Papers by Marta Panighel
Culture e Studi del Sociale, 2023
Drawing on a reflection on Islam and Muslims in Italy, and adopting a gendered perspective, the e... more Drawing on a reflection on Islam and Muslims in Italy, and adopting a gendered perspective, the essay provides a contribution to the analysis of media representations of Islam. Examining the way Islam is represented in the press allows us to identify the permanence of colonial Orientalism in the contemporary narratives, in the forms of neo-Orientalism and Islamophobia. Through research conducted between 2020 and 2022 on the major Italian women’s magazines, an attempt was made to understand how Italian Muslim women are represented and narrated in the mainstream women’s press. Through the tools of critical discourse analysis, the essay interrogates the apparent intersectional approach adopted by these magazines.

Islamophobia Studies Journal, 2023
This paper aims to investigate gendered Islamophobia in Italy through a significant case study: t... more This paper aims to investigate gendered Islamophobia in Italy through a significant case study: the hate campaign that affected Silvia Aisha Romano, a 24-year-old aid worker kidnapped in Kenya by a group linked to Shabab, who chose to convert to Islam. On May 10, 2020, after 18 months of detention, Silvia landed in Rome wearing a light green jilbab. The initial joy for her release was followed by very violent Islamophobic and misogynist insults, by both right-wing and left-wing politicians, newspapers, and opinion leaders, including some feminists.
This paper will carry out a discourse analysis on this debate, focusing on some pivotal aspects: the roots of contemporary gender Islamophobia in colonial Orientalism and epistemic Eurocentrism; the contemporary debate on Muslims and Islam in Italy, and the media’s role in reproducing stereotypes and discrimination; the political convergence between very different actors in the systematic attack against Italian Muslim women.
About Gender, 2022
Moving from the new draft law aimed at banning the wearing of the hijab by underage Muslim girls ... more Moving from the new draft law aimed at banning the wearing of the hijab by underage Muslim girls in France, this contribution aims at tracing a genealogy of the long struggle of the République against Islamic veils. Adopting an intersectional and postcolonial feminist perspective, we are interested in questioning the continuities and discontinuities with the colonial past and, at the same time, with the sequence of various affaires du foulards over the last thirty years.Through a mixed-method analysis, we want to critique the political and mediatic instrumental use of arguments such as laïcité and feminism to justify discriminatory and exclusionary laws. A series of semi-structured interviews with French Muslim women, along with the use of textual productions by concerned subjects, allow us to adopt a perspective that speaks next to concerned Muslim women.
Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia. Lingue dialetti società a. XXXVIII (2014), PENDRAGON Bologna L... more Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia. Lingue dialetti società a. XXXVIII (2014), PENDRAGON Bologna LA QUESTIONE DELLA 'LINGUA AL FEMMINILE'. ASPETTI, TEMI, STEREOTIPI SOCIALI (CON UNA RICERCA SUL CAMPO)* L'interesse per la lingua "al femminile" ha significato prendere posizione contro quella stratificazione culturale che vorrebbe rinchiudere la donna negli ambiti subalterni della fisicità e della natura biologica e che, invece, assegna all'uomo i valori positivi, opposti, del dominio razionale, culturale e linguistico.
Book Chapter by Marta Panighel

Selvario. Guida alle parole della selva, 2023
Metonimia intergenerazionale per eccellenza, la camporella profuma di erba e fieno, luccica del b... more Metonimia intergenerazionale per eccellenza, la camporella profuma di erba e fieno, luccica del baluginio delle stelle che esplodono, graffia la pelle come una spina che provoca dolore e piacere: camporella evoca infatti un immaginario bucolico in cui germogliano giovani amori, si rifugiano amori illegittimi, si riaccendono scintille passionali di amori avvizziti. Ma dietro la tendenza a romanticizzare la fuga dalla città alla ricerca dell’amore, uno sguardo attento, posizionato, queer, può intravedere nella camporella le falle del regime eteropatriarcale nel regolamentare la fruizione dello spazio pubblico. Le gioie della sessualità svincolata dall’amore destinato solo a riprodurre la vita o a tenere in piedi la favola della famiglia tradizionale, unica legittima abitante dell’urbanità; la sessualità che pur tutte viviamo e ricerchiamo è privata per definizione, va tenuta fuori dai discorsi seri, dalla decenza dello spazio pubblico – va bene tutto, ma non davanti ai bambini! E quindi il desiderio getta radici fuori dai centri, corre lungo i muri delle periferie, si inerpica per le colline per trovare un posto dove finalmente esplodere, fiorire, avvinghiarsi, evocando brividi di piacere o di disgusto.
