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Frequent visits into animal farms either for cleaning, feed or water dispensation are a possible means of viral, and bacteria propagation into and out of the farms. The need for these visits compels the farmer to live in the farm and... more
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Rural exodus together with high birth rates and migration brings about a significant increase of urban population. Rapid urban population growth and urban development usually lead to environmental challenges, as increase in population... more
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Demographic growth and urbanization are the principal causes of the multiplication of various types of waste with multiple damaging effects on the environment. Managing waste has as such become a subject of great concern in all countries... more
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Floods are natural phenomenon which effects are aggravated by anthropogenic activities such as uncontrolled urbanization, poor land use, quarrying, improper waste management... In developing countries where the urban drainage system is... more
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Floods are natural occurring events that are becoming more and more recurrent, devastating and spectacular in the world. In developing countries this phenomenon is compounded by the lack or absence of specific legislations and poor... more
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The level of agricultural mechanization in Cameroon for the past decades has faced an improvement though not significant and despite repeated attempts of the government to improve the sector. One of these attempts was the recent... more
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      Farm Machinery and MechanizationAgricultural Machinery
In developing countries drainage systems are most often designed without taking into consideration the reality of solid domestic wastes and soil sediments that regular fill the limited number of drains in a drainage system. Soil sediments... more
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      Rainfall-Runoff modellingSolid Waste Management
Rural exodus together with high birth rates and migration brings about a significant increase of urban population. Rapid urban population growth and urban development usually lead to environmental challenges, as increase in population... more
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Floods are phenomena that become more frequent and more intense due to anthropogenic activities such as poor land use, improper waste management, uncontrolled urbanization, industrialization … In developing countries, the drainage systems... more
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      Environmental ScienceComputer ScienceHydrologyEngineering Applications
Floods are natural occurring events that are becoming more and more recurrent, devastating and spectacular in the world. In developing countries this phenomenon is compounded by the lack or absence of specific legislations and poor... more
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Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences/ University of Dschang, Cameroon ABSTRACT: In developing countries drainage systems are most often designed without taking into consideration the... more
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Urbanization and waste production are closely related subjects. Solid waste management remains a serious challenge for developing countries. The reason for this situation includes: misunderstanding, weak rules and regulations, unreliable... more
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Urbanization and waste production are closely related subjects. Solid waste management remains a serious challenge for developing countries. The reason for this situation includes: misunderstanding, weak rules and regulations, unreliable... more
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Floods are natural phenomenon which effects are aggravated by anthropogenic activities such as uncontrolled urbanization, poor land use, quarrying, improper waste management... In developing countries where the urban drainage system is... more
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Demographic growth and urbanization are the principal causes of the multiplication of various types of waste with multiple damaging effects on the environment. Managing waste has as such become a subject of great concern in all countries... more
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The absence of accurate field operation time records may result to wasteful use of the time available for farm operation which reduces the possibility of a successful operation. Making decisions related to whether or not the soil is... more
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      Soil ScienceAgricultureFarm Machinery and Mechanization
Because soil is the medium of life, it is critical to the environment. Its modification by agricultural machinery to increase productivity causes negative effects (compaction, erosion, etc.) that vary in severity according on its texture,... more
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      Soil ScienceFarm Machinery and MechanizationSoil moistureSoil Compaction
Cameroon has an economy strongly dominated by the agricultural sector and despite this domination as well as the fact that this sector is backed by several policy documents and statements, investments in the sector is still grossly... more
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      EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringAgronomyAgriculture
The level of agricultural mechanization in Cameroon for the past decades has faced an improvement though not significant and despite repeated attempts of the government to improve the sector. One of these attempts was the recent... more
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      EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringAgricultureFarm Machinery and Mechanization
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      Soil ScienceFarm Machinery and MechanizationSoil moistureSoil Compaction