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      ArchaeologySoil ScienceArchaeological ScienceArchaeological Method & Theory
Die Osterinsel gehört zu den einsamsten Orten unserer Erde. Sie liegt rund 4000 km westlich von Chile und etwa 3000 km entfernt von der nächsten größeren Insel Polynesiens, Tahiti. Ihren Namen erhielt die Insel nach dem Tag ihrer... more
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      ArchaeologySoil ScienceArchaeological ScienceArchaeological Method & Theory
Журнал публікує наукові статті, огляди, повідомлення та листи з теоретичних, методичних, регіональніх та прикладних питань спелеології і карстології українскою, російською та англійською мовами.
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Our study concerned magnetic properties of soil profiles taken from polluted regions of Eastern Ukraine around the industrial centres Krivyj Rig, Mariupol and Komsomolsk. Soils represent chernozem and podzoluvisol. The low-field magnetic... more
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      Environmental MagnetismSoil Magnetism
The paper concerns the complex study of pedogenic and magnetic characteristics of unpolluted soil profiles from Ukraine (3 profiles, of which two represent chernozem and one kastanozem) and Poland (1 profile of chernozem), all with loess... more
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      Environmental MagnetismSoil Magnetism
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    • Environmental Magnetism
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      WWII ArchaeologyUkraine in WWII
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      WWII ArchaeologyDeminingUkraine in WWII
ГЕОЛОГІЯ. 1(60)/2013 ~ 47 ~ УДК 551.31+902.2 К. Бондар, канд. геол. наук, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ В. Ерліх, д-р іст. наук, Державний музей мистецтв народів Сходу, Москва, Росія І. Віршило, канд.... more
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    • Archaeologicl Geophysics / Geophysical Prospecting / Archaeology / Earth Sciences
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      Environmental MagnetismSoil Magnetism
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      Archaeological GISUkraine in WWII
On Zhabotyn Early Iron Age settlement a ditch is detected applying magnetometry. The ditch divides the settlement into two parts. Archaeological excavations proved the infill to be consisted of separate layers, with characteristic... more
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    • Early Iron Age
On Zhabotyn Early Iron Age settlement a ditch is detected applying magnetometry. The ditch divides the settlement into two parts. Archaeological excavations proved the infill to be consisted of separate layers, with characteristic... more
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      Archaeological GeophysicsMagnetic survey
We present results of comprehensive measures aimed at finding of volatile ammunition and explosive substances in Inkerman galleries (Mount Champagne), which were used as military storage and have been undermined by Soviet troops in... more
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      GeophysicsArchaeological GISWWIIGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      Archaeological GeophysicsEaster IslandSoil Magnetism
Rockmagnetic, palaeomagnetic, and paleontological studies of loamy non-consolidated sediments of the Bukovynka Cave (Chernivtsi region, Ukraine) have been carried out. The sections include three main types of deposits: 1 -fluvial deposits... more
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Purpose and methodology. The study is aimed at evaluating ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey, employing 300 MHz antenna equipment as a tool for detection of old foundations and cave constructions on the territory of the National... more
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      ArchaeologyGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)
The paper is devoted to the study of the magnetic properties and content of heavy metals in soils from Zaporizhzhya - a powerful industrial center. The study found that low-frequency magnetic susceptibility (xlf ) of soils varies within... more
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      Heavy Metal PollutionIndustrial PollutionEnvironmental Magnetism