Papers by Elisabeth Richard
If language biography „is based on the individual’s ability to recount the constituent elements o... more If language biography „is based on the individual’s ability to recount the constituent elements of his or her experience in the linguistic and cultural domains” (Molinié, 2006: 1), we argue that this ability to recount is exemplary among allophone authors who have become writers in French and that their language (auto)biographies constitute a corpus that should be promoted for the teaching of literature in FLE. Each author is in fact an autobiographer who, text after text, continues to „reappropriate his or her own language history as it has been constituted over time” (Perregaux, 2002: 83). The works, written by learners who have already become authors, all recount the hazards of learning French, whether in an institutional or informal context, and the difficulty of the in-between languages and cultures (Alcoba, Alexakis, Cheng, Djavann, Huston, Kang, Svit, Wei-Wei...). These works are all marked by doubling and interlocution, and even when French has been known for a long time, by...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2014
International audienc
En collaboration avec les équipes du projet MSHB - ARS (EA 3149) et GETBO (EA 3878)
L'ouvrage etudie les representations de la langue orale que donne le texte de Jean-Luc Lagard... more L'ouvrage etudie les representations de la langue orale que donne le texte de Jean-Luc Lagarde Juste la fin du monde. Il traite successivement du dedoublement metalangagier (J. Authier-Revuz & C. Doquet, chap. 1), de la ponctuation blanche (M. Favriaud & F. Minion, chap. 2), des procedes syntaxiques de mise en relief (N. Tanguy), des anaphores resomptives (F. Lefeuvre) et enfin de la repetition (E. Richard & M. Noailly). Si l’oral spontane peut etre decrit comme une langue dynamique, en mouvement, souvent hesitante, pietinante, la langue de Lagarce fait sa richesse de ces tâtonnements, elle avance avec prudence, se retracte parfois, reformule souvent mais avance toujours. Des phrases tres breves aux propositions extensibles entrecoupees de parentheses parfois multiples, le texte questionne les notions de segmentation et singulierement de phrase. Tout un ensemble d’elements montrent et demontent le fil du discours en train de se faire : retours a la ligne, pauses, hesitations, parentheses, ruptures, repetitions. C’est, au premier sens du terme, l’enonciation qui est ici mise en scene.
Semen, 2015
La répétition chez un même locuteur 1.1. Répétition et mise en scène S'il est assez ordinaire, à ... more La répétition chez un même locuteur 1.1. Répétition et mise en scène S'il est assez ordinaire, à l'oral comme à l'écrit, qu'un locuteur, heurté dans le qui-va-de-soi de son énonciation (J. Authier-Revuz), revienne sur un mot pour mieux le circonscrire ou le commenter, comme dans l'exemple (1), l'annuler, comme en (2), ou le renvoyer à un Autre, comme en (3) par exemple :
Santé Publique, 2019
OBJECTIVE: Information on risk levels is an essential part of the prevention of colorectal cancer... more OBJECTIVE: Information on risk levels is an essential part of the prevention of colorectal cancer (CRC). The objective of this article is to describe a tailored intervention carried out to inform the protagonists about the high risk of CRC due to family history and then to understand, through an interdisciplinary analysis, the mechanisms implemented during the intervention. METHOD: A randomized trial design was applied. The primary outcome was the colonoscopy uptake. The intervention concerned firstly the index patients with CRC or adenoma to advise and accompany them in the transmission of information about the elevated risk for their siblings. The siblings received tailored counselling carried out by a preventive nurse, by telephone then by mail. Epidemiological, linguistic and sociological cross-analyzes were carried out to understand the impact of the intervention. RESULTS: Colonoscopy rate was 56.3% in the intervention group, 35.4% in the control group (P = 0.0027; 304 siblings). The linguistic analysis of recorded nurse's interventions showed that, following the intervention (N = 59), the prevention themes were better assimilated while they remained vague and questioned in the discourse of the control siblings who had carried out the colonoscopy (N = 8). That was confirmed by the sociological analysis (four families) which also revealed the importance of information received from a health professional and of communication within families. CONCLUSION: The study showed the impact of transmission of information to convince siblings at high risk of CRC to carry out colonoscopy.
