Papers by imam sujarwanto
Guided discovery learning is expected to increase students'
mathematical reasoning skill... more Abstract
Guided discovery learning is expected to increase students'
mathematical reasoning skills class IX-E SMP Negeri 1 Jaken. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Observation techniques are used to formulate the problem, data analysis, preparation of conjecture (forecasts), verbalization conjecture, provide practice questions. While the reasoning used to determine the ability of test techniques. Indicators of mathematical reasoning ability tests in this study include presenting mathematical statements, either orally, in writing, drawings, and diagrams, filed allegations, perform mathematical manipulations, draw conclusions, compile evidence, giving reasons or evidence against several
solutions, drawing conclusions from the statement, check the validity of an argument and find a pattern or mathematical nature of the symptoms to make generalizations. The results showed that the learning guided discovery walk very well to be able to improve all students' mathematical reasoning ability IX-E in SMP Negeri 1 Jaken Pati can be enhanced through guided discovery learning with an average increase of 6.7.
The aim of research enhance the ability to speak in describing the image using the write-pair sha... more The aim of research enhance the ability to speak in describing the image using the write-pair share in class X 8, in the academic year 2014/2015. Classroom action research conducted in two cycles. The research instrument was a questionnaire, observation, and practice tests speak. Data analysis using descriptive. The result of study are Cycle 1 an average percentage of 50.2%, the criteria of "Good", Cycle 2 average of 78.6%, including the criteria of "Very Good". Concluded use the write method pair share can increase students' skills in speaking English in describing the image so that teachers can implement this method in teaching and learning to improve their speaking ability.
Other by imam sujarwanto
Guided discovery learning is expected to increase students' mathematical reasoning skills class I... more Guided discovery learning is expected to increase students' mathematical reasoning skills class IX-E SMP Negeri 1 Jaken. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Observation techniques are used to formulate the problem, data analysis, preparation of conjecture (forecasts), verbalization conjecture, provide practice questions. While the reasoning used to determine the ability of test techniques. Indicators of mathematical reasoning ability tests in this study include presenting mathematical statements, either orally, in writing, drawings, and diagrams, filed allegations, perform mathematical manipulations, draw conclusions, compile evidence, giving reasons or evidence against several solutions, drawing conclusions from the statement, check the validity of an argument and find a pattern or mathematical nature of the symptoms to make generalizations. The results showed that the learning guided discovery walk very well to be able to improve all students' mathematical reasoning ability IX-E in SMP Negeri 1 Jaken Pati can be enhanced through guided discovery learning with an average increase of 6.7. Abstrak Pembelajaran penemuan terbimbing diharapkan dapat meningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa kelas IX-E SMP Negeri 1 Jaken. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Teknik Observasi digunakan untuk me-rumuskan masalah, analisis data, penyusunan konjektur (prakiraan), verbalisasi konjektur, memberikan soal latihan. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui kemampuan penalaran digunakan teknik tes. Indikator tes kemampuan penalaran matematis dalam penelitian ini meliputi menyajikan pernyataan matematika secara lisan, tertulis, gambar, dan diagram, mengajukan dugaan, melakukan manipulasi matematika, menarik kesimpulan, menyusun bukti, memberikan alasan atau bukti terhadap beberapa solusi, menarik kesimpulan dari pernyataan, memeriksa kesahihan suatu argumen dan menemukan pola atau sifat dari gejala matematis untuk membuat generalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran penemuan terbimbing berjalan dengan sangat baik untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan ke-mampuan penalaran matematis siswa IX-E di SMP Negeri 1 Jaken Pati dapat ditingkatkan melalui pembelajaran penemuan terbimbing dengan rata-rata peningkatannya 6,7.
Papers by imam sujarwanto
Guided discovery learning is expected to increase students'
mathematical reasoning skills class IX-E SMP Negeri 1 Jaken. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Observation techniques are used to formulate the problem, data analysis, preparation of conjecture (forecasts), verbalization conjecture, provide practice questions. While the reasoning used to determine the ability of test techniques. Indicators of mathematical reasoning ability tests in this study include presenting mathematical statements, either orally, in writing, drawings, and diagrams, filed allegations, perform mathematical manipulations, draw conclusions, compile evidence, giving reasons or evidence against several
solutions, drawing conclusions from the statement, check the validity of an argument and find a pattern or mathematical nature of the symptoms to make generalizations. The results showed that the learning guided discovery walk very well to be able to improve all students' mathematical reasoning ability IX-E in SMP Negeri 1 Jaken Pati can be enhanced through guided discovery learning with an average increase of 6.7.
Other by imam sujarwanto
Guided discovery learning is expected to increase students'
mathematical reasoning skills class IX-E SMP Negeri 1 Jaken. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Observation techniques are used to formulate the problem, data analysis, preparation of conjecture (forecasts), verbalization conjecture, provide practice questions. While the reasoning used to determine the ability of test techniques. Indicators of mathematical reasoning ability tests in this study include presenting mathematical statements, either orally, in writing, drawings, and diagrams, filed allegations, perform mathematical manipulations, draw conclusions, compile evidence, giving reasons or evidence against several
solutions, drawing conclusions from the statement, check the validity of an argument and find a pattern or mathematical nature of the symptoms to make generalizations. The results showed that the learning guided discovery walk very well to be able to improve all students' mathematical reasoning ability IX-E in SMP Negeri 1 Jaken Pati can be enhanced through guided discovery learning with an average increase of 6.7.