Questo saggio prende forma dalla necessità di contribuire a una storiografia ancora parziale sui ... more Questo saggio prende forma dalla necessità di contribuire a una storiografia ancora parziale sui rapporti tra i femminismi italiani e quelli dei Sud globali. Se i femminismi europei e statunitensi generarono una frattura epistemologica nel pensiero “occidentale”, non sempre riuscirono a smarcarsi da un inquadramento eurocentrato. A partire dal caso studio di un’analisi qualitativa condotta sulla rivista «Effe», questo testo traccia una proposta di rilettura critica dei rapporti tra donne e femministe del Nord e del Sud globali nel contesto specifico del movimento femminista italiano degli anni Settanta e Ottanta, cercando di restituire l’eterogeneità della costruzione e della rappresentazione dell’alterità nei documenti analizzati.

Muslims in the UK and Europe VI, 2022
Drawing on my doctoral thesis exploring gendered Islamophobia in Italy and the depictions of Ital... more Drawing on my doctoral thesis exploring gendered Islamophobia in Italy and the depictions of Italian Muslim women, this paper focuses on the strategies of resistance of Italian Muslim women to counter Islamophobia through a case study: the “Your Muslim Sisters Chitchat” podcast, run by two young Italian Muslims.
In the epistemological intention of considering Muslim women as autonomous subjects, acting independently from the discourses produced about them, this paper analyses the ways in which Muslim women resist, organize themselves and seek alternative horizons. The case of “Your Muslim Sisters Chitchat” is particularly interesting because it originates from the need of two young women to create and share content by building a network through social media. Drawing inspiration from other similar podcasts in Europe, Kawtar and Aicha have meticulously created a multi-media product: a podcast, an Instagram page, a website, and a YouTube channel. The topics they cover are also varied: from the pillars of Islam to the question of citizenship; from the experiences of converts to support during the month of Ramadan; from sexuality in the Islamic context, to terrorism in Europe.
From an intersectional and postcolonial feminist perspective, the paper will first present the work of “Your Muslim Sisters”; then, it will outline the context of Italian Islam, with a focus on the gendered dimension; and finally, it will analyse the role played by counternarratives of concerned subjects about spreading Islamophobia in Italy.

Après l’assassinat épouvantable de Sara di Pietrantonio, tuée par son ex-petit ami le 29 mai 2016... more Après l’assassinat épouvantable de Sara di Pietrantonio, tuée par son ex-petit ami le 29 mai 2016, les féministes italiennes ont décidé de se mobiliser, sur le modèle des Argentines, pour dénoncer le caractère structurel de la violence de genre qui, en Italie, tue une femme tous les trois jours. Un « ensemble varié […] d'associations, de centres antiviolences, de collectifs féministes et queers, des foyers des femmes et des militantes indépendantes », pour reprendre les termes du premier communiqué de Non Una Di Meno (Nudm), a donné lieu à la première grande marche nationale à Rome à l’occasion du 25 novembre. Plus de 200.000 personnes ont gagné les rues de la capitale : le mouvement était né. De retour à Rome après un séjour à Paris où elles ont entamé des études sur le genre, Marie Moïse et Marta Panighel se sont investies dans le mouvement Nudm. Elles ont ainsi pu nommer la violence qu’elles avaient vécue et devenir des sujets de leurs actions de résistance, non pas comme des victimes, mais comme des féministes en lutte contre les oppressions.
Book Reviews by Marta Panighel

About Gender, 2024
Con uno stile di scrittura lineare e piacevole che rende accessibili alla divulgazione riflession... more Con uno stile di scrittura lineare e piacevole che rende accessibili alla divulgazione riflessioni e contenuti solidamente scientifici, Margherita Picchi introduce nel dibattito storico italiano un contributo sull'agency delle donne islamiste nel contesto dell'Egitto contemporaneo. Come afferma l'autrice, infatti, L'ombra dei fratelli offre un'analisi "del discorso sulla questione femminile nell'Egitto del Novecento, volto a rendere conto dell'ampio spettro dei posizionamenti ideologici sul tema e ad evitare il più possibile ogni falso binarismo tra fondamentalismo e progressismo, tradizione e modernità, laico e religioso, occidentale e islamico, e così via" (p. 18). La prefazione al volume ad opera di Lucia Sorbera-una tra le più affermate storiche dell'Egitto in prospettiva di genere-sottolinea l'attenzione del lavoro di Picchi nello "storicizzare e contestualizzare" il pensiero e le esperienze delle Sorelle musulmane, in un'operazione che le libera "dalla marginalità alla quale sono state relegate dai vari filoni della storiografia" (p. 9), sia sull'Egitto che sulla Fratellanza Musulmana stessa.

