million people by 2025. This progression is more flagrant in developing countries particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. In these countries, the expansion of diabetes is part of a broader epidemiological transition from transmissible diseases to non-transmissible diseases. A number of factors are causing this transition including aging of the population, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity. Aside from obesity, arterial hypertension is the main cardiovascular risk factor associated with diabetes. Alone or in association with other risk factors, diabetes mellitus accounts for high morbidity especially due to ca...
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2007
The PubMed search engine is an essential tool to stay abreast of the latest medical literature on... more The PubMed search engine is an essential tool to stay abreast of the latest medical literature on specific topics. While the basic search techniques are common knowledge, the ability to use medical subject headings properly is an essential in obtaining valuable references. The purpose of this article is to explain what medical subject headings are and how they can be used to improve the results of reference searches in PubMed.
Authors relate spiral CT scan in pulmonary embolism about four cases : such as the surgical aspec... more Authors relate spiral CT scan in pulmonary embolism about four cases : such as the surgical aspect, peri partum cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular collapsus, chest pains. In all cases spiral volumetric CT angiography Scan confirmed the diagnosis. So spiral CT scan proves to be a precious diagnosis tool that facilitates of multicentric study of pulmonary embolism. However, its effectiveness in the detection of isolated and segmentary embolism requires a thorough evaluation.
Dysenteric syndromes are relatively frequent in tropical areas, due essentially to infectious eti... more Dysenteric syndromes are relatively frequent in tropical areas, due essentially to infectious etiologies, constituted by flimsy pathogenic agents outside and possibilities of laboratory investigations little available. The authors evaluated during two years (1990-2000) the results of 399 parasitological examinations and 419 bacteriological examinations concerning dysenteric syndromes admitted to the laboratory of "Hopital Principal de Dakar". The objective of these examination is to contribute to the management of cases. The patients are divided into two groups: the first group is constituted by children less than two years old hospitalised in the pediatric services, and the second group includes all the other patients. The parasitological studies schow that parasitic etiologies are almost non existent in the first group while in the second group, they are essentially represented by Entamoeba histolytic with 19.5% of prevalence. The bacteriological studies show 42.7% of po...
The adult T-cells lymphoma-leukemia is a serious complication by the HTLV-1 infection. It is a ra... more The adult T-cells lymphoma-leukemia is a serious complication by the HTLV-1 infection. It is a rarely described diseases in Africa, in spite of the frequency of the infection by this virus. We report two clinical observations of lymphomatous forms. The first observation concerned a 43 year old Senegalese woman, admitted for a deep alteration of her general status and peripheral polyadenopathies. The adenopathy biopsy set up the diagnosis of pleiomorph T lymphoma with great and medium cells. The HTLV-1 serology was positive. She had benefited of six polychemotherapy cures (cyclophosphamide, farmarubicine, oncovin, prednisone) within which she died in a cachectic presentation. The second observation concerned a 44 year old Senegalese man, admitted for peripheral polyadenopathies, ulcerated lesions of sole of the foot, and deep alteration of the general status. He presented a moderate hypercalcemia by 117 mg/l. The histological examination of a ganglionar biopsy concluded to a diffuse ...
Journal de gynécologie, obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction, 2003
The aims of this study were to record the different types of hypertension associated with pregnan... more The aims of this study were to record the different types of hypertension associated with pregnancy and to assess the incidence of hypertension and its gravity in Senegal. Over a two-year period, a cohort of pregnant women with hypertension according to the American working group classification of hypertension and pregnancy, was studied. A group of 47 non hypertensive women were matched for age and parity. Modalities of delivery were studied: maternal death, type of delivery, birth weight. Among 2,400 deliveries, hypertension was observed in 94 women wih, mean age 33 years. The incidence of hypertension was 3.9% and the incidence of preeclampsia was 2.5%. The different types of hypertension were: Type I: 44 (47%), Type II: 16 (17%), Type III: 18 (19%), Type IV: 16 (17%). Echocardiography showed 30 cases of left ventricle hypertrophy with 3 cases of systolic dysfunction. Thirty-five patients had undergone a caesarean. Forty-seven infants had a birth weight below 2,000 g. Maternal mor...
Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (1990), 2001
Cosmetic use of bleaching agents to clear skin is widespread among black West African women. In D... more Cosmetic use of bleaching agents to clear skin is widespread among black West African women. In Dakar, most products used for whole body applications contain highly potent corticosteroids. Whereas cutaneous adverse effects are well described, little is known about possible systemic consequences. In order to assess transcutaneous absorption of glucocorticoids, hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis functionality can be tested. We measured plasma cortisol concentration at 8 h and 1 h after intramuscular injection of 250 micrograms of cosyntropin (Synacthen) in 12 women with a more than 10 years use of bleaching agents. Cortisol at 8 H was also measured in 9 non exposed women without disease or treatment able to disturb glucocorticoids metabolism. All controls had 8 H cortisol concentration (mean = 521 +/- 113 nmol/l) above the minimal normal level considered by our laboratory. The 8 H cortisol concentrations were under the minimal normal level in 9 exposed women and the overall mean value...
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2001
The Senegalese army has acquired extensive experience in malaria prophylaxis in Sub-Saharan Afric... more The Senegalese army has acquired extensive experience in malaria prophylaxis in Sub-Saharan Africa. Until the early 90s, chloroquine-based drug prophylaxis was routinely administered during the transmission season. Currently this policy has been abandoned inside the country in favor of early treatment of infection. This change was made possible by the presence of qualified staff in all barracks. For extraterritorial interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa, drug prophylaxis is still used since most of the Senegalese population lives in the Sahelian zone without immunity to malaria and most host countries are in areas of high transmission. Treatment protocols have been defined in function of Plasmodium drug sensitivity in each country. For all West African nations except Nigeria, the protocol involves a combination of choroquine and proguanil at a dose of 300 mg per week and 200 mg per day respectively. For Central African nations in the south and east as well as for Nigeria, either meflo...
Since the 1950s, the UN Statistical Division has encouraged nations to standardize the definition... more Since the 1950s, the UN Statistical Division has encouraged nations to standardize the definitions used in data collection. A key concept in censuses and surveys is the household: This is the unit for which information is collected and analyzed, and is thus an important dimension of data that are the basis for many policies. We aim to understand the tensions between conformity with UN guidelines and national priorities. We analyze the documentation around the UN household definition over this period. Using detailed census and survey documentary data for several African countries, especially Burkina Faso, Senegal, Uganda, and Tanzania, we examine the disparities between national census definitions of “household” and the UN definition. Perspectives from interviews with key informants within national statistical offices demonstrate the variability in the importance accorded to the UN harmonization aims and the problems that arise when these standardized approaches interact with local norms and living arrangements.
