Daniele Agostini
Daniele Agostini is currently an assistant professor of experimental pedagogy at the University of Trento. He has obtained multiple degrees, including an MSc in Primary Education Sciences, a PhD in Education from the University of Padua, and a co-tutelle PhD in Digital Humanities from the University of Lille. His co-tutelle dissertation was titled “Promoting Outdoor Cultural Heritage Education with Mobile Mixed-Reality Learning Tools: Two Case Studies in Italy and Great Britain.”
After his PhD, he served as an adjunct professor in Computer Sciences Literacy at the University of Padua and worked as a post-doc for a research project aiming to bring mixed reality tools to primary schools for the same university. Daniele's research has focused on m-learning and mixed reality (AR + VR) applications in primary and secondary schools, as well as cultural heritage. He has attempted to integrate formal and informal contexts of learning using Activity Theory as a framework. Daniele has numerous publications, including the book “Teaching and Mobile Learning. Interactive Educational Design,” published by Taylor and Francis in 2021.
He has been employed since June 2022 at the University of Trento's Teaching-Learning Centre (FormID) and has been interested in improving HE teaching and learning practices, including assessment, with technology that can promote collaