The current study investigates the factors influencing EFL students' decisions and how much time ... more The current study investigates the factors influencing EFL students' decisions and how much time most students spend listening to podcasts in extensive listening courses by English students in the Education Department at a public university in Indonesia. In this study, 113 EFL students were asked what factors influenced their decisions and how much time they spent listening to podcasts in their extensive listening classes. Students were also instructed to participate in monthly reports to help them understand what they heard. The teacher accomplished this by distributing podcasts over four months during long listening sessions. A closed-ended survey via Google Forms inquired about the factors that matter and how long to use a podcast in a listening class. The closed-ended questionnaire's mean and standard deviation percentages were calculated using SPPS version 20, and there is no significant statistical finding. The amount of time spent on podcasts was thoroughly examined. The study's findings revealed that the usefulness factor greatly influenced EFL students' decisions to use podcasts in their listening classes. Then, the enjoyment and relative advantages factors differed significantly from the other four factors. Furthermore, it was discovered that most students set aside 15-30 minutes during their extensive listening classes to use the podcast. Moreover, this study suggests that educators incorporate podcasts into their instructional practices to improve students' listening skills. This recommendation recognizes podcasts as an effective technology-mediated learning tool for enhancing EFL teaching and learning while also assisting students in academic success, particularly in extensive listening skills.
This study investigates the effectiveness of Pictionary games as a tool to teach senior high scho... more This study investigates the effectiveness of Pictionary games as a tool to teach senior high school students vocabulary. In order to accomplish this purpose, this study was conducted in the 10th grade of a senior high school in Banten Province, Indonesia. The data used a quantitative research methodology by implementing a quasi-experimental research design. The population in this study was students of class a senior high school in Banten Province, Indonesia, and took 72 students as a sample divided into two classes. Cluster random sampling was used to select the class, and the result of random cluster sampling was obtained with 10 MIA 2 as the experimental class and 10 IIS 2 as the control class. The pre-test and post-test were selected as the research instrument to know the effectiveness of Pictionary games. The researchers used Normality and Homogeneity tests to analyze the study's data. After collecting the students’ pretest and post-test, the researchers measured the results...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
Nowadays, many computer programs are used in the teaching of writing in the context of English as... more Nowadays, many computer programs are used in the teaching of writing in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL). One of the functions of the computer programs is to provide feedback to EFL students’ writing so that the quality of their writing can be improved. This study aimed to investigate whether the use of free automated writing evaluation (AWE) tools affect undergraduate EFL students’ writing skills. In this experimental study, 35 Indonesian undergraduate students of English education department were asked to use two AWE tools, Grammarly and Grammark, in the writing course over four months. Data for this study were collected by using tests and questionnaire. Pre-test, middle test, and post-test were administered to examine the students’ writing skill improvement. The findings indicate that the sequenced use of two AWE tools, Grammarly followed by Grammark, had a beneficial effect on students’ writing skill improvement. This study confirms the benefits of free AWE too...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu kefektifan penggunaan film kartun terhadap pengua... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu kefektifan penggunaan film kartun terhadap penguasaan kosakata di kelas 7 SMPN 2 Kota Serang. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa t-hitung (20.2) lebih tinggi dari t-table (1.99) dalam perhitungan tingkat signifikannya sebesar 5%. Itu artinya null hypothesis (Ho) ditolak dan alternative hypothesis (Ha) diterima dan adanya perbedaan skor di kelas eksperimental yang lebih besar daripada kelas kontrol. Untuk itu dapat dismipulkan bahwa film kartun efektif untuk penguasaan kosakata di kelas 7 di SMPN 2 Kota Serang dan sebagai salah satu media yang dapat membantu para siswa untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam belajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencari tahu keefektifan penggunaan lagu pop berbahasa inggris terhad... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencari tahu keefektifan penggunaan lagu pop berbahasa inggris terhadap pemahaman menyimak siswa di kelas 10 di SMAN 5 Kota Serang. Hasil nilai rata-rata siswa pre-test adalah 45.17 untuk ekskperimental dan 46 untuk kelas kontrol. Hasil rata-rata siswa post-test adalah 78 untuk experimental dan 71.67 untuk kelas kontrol. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan lagu pop berbahasa inggri efektif terhadap pemahaman siswa dalam menyimak. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan lagu pop berbahasa inggris efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak para siswa dan para guru dapat menggunakan lagu pop berbahasa Inggris sebagai media untuk membantu kesulitan para siswa khususnya dalam hal menyimak dan juga meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak mereka
PROCEEDING AISELT (Annual International Seminar on English Language Teaching), Sep 30, 2017
The objective of the research was to find out The Influence of Using Duo Lingo Games. In this res... more The objective of the research was to find out The Influence of Using Duo Lingo Games. In this research, the researcher conducted quantitative method by implementing true experimental design. The population of this research all of the students of seventh grade at SMPN 2 Kota Serang, and the sample were the students of VII B as experimental class and VII C as control class. The classes were chosen by cluster random sampling. The instrument used in collecting the data was test, In analyzing the data the researcher used T-test. The result of the calculation showed that in the significance degree of 5% was t count (4,61) was higher than t table (1,99). It means the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and it can be seen score of experimental class is higher than those of control class. Therefore, it can be concluded that Duo Lingo Game is effective on the students' vocabulary mastery text at the seventh grade of SMPN 2 Kota Serang. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that mobile game especially Duo Lingo Game can be implemented in teaching vocabulary mastery.
This paper aims to provide some ideas both for English teachers and target learners about how to ... more This paper aims to provide some ideas both for English teachers and target learners about how to apply CALL and Cooperative Learning as the solution to develop students' listening activities in the classroom. Since teachers need to understand about students' needs, background, age and expectations when they learn English as the foreign language in the classroom. Therefore, the English teacher should provide environment which facilitates the children to have fun di the teaching learning process, nice atmosphere, comfort and enjoyable to learn English and practice it both in the classroom and in the laboratory. Furthermore, this paper will provide what the teachers should do related activities such as: listening to the songs, movies, cartoon by applying STAD (Students Teams-Achievement Divisions) in the classroom in order to develop students' listening ability both in the classroom and laboratory.
Listening becomes the first step in learning. Nation and Newton (2012 : 37) states that listening... more Listening becomes the first step in learning. Nation and Newton (2012 : 37) states that listening is the natural precursor to speaking; the early stages of language development in a person‘s first language. The objective of the research is to find out the influence of using podcast in teaching listening skill. In order to achieve the objective of this research, the researcher conducted the data through true experimental in quantitative approach. The researcher used cluster random sampling. The researcher took control class and experimental class for gathering the data to be analyzed. Based on the calculation, it was normally distributed and homogen. Based on the result of test of mean difference significant (independent ), it was Calculated or 0.33 2.01. The alternative hypothesis was received. It can be concluded that there was an influence of using podcast in teaching listening at tenth grade of SMAN 2 kota Serang.
Effective learners have gained understanding of the individual and social processes necessary to ... more Effective learners have gained understanding of the individual and social processes necessary to learn how to learn. Since learning is an activity of making meaning construction not simply of receiving. The social dimension is always present, and in social contexts collaboration supports learning. Then, in the context of language education, listening is recognized as the first skill that learnt by the students in the EFL classroom. However, some problems are commonly found in the process of learning to listen the material in form of English. Students are usually less confident and often confuse to start to listen the material in the EFL classroom, especially in the extensive listening class. To minimize this problem, this study is aimed at discovering an alternative method in learning listening material by using Podcast and then the students discuss the material with their friends. So, by giving interpretative tasks then make a peer assessment in the laboratory hopefully covered th...
Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) has been considered a potential pedagogical technique that exp... more Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) has been considered a potential pedagogical technique that exploits technology to assist the students' writing. However, little attention has been devoted to examining students' perceptions of Grammarly use in higher education context. This paper aims to obtain information regarding the writing process and the merits and drawbacks of Grammarly use among Indonesian undergraduate EFL students. A hundred (n=100) students majoring in English education from a public university in Banten Province were involved in this research. They were divided into three groups of users, i.e., first-, second-, and third-year student cohorts, to test whether the frequency of using Grammarly can affect their perceptions of Grammarly use in a writing class. A questionnaire and an interview guide were used to obtain the data. While the questionnaire results were analyzed using SPSS version 20, the interview results were coded and categorized based on common themes. The findings showed that there is no difference among student cohorts in their perceiving that the use of Grammarly was considered necessary to compose and revise their writing because they still dealt with several writing constraints. They thought they got immediate and comprehensive feedback, notifications of errors, and suggestions to revise the errors. Furthermore, the frequency of using Grammarly, as viewed from the student cohorts, may affect their perceptions of usefulness and drawbacks of Grammarly use, especially whether Grammarly's feedback is always helpful or not. Examining the opportunities of using Grammarly in sparking a constructive learning atmosphere in EFL writing class is worth-researching further.
This research was intended to design a supplementary listening material that could help students ... more This research was intended to design a supplementary listening material that could help students to meet their needs in improving their listening skill. This materials would be build through an application that could be operated through personal computer or android. This research employed innovative work (R&D). It will follow the models of creating instructional materials which include Needs assessments, Product planning and design, Preliminary product development, Preliminary field testing, Product revision, Main field testing and Final product revision. [1] The objective of this study was to explain and describe the process of designing and using the supplementary listening material. In addition, this research was also aimed at finding out the influence of using the supplementary listening materials for undergraduate students. To answer the research questions, questionnaire and test were used as the instruments of the research to gain the data. Then the data were analyzed quantitatively by utilizing recurrence and rate. The most elevated rate were considered as the representation on the undergraduate condition. After that point, the recommendation and the remarks were dissected descriptively to decide the substance of the listening materials.
This research was conducted to seek the compatibility between the syllabus of Introduction to Lit... more This research was conducted to seek the compatibility between the syllabus of Introduction to Literature Subject in English Department of UNTIRTA with the need of English Department students of UNTIRTA. The aims of this research are: 1) To find out what kind of English literature materials that English Department students need nowadays; 2) To find out the materials of English literature in the syllabus of Introduction to Literature; 3) To find out the kind of English literature syllabus needed by students of English Department in UNTIRTA. The objects of the research are limited to the syllabus of Introduction to Literature in English Department and the students of English Department in UNTIRTA. The theories used here are the theories of literature, curriculum implementation through syllabus and need analysis. This study is a qualitative research, a design and development program on English literature syllabus. This study is carried out in the undergraduate English Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in UNTIRTA. To ensure the validity and reliability of the results, the data were collected through the documentation of Introduction to Literature syllabus, the syllabus design and development, and the expert's evaluation. The data from Introduction to Literature syllabus was analyzed to compare and relate it to the results of the needs analysis. Eventually, the evaluated syllabus was improved and reconstructed.
This present study aims to explore the students' perception of applying Randall's ESL cyber liste... more This present study aims to explore the students' perception of applying Randall's ESL cyber listening lab in the interpretive listening class. To do so, 40 students in the second semester in a state university at Banten provience, Indonesia, took part in this study. This research implemented qualitative research method. Then the data analysed by using descriptive statistics. Data taken from questionnaire that distributed to 40 students. The questions in the questionnaire sheet consists of ten questions and divided into three part in order to achieve the maximum results about the students' perception of using Randall's ESL cyber listening lab. The results showed that option yes was chosen by most of the students as the samples of this study. It means that the students were agree that Randall's ESL cyber listening lab gave positive effects in the teaching learning process in the language laboratory and can be used as one of the source in the listening class that make the listening class interesting and challenging. Moreover, Randall's ESL cyber listening lab is really recommended for other teachers and students who want to learn listening in and out of the class room since in this research the students' gave positive perception after applied the Randalls' ESL cyber listening lab.
In the context of language education, listening is recognized as the first skill that learnt by t... more In the context of language education, listening is recognized as the first skill that learnt by the students in the EFL classroom. However, some problems are commonly found in the process of learning to listen the material in form of English. Students are usually less confident and often confuse to start to listen the material in the EFL classroom. To minimize this problem, this study is aimed at discovering alternative tool in learning listening material by using Podcast. Four instruments were chosen to reveal students’ listening skill, they were: direct observation, questionnaire, interview and test. Direct observation was conducted three times, Likert Scale with five options was applied for questionnaires, close interview was conducted at the end of teaching learning process and the tests were conducted to check the students understanding of the materials. Moreover this research used one class in the third semester of English department in Untirta. The result of this research sho...