Recensione: Guillaumin, C. (2020), Sesso, razza e pratica del potere. L’idea di natura, a cura di Garbagnoli S., Perilli, V. e Ribeiro Corossacz, V., Verona, Ombre Corte, pp. 245. In: About Gender, 2021, v. 10, n. 20, pp. 436-439. About Gender, 2021
Nonostante il femminismo materialista francese non abbia avuto grande diffusione in Italia a caus... more Nonostante il femminismo materialista francese non abbia avuto grande diffusione in Italia a causa, tra le altre cose, dell'egemonia del pensiero della differenza sessuale e della "negazione sistematica e radicata a livello di senso comune della nostra storia di razzismo e colonialismo" (pp. 7-8), esso ha comunque informato il pensiero femminista e transfemminista contemporaneo più di quanto crediamo. La traduzione del testo di Colette Guillaumin, Sexe, race et pratique du puovoir. L'idée de nature a cura di Sara Garbagnoli, Vincenza Perilli e Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz arrivainsieme alle recenti traduzioni dei lavori di Monique Wittig e Christine Delphy 1a contribuire in maniera diretta alla diffusione delle analisi materialiste nel contesto accademico e politico italiano. Il lavoro di traduzione-già cominciato con la pubblicazione del testo collettaneo
About Gender. Rivista internazionale di studi di genere, 2019
All’epoca delle sollevazioni globali delle donne, delle femministe e dei soggetti femminilizzati,... more All’epoca delle sollevazioni globali delle donne, delle femministe e dei soggetti femminilizzati, Françoise Vergés, politologa e attivista decoloniale, riversa nel piccolo volume "Un féminisme décolonial" tutta l’urgenza di teorizzare e praticare un femminismo che cambi radicalmente l’esistente; un femminismo capace di opporsi alla sussunzione dei diritti delle donne da parte degli stati, dell'imperialismo, del neoliberismo, ma soprattutto a quello che l'autrice definisce femminismo “della civiltà” (civilisationnel); un femminismo riconoscente alle lotte delle donne del Sud globale, legato alle lotte decoloniali di liberazione, che deve avere «come obiettivo la distruzione del razzismo, del capitalismo e dell'imperialismo» (p. 12): un femminismo decoloniale.
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Conference Presentations by Marta Panighel

Drawing on my doctoral thesis which explores gendered Islamophobia in Italy and the representatio... more Drawing on my doctoral thesis which explores gendered Islamophobia in Italy and the representations of Italian Muslim women, this paper focuses on the strategies of resistance of Italian Muslim women to counter Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism.
Muslim Other – always perceived and constructed as a migrant, despite being a long-term resident and/or a citizen – is described in public and political discourse as incompatible with Western modernity. The Orientalist discourse persists today in the relationship of the West with its “Other”, meaning – after the end of the Cold War and after 9/11 – Islam. Islamophobia thus imposes itself as the paradigm of the so called clash of civilizations, producing a monolithic and essentialized view of Islam. Moreover, Orientalism has been described as a strongly gendered system of power, in which racialized Other is (also) constructed through gender norms. To interrogate Muslim women experiences enables to unveil a whole paradigm of Otherization through gender and race norms.
In this context, new Italian Muslim generations have not remained silent: starting from associations to Instagram celebrities, in the last twenty years Italian Muslims voices have become more and more present and well-structured. However, public opinion and political forces still tend not to listen to them, maintaining the Italian scenario strongly resistant to changes, both regarding legal framework and representations.
In the epistemological intention of considering Muslim women as autonomous subjects, acting independently from the discourses produced about them, this paper analyses from an intersectional and postcolonial feminist perspective the ways in which Muslim Italian women resist, organize themselves and seek alternative horizons.
in T. Gallina Toschi, A. Balzano, F. Crivellaro (a c. di) "PLOTINA Final Conference Book of Abstracts. Regendering Science for an Inclusive Research Environment", pp.83-85, 2020
This paper aims to study the application of the concept of intersectionality in the contemporary ... more This paper aims to study the application of the concept of intersectionality in the contemporary Italian feminist movement. The critical theory of intersectionality comes from the political work of black and poor women and lesbians in the US: in the light of the criticisms of the so-called "white feminism", how did this reflection travel through space and time and settle in contemporary Italian feminist discourse and practice?

