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1997 « An Enunciative Study of the Rectifying Concessive Constructions : Not that, Except and Only », Anglophonia, 2. Toulouse : Presses Universitaires du Mirail. (107-128) The concessive signification can be constructed by an... more
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      EnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationRectificationConcessive Clauses
1998 « Notes on Wh- ever Concessive Constructions (Whatever they are) », Anglophonia, 4. Toulouse : Presses Universitaires du Mirail. (7-31) This paper aims to study the paradigm of concessive constructions involving WH -EVER markers.... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationSyntax and semanticsRectification
1999 « Notes on peripeteic when clauses », Anglophonia, 6. Toulouse : Presses Universitaires du Mirail. (113-133) In the following pages, we shall be studying a rather particular, but not unusual, use of the subordinating conjunction... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceTemporalityEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operation
2002 « Notes sur la traduction de l’anaphore lexicale du français vers l’anglais », in Langues et cultures en contact. Traduire e(s)t commenter. Besançon : Presses Universitaires Franc-Comtoises. (83-98) Nous nous proposons d'étudier... more
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      Translation StudiesAnaphora ResolutionTraductologieEnunciation
2003 « The auxiliary DO, the simple tense forms and the operation of validation », Communication faite à la journée ALAES consacrée à DO. In the following article, I shall attempt to provide a single and coherent model, or schematic... more
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      EnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationAuxiliary Verbs in EnglishAuxiliaries
2004 « Suggestions for an enunciative description of IT : or the uses of indeterminacy ». Communication faite à la journée ALAES consacrée à IT. The aim of the following study is relatively modest. I hope to provide some indications for... more
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      Gender (Languages and Linguistics)Anaphora ResolutionEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operation
2004 « The auxiliary DO in affirmative contexts », in Anglophonia. Toulouse : Presses Universitaires du Mirail. (99-120) The presence of the auxiliary DO in affirmative contexts, in particular when followed by the base form of the verb,... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationAuxiliary Verbs in English
2007 « Continuity and discontinuity in discourse. Notes on yet and still. » in CELLE, A. et HUART, R. (ed.) Connectives as Discourse Landmarks John Benjamins. (177-194) yet and still each have three clearly differentiated uses relating... more
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      EnunciationTemporality and aspectualityTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationConcessive Clauses
2007 « Le concept de Frontière: applications en linguistique énonciative » in BEAUVICHE, M. (ed.) L'identité et ses frontières : approches croisées d'un malaise contemporain. Avignon: Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse.... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationSyntax and semantics
« All this, if not more », communication au 47e Congrès de la Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur. Actes publiés aux Editions Universitaires d'Avignon. In a brief 1975 study, entitled "The weather was fine, if not... more
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      ConditionalsEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationConcessive Clauses
"The parenthetical discourse marker you see: operations and derivations". in Pennec, Blandine, and Olivier Simonin, ed. 2011. Les locutions de l’anglais: emplois et stratégies rhétoriques = Fixed phrases in English : use and rhetorical... more
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      PragmaticsDiscourse MarkersEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operation
Recension de Brinton, L. (2008) The Comment Clause in English: Syntactic Origins and Pragmatic Development, Cambridge Studies in Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)PragmaticsDiscourse MarkersComment Clause
"« Fire away » Suggestions pour une caractérisation énonciative de la particule adverbiale anglaise AWAY." in 2014 J.-M. Merle (ed.) Prépositions et aspectualité. Faits de Langues 44. Berne. Peter Lang . 147-158 In common with some... more
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      PrepositionsEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationAdverbials
« Quotative LIKE in contemporary non standard English », in Arts et Savoirs 2.
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      Discourse MarkersEnunciationQuotativesTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operation
"Linguistics or stylistics? Remarks on the translation of lexical anaphora from French into English and other associated phenomena."in Challenges in Translation: Space, Culture and Linguistic Identity. Vasilescu, R., Nicolescu, E.,... more
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      Translation StudiesTraductologieEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operation
Abstract: The DO in “Subject DO Predicate” sentences is often associated with unexpected meaning, including contradictory uses in dialogue where DO functions as a sort of reassertive marker and in monologal contexts where a speaker... more
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      EnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationAuxiliariesAuxiliary Do
« MIND YOU : an enunciative description.  » Communication au colloque Modalité et commentaire / Modalisation a posteriori. CRIDAF (Paris 13) et du VECT (Perpignan). Vendredi 27 septembre 2013. Publiée dans Anglophone 19 (2015). Le... more
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      Discourse MarkersEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operation
« Réflexion sur les marqueurs anglais indeed et in fact ». In Fabriques de vérité(s) Communication et imaginaires (vol. 1), ed. ALBRESPIT, Jean, Noémie FRANCOIS & Dolores THION SORIANO-MOLLA. Paris: L'Harmattan. pp. 183-198. 2016.
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      ConnectivesDiscourse MarkersEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operation
« Managing contradictions: although and do. » in LAPAIRE, J-R., DESAGULIER, G., GUIGNARD, J-B. (ed.) Du fait grammatical au fait cognitif. Bordeaux : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux. (305-329) In concessive utterances of the general... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationSyntax and semantics
« Gender, personal pronouns and the notional domain in English », in Anglophonia 14. Toulouse : Presses Universitaires du Mirail. (119-137)
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      EnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operation