Proceedings by Ina Reiche

Actes du Colloque Science des Matériaux du Patrimoine Culturel 2, Paris 20-21 novembre 2012, p. 12-17., 2013
Archaeological bone materials have registered a wealth of information on climatic and environment... more Archaeological bone materials have registered a wealth of information on climatic and environmental conditions, as well as on diets, in their chemical and isotopic composition. They represent, particularly for prehistoric periods, a key source of information. However, such markers of the environment and the human behaviour can be modified during their burial time and anthropogenic transformations by heating for instance. Modern experimental and archaeological heated as well as unheated bone material (Bize-Tournal, France, 15000 BP; Abri Pataud, France, 22000-33000 BP; Song Terus, Indonésie, 5000-70000 BP) have been studied using a top-down analytical strategy from the macro- to the microscale (FTIR, FTIR -ATR, Raman, SEM, μPIXE-PIGE, μSAXS and isotopic analyses) in order to better assess the influence of such alteration processes on the informative potential of archaeological bone remains. The application of the established methodology provided a better understanding of archaeological data, particularly in the framework of geochronological information obtained by 14C dating of calcined bones (case of Abri Pataud, Dordogne). It is, therefore, expected that the new analytical protocols will allow to better select the samples in order to extract more reliable archaeological information while minimising the amount of necessary material.
Potentiel informatif des ossements chauffés en contexte archéologique : imagerie chimique, moléculaire et cristallographique à micro-échelle et analyses isotopiques (OsIRIs).
Papers by Ina Reiche

Radiocarbon, Jan 5, 2016
Attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy is a simple, cheap... more Attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy is a simple, cheap, and fast method to collect chemical compositional information from microalgae. However, (semi)quantitative evaluation of the collected data can be daunting. In this work, ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was used to monitor changes of protein, lipid, and carbohydrate content in seven green microalgae grown under nitrogen starvation. Three statistical methods-univariate linear regression analysis (ULRA), orthogonal partial least squares (OPLS), and multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares (MCR-ALS)-were compared in their ability to model and predict the concentration of these compounds in the biomass. OPLS was found superior, since it i) included all three compounds simultaneously; ii) explained variations in the data very well; iii) had excellent prediction accuracy for proteins and lipids, and acceptable for carbohydrates; and iv) was able to discriminate samples based on cultivation stage and type of storage compounds accumulated in the cells. ULRA models worked well for the determination of proteins and lipids, but carbohydrates could only be estimated if already determined protein contents were used for scaling. Results obtained by MCR-ALS were similar to ULRA, however, this method is considerably easier to perform and interpret than the more abstract statistical/chemometric methods. FTIR-spectroscopy-based models allow high-throughput, cost-effective, and rapid estimation of biomass composition of green microalgae.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 15, 2022
As part of questions about methods of cultural heritage conservation, transdisciplinary research ... more As part of questions about methods of cultural heritage conservation, transdisciplinary research was performed in order to develop a set of analytical processes allowing us to reconstruct the appearances of historical paintings at different moments in their history. This reconstruction is based on a detailed knowledge of the materiality of the works, their preservation state and the conditions of conservation and storage. These analyses, necessarily non-or microinvasive for precious artworks, are accompanied by actual and virtual modelling of the evolution of the materials composition of the works. The example of a restored French 16 th c. painting illustrates our approach.

The European Physical Journal Plus
Historical paintings with important iconographical changes represent an analytical challenge. Con... more Historical paintings with important iconographical changes represent an analytical challenge. Considering the case study of a fifteenth-century French painting studied during its restoration, the efficiency of a combined noninvasive approach of two-dimensional scanning macro-X-ray fluorescence imaging (MA-XRF) and a laboratory-based depth-resolved confocal micro-X-ray fluorescence (CXRF) is discussed. Large chemical maps of several elements were obtained by MA-XRF, enabling the identification of zones of interest representing changes in the painting composition. In these areas, depth profiles were measured with CXRF, allowing to evidence overlaying paint layers. The advantages of this technique are that it can give direct information on the stratigraphy of paint layers in a nondestructive way and can reduce the sampling needed, as well as increase the locations analyzed (in our study twenty-two depth-resolved scans). These results complement information obtained by scanning electron...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 1, 2015
International audienc