This paper aims to investigate gendered Islamophobia and femonationalism in Italy through the ana... more This paper aims to investigate gendered Islamophobia and femonationalism in Italy through the analysis of a significant case study: the hate campaign that affected a veiled Muslim woman who publicly spoke out against right-wing political leaders.
On December 14, 2019 Nibras Asfa, a young Muslim woman of Palestinian origins, gave a speech from the “Sardines movement” stage in Rome. Born a month before, the movement brought together thousands of people in many Italian cities, in opposition to growing populism and racism. Following the diffusion of the video showing her speech, Nibras has been violently attacked by right-wing parties and newspapers. She has been accused to be an enemy of the “rule of law”, a “foreign”, an “Hamas supporter”. Her very presence on that stage – or rather, the presence of her veil – has been attacked also by some feminists, influential left-wing journalists and opinion leaders. Indeed, according to Farris (2017) femonationalism is a political convergence between three actors: nationalist right-wing parties, feminists and femocrats, neoliberal policies.
Talks by Marta Panighel
In questo momento, necessitiamo di strumenti utili per posizionarci in modo complesso di fronte a... more In questo momento, necessitiamo di strumenti utili per posizionarci in modo complesso di fronte alle differenze di etnia, classe, genere e religione, modalità che vanno oltre il multiculturalismo come semplice retorica di tolleranza, ma anche oltre semplici dualismi tradizione/progresso occidentale. Dobbiamo interrogarci su come adattare i nostri strumenti teorici e metodologici per evitare che i discorsi sulle identità sessuali e di genere finiscano per dare supporto, anche involontario, all'islamofobia".
Drafts by Marta Panighel

Outlaws Fanzine, 2019
Virginia Woolf in Una stanza tutta per sé racconta la dominazione patriarcale così: quando un uom... more Virginia Woolf in Una stanza tutta per sé racconta la dominazione patriarcale così: quando un uomo entra in una stanza si dice "sono superiore alla metà dei presenti; ed è per ciò che possono parlare con quella sicurezza, con quella fiducia in se stessi, le quali hanno avuto così profonde conseguenze nella vita pubblica". La narrazione sociale-dagli inizi del '900 ad oggi-secondo cui gli uomini sarebbero superiori (fisicamente, culturalmente…) alle donne e ai soggetti femminilizzati è una delle forme attraverso cui il sistema patriarcale continua a riprodursi. Lo stesso immaginario conciliante di superiorità, secondo la sociologa femminista Chandra Talpade Mohanty, è stato prodotto dalle femministe bianche e occidentali rispetto alla categoria di "donna del terzo mondo": vulnerabile, vittima dell'arretratezza della propria cultura, politicamente immatura e dunque incapace di liberarsi da sola-ovvero senza il supporto del femminismo occidentale-dalla propria oppressione.
Books by Marta Panighel

Viella, 2023
Nel luglio del 1970 viene affisso sui muri di Roma e Milano il "Manifesto di Rivolta femminile", ... more Nel luglio del 1970 viene affisso sui muri di Roma e Milano il "Manifesto di Rivolta femminile", che convenzionalmente segna la nascita del movimento femminista italiano.
A oltre quarant'anni da allora, nuove forme di attivismo, a livello globale, stanno contribuendo a ridefinire genealogie, alleanze e pratiche politiche, e a interrogare con quesiti nuovi la storia dei femminismi. Le ricerche presentate nel volume-basate sul caso italiano-ricostruiscono percorsi ed eventi di un lungo ventennio femminista, gli anni Settanta e Ottanta, mettendo al centro esperienze finora considerate liminali o periferiche. L'analisi e l'incrocio di fonti eterogenee compone un originale sguardo d'insieme che, raccogliendo l'eredità dei precedenti studi sui femminismi, apre nuove piste di ricerca e offre al tempo stesso spunti preziosi per comprendere il presente.
Contributi di Anastasia Barone, Elisa Bellè, Elena Biagini, Eleonora Cirant, Chiara Colangelo, Dalila Missero, Marta Panighel, Tommaso Rebora, Clarissa Ricci, Giulia Sbaffi.
In copertina: Eva con Lina, simbolo femminista, Roma 1977, fotografia di Luisa De Gaetano (per gentile concessione di Ippolito Simion).