DEcrites pour la premiere fois par Thibierge et Weissenbach, les calcifications sous-cutanEes con... more DEcrites pour la premiere fois par Thibierge et Weissenbach, les calcifications sous-cutanEes constituent une complication fr&tuente de la scldrodermie syst6mique, puisqu'elles sont observ6es chez 10 h 25 % des patients, et tout particuli6rement chez ceux ayant un CREST syndrome. Elles si~gent essentiellement an niveau des mains (86 % des cas), leurs autres localisations (avant-bras, coudes, genoux) Etant plus inhabituelles. Nous rapportons l'observation originale d'une patiente porteuse d'une sclErodermie systEmique, ayant prEsentE une pseudo-tumeur de l'6panle gauche secondaire ~t une calcinose sous-cutanEe. Une patiente, ~g6e de 61 ans, est hospitalisEe en juillet 2001 pour une volnmineuse tum6faction pr6scapulaire gauche. Ses antEcEdents sont marquEs par une sclErodermie systEmique de type CREST 6voluant depuis 1995. A l'admission, l'examen clinique r6v~le une pseudotumeur (10 cm x 14 era) inflammatoire et douloureuse ~t la palpation situEe en regard de l'Epanle gauche. Les examens biologiques sont normaux, et notamment le bilan phosphocalcique. La radiographie et le scanner de l'6panle gauche objectivent une calcification <~ exubErante >~ et hEt6rog~ne, localis6e an niveau de ]'articulation scapnlo-humErale gauche. En raison du caract~re hyperalgique de la lesion, une exEr~se chirurgicale est rEalisEe, l'analyse histologique de cette calcification mettant en Evidence l'existence de cristanx d'hydroxyapatite. La calcinose pseudo-tumorale est une complication rare de la scl6rodermie systEmique, sa prevalence 6tant estimEe ~t 1%. Les mEcanismes physiopathologiques qui concourent ~t la survenue de cette calcinose sous-cutan6e sont mal ElucidEs ; ils sont probablement intriqu6s (r61e de microtranmatismes, de facteurs vasculaires et inflammatoires), les calcifications apparaissant tardivement au cours de la maladie et en l'absence d'anomalies du mEtabolisme phosphocalcique.
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2005
Clinical and laboratory features, complications and treatment were retrospectively studied in 70 ... more Clinical and laboratory features, complications and treatment were retrospectively studied in 70 patients with bacteriologically documented typhoid fever, treated between January 1995 and June 2002 at Principal Hospital in Dakar, Senegal. Data analysis was done on a global basis as well as comparatively between the 37 children (under 15 years) and 33 adults. Mean age was 16.7 years (range, 1 to 52). The sex ratio was 1.4. Clinical manifestations included fever (97%), headache (50%), vomiting (71%), abdominal pain (54%), diarrhoea (49%), nnd splenomegaly (10%) without statistically significant difference between children and adults. Lyinphopenia was found in 51% of patients and anaemia in 78%. Coexisting illnesses Included malaria in 25.5% (mainly children) and hepatitis (transminases > 10N) in 24%. Complications included cholecystitis in 3 patients, gastrointestinal haemorrhage in 2, peritonitis in one, endocnrditis in one and osteomyelitis in one. Only one patient (HIV-positive)...
The frequency of conductive trouble is not know in West-Africa where the evacuation to Europe and... more The frequency of conductive trouble is not know in West-Africa where the evacuation to Europe and the cardiology institute of Abidjan has been for long time the only possibility to implant stimulators. We analyse our experience, the problems ant the perspectives. Over a three year period 92 patients (47 men, 45 women) were implanted using new (47%) or a recycled pacemaker. The technique used was essentially endoveinous (sub-clavicular puncture) except 2 children. The medium length of treatment was 24 months. Syncope was noticed at the entrance in most 50% of cases. The degenerative etiology was dominant in 85%. Most cases (87%) used the VVI mode. Complications comprised 3 leads deplacements, 5 infections, 1 pacemaker syndrome and 1 death by mesenteria ischemia. Seven patients died later without any relation of cardiac pacing. Despite an intrinsically high cost, pacemaker implantation is feasible and useful in selected indications in developing countries.
Hydroxyurea is an antineoplasic agent usually used in myeloproliferative syndromes, but also in o... more Hydroxyurea is an antineoplasic agent usually used in myeloproliferative syndromes, but also in other benign pathological circumstances. Several dermatological manifestations have been recognized as being secondary to its prolonged use, of which the leg ulcer. We report an observation. Mrs. L.D, 47 years, were hospitalized on July 14, 2004 for an ulcer of left ankle in a feverish context. She was followed since 2001 for a chronic myelogenous leukaemia, and took hydroxyurea at a rate of 1500 mg per day, with a good clinical and hematologic answer. She presented a painful ulcer compared to the left external malleolus, with purulent bottom, without signs of vascular attack. The hemogram showed a hyperleucocytosis with 24.000 white elements/mm3 with neutrophilic polynucleosis. Pus sample on the ulcer showed Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the blood culture was negative. The cure was obtained two months after stopping hydroxyurea. The ulcer of leg related to hydroxyurea is a seldom described...
