Papers by Loïc GAUDIN
International audienceCet ouvrage rassemble les actes du colloque organisé par l'association ... more International audienceCet ouvrage rassemble les actes du colloque organisé par l'association d’étude du monde rural gallo-romain AGER et l’UMR 6566 Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, CNRS-université Rennes I, à Rennes, les 27 et 28 octobre 2004, à l’initiative de Vincent Bernard, chercheur CNRS.La thématique du colloque touche à des terrains et à des formes d’occupation du sol considérés, déjà dans l’Antiquité, comme marginales à l’espace cultivé (ager) mais dont les ressources participent à l’équilibre du système agropastoral illustré par la trilogie canonique ager, silva, saltus, l’espace cultivé, la forêt et la friche, c’est-à-dire l’espace cultivé laissé en repos
Silva et saltus en Gaule Romaine : Dynamique et gestion des forêts et des zones rurales marginales, 2014
Forêts, Friches, landes, marais... et cultures dans l'ouest de la Gaule : dynamique spatio-tempor... more Forêts, Friches, landes, marais... et cultures dans l'ouest de la Gaule : dynamique spatio-temporelle des données archéobotaniques au début du subatlantique dans le massiF armoricain loïc Gaudin 1 , Vincent bernard 2 , dominique marGuerie 3
Introduction: Hepatitis B is a major health problem in the world and Iran. Vaccination is the bes... more Introduction: Hepatitis B is a major health problem in the world and Iran. Vaccination is the best way to prevent this disease. The risk of transmission among health care workers is more than other people in community. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine among health personnel working in a hospital in West of Iran. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the 2014, on 104 voluntary personnel from different sections of the hospital. After hospital ethical committee clearance, subjects have vaccinated three times were selected. The antibody titer level as an indicator vaccination effectiveness, was measured using ELISA test. Demographic information was recorded in a author-made questionnaire that its validity and reliability was confirmed by experts. The independent t-test was used to determine the relationship between antibody titer and age, the analysis of variance was applied do define its relation with the other variables. Linear regression was used to Maleki F et al
Le Néolithique final. Les faits. Les matériaux organiques et minéraux
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2010
Résumé/Abstract Le niveau coquillier de Beg-an-Dorchenn (Plomeur, Finistère) a fait l'ob... more Résumé/Abstract Le niveau coquillier de Beg-an-Dorchenn (Plomeur, Finistère) a fait l'objet d'une étude interdisciplinaire visant, d'une part à calculer la valeur de l'effet réservoir pour cette zone du littoral atlantique, d'autre part à comprendre comment les hommes du ...
Zijad BEĆIROVIĆ* ISLAMSKA RAZLIČICA ODNOSOV Z JAVNOSTMI P Po ov vz ze et te ek k: : Komunikacija,... more Zijad BEĆIROVIĆ* ISLAMSKA RAZLIČICA ODNOSOV Z JAVNOSTMI P Po ov vz ze et te ek k: : Komunikacija, utemeljena na islamskem pravu, je pravzaprav povsem nekaj drugega, kot je pojmujejo nepoznavalci islamskega prava. Fatva določa pravila vedenja islamskega človeka v situacijah, ki so nejasne ali sporne in se v veliki meri nanašajo na komuniciranje in druga področja delovanja ali tudi celotnega življenja. Idžtihad je dejavnost, ki ima za cilj pojasniti temelje islamskega zakona. Je ena od najbolj pomembnih specifičnosti in značilnosti islamske kulture, ker se prav z njim dokazuje sodobnost in aktualnost islamskega zakona za vse čase in vse kraje. Komuniciranje v islamsko-arabskih družbah je mešanica zahodnega koncepta ter upoštevanja islamskega prava oziroma posameznega tradicionalnega okolja. Kakšno je razmerje v tej mešanici je odvisno od posameznega okolja oziroma države, v kateri komuniciranje poteka. K Kl lj ju uč čn ni i p po oj jm mi i: : fatva, islamsko pravo, odnosi z javnostmi, šeriat, idžtihad, islamska družba, politično komuniciranje, mufti, mudžtehid, mediji, komunikacija, islamska kultura, responsa, fikh, islamski človek Uvod 1 Kulturni model določa način življenja, življenjske usmeritve, predpisuje prepovedi, predvideva omejitve in predpisuje tabuje. Cilj vsakega vrednotnega sistema, ki je določen s kulturo, je vzpostavitev reda v družbi. Da bi razumeli vrednote drugih, je potrebno preučevati pomene njihovih kultur, pri tem pa se moramo naslanjati na našo lastno kulturo, ki nam lahko pomaga razumeti drugo kulturo, vendar nam ne more služiti kot vzorec, ki bi bil v primerjavi z drugo kulturo merilo popolnosti. Fatva določa pravila vedenja islamskega človeka v situacijah, ki so nejasne ali sporne in se v veliki meri nanašajo na komuniciranje in druga področja delovanja ter celotnega življenja (poslovanje, trgovanje, komuniciranje z nemuslimani...). Gre IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ČLANEK * Mag. Zijad Bećirović, direktor Mednarodnega inštituta za medreligijske in mednacionalne ter Bližnjevzhodne študije (IFIMES) Ljubljana. 1 Standardni mednarodni sistemi transkripcije arabskih imen in nazivov glede na specifične sestavine arabskega jezika se ne morejo v celoti uporabiti, ker odstopajo od duha slovenskega jezika. Zaradi tega je uporabljena transkripcija, ki je najbližja slovenski varianti izgovorjave arabskih imen in nazivov.