The current study investigates the factors influencing EFL students' decisions and how much time ... more The current study investigates the factors influencing EFL students' decisions and how much time most students spend listening to podcasts in extensive listening courses by English students in the Education Department at a public university in Indonesia. In this study, 113 EFL students were asked what factors influenced their decisions and how much time they spent listening to podcasts in their extensive listening classes. Students were also instructed to participate in monthly reports to help them understand what they heard. The teacher accomplished this by distributing podcasts over four months during long listening sessions. A closed-ended survey via Google Forms inquired about the factors that matter and how long to use a podcast in a listening class. The closed-ended questionnaire's mean and standard deviation percentages were calculated using SPPS version 20, and there is no significant statistical finding. The amount of time spent on podcasts was thoroughly examined. The study's findings revealed that the usefulness factor greatly influenced EFL students' decisions to use podcasts in their listening classes. Then, the enjoyment and relative advantages factors differed significantly from the other four factors. Furthermore, it was discovered that most students set aside 15-30 minutes during their extensive listening classes to use the podcast. Moreover, this study suggests that educators incorporate podcasts into their instructional practices to improve students' listening skills. This recommendation recognizes podcasts as an effective technology-mediated learning tool for enhancing EFL teaching and learning while also assisting students in academic success, particularly in extensive listening skills.
This study investigates the effectiveness of Pictionary games as a tool to teach senior high scho... more This study investigates the effectiveness of Pictionary games as a tool to teach senior high school students vocabulary. In order to accomplish this purpose, this study was conducted in the 10th grade of a senior high school in Banten Province, Indonesia. The data used a quantitative research methodology by implementing a quasi-experimental research design. The population in this study was students of class a senior high school in Banten Province, Indonesia, and took 72 students as a sample divided into two classes. Cluster random sampling was used to select the class, and the result of random cluster sampling was obtained with 10 MIA 2 as the experimental class and 10 IIS 2 as the control class. The pre-test and post-test were selected as the research instrument to know the effectiveness of Pictionary games. The researchers used Normality and Homogeneity tests to analyze the study's data. After collecting the students’ pretest and post-test, the researchers measured the results...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
Nowadays, many computer programs are used in the teaching of writing in the context of English as... more Nowadays, many computer programs are used in the teaching of writing in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL). One of the functions of the computer programs is to provide feedback to EFL students’ writing so that the quality of their writing can be improved. This study aimed to investigate whether the use of free automated writing evaluation (AWE) tools affect undergraduate EFL students’ writing skills. In this experimental study, 35 Indonesian undergraduate students of English education department were asked to use two AWE tools, Grammarly and Grammark, in the writing course over four months. Data for this study were collected by using tests and questionnaire. Pre-test, middle test, and post-test were administered to examine the students’ writing skill improvement. The findings indicate that the sequenced use of two AWE tools, Grammarly followed by Grammark, had a beneficial effect on students’ writing skill improvement. This study confirms the benefits of free AWE too...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu kefektifan penggunaan film kartun terhadap pengua... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu kefektifan penggunaan film kartun terhadap penguasaan kosakata di kelas 7 SMPN 2 Kota Serang. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa t-hitung (20.2) lebih tinggi dari t-table (1.99) dalam perhitungan tingkat signifikannya sebesar 5%. Itu artinya null hypothesis (Ho) ditolak dan alternative hypothesis (Ha) diterima dan adanya perbedaan skor di kelas eksperimental yang lebih besar daripada kelas kontrol. Untuk itu dapat dismipulkan bahwa film kartun efektif untuk penguasaan kosakata di kelas 7 di SMPN 2 Kota Serang dan sebagai salah satu media yang dapat membantu para siswa untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam belajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencari tahu keefektifan penggunaan lagu pop berbahasa inggris terhad... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencari tahu keefektifan penggunaan lagu pop berbahasa inggris terhadap pemahaman menyimak siswa di kelas 10 di SMAN 5 Kota Serang. Hasil nilai rata-rata siswa pre-test adalah 45.17 untuk ekskperimental dan 46 untuk kelas kontrol. Hasil rata-rata siswa post-test adalah 78 untuk experimental dan 71.67 untuk kelas kontrol. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan lagu pop berbahasa inggri efektif terhadap pemahaman siswa dalam menyimak. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan lagu pop berbahasa inggris efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak para siswa dan para guru dapat menggunakan lagu pop berbahasa Inggris sebagai media untuk membantu kesulitan para siswa khususnya dalam hal menyimak dan juga meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak mereka
PROCEEDING AISELT (Annual International Seminar on English Language Teaching), Sep 30, 2017
The objective of the research was to find out The Influence of Using Duo Lingo Games. In this res... more The objective of the research was to find out The Influence of Using Duo Lingo Games. In this research, the researcher conducted quantitative method by implementing true experimental design. The population of this research all of the students of seventh grade at SMPN 2 Kota Serang, and the sample were the students of VII B as experimental class and VII C as control class. The classes were chosen by cluster random sampling. The instrument used in collecting the data was test, In analyzing the data the researcher used T-test. The result of the calculation showed that in the significance degree of 5% was t count (4,61) was higher than t table (1,99). It means the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and it can be seen score of experimental class is higher than those of control class. Therefore, it can be concluded that Duo Lingo Game is effective on the students' vocabulary mastery text at the seventh grade of SMPN 2 Kota Serang. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that mobile game especially Duo Lingo Game can be implemented in teaching vocabulary mastery.