Viella libreria editrice - Collana Storia delle donne e di genere, 15
Papers by Marta Panighel
This paper will carry out a discourse analysis on this debate, focusing on some pivotal aspects: the roots of contemporary gender Islamophobia in colonial Orientalism and epistemic Eurocentrism; the contemporary debate on Muslims and Islam in Italy, and the media’s role in reproducing stereotypes and discrimination; the political convergence between very different actors in the systematic attack against Italian Muslim women.
Book Chapter by Marta Panighel
In the epistemological intention of considering Muslim women as autonomous subjects, acting independently from the discourses produced about them, this paper analyses the ways in which Muslim women resist, organize themselves and seek alternative horizons. The case of “Your Muslim Sisters Chitchat” is particularly interesting because it originates from the need of two young women to create and share content by building a network through social media. Drawing inspiration from other similar podcasts in Europe, Kawtar and Aicha have meticulously created a multi-media product: a podcast, an Instagram page, a website, and a YouTube channel. The topics they cover are also varied: from the pillars of Islam to the question of citizenship; from the experiences of converts to support during the month of Ramadan; from sexuality in the Islamic context, to terrorism in Europe.
From an intersectional and postcolonial feminist perspective, the paper will first present the work of “Your Muslim Sisters”; then, it will outline the context of Italian Islam, with a focus on the gendered dimension; and finally, it will analyse the role played by counternarratives of concerned subjects about spreading Islamophobia in Italy.
Book Reviews by Marta Panighel
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Conference Presentations by Marta Panighel
Muslim Other – always perceived and constructed as a migrant, despite being a long-term resident and/or a citizen – is described in public and political discourse as incompatible with Western modernity. The Orientalist discourse persists today in the relationship of the West with its “Other”, meaning – after the end of the Cold War and after 9/11 – Islam. Islamophobia thus imposes itself as the paradigm of the so called clash of civilizations, producing a monolithic and essentialized view of Islam. Moreover, Orientalism has been described as a strongly gendered system of power, in which racialized Other is (also) constructed through gender norms. To interrogate Muslim women experiences enables to unveil a whole paradigm of Otherization through gender and race norms.
In this context, new Italian Muslim generations have not remained silent: starting from associations to Instagram celebrities, in the last twenty years Italian Muslims voices have become more and more present and well-structured. However, public opinion and political forces still tend not to listen to them, maintaining the Italian scenario strongly resistant to changes, both regarding legal framework and representations.
In the epistemological intention of considering Muslim women as autonomous subjects, acting independently from the discourses produced about them, this paper analyses from an intersectional and postcolonial feminist perspective the ways in which Muslim Italian women resist, organize themselves and seek alternative horizons.
On December 14, 2019 Nibras Asfa, a young Muslim woman of Palestinian origins, gave a speech from the “Sardines movement” stage in Rome. Born a month before, the movement brought together thousands of people in many Italian cities, in opposition to growing populism and racism. Following the diffusion of the video showing her speech, Nibras has been violently attacked by right-wing parties and newspapers. She has been accused to be an enemy of the “rule of law”, a “foreign”, an “Hamas supporter”. Her very presence on that stage – or rather, the presence of her veil – has been attacked also by some feminists, influential left-wing journalists and opinion leaders. Indeed, according to Farris (2017) femonationalism is a political convergence between three actors: nationalist right-wing parties, feminists and femocrats, neoliberal policies.
Talks by Marta Panighel
Drafts by Marta Panighel
Books by Marta Panighel
A oltre quarant'anni da allora, nuove forme di attivismo, a livello globale, stanno contribuendo a ridefinire genealogie, alleanze e pratiche politiche, e a interrogare con quesiti nuovi la storia dei femminismi. Le ricerche presentate nel volume-basate sul caso italiano-ricostruiscono percorsi ed eventi di un lungo ventennio femminista, gli anni Settanta e Ottanta, mettendo al centro esperienze finora considerate liminali o periferiche. L'analisi e l'incrocio di fonti eterogenee compone un originale sguardo d'insieme che, raccogliendo l'eredità dei precedenti studi sui femminismi, apre nuove piste di ricerca e offre al tempo stesso spunti preziosi per comprendere il presente.
Contributi di Anastasia Barone, Elisa Bellè, Elena Biagini, Eleonora Cirant, Chiara Colangelo, Dalila Missero, Marta Panighel, Tommaso Rebora, Clarissa Ricci, Giulia Sbaffi.
In copertina: Eva con Lina, simbolo femminista, Roma 1977, fotografia di Luisa De Gaetano (per gentile concessione di Ippolito Simion).