Materials Testing, 2003
Naturwissenschaftliche Informationen, insbesondere die chemische Zusammensetzung der Objekte, kön... more Naturwissenschaftliche Informationen, insbesondere die chemische Zusammensetzung der Objekte, können Hinweise auf die Hintergründe der Objektherstellung liefern, die der alleinigen kunsthistorischen Begutachtung verborgen blieben. Es können nicht nur Fragen nach dem Prozess, Zeitpunkt und Ort der Herstellung beantwortet werden. Die chemische Analyse gibt auch Hinweise auf Ereignisse und Veränderungen, die erst nach der Fertigstellung des Objektes erfolgten. So werden Alterungsphänomene oder historische Überarbeitungen und Restaurierungen aufgedeckt, aber auch Konservierungsstrategien zur Erhaltung der Kunstwerke unterstützt. Durch den technologischen Fortschritt im Bereich der röntgenanalytischen Methoden, die berührungsfrei, ohne Probennahme und ohne Schädigung für das Untersuchungsobjekt arbeiten, erschließen sich dem Analytiker erstmalig Möglichkeiten, auch sehr wertvolle und fragile Objekte zerstörungsfrei zu untersuchen.
ArchéoSciences, 2021
Suite à une journée thématique « Service et expertise par les sciences archéologiques et de la co... more Suite à une journée thématique « Service et expertise par les sciences archéologiques et de la conservation » organisée par le réseau CAI-RN (Compétences Archéométriques Interdisciplinaires-Réseau National, MITI CNRS) les membres du Comité de Pilotage du réseau CAI-RN ayant participé à cette journée ont souhaité rassembler et clarifier dans ce texte un certain nombre des points évoqués lors des discussions. Ceci en donnant notamment une brève définition des termes « service » et « expertise » et en présentant les différents types de structures liées à la communauté archéométrique et réalisant ces activités. Cette proposition d'une première analyse de la situation actuelle propose aussi quelques pistes de réflexion.

While the absorption of X-rays and gamma radiation is determined by the Z-number of the elements ... more While the absorption of X-rays and gamma radiation is determined by the Z-number of the elements a specimen is composed of, it is the hydrogen making an effective contrast with neutron imaging. As a consequence, interrogating with neutrons presents a suitable tool to study the distribution of organic consolidants in materials such as wood as encountered in impregnated wooden artworks. Four different examples of objects are presented here to demonstrate the potential of neutron CT: 1) small wooden pieces of ship wrecks (< 2 cm thickness) interrogated with cold neutrons (0.5 meV at the ANTARES facility of the FRM II in Garching) to demonstrate the potential and the limitation of using low energy neutrons, 2) a wooden statue soaked with carbolineum (fission neutrons 1.8 MeV at the NECTAR facility of the FRM II), 3) a smaller wooden figure of a skull heavily soaked with carbolineum so it was too tight for the fission neutrons used before with accelerator neutrons (broad range about 5...

During the Iron Age, red corals (Corallium rubrum) were the most frequent imported object type fr... more During the Iron Age, red corals (Corallium rubrum) were the most frequent imported object type from the Mediterranean area into the Celtic world. The density and the distinct patterns of their distribution are perfectly suited for the study of intra-European cultural contacts and trade relations due to their long-term importation.Despite the 130-year-old history of research on prehistoric corals, there have been hardly any extensive study. One reason for this limited interest is that corals lose their intense red colour and shiny surface structure due to poorly understood ageing processes. Hence, other light-coloured materials such as bone, ivory, chalk or shells, which were also used to decorate jewellery, are often mistaken for corals.We propose a multi-stage approach to identify red corals and light bio-minerals with emphasis on digital microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The instruments are portable and can therefore be used directly in the museums, allowing a very efcient work ...

Several written sources from the 19th and early 20th century indicate that, on the Melanesian arc... more Several written sources from the 19th and early 20th century indicate that, on the Melanesian archipelago of Santa Cruz, the heads of the war arrows were made of human bone. The aim of this study was to consider this behavior from the perspective of bone tool technology: confirm the choice of human bone as raw material and understand how it influenced the conception of the projectile and its point. A sample of 57 arrows collected on the Santa Cruz islands in the late 19th - early 20th century was thus studied in order to (1) establish the range of typological and technological variation in point design; (2) determine the nature of the raw materials used; (3) discuss the relationship between the two. The typological study shows that the arrowheads can be divided into two main categories, "large points" (10% of the sample) and "small points" (88% of the sample), and that the latter are designed as imitations of the former. Material analyses performed on four points...

Angewandte Chemie, 2018
Mammutelfenbein hatte in den frühesten Gesellschaften des Homo sapiens in Eurasien (=Aurignacien‐... more Mammutelfenbein hatte in den frühesten Gesellschaften des Homo sapiens in Eurasien (=Aurignacien‐Phase des frühen Jungpaläolithikums, 40 000–30 000 uncal. BP) eine große soziale und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. Elfenbein war in dieser Zeit ein begehrter Rohstoff bei der Herstellung von Schmuckobjekten sowie der ältesten plastischen figurativen Kunst. Diese Zuschrift diskutiert die Ergebnisse von Mikro‐PIXE/PIGE‐Analysen an Artefakten aus Mammutelfenbein sowie an deren Fragmenten von fünf bedeutenden Aurignacien‐Fundstellen, für die eine Nutzung von Elfenbein belegt ist. Spezifische Muster variabler Fluor‐Gehalte weisen auf regional unterschiedliche Strategien zur Beschaffung von Elfenbein hin und lassen Unterschiede in den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Mensch und Mammut erkennen. Biogene Spurenelementgehalte (Br, Sr, Zn), die in den Fundstücken konserviert sind, erlauben Rückschlüsse auf die Herkunft des genutzten Elfenbeins.

STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research, 2019
Cobalt was commonly used as a colourant in the Egyptian glass industries of the 18th dynasty, dar... more Cobalt was commonly used as a colourant in the Egyptian glass industries of the 18th dynasty, dark blue glass being a regular find at palatial and settlement sites, including Amarna and Malqata. The main source of cobalt ore used during this period has been identified in the Egyptian western desert, around the oases of Kharga and Dakhla. In order to better understand the chaîne opératoire of Late Bronze Age glass production and-working, in particular with regard to cobalt ore, at Amarna, chemical analysis by portable X-Ray fluorescence was carried out in the field. This was done on contextualised archaeological material excavated at the site of Amarna, which cannot be exported from Egypt for analysis. The results of this study demonstrate how cobalt ore was used in the various known workshop sites at Amarna, resulting in a deeper understanding of raw materials use and exchange across this settlement.

nian Conservation Science Journal, 2017
Micro-Raman spectroscopy is widely used for the identification of pigments on art works. Due to t... more Micro-Raman spectroscopy is widely used for the identification of pigments on art works. Due to the priceless value of artistic objects, non-invasive measurements are strongly preferred over sampling strategies. However, the non-invasive spectral response is often lower if compared to measurements carried out on a sample. In this study, spectral intensity of measurements performed with various non-invasive Raman setups was compared with spectral intensity from a traditional micro-Raman setup ,. The comparison was done on pure pigments reference swatches first, to test the methodology. Then a painting was investigated, as case study on a real artefact, directly on its surface and on taken samples under the microscope. For the non-invasive measurements, four horizontal beam setups and an external measuring head connected to the spectrometer by fibre optics were used. Two lasers were used: 785 and 532 nm. The results were determined as counts (Raman signal intensity) per second of measurement and per Watt of laser intensity (Cnts/Ws). A method to compare performances among the different experimental conditions is proposed in this work. The horizontal beam configurations showed spectral responses in signal intensity very similar to those of the traditional microscope but the ones from the fibre optics were only at about 10% of that of the microscope. These results show the potential of horizontal setups for the analyses of artworks, as their performance is equivalent to the traditional microscope configuration. However, the more challenging positioning for the horizontal beam setups can hamper the acquisition of a good spectrum, since either the Raman spectrometer or the artwork has to be moved with µm scale precision to position the laser spot on the area of interest. This often requires improvements, especially regarding the mechanical stability of the analytical setup as well as the artwork.
Bulletin de l’Institut français d’études andines, 2017
In the 1960s two similar silver corncobs attributed to the Chimú-Inca period were sold by New Yor... more In the 1960s two similar silver corncobs attributed to the Chimú-Inca period were sold by New York based art dealers to the Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin, now the Ethnologisches Museum, and to the Denver Art Museum. The composition of the Berlin piece shows the use of different alloys,
Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English), Jan 9, 2018
Among the earliest Homo sapiens societies in Eurasia, the Aurignacian phase of the Early Upper Pa... more Among the earliest Homo sapiens societies in Eurasia, the Aurignacian phase of the Early Upper Palaeolithic, approximately 40,000-30,000 uncal. BP, mammoth ivory assumed great social and economic significance, and was used to create hundreds of personal ornaments as well as the earliest known works of three-dimensional figurative art in the world. This paper reports on the results of micro-PIXE/PIGE analyses of mammoth-ivory artefacts and debris from five major sites of Aurignacian ivory use. Patterns of variable F-content indicate regionally-distinct strategies of ivory procurement that correspond to apparent differences in human-mammoth interactions. Preserved trace elements (Br, Sr, Zn) indicate that differences at the regional level are applicable to sourcing Palaeolithic ivory at the regional scale.

Applied Physics A, 2016
The painting L'Homme blesse ´by Gustave Courbet kept at the Muse ´e d'Orsay in Paris has been rec... more The painting L'Homme blesse ´by Gustave Courbet kept at the Muse ´e d'Orsay in Paris has been recently studied by X-ray radiography, SEM-EDX observation of paint cross sections and confocal micro-Xray fluorescence analyses (CXRF) at locations where the cross section samples were taken. This study allowed the establishment of the paint palette used by Courbet for the three paint compositions. Eight or more paint layers could be evidenced. In the view of the complexity of this painting, further analyses using two-dimensional scanning macro-X-ray fluorescence imaging (MA-XRF) providing chemical images corresponding to the superimposition of all detectable paint layers were employed. This method is combined with CXRF for depth-resolved paint layer analysis. Large elemental maps of Hg, Cu, As, Fe, Zn, Cr, Ba, Pb and Ca were obtained by MA-XRF on the painting and are discussed in combination with depth profiles obtained by CXRF on strategic points where three painting compositions overlap. The order of three successive compositions of this painting were determined in this study. This work also highlights the benefits of using complementary imaging methods to obtain a complete three-dimensional vision of the chemistry and stratigraphy of paintings.
Proceedings by Ina Reiche
Potentiel informatif des ossements chauffés en contexte archéologique : imagerie chimique, moléculaire et cristallographique à micro-échelle et analyses isotopiques (OsIRIs).
Papers by Ina Reiche
Potentiel informatif des ossements chauffés en contexte archéologique : imagerie chimique, moléculaire et cristallographique à micro-échelle et analyses isotopiques (OsIRIs).