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According to several authors Bion’s contribution has been a landmark in thought and conceptualization of the unconscious functioning of human be- ings in groups. In this paper we provide a mathematical model of group behavior in which... more
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A discrete-time dynamical system is proposed to model a class of binary choice games with externalities as those described by . In order to analyze some oscillatory time patterns and problems of equilibrium selection that were not... more
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      SociologyStatisticsSocial InfluenceMathematical Sociology
In this paper we discuss strategies concerning the implementation of an agent-based simulation of complex phenomena. The model we consider accounts for population decomposition and interaction in industrial districts. The approach we... more
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      SociologyAgent Based SimulationComplex SystemModel validation
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    • Emergence
This paper considers a model of industrial districts where different populations interact symbiotically. The approach consists in the parallel implementation of the model with jESOF, JAS and plain C++. We consider a district decomposition... more
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    • Industrial District
Cournot oligopolies are the most frequently discussed economic models in the literature of mathematical economics. This research area was originated by Cournot , and based on his pioneering work, many scientists have introduced and... more
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      Applied EconomicsAsymptotic StabilityEconomic Behavior
Two different ways to model the diffusion of alternative choices within a population of individuals in the presence of social externalities are known in the literature. While Galam's model of rumors spreading considers a majority rule for... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSmall GroupsSocial System
This paper introduces and analyzes a model of supervised work group where subordinates decide how to exert their effort in complementary tasks while the supervisors decide incentives. Incentives may be a combination of individual and... more
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      Organizational BehaviorGeneticsOrganizational TheoryProduction
In this paper we present a new framework to analyze the behavior of evolutionary 2 × 2 symmetric games. The proposed approach enanbles us to predict the dynamics of the system using the parameters of the game matrix above, without dealing... more
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Finite neighborhood repeated games with large number of players are examined. Each agent has the choice between two actions and its payoff depends on the number of other players with the same choice. We first showed that the number of... more
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With the help of a simple Cournot model we show that a minority stake in a competitor, when internalized by its holder, decreases the equilibrium output of both firms and also of their competitors and raises operating profits for all of... more
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      Event StudyProfitability
Empirical evidence, and theoretical results have shown that, in an industry, higher concentration index indicates higher price-cost margin. In order to detect collusive behaviour the antitrust authorities often monitor the... more
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      EconomicsAustralian economic policyEmpirical evidenceIndexation
The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index is one of the most commonly used indicators to detect anticompetitive behavior in industries. In fact, an increase in the value of the index is usually interpreted as an indicator of actions which may lessen... more
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      Applied EconomicsApplied Economics LettersPublic health systems and services researchIndexation
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      Organizational BehaviorApplied EconomicsGroup workDynamical System
In this paper we consider a model where agents interact participating to projects in order to maximize their profit. We integrate the results of two human subjects experiments with the results of artificial agent simulations. A relevant... more
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      Agent Based SimulationNetwork DynamicsProfitabilityTeam Formation
Several recent contributions formalize and analyze binary choices games with externalities as those described by Schelling. Nevertheless, in the real world choices are not always binary, and players have often to decide among more than... more
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In this paper we consider a model where agents interact participating to projects in order to maximize their profit. We integrate the results of two human subjects experiments with the results of artificial agent simulations. A relevant... more
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      Agent Based SimulationNetwork DynamicsProfitabilityTeam Formation
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      Agent Based SimulationNetwork DynamicsProfitabilityTeam Formation
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