L Information Grammaticale, 2004
La these envisage la repetition sous le double aspect de ses formes syntaxiques et de leurs contr... more La these envisage la repetition sous le double aspect de ses formes syntaxiques et de leurs contreparties interpretatives. La premieer partie passe en revue les differentes acceptions du terme repetition, en differenciant les reprises grammaticales, referentielles et semiques. La repetition est alors redefinie comme le "retour a l'identique d'un element lexical au sein d'une meme proposition ou, a la rigueur, de deux propositions successives". La seconde partie est consacree aux tautologies attributives et disjonctives qui marquent des distinguos notionnels ; la troisieme aux redoublements d'adverbes, d'adjectifs, de verbes, de propositions qui signalent une intensification ; et la derniere, aux repetitions de recentrage qui trahissent, chez le locuteur, une volonte d'ajuster son discours a ses intentions communicatives. L'ensemble de la these demontre que la repetition est une affaire de parcours : la repetition montre et dit le parcours de toutes les caracteristiques possibles d'un X sans en elire une particulierement. Cote reception, par la repetition du meme, le locuteur force la tres lourde responsabilite de prendre a sa charge la totale reinterpretation de l'enonce. La rhetorique voyait dans la repetition une emotion, la these met en avant un moyen argumentatif des plus puissants pour dire sans dire.
L Information Grammaticale, 2002
Richard Élisabeth. La répétition comme relance syntaxique. In: L'Information Grammaticale, N.... more Richard Élisabeth. La répétition comme relance syntaxique. In: L'Information Grammaticale, N. 92, 2002. pp. 13-18
…, 2009
... Antropologia Medica, 19-20 (2009) 79-92. From the doctor's psychotropic medication to th... more ... Antropologia Medica, 19-20 (2009) 79-92. From the doctor's psychotropic medication to the patient's remedies, or subversion of medicalisation. ...
If literature crosses the ages, the sudden irruption of a socio-political context of war makes ce... more If literature crosses the ages, the sudden irruption of a socio-political context of war makes certain texts particularly resonant and exposes the vital necessity of literature to transcend the trials of time.
Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique
In this article we study a corpus of written work by allophonic secondary school pupils (aged 11-... more In this article we study a corpus of written work by allophonic secondary school pupils (aged 11-15), the majority of which are Turkish native speakers whose language at school is French. Although their written work in French does not conform with conventional spelling due to the fact that it is based on sound, the linguistic description of the corpus also shows that it does not comply either with phonetic spelling. Their written work both testifies to a number of skills acquired through learning and provides an explanation as to the origin of their spelling mistakes. It is our contention that the strategies of French language spelling are for the most part based on the paradigmatic dimension of the language, independently of its segmental dimension structuring its verbal or nominal units.
International audienceLes travaux de Michèle Noailly ouvrent des perspectives toujours novatrices... more International audienceLes travaux de Michèle Noailly ouvrent des perspectives toujours novatrices d’analyse de la langue française et c’est dans cet esprit que s’inscrit ce livre. Qu’il s’agisse de dénomination, de qualification ou de syntaxe, ces contributions revisitent et réévaluent les phénomènes de normes et d’intégration syntaxique interrogeant sans cesse les marges de la grammaire
Sous la direction d'Élisabeth Richard, Marie-Claude Le Bot, Martine Schuwer... [et al.].ISBN ... more Sous la direction d'Élisabeth Richard, Marie-Claude Le Bot, Martine Schuwer... [et al.].ISBN : 978-2-7535-1057-9.Titre de forme : Mélanges. Noailly, Michèle.<br
In this article, we deal with listening comprehension skills as we would like to define it anew i... more In this article, we deal with listening comprehension skills as we would like to define it anew in light of an oral speech analysis perspective insisting on developing the communicative expertise. In order to do so, we rely on a methodology that implies observation and analysis of oral speech and that highlights the language dynamics and the multiple enunciative point of views structuring radio programme debates.
Papers by Elisabeth Richard