Les Dossiers Du Centre Regional Archeologique D Alet, 2002
New methodologies using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and statistical tools were develop... more New methodologies using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and statistical tools were developed to provide new elements to the interpretation of fossil pollen records on the large spatial scale of northwestern France. The originality of these methods lies in the analysis of the spatial distribution of the archaeobotanical data in order to identify correlations with other spatial parameters such as geological, climatic, pedological, topographical and archaeological characteristics. 218 pollen analyses from northwestern France and a series of thematic maps (geological, archaeological, climatic, etc.) were used. The application of numerical analyses makes it possible to describe the spatial distribution of pollen data at a regional scale, and to identify spatial correlations between pollen data and other environmental parameters, and between archaeobotanical groups, archaeological and abiotic parameters simultaneously. Two examples are presented and discussed: (A) The spatial distributions of the predominance of hazel over oak between 6700 and 5700 cal B.P. and of modern precipitation are shown to be positively correlated, i.e. hazel is dominant in the most humid areas of the region. (B) The pollen data from the Bronze Age show associations of (1) pollen groups ascribed to meadows, shrubland, and forests with cooler temperatures, higher altitudes and northern latitudes, and (2) pollen groups ascribed to moor environments and anthropogenic vegetation with warmer temperatures, southern latitudes and lower altitudes. The latter implies that the agricultural landscapes of the Bronze Age were mainly confined to southern latitudes and low altitudes of the region, while the areas characterised by high altitudes and low temperatures were characterised by extensive activities such as grazing by cattle. Keywords Holocene pollen data Á Spatial analysis Á Geo-statistics Á Explanatory models Á Northwestern France Communicated by M.-J. Gaillard.
Silva et saltus en Gaule romaine : dynamique et gestion des forêts et des zones rurales marginale... more Silva et saltus en Gaule romaine : dynamique et gestion des forêts et des zones rurales marginales. Actes du colloque AGER VII, Rennes, 27-28 octobre 2004.
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2008
New methodologies using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and statistical tools were develop... more New methodologies using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and statistical tools were developed to provide new elements to the interpretation of fossil pollen records on the large spatial scale of north-western France. The originality of these methods lies in the analysis of the spatial distribution of the archaeobotanical data in order to identify correlations with other spatial parameters such as geological, climatic, pedological, topographical and archaeological characteristics. 218 pollen analyses from north-western France and a series of thematic maps (geological, archaeological, climatic, etc.) were used. The application of numerical analyses makes it possible to describe the spatial distribution of pollen data at a regional scale, and to identify spatial correlations between pollen data and other environmental parameters, and between archaeobotanical groups, archaeological and abiotic parameters simultaneously. Two examples are presented and discussed: (A) The spatial distributions of the predominance of hazel over oak between 6700 and 5700 cal b.p. and of modern precipitation are shown to be positively correlated, i.e. hazel is dominant in the most humid areas of the region. (B) The pollen data from the Bronze Age show associations of (1) pollen groups ascribed to meadows, shrubland, and forests with cooler temperatures, higher altitudes and northern latitudes, and (2) pollen groups ascribed to moor environments and anthropogenic vegetation with warmer temperatures, southern latitudes and lower altitudes. The latter implies that the agricultural landscapes of the Bronze Age were mainly confined to southern latitudes and low altitudes of the region, while the areas characterised by high altitudes and low temperatures were characterised by extensive activities such as grazing by cattle.
Thesis Chapters by Loïc GAUDIN
To study and to represent space-time evolution of the Armorican vegetation (N-W France) since th... more To study and to represent space-time evolution of the Armorican vegetation (N-W France) since the end of the last glaciation, a method using cartographic (GIS) and statistical tools was developed. This work involved the recording of 150000 spatial data (archeobotanic, geographical, geological, archaeological…) and analysis methods were developed. Thus, for each period we tried to obtain :
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
To study and to represent space-time evolution of the Armorican vegetation (N-W France) since th... more To study and to represent space-time evolution of the Armorican vegetation (N-W France) since the end of the last glaciation, a method using cartographic (GIS) and statistical tools was developed. This work involved the recording of 150000 spatial data (archeobotanic, geographical, geological, archaeological…) and analysis methods were developed. Thus, for each period we tried to obtain :
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
To study and to represent space-time evolution of the Armorican vegetation (N-W France) since th... more To study and to represent space-time evolution of the Armorican vegetation (N-W France) since the end of the last glaciation, a method using cartographic (GIS) and statistical tools was developed. This work involved the recording of 150000 spatial data (archeobotanic, geographical, geological, archaeological…) and analysis methods were developed. Thus, for each period we tried to obtain :
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
To study and to represent space-time evolution of the Armorican vegetation (N-W France) since th... more To study and to represent space-time evolution of the Armorican vegetation (N-W France) since the end of the last glaciation, a method using cartographic (GIS) and statistical tools was developed. This work involved the recording of 150000 spatial data (archeobotanic, geographical, geological, archaeological…) and analysis methods were developed. Thus, for each period we tried to obtain :
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
Book Reviews by Loïc GAUDIN
Papers by Loïc GAUDIN
Thesis Chapters by Loïc GAUDIN
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
Book Reviews by Loïc GAUDIN
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.
layout trends of the archeobotanic data (e.g. krigeage of the AP),
space correlations between palaeo-environmental parameters and human activities,
global studies of the archeobotanic and abiotic data thanks to multivariate analysis.
To promote the archeobotanic results, past-vegetation reconstitutions of three sites with natural or cultural patrimonial vocations were integrated in landscape planning projects.