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The analysis of photothermal conversion in materials with modified properties of surface layer was made in this work. Influence of both physical and geometrical nonlinearities on the process of heat distribution was estimated.
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Based on bending vibrations model method and also construction of multilayer transducer, which allow the measurements of thermal conductivity for porous layer on Siwafer is proposed. Time dependence of photoacoustic signal under... more
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      Experimental PhysicsPiezoelectric ceramicsPhotoacousticsPorous Silicon
The analysis of photo-thermo-acoustic transformation in materials with the modified properties of a surface layer has been made in this work. Formation of a photoacoustic response in a layered structure of the type "implanted layer +... more
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In the article the results of practical implementation of the PA methods in the study of materials of different structure and dimensions are presented. The features of PA conversion in inhomogeneous semiconductor structures such as porous... more
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      Semiconductor PhysicsPhotoacousticsNDT, Laser ultrasonics
Photoacoustic effect in nanocomposite structure ‘porous silicon-liquid’ has been investigated. Main mechanismsinvolved in the formation of photoacoustic signal in such structures have been experimentally studied. Liquids withdifferent... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaPhotoacousticsPorous Silicon
Effects of tin doping on crystallization of amorphous silicon were studied using Raman scattering, Auger spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray fluorescence techniques. Formation of silicon nanocrystals (2-4 nm in size) in... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Experimental evidences for a recently proposed mechanism of tin-induced crystallization of amorphous silicon are presented. The mechanism discusses a crystalline phase growth through cyclic processes of formation and decay of a... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMaterials
In this paper photothermal transformation in semiconductor structures with modified properties of subsurface layer under its irradiation by pulse laser (~10 ns) radiation was analyzed. It was show that the presence of this surface... more
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      EngineeringSemiconductorsPhotoacousticsPhotothermal physics
Photoacoustic effect in nanocomposite structure 'porous silicon-liquid' has been investigated. Main mechanisms involved in the formation of photoacoustic signal in such structures have been experimentally studied. Liquids with different... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMaterials ScienceFluid flow in porous media
The analysis of photo-thermo-acoustic transformation in materials with the modified properties of a surface layer has been made in this work. Formation of a photoacoustic response in a layered structure of the type "implanted layer +... more
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      Materials ScienceLaserOptoelectronicsSemiconductor
In the article the results of analyze of laser ultrasound generation in inhomogeneous semiconductors plate is presented. The case of strong absorption of electromagnetic fields is considered. It is shown that in this case submicron... more
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      Materials ScienceLaserLaser ultrasoundSemiconductor
In the article the results of practical implementation of the PA methods in the study of materials of different structure and dimensions are presented. The features of PA conversion in inhomogeneous semiconductor structures such as porous... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceSemiconductor PhysicsLaser
Based on bending vibrations model method and also construction of multilayer transducer, which allow the measurements of thermal conductivity for porous layer on Si wafer is proposed. Time dependence of photoacoustic signal under... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsMaterials ScienceExperimental Physics
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      Materials ScienceOpticsSiliconPhotoacoustics
A new efficient model describing photoacoustic (PA) signal formation with piezoelectric detection is reported. Multilayer sandwich-like systems: heterogeneous studied structure-buffer layer-piezoelectric transducers are considered. In... more
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      Materials ScienceThermodynamicsSiliconModeling and Simulation
This paper is devoted to the study of various carbon-based nanomaterials as photoacoustic contrast agents. The research work was performed on agarose-based tissue phantom containing inclusions with and without carbon-based nanomaterials.... more
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      Materials ScienceNanomaterials3-D ImagingCarbon Nanomaterials
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      Materials ScienceHalideThermal Conductivity
The analysis of photothermal conversion in materials with modified properties of surface layer was made in this work. Influence of both physical and geometrical nonlinearities on the process of heat distribution was estimated.
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      Materials ScienceLaserOptoelectronicsSemiconductor
The interaction of millimeter-wave radiation (MWR) with vertically oriented carbon nanotubes (CNT) in solid monolith has been investigated. CNT demonstrated a high-efficiency electromagnetic shielding due to a high conductivity of CNT and... more
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      Materials EngineeringCarbon NanotubeNanotechnologyIron
We report on the structure and morphology of thermoexfoliated graphite (TEG) powders and TEG-metal (Co, Cu, Ni) powders. Electrodynamic parameters of the compacted TEG and TEG-metal specimens have been studied along the compacting axis (c... more
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      NanotechnologyElectromagnetic RadiationNanoscience