This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Water, May 23, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of stored products research, Feb 1, 2024
Botany letters, Mar 31, 2018
Abstract The present study proposes a theoretical common model of environmental gradients and fun... more Abstract The present study proposes a theoretical common model of environmental gradients and functioning of vegetation and Plant Landscape of the French Atlantic estuarine systems. This model offers a basis to improve classification and ecological studies of estuarine systems, and to helps the monitoring and assessment of land uses, land forms transformation and human impacts, thanks to the develop of a spatio-temporal predictive model based on actual and potential vegetation following a dynamico-catenal approach. In eight selected estuaries, fieldworks was undertook for a total of 98,315 ha highlighting two vegetation series and four geopermaseries, corresponding to 131 plant associations, 60 alliances, 43 orders, and 28 classes. The vegetation of three representative estuaries was mapped, for a total of 74,433 ha. A synthetic scheme of estuary vegetation landscape is proposed, integrating geographical and ecological gradients as well as geomorphologic forms.
Contributii Botanice, 2014
Teka Komisji Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska Przyrodniczego, 2014
Summary. Small water reservoirs are a valuable natural objects, but often neglected in researches... more Summary. Small water reservoirs are a valuable natural objects, but often neglected in researches. However, the degradation of these ecosystems progressing rapidly hence all the activities aimed at their inhibition should be correlated. The aim of the study was to determine the ecological status of small reservoirs the Bystrzyca river valley near Lublin, as well as an indication of the factors that affect their functioning. On the basis of valorisation, small water reservoirs were classified as natural valuable. Especially valuable were two: mid-forest reservoir and oxbow lakes, connected to the Bystrzyca river. Among factors negatively affecting the assessment of the reservoirs was the way of land use in its surroundings.
Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research, Mar 1, 2021
The present study proposes a theoretical common model of environmental gradients and functioning ... more The present study proposes a theoretical common model of environmental gradients and functioning of vegetation and Plant Landscape of the French Atlantic estuarine systems. This model offers a basis to improve classification and ecological studies of estuarine systems, and to helps the monitoring and assessment of land uses, land forms transformation and human impacts, thanks to the develop of a spatio-temporal predictive model based on actual and potential vegetation following a dynamico-catenal approach. In eight selected estuaries, fieldworks was undertook for a total of 98,315 ha highlighting two vegetation series and four geopermaseries, corresponding to 131 plant associations, 60 alliances, 43 orders, and 28 classes. The vegetation of three representative estuaries was mapped, for a total of 74,433 ha. A synthetic scheme of estuary vegetation landscape is proposed, integrating geographical and ecological gradients as well as geomorphologic forms. RÉSUMÉ: Paysage végétal et modèles des systèmes estuariens atlantiques français. Résumé détaillé de la thèse de doctorat. Cette étude réalise un modèle commun de fonctionnement et de gradients de la végétation et du paysage végétal des systèmes estuariens atlantiques français, afin de constituer une base pour améliorer leur classification et leurs études écologiques, et pour aider au suivi et à l՚évaluation des utilisations des terres, de la transformation des formes de terrain et des impacts humainsen développant un modèle prédictif spatio-temporel basé sur la végétation réelle et potentielle en utilisant l՚approche dynamico-caténale. Dans huit estuaires sélectionnés, des travaux de terrain ont été entrepris pour un total de 98.315 ha mettant en évidence deux séries de végétation et quatre géopermaseries, correspondant à 131 associations de plantes, 60 alliances, 43 ordres et 28 classes. La végétation de trois estuaires représentatifs a été cartographié pour un total de 74.433 ha. Un schéma du paysage végétal des estuaires est proposé, intégrant les gradients géographiques et écologiques ainsi que les formes géomorphologiques. REZUMAT: Peisajul vegetal și modelele sistemelor de estuare din Atlanticul francez. Rezumatul extins al tezei de doctorat. Acest studiu realizează un model teoretic comun al gradienților de mediu și de funcționare a vegetației și a peisajului vegetal al sistemelor de estuare din Atlanticul francez pentru a crea o bază pentru îmbunătățirea clasificării și a studiilor ecologice și pentru a ajuta la monitorizarea și evaluarea utilizărilor terenurilor, transformarea formelor de teren și impactul uman-dezvoltarea unui model predictiv spațio-temporal bazat pe vegetația reală și potențială utilizând abordarea dinamico-catenală. În opt estuare selectate, am întreprins lucrări de teren pentru 9.8315 ha, evidențiind două serii de vegetație și patru geopermaserii, care corespund la 131 asociații de plante, 60 alianțe, 43 de ordine și 28 de clase. Am cartografiat vegetația a trei estuare reprezentative pentru 74.433 ha. Este propusă o schemă sintetică a peisajului de vegetație de estuar, care integrează gradienți geografici și ecologici, precum și fome geomorfologice. entitled "Plant landscape and models of French Atlantic estuarine systems" (Cianfaglione, 2018). It was funded by the French Ministry for Environment, as part of the national mapping program of natural and semi-natural habitats (CarHAB Project, convention number 2100992970) and it was conducted following a jointly supervised co-tutorship of PhD program between the University of Camerino (Italy) and the University of Western Brittany (France). The University of Camerino co-financed the place and the PhD course through a ministerial competition won by the candidate with a public competition. The PhD thesis was defended in December 2018, in Brest (France) under the Eurolabel (Doctor Europaeus) conditions, an additional certification to PhD title for having respected the conditions of the Confederation of Conferences of Rectors of EU countries, implemented by the European University Association (EUA). This PhD thesis was evaluated in the research activity carried out for the deliverance of the Young Researcher Award with participation grant at the "7th Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference" Sibiu, Romania (September 25th to 28th, 2019). In papers that rely on secondary research, the definitions, concepts, principles and methodology sections would provide the necessary background or history for understanding the discussion to come. An overwiew of the available literature more specifically synthesizes information from a variety of significant sources related to the major point of this paper. Introduction to the research All European big river basins including their direct contact areas with seas and oceans are lately under a constant habitats and biodiversity change (Bănăduc et al., 2020; Tockner et al., 2021) reason for which needs permanent high scientific research focus and efforts, based on special on site adapted/designated research methods. Europe has a long-documented tradition in vegetation science and cartography, particularly following the establishment of
Sustainability, Mar 28, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Weed Research, Apr 3, 2020
Invasive plant species can be a major factor in causing biodiversity loss (Pyšek et al., 2004). L... more Invasive plant species can be a major factor in causing biodiversity loss (Pyšek et al., 2004). Land use change and cultivation/ livestock practices, together with rapid increases in population and the transportation of goods, have opened new ways of introducing organisms onto new continents. Invasive plant species are now colonising habitats independently of their natural dispersal
Folia Geobotanica, Feb 28, 2014
ABSTRACT In the context of climatic changes, the adaptive potential of organisms toward new envir... more ABSTRACT In the context of climatic changes, the adaptive potential of organisms toward new environmental challenges is becoming of central interest in modern ecology. Here we investigate the response of growth haracteristics and survival in juveniles of four European provenances (Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary and Italy) of Quercus pubescens Willd. to extreme drought and warming in a full factorial common garden experiment. Our results show that extreme durations of drought exceed the tolerance of Quercus pubescens of all provenances. Plants of Italian provenance showed the highest capacity of whole-individual survival, and those of Bulgarian provenance showed the highest maintenance of the apex under extreme drought. Bud bank characteristics showed no general differences among provenances but responded to warming manipulations. The warming effect resulted in a reduction of collar buds and biomass. In Italian individuals it caused an increase of the apical budbank. This is suggestive of a better adaptation for height growth under warming. Our results imply that significant local adaptation of growth characteristics and survival occurs in Quercus pubescens. However, our findings do not support the idea that southern provenances are a general predictor of better plant performance.
Plant Biosystems, Dec 31, 2018
This article aims to point out the recent emergence of willows within the dune slacks of the Atla... more This article aims to point out the recent emergence of willows within the dune slacks of the Atlantic coasts following land abandonment. Firstly, a new association present in Brittany is examined: the Epipactido palustris-Salicetum atrocinereae ass. nova hoc loco with a detailed description about its physiognomic, floral, and ecological characteristics. Related dynamico-catenal trajectories that follow the expression of those forests are also described. This survey highlights an original littoral forest formation that could constitute the head of a vegetation series. Elements of reflection are proposed as for the conservation of the dune slacks woodlands and should allow the managers to refine their strategies. Secondly, the existence of a similar association along the coasts of the Channel and the North Sea is reported (Hydrocotylo vulgaris-Salicetum cinereae ass. nova). A new alliance (Carici flaccae-Salicion cinereae all. nova) is proposed in order to regroup these Northwest-European willow forests of the dune slacks and to clarify their synsystematic status.
Geobotany studies, 2018
This study aims to characterize the ecology, behavior and responses of Angelica heterocarpa up to... more This study aims to characterize the ecology, behavior and responses of Angelica heterocarpa up to the level of the vegetation series and of the human modification of its habitats, in the Loire estuary. Original observations and an extensive bibliography review follows.
Geobotany studies, May 22, 2014
ABSTRACT In the Umbro-Marchigiano Appenines in central Italy, downy oak (Quercus pubescens) does ... more ABSTRACT In the Umbro-Marchigiano Appenines in central Italy, downy oak (Quercus pubescens) does not occur in old-growth forests but only in coppices, the clearly prevalent form of woodland management. Over time, agriculture and livestock grazing have greatly reduced the original forest cover, which today is fragmented into isolated nuclei; in addition, coppicing has modified forest structure and floristic composition and reduced its quality. There has even been the practice, after coppicing, of using the forest topsoil to cultivate cereal species while waiting for coppice regeneration. All this has modified the flora significantly, reduced the quality of the woodland ecosystem, and dried out the soil. In order to understand the potential of Quercus pubescens and other Quercus species, it is interesting to study the great ancient trees left in the woods, fields, or towns, in order to understand their potential for biological and geobotanical development. In a territory like the Marche, where the woods are very limited and of poor quality, these trees must be viewed not only aesthetically or historically (Ballelli et al. 1981) but also for their potential for woodland improvement and seed collection for elements of genetic biodiversity, in accord with the proposal of Chiarugi (1959). These trees are also important because they promote the process of secondary succession and, consequently, the return of woodlands in areas where this is possible, such as uncultivated or abandoned lands (see also: Cianfaglione 2010, 2011); they are also important for promoting more sustainable silvicultural practices. Today, the oaks that grow in coppices in the study area normally do not exceed 1 m in diameter; more often they are like slender poles, subjected to coppicing that is often done too early. The opposite holds for the ancient oaks in fields, which are often of notable dimensions. When we observe a group of these big oaks, we can imagine how the primordial forests that grew there must have looked, and how they could become some day, were they not dug up or felled.
Plants, Jan 18, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This paper is a synthetic overview of some of the threats, risks, and integrated water management... more This paper is a synthetic overview of some of the threats, risks, and integrated water management elements in freshwater ecosystems. The paper provides some discussion of human needs and water conservation issues related to freshwater systems: (1) introduction and background; (2) water basics and natural cycles; (3) freshwater roles in human cultures and civilizations; (4) water as a biosphere cornerstone; (5) climate as a hydrospheric ‘game changer’ from the perspective of freshwater; (6) human-induced stressors’ effects on freshwater ecosystem changes (pollution, habitat fragmentation, etc.); (7) freshwater ecosystems’ biological resources in the context of unsustainable exploitation/overexploitation; (8) invasive species, parasites, and diseases in freshwater systems; (9) freshwater ecosystems’ vegetation; (10) the relationship between human warfare and water. All of these issues and more create an extremely complex matrix of stressors that plays a driving role in changing freshw...
Throughout their history humans “tamed” not only the Danube River basin land, but also the river ... more Throughout their history humans “tamed” not only the Danube River basin land, but also the river and its associated wetlands, drastically influencing their characteristic habitats, associations, communities, and species. One of these flagship endemic fish species in this respect is the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri Walbaum, 1792), influenced by Danube Basin geography, history, politics, and ecology. A study about this European community concern species in the context of long term human impact on its specific habitats, with potential synergic negative effects of climate change, was treated as highly needed, in an international researchers group initiative to support the efforts to provide hope for preserving this fish species and its ecosystems, and brought it back from the brink of extinction. All the characteristic inventoried wetlands which were or some of them still are natural, semi-natural, or accidental anthropogenic habitats, reveal an accentuated diminishing trend of thi...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Mar 21, 2014
Poncirus trifoliata, also known as trifoliate orange, is a tree native to China and Korea and wid... more Poncirus trifoliata, also known as trifoliate orange, is a tree native to China and Korea and widely used all over the world as a rootstock breeding material. In this study the differences among the volatile profiles of flavedo, pulp and seeds from two cultivars (var. trifoliata and var. monstrosa) grown in Italy (Marche, Abruzzo and Sicily) were determined. Headspace solid phase microextraction and hydrodistillation techniques were used in combination with GC/FID and GC/MS to obtain the volatile profiles of the samples. Both techniques permitted the differentiation of fruit parts based on the main volatile components: the flavedo was characterized by monoterpene hydrocarbons such as limonene and myrcene, the seeds were characterized by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons such as (E)-caryophyllene and germacrene D, while the pulp showed an intermediate composition. The main differences in volatile profiles obtained by the two techniques were analyzed by chemometric techniques such as principal component analysis. The study did not highlight significant differences in volatiles between the two cultivars of trifoliate orange, while few differences in the number of volatiles in the fruit parts were revealed by the two techniques.
Geobotany studies, 2020
Four of the waterways that flow into the Danube have their source in Italian localities: in Lomba... more Four of the waterways that flow into the Danube have their source in Italian localities: in Lombardia Region (Valtellina, in the Valle di Livigno), Trentino-Alto Adige Region (Val Pusteria and Val Venosta), and the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region (Tarvisiano, in the Val Canale). In all, it is estimated that almost 565 km2 of Italy lies within the hydrographic (catchment) basin of the Danube, corresponding to 0.15% of the total Danube basin. Livigno and Venosta are the most continental valleys, as demonstrated by the strong presence of Pinus cembra and Larix decidua. The upper Drava valley is still of the continental type, but manifesting a lower degree of continentality, due to moist air currents from the lower part of the Valley, as seen by the presence of Abies alba and Picea abies. Finally, the Val Canale, with oceanic characteristics as demonstrated by the widespread presence of Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba.
Geobotany studies, 2020
should reflect the latest theoretical and methodological developments or present new applications... more should reflect the latest theoretical and methodological developments or present new applications on large spatial or temporal scales that will reinforce our understanding of ecological processes acting at the phytocoenosis and vegetation landscape level. Case studies based on large data sets are also considered, provided they support habitat classification refinement, plant diversity conservation or vegetation change prediction. Geobotany Studies: Basics, Methods and Case Studies is the successor to Braun-Blanquetia, a journal published by the University of Camerino from 1984 to 2011 in cooperation with the Station Internationale de Phytosociologie (Bailleul, France) and the Dipartimento di Botanica ed Ecologia (Università di Camerino, Italy) and under the aegis of the Société Amicale Francophone de Phytosociologie, the Société Française de Phytosociologie, the Rheinold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft and the Eastern Alpine and Dinaric Society for Vegetation Ecology. This series promotes the expansion, evolution, and application of the invaluable scientific legacy of the Braun-Blanquet school.