This paper aims to provide some ideas both for English teachers and target learners about how to ... more This paper aims to provide some ideas both for English teachers and target learners about how to apply CALL and Cooperative Learning as the solution to develop students' listening activities in the classroom. Since teachers need to understand about students' needs, background, age and expectations when they learn English as the foreign language in the classroom. Therefore, the English teacher should provide environment which facilitates the children to have fun di the teaching learning process, nice atmosphere, comfort and enjoyable to learn English and practice it both in the classroom and in the laboratory. Furthermore, this paper will provide what the teachers should do related activities such as: listening to the songs, movies, cartoon by applying STAD (Students Teams-Achievement Divisions) in the classroom in order to develop students' listening ability both in the classroom and laboratory.
Listening becomes the first step in learning. Nation and Newton (2012 : 37) states that listening... more Listening becomes the first step in learning. Nation and Newton (2012 : 37) states that listening is the natural precursor to speaking; the early stages of language development in a person‘s first language. The objective of the research is to find out the influence of using podcast in teaching listening skill. In order to achieve the objective of this research, the researcher conducted the data through true experimental in quantitative approach. The researcher used cluster random sampling. The researcher took control class and experimental class for gathering the data to be analyzed. Based on the calculation, it was normally distributed and homogen. Based on the result of test of mean difference significant (independent ), it was Calculated or 0.33 2.01. The alternative hypothesis was received. It can be concluded that there was an influence of using podcast in teaching listening at tenth grade of SMAN 2 kota Serang.
Effective learners have gained understanding of the individual and social processes necessary to ... more Effective learners have gained understanding of the individual and social processes necessary to learn how to learn. Since learning is an activity of making meaning construction not simply of receiving. The social dimension is always present, and in social contexts collaboration supports learning. Then, in the context of language education, listening is recognized as the first skill that learnt by the students in the EFL classroom. However, some problems are commonly found in the process of learning to listen the material in form of English. Students are usually less confident and often confuse to start to listen the material in the EFL classroom, especially in the extensive listening class. To minimize this problem, this study is aimed at discovering an alternative method in learning listening material by using Podcast and then the students discuss the material with their friends. So, by giving interpretative tasks then make a peer assessment in the laboratory hopefully covered th...
Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) has been considered a potential pedagogical technique that exp... more Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) has been considered a potential pedagogical technique that exploits technology to assist the students' writing. However, little attention has been devoted to examining students' perceptions of Grammarly use in higher education context. This paper aims to obtain information regarding the writing process and the merits and drawbacks of Grammarly use among Indonesian undergraduate EFL students. A hundred (n=100) students majoring in English education from a public university in Banten Province were involved in this research. They were divided into three groups of users, i.e., first-, second-, and third-year student cohorts, to test whether the frequency of using Grammarly can affect their perceptions of Grammarly use in a writing class. A questionnaire and an interview guide were used to obtain the data. While the questionnaire results were analyzed using SPSS version 20, the interview results were coded and categorized based on common themes. The findings showed that there is no difference among student cohorts in their perceiving that the use of Grammarly was considered necessary to compose and revise their writing because they still dealt with several writing constraints. They thought they got immediate and comprehensive feedback, notifications of errors, and suggestions to revise the errors. Furthermore, the frequency of using Grammarly, as viewed from the student cohorts, may affect their perceptions of usefulness and drawbacks of Grammarly use, especially whether Grammarly's feedback is always helpful or not. Examining the opportunities of using Grammarly in sparking a constructive learning atmosphere in EFL writing class is worth-researching further.
