This paper focuses on the evolution of the book format from print to digital medium, exploring th... more This paper focuses on the evolution of the book format from print to digital medium, exploring three main topics: the overcoming of the idea of the page frame, the influence of mobile and GPS technology on book features and the application of virtual and augmented reality within the print format. For each topic, the analysis looks back to Nineteenth Century Avant-garde anticipations of the digital book. These considerations on the Avant-gardes are considered the starting point of the current digital revolution in book publishing and the literary field
Il sonno del sultano. Riscrittura delle Mille et une nuits nei contes exotiques settecenteschi Bi... more Il sonno del sultano. Riscrittura delle Mille et une nuits nei contes exotiques settecenteschi Bianca Gai Nonostante la pubblicazione dei dodici volumi delle Mille et une nuits di Galland, usciti a Parigi tra il 1704 e il 1717, inneschi un'immediata produzione imitativa di racconti di ispirazione esotica 1 , molti degli intellettuali del Settecento francese dimostrano di condannare l'inverosimiglianza contenutistica dell'opera. È il caso per esempio di Crébillon fils, la cui introduzione al Sopha oppone all'apprezzamento espresso dal sultano Schah-Baham per i racconti della sua ava Schéhérazade, lo scetticismo della sultana sua consorte in merito alla qualità estetica del conte exotique: Ouvrage, où la vraisemblance est toujours violée, et où les idées reçues sont perpétuellement renversées; qui *<+ ne bouleverse l'ordre de la Nature et celui des Éléments, que pour créer des objets ridicules, singulièrement imaginés, mais qui souvent, n'ont rien qui rachète l'extravagance de leur création. (Crébillon 1742: 33) Così Diderot, nelle sue Addition aux pensées philosophiques, si vale dell'opera di Galland come esempio negativo di una narrazione slegata dal vero, assimilabile ironicamente alla scrittura evangelica: «Que Jésus-Christ qui est Dieu ait été tenté par le diable, c'est un conte digne des
What Can You Create with Works in the Public Domain? Digital Reuses of The Little Prince. This pa... more What Can You Create with Works in the Public Domain? Digital Reuses of The Little Prince. This paper aims at collecting and analysing the free reuses of Saint-Exupéry's Le Petit Prince, as the novel has entered the Public Domain in many countries since 2015. The focus is on the spontaneous reuses on the Internet, excluding the derivative works controlled by the Saint Exupéry Estate. The reuse of Saint-Exupéry's novel follow two main paths. First, the textual reuses, ranging from translation and crowdsourced transcription, to social reading and academic text-mining. Second, the visual reuses, which belong to the most interesting digital culture sectors: audiovisual desing, virtual reality cinema and video game programming.
This paper aims at collecting and analysing the free reuses of Saint-Exupery’s Le Petit Prince, a... more This paper aims at collecting and analysing the free reuses of Saint-Exupery’s Le Petit Prince, as the novel has entered the Public Domain in many countries since 2015. The focus is on the spontaneous reuses on the Internet, excluding the derivative works controlled by the Saint Exupery Estate. The reuse of Saint-Exupery’s novel follow two main paths. First, the textual reuses, ranging from translation and crowdsourced transcription, to social reading and academic text-mining. Second, the visual reuses, which belong to the most interesting digital culture sectors: audiovisual desing, virtual reality cinema and video game programming.
Report sul terzo incontro nazionale tra bibliotecari e wikipediani, tenutosi presso la Biblioteca... more Report sul terzo incontro nazionale tra bibliotecari e wikipediani, tenutosi presso la Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze il 10 novembre 2017 .
This paper focuses on the evolution of the book format from print to digital medium, exploring th... more This paper focuses on the evolution of the book format from print to digital medium, exploring three main topics: the overcoming of the idea of the page frame, the influence of mobile and GPS technology on book features and the application of virtual and augmented reality within the print format. For each topic, the analysis looks back to Nineteenth Century Avant-garde anticipations of the digital book. These considerations on the Avant-gardes are considered the starting point of the current digital revolution in book publishing and the literary field
Il sonno del sultano. Riscrittura delle Mille et une nuits nei contes exotiques settecenteschi Bi... more Il sonno del sultano. Riscrittura delle Mille et une nuits nei contes exotiques settecenteschi Bianca Gai Nonostante la pubblicazione dei dodici volumi delle Mille et une nuits di Galland, usciti a Parigi tra il 1704 e il 1717, inneschi un'immediata produzione imitativa di racconti di ispirazione esotica 1 , molti degli intellettuali del Settecento francese dimostrano di condannare l'inverosimiglianza contenutistica dell'opera. È il caso per esempio di Crébillon fils, la cui introduzione al Sopha oppone all'apprezzamento espresso dal sultano Schah-Baham per i racconti della sua ava Schéhérazade, lo scetticismo della sultana sua consorte in merito alla qualità estetica del conte exotique: Ouvrage, où la vraisemblance est toujours violée, et où les idées reçues sont perpétuellement renversées; qui *<+ ne bouleverse l'ordre de la Nature et celui des Éléments, que pour créer des objets ridicules, singulièrement imaginés, mais qui souvent, n'ont rien qui rachète l'extravagance de leur création. (Crébillon 1742: 33) Così Diderot, nelle sue Addition aux pensées philosophiques, si vale dell'opera di Galland come esempio negativo di una narrazione slegata dal vero, assimilabile ironicamente alla scrittura evangelica: «Que Jésus-Christ qui est Dieu ait été tenté par le diable, c'est un conte digne des
What Can You Create with Works in the Public Domain? Digital Reuses of The Little Prince. This pa... more What Can You Create with Works in the Public Domain? Digital Reuses of The Little Prince. This paper aims at collecting and analysing the free reuses of Saint-Exupéry's Le Petit Prince, as the novel has entered the Public Domain in many countries since 2015. The focus is on the spontaneous reuses on the Internet, excluding the derivative works controlled by the Saint Exupéry Estate. The reuse of Saint-Exupéry's novel follow two main paths. First, the textual reuses, ranging from translation and crowdsourced transcription, to social reading and academic text-mining. Second, the visual reuses, which belong to the most interesting digital culture sectors: audiovisual desing, virtual reality cinema and video game programming.
This paper aims at collecting and analysing the free reuses of Saint-Exupery’s Le Petit Prince, a... more This paper aims at collecting and analysing the free reuses of Saint-Exupery’s Le Petit Prince, as the novel has entered the Public Domain in many countries since 2015. The focus is on the spontaneous reuses on the Internet, excluding the derivative works controlled by the Saint Exupery Estate. The reuse of Saint-Exupery’s novel follow two main paths. First, the textual reuses, ranging from translation and crowdsourced transcription, to social reading and academic text-mining. Second, the visual reuses, which belong to the most interesting digital culture sectors: audiovisual desing, virtual reality cinema and video game programming.
Report sul terzo incontro nazionale tra bibliotecari e wikipediani, tenutosi presso la Biblioteca... more Report sul terzo incontro nazionale tra bibliotecari e wikipediani, tenutosi presso la Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze il 10 novembre 2017 .
Papers by Bianca Gai