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2011
Adult-onset Still's disease is a uncommon form of inflammatory rheumatism. It has rarely been... more Adult-onset Still's disease is a uncommon form of inflammatory rheumatism. It has rarely been reported in black Africa. The purpose of this report is to describe a case in a 49-year-old woman from Dakar, Senegal.
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2011
The purpose of this report is to describe a case of abdominal actinomycosis (Actinomyces israelii... more The purpose of this report is to describe a case of abdominal actinomycosis (Actinomyces israelii) with a pseudo-tumoral appearance in a 57-year-old Senegalese woman.
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2008
Posters have become an essential tool for dissemination of study findings at medical meetings. By... more Posters have become an essential tool for dissemination of study findings at medical meetings. By presenting a quick snapshot, posters can be an effective means of communicating the main findings of the research quickly and of stimulating rewarding exchanges with the people in attendance. Success depends on catching and holding the attention of passing attendees long enough to establish contact and share knowledge and experience. The purpose of this article is to provide a few guidelines and techniques for preparing and presenting effective and clear research posters at scientific meetings.
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2007
In contradiction with long-standing conventional wisdom that it is a rich country's disease, ... more In contradiction with long-standing conventional wisdom that it is a rich country's disease, diabetes mellitus is increasingly a major concern in developing countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Care facilities have not kept pace with the sharp increase in diabetes mellitus. The WHO has predicted a worldwide rise in the prevalence of diabetes that is expected to affect 300 million people by 2025. This progression is more flagrant in developing countries particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. In these countries, the expansion of diabetes is part of a broader epidemiological transition from transmissible diseases to non-transmissible diseases. A number of factors are causing this transition including aging of the population, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity. Aside from obesity, arterial hypertension is the main cardiovascular risk factor associated with diabetes. Alone or in association with other risk factors, diabetes mellitus accounts for high morbidity especially due to ca...
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2007
The PubMed search engine is an essential tool to stay abreast of the latest medical literature on... more The PubMed search engine is an essential tool to stay abreast of the latest medical literature on specific topics. While the basic search techniques are common knowledge, the ability to use medical subject headings properly is an essential in obtaining valuable references. The purpose of this article is to explain what medical subject headings are and how they can be used to improve the results of reference searches in PubMed.
Authors relate spiral CT scan in pulmonary embolism about four cases : such as the surgical aspec... more Authors relate spiral CT scan in pulmonary embolism about four cases : such as the surgical aspect, peri partum cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular collapsus, chest pains. In all cases spiral volumetric CT angiography Scan confirmed the diagnosis. So spiral CT scan proves to be a precious diagnosis tool that facilitates of multicentric study of pulmonary embolism. However, its effectiveness in the detection of isolated and segmentary embolism requires a thorough evaluation.
Dysenteric syndromes are relatively frequent in tropical areas, due essentially to infectious eti... more Dysenteric syndromes are relatively frequent in tropical areas, due essentially to infectious etiologies, constituted by flimsy pathogenic agents outside and possibilities of laboratory investigations little available. The authors evaluated during two years (1990-2000) the results of 399 parasitological examinations and 419 bacteriological examinations concerning dysenteric syndromes admitted to the laboratory of "Hopital Principal de Dakar". The objective of these examination is to contribute to the management of cases. The patients are divided into two groups: the first group is constituted by children less than two years old hospitalised in the pediatric services, and the second group includes all the other patients. The parasitological studies schow that parasitic etiologies are almost non existent in the first group while in the second group, they are essentially represented by Entamoeba histolytic with 19.5% of prevalence. The bacteriological studies show 42.7% of po...