This research was intended to design a supplementary listening material that could help students ... more This research was intended to design a supplementary listening material that could help students to meet their needs in improving their listening skill. This materials would be build through an application that could be operated through personal computer or android. This research employed innovative work (R&D). It will follow the models of creating instructional materials which include Needs assessments, Product planning and design, Preliminary product development, Preliminary field testing, Product revision, Main field testing and Final product revision. [1] The objective of this study was to explain and describe the process of designing and using the supplementary listening material. In addition, this research was also aimed at finding out the influence of using the supplementary listening materials for undergraduate students. To answer the research questions, questionnaire and test were used as the instruments of the research to gain the data. Then the data were analyzed quantitatively by utilizing recurrence and rate. The most elevated rate were considered as the representation on the undergraduate condition. After that point, the recommendation and the remarks were dissected descriptively to decide the substance of the listening materials.
This research was conducted to seek the compatibility between the syllabus of Introduction to Lit... more This research was conducted to seek the compatibility between the syllabus of Introduction to Literature Subject in English Department of UNTIRTA with the need of English Department students of UNTIRTA. The aims of this research are: 1) To find out what kind of English literature materials that English Department students need nowadays; 2) To find out the materials of English literature in the syllabus of Introduction to Literature; 3) To find out the kind of English literature syllabus needed by students of English Department in UNTIRTA. The objects of the research are limited to the syllabus of Introduction to Literature in English Department and the students of English Department in UNTIRTA. The theories used here are the theories of literature, curriculum implementation through syllabus and need analysis. This study is a qualitative research, a design and development program on English literature syllabus. This study is carried out in the undergraduate English Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in UNTIRTA. To ensure the validity and reliability of the results, the data were collected through the documentation of Introduction to Literature syllabus, the syllabus design and development, and the expert's evaluation. The data from Introduction to Literature syllabus was analyzed to compare and relate it to the results of the needs analysis. Eventually, the evaluated syllabus was improved and reconstructed.
This present study aims to explore the students' perception of applying Randall's ESL cyber liste... more This present study aims to explore the students' perception of applying Randall's ESL cyber listening lab in the interpretive listening class. To do so, 40 students in the second semester in a state university at Banten provience, Indonesia, took part in this study. This research implemented qualitative research method. Then the data analysed by using descriptive statistics. Data taken from questionnaire that distributed to 40 students. The questions in the questionnaire sheet consists of ten questions and divided into three part in order to achieve the maximum results about the students' perception of using Randall's ESL cyber listening lab. The results showed that option yes was chosen by most of the students as the samples of this study. It means that the students were agree that Randall's ESL cyber listening lab gave positive effects in the teaching learning process in the language laboratory and can be used as one of the source in the listening class that make the listening class interesting and challenging. Moreover, Randall's ESL cyber listening lab is really recommended for other teachers and students who want to learn listening in and out of the class room since in this research the students' gave positive perception after applied the Randalls' ESL cyber listening lab.
In the context of language education, listening is recognized as the first skill that learnt by t... more In the context of language education, listening is recognized as the first skill that learnt by the students in the EFL classroom. However, some problems are commonly found in the process of learning to listen the material in form of English. Students are usually less confident and often confuse to start to listen the material in the EFL classroom. To minimize this problem, this study is aimed at discovering alternative tool in learning listening material by using Podcast. Four instruments were chosen to reveal students’ listening skill, they were: direct observation, questionnaire, interview and test. Direct observation was conducted three times, Likert Scale with five options was applied for questionnaires, close interview was conducted at the end of teaching learning process and the tests were conducted to check the students understanding of the materials. Moreover this research used one class in the third semester of English department in Untirta. The result of this research sho...