Scientific articles by Francesco Casales
«Memoria e ricerca», 2022
This paper engages with the debate over the history of Italian racism. Specifically, it focuses o... more This paper engages with the debate over the history of Italian racism. Specifically, it focuses on the racializing strategies employed by a series of short children’s stories (Collezione Marzocco per la Gioventù Araba del Littorio), published in 1939 and targeted for a colonial audience. After
a brief sketch of the role and functions of colonial literature, on the one hand, and of Gioventù Araba del Littorio, on the other, the article will dwell into the racist ideological standpoints put forward in these twenty short stories. It will then be argued that the pedagogical strategies there endorsed opened up to potential fractures within the Imperial racism of the late Thirties.
«Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale», 2022
«Studi Culturali», 2020
This essay deals with four Italian colonial novels published between 1925 and 1934. It aims at hi... more This essay deals with four Italian colonial novels published between 1925 and 1934. It aims at highlighting the degree of interconnection between race-based and genderbased narratives in the Italian cultural experience of the Overseas. The main focus is on the colonial novel as an archive of models of masculinity and whiteness; not a coherent archive, but a complex and contradictory one. After a brief overview of the editorial history of the phenomenon of colonial novel in general, I will argue that the four models of virility that can be found in these novels are utterly incompatible and, at the same time, that they are built around a coherent core (the undoubted supremacy of the white man) and deployed through the same narrative structure (a racialized set of narrative functions).
«Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale», 2021
«Modern Italy», 2020
This essay focuses on the racialising devices that characterise some Italian colonial novels. Spe... more This essay focuses on the racialising devices that characterise some Italian colonial novels. Specifically, it looks at two novels of the late 1920s-Enrico Cappellina's Un canto nella notte. Romanzo coloniale and Guido Milanesi's La sperduta di Allahwith the aim of highlighting the continuities and discontinuities between the racist models they endorse. A critical close reading of the texts reveals the degree of interconnection between segregationist and inclusivist interpretations of the cross-racial colonial encounter in the first half of the ventennio. With this perspective, the 1936 imperial turning point, even though critical on the institutional level, appears less so in the cultural field of racist production.
Books by Francesco Casales
Se di questi romanzi non si è più sentito parlare, se è sembrato che scomparissero nel nulla, non... more Se di questi romanzi non si è più sentito parlare, se è sembrato che scomparissero nel nulla, non significa che non abbiano continuato a operare sottotraccia nella ridefinizione della cultura dell'Italia repubblicana. Dimenticare non significò cancellare, ma rifiutarsi di elaborare un passato scomodo. Prezzo al pubblico Euro 26,00
Pavia University Press, 2022
Introduction. Conflicting subject. Between Clash and Recognition
Luca Bellia, Francesco Casales,... more Introduction. Conflicting subject. Between Clash and Recognition
Luca Bellia, Francesco Casales, Enrico Ciappi e Carlotta Marchi .............. p. 7
Tra schiavitù e libertà. Status e diritti nello spazio caraibico, XIX secolo
Matilde Flamigni ....................................................................................... p. 13
A Land to Call Their Own: Colonization of the Bashkir Steppe, Land
Conflicts and Situational Identities in the Russian Empire, 1861-1917
Paul van Dijk ............................................................................................. p. 29
Processes of Black Subjectivation in Great Britain: the Mobilization
Against the Italian Invasion of Ethiopia, 1935-36
Giulio Fugazzotto ...................................................................................... p. 45
Ripensando l’eccezione lusofona. (Post)memorie traumatiche nel contesto
di colonizzazione portoghese
Rebecca Bentes Saldanha Pereira ............................................................... p. 63
Legionari italiani vis-à-vis con il Vietminh
Mariella Terzoli ......................................................................................... p. 81
Nella famiglia libera e nuova. Il conflitto simbolico: l’ideologizzazione
di Taras Ševčenko nella diaspora ucraina in Canada
Elisa Lucente ............................................................................................. p. 97
Le radici storiche dell’attuale conflittualità spaziale sino-statunitense
Tonio Savina ............................................................................................ p. 117
«Women aren’t funny»: lotte e strategie per il riconoscimento
della comicità politica femminile a Saturday Night Live
Matteo Marinello .................................................................................... p. 133
Superheroes in Cyberspace. A Historical and Philosophical Reading
of Italians Civil Disobedience
Elisabetta Randon ................................................................................... p. 149
Book Reviews by Francesco Casales
«Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale», 2021
Laboratoire italien, 2022
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 7 février 2022. Laboratoire italien-Politique et soci... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 7 février 2022. Laboratoire italien-Politique et société est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Pas de Modification 4.0 International.