The adult T-cells lymphoma-leukemia is a serious complication by the HTLV-1 infection. It is a ra... more The adult T-cells lymphoma-leukemia is a serious complication by the HTLV-1 infection. It is a rarely described diseases in Africa, in spite of the frequency of the infection by this virus. We report two clinical observations of lymphomatous forms. The first observation concerned a 43 year old Senegalese woman, admitted for a deep alteration of her general status and peripheral polyadenopathies. The adenopathy biopsy set up the diagnosis of pleiomorph T lymphoma with great and medium cells. The HTLV-1 serology was positive. She had benefited of six polychemotherapy cures (cyclophosphamide, farmarubicine, oncovin, prednisone) within which she died in a cachectic presentation. The second observation concerned a 44 year old Senegalese man, admitted for peripheral polyadenopathies, ulcerated lesions of sole of the foot, and deep alteration of the general status. He presented a moderate hypercalcemia by 117 mg/l. The histological examination of a ganglionar biopsy concluded to a diffuse ...
Journal de gynécologie, obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction, 2003
The aims of this study were to record the different types of hypertension associated with pregnan... more The aims of this study were to record the different types of hypertension associated with pregnancy and to assess the incidence of hypertension and its gravity in Senegal. Over a two-year period, a cohort of pregnant women with hypertension according to the American working group classification of hypertension and pregnancy, was studied. A group of 47 non hypertensive women were matched for age and parity. Modalities of delivery were studied: maternal death, type of delivery, birth weight. Among 2,400 deliveries, hypertension was observed in 94 women wih, mean age 33 years. The incidence of hypertension was 3.9% and the incidence of preeclampsia was 2.5%. The different types of hypertension were: Type I: 44 (47%), Type II: 16 (17%), Type III: 18 (19%), Type IV: 16 (17%). Echocardiography showed 30 cases of left ventricle hypertrophy with 3 cases of systolic dysfunction. Thirty-five patients had undergone a caesarean. Forty-seven infants had a birth weight below 2,000 g. Maternal mor...
Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (1990), 2001
Cosmetic use of bleaching agents to clear skin is widespread among black West African women. In D... more Cosmetic use of bleaching agents to clear skin is widespread among black West African women. In Dakar, most products used for whole body applications contain highly potent corticosteroids. Whereas cutaneous adverse effects are well described, little is known about possible systemic consequences. In order to assess transcutaneous absorption of glucocorticoids, hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis functionality can be tested. We measured plasma cortisol concentration at 8 h and 1 h after intramuscular injection of 250 micrograms of cosyntropin (Synacthen) in 12 women with a more than 10 years use of bleaching agents. Cortisol at 8 H was also measured in 9 non exposed women without disease or treatment able to disturb glucocorticoids metabolism. All controls had 8 H cortisol concentration (mean = 521 +/- 113 nmol/l) above the minimal normal level considered by our laboratory. The 8 H cortisol concentrations were under the minimal normal level in 9 exposed women and the overall mean value...
Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial, 2001
The Senegalese army has acquired extensive experience in malaria prophylaxis in Sub-Saharan Afric... more The Senegalese army has acquired extensive experience in malaria prophylaxis in Sub-Saharan Africa. Until the early 90s, chloroquine-based drug prophylaxis was routinely administered during the transmission season. Currently this policy has been abandoned inside the country in favor of early treatment of infection. This change was made possible by the presence of qualified staff in all barracks. For extraterritorial interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa, drug prophylaxis is still used since most of the Senegalese population lives in the Sahelian zone without immunity to malaria and most host countries are in areas of high transmission. Treatment protocols have been defined in function of Plasmodium drug sensitivity in each country. For all West African nations except Nigeria, the protocol involves a combination of choroquine and proguanil at a dose of 300 mg per week and 200 mg per day respectively. For Central African nations in the south and east as well as for Nigeria, either meflo...
Papers by S. Gning