Viella libreria editrice - Collana Storia delle donne e di genere, 15
This paper will carry out a discourse analysis on this debate, focusing on some pivotal aspects: the roots of contemporary gender Islamophobia in colonial Orientalism and epistemic Eurocentrism; the contemporary debate on Muslims and Islam in Italy, and the media’s role in reproducing stereotypes and discrimination; the political convergence between very different actors in the systematic attack against Italian Muslim women.
In the epistemological intention of considering Muslim women as autonomous subjects, acting independently from the discourses produced about them, this paper analyses the ways in which Muslim women resist, organize themselves and seek alternative horizons. The case of “Your Muslim Sisters Chitchat” is particularly interesting because it originates from the need of two young women to create and share content by building a network through social media. Drawing inspiration from other similar podcasts in Europe, Kawtar and Aicha have meticulously created a multi-media product: a podcast, an Instagram page, a website, and a YouTube channel. The topics they cover are also varied: from the pillars of Islam to the question of citizenship; from the experiences of converts to support during the month of Ramadan; from sexuality in the Islamic context, to terrorism in Europe.
From an intersectional and postcolonial feminist perspective, the paper will first present the work of “Your Muslim Sisters”; then, it will outline the context of Italian Islam, with a focus on the gendered dimension; and finally, it will analyse the role played by counternarratives of concerned subjects about spreading Islamophobia in Italy.
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Muslim Other – always perceived and constructed as a migrant, despite being a long-term resident and/or a citizen – is described in public and political discourse as incompatible with Western modernity. The Orientalist discourse persists today in the relationship of the West with its “Other”, meaning – after the end of the Cold War and after 9/11 – Islam. Islamophobia thus imposes itself as the paradigm of the so called clash of civilizations, producing a monolithic and essentialized view of Islam. Moreover, Orientalism has been described as a strongly gendered system of power, in which racialized Other is (also) constructed through gender norms. To interrogate Muslim women experiences enables to unveil a whole paradigm of Otherization through gender and race norms.
In this context, new Italian Muslim generations have not remained silent: starting from associations to Instagram celebrities, in the last twenty years Italian Muslims voices have become more and more present and well-structured. However, public opinion and political forces still tend not to listen to them, maintaining the Italian scenario strongly resistant to changes, both regarding legal framework and representations.
In the epistemological intention of considering Muslim women as autonomous subjects, acting independently from the discourses produced about them, this paper analyses from an intersectional and postcolonial feminist perspective the ways in which Muslim Italian women resist, organize themselves and seek alternative horizons.
On December 14, 2019 Nibras Asfa, a young Muslim woman of Palestinian origins, gave a speech from the “Sardines movement” stage in Rome. Born a month before, the movement brought together thousands of people in many Italian cities, in opposition to growing populism and racism. Following the diffusion of the video showing her speech, Nibras has been violently attacked by right-wing parties and newspapers. She has been accused to be an enemy of the “rule of law”, a “foreign”, an “Hamas supporter”. Her very presence on that stage – or rather, the presence of her veil – has been attacked also by some feminists, influential left-wing journalists and opinion leaders. Indeed, according to Farris (2017) femonationalism is a political convergence between three actors: nationalist right-wing parties, feminists and femocrats, neoliberal policies.
A oltre quarant'anni da allora, nuove forme di attivismo, a livello globale, stanno contribuendo a ridefinire genealogie, alleanze e pratiche politiche, e a interrogare con quesiti nuovi la storia dei femminismi. Le ricerche presentate nel volume-basate sul caso italiano-ricostruiscono percorsi ed eventi di un lungo ventennio femminista, gli anni Settanta e Ottanta, mettendo al centro esperienze finora considerate liminali o periferiche. L'analisi e l'incrocio di fonti eterogenee compone un originale sguardo d'insieme che, raccogliendo l'eredità dei precedenti studi sui femminismi, apre nuove piste di ricerca e offre al tempo stesso spunti preziosi per comprendere il presente.
Contributi di Anastasia Barone, Elisa Bellè, Elena Biagini, Eleonora Cirant, Chiara Colangelo, Dalila Missero, Marta Panighel, Tommaso Rebora, Clarissa Ricci, Giulia Sbaffi.
In copertina: Eva con Lina, simbolo femminista, Roma 1977, fotografia di Luisa De Gaetano (per gentile concessione di Ippolito Simion).
Viella libreria editrice - Collana Storia delle donne e di genere, 15