Laboratoire italien, 2021
Laboratoire Italien, 2021
Laboratoire italien-Politique et société est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Cre... more Laboratoire italien-Politique et société est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Pas de Modification 4.0 International.
«Laboratoire Italien», 2020
Questo documento è stato generato automaticamente il 17 décembre 2020. Laboratoire italien-Politi... more Questo documento è stato generato automaticamente il 17 décembre 2020. Laboratoire italien-Politique et société est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Pas de Modification 4.0 International.
Review - Storia di un ruscello by Elisee Reclus
Scientific articles by Francesco Casales
a brief sketch of the role and functions of colonial literature, on the one hand, and of Gioventù Araba del Littorio, on the other, the article will dwell into the racist ideological standpoints put forward in these twenty short stories. It will then be argued that the pedagogical strategies there endorsed opened up to potential fractures within the Imperial racism of the late Thirties.
Books by Francesco Casales
Luca Bellia, Francesco Casales, Enrico Ciappi e Carlotta Marchi .............. p. 7
Tra schiavitù e libertà. Status e diritti nello spazio caraibico, XIX secolo
Matilde Flamigni ....................................................................................... p. 13
A Land to Call Their Own: Colonization of the Bashkir Steppe, Land
Conflicts and Situational Identities in the Russian Empire, 1861-1917
Paul van Dijk ............................................................................................. p. 29
Processes of Black Subjectivation in Great Britain: the Mobilization
Against the Italian Invasion of Ethiopia, 1935-36
Giulio Fugazzotto ...................................................................................... p. 45
Ripensando l’eccezione lusofona. (Post)memorie traumatiche nel contesto
di colonizzazione portoghese
Rebecca Bentes Saldanha Pereira ............................................................... p. 63
Legionari italiani vis-à-vis con il Vietminh
Mariella Terzoli ......................................................................................... p. 81
Nella famiglia libera e nuova. Il conflitto simbolico: l’ideologizzazione
di Taras Ševčenko nella diaspora ucraina in Canada
Elisa Lucente ............................................................................................. p. 97
Le radici storiche dell’attuale conflittualità spaziale sino-statunitense
Tonio Savina ............................................................................................ p. 117
«Women aren’t funny»: lotte e strategie per il riconoscimento
della comicità politica femminile a Saturday Night Live
Matteo Marinello .................................................................................... p. 133
Superheroes in Cyberspace. A Historical and Philosophical Reading
of Italians Civil Disobedience
Elisabetta Randon ................................................................................... p. 149
Book Reviews by Francesco Casales
a brief sketch of the role and functions of colonial literature, on the one hand, and of Gioventù Araba del Littorio, on the other, the article will dwell into the racist ideological standpoints put forward in these twenty short stories. It will then be argued that the pedagogical strategies there endorsed opened up to potential fractures within the Imperial racism of the late Thirties.
Luca Bellia, Francesco Casales, Enrico Ciappi e Carlotta Marchi .............. p. 7
Tra schiavitù e libertà. Status e diritti nello spazio caraibico, XIX secolo
Matilde Flamigni ....................................................................................... p. 13
A Land to Call Their Own: Colonization of the Bashkir Steppe, Land
Conflicts and Situational Identities in the Russian Empire, 1861-1917
Paul van Dijk ............................................................................................. p. 29
Processes of Black Subjectivation in Great Britain: the Mobilization
Against the Italian Invasion of Ethiopia, 1935-36
Giulio Fugazzotto ...................................................................................... p. 45
Ripensando l’eccezione lusofona. (Post)memorie traumatiche nel contesto
di colonizzazione portoghese
Rebecca Bentes Saldanha Pereira ............................................................... p. 63
Legionari italiani vis-à-vis con il Vietminh
Mariella Terzoli ......................................................................................... p. 81
Nella famiglia libera e nuova. Il conflitto simbolico: l’ideologizzazione
di Taras Ševčenko nella diaspora ucraina in Canada
Elisa Lucente ............................................................................................. p. 97
Le radici storiche dell’attuale conflittualità spaziale sino-statunitense
Tonio Savina ............................................................................................ p. 117
«Women aren’t funny»: lotte e strategie per il riconoscimento
della comicità politica femminile a Saturday Night Live
Matteo Marinello .................................................................................... p. 133
Superheroes in Cyberspace. A Historical and Philosophical Reading
of Italians Civil Disobedience
Elisabetta Randon ................................................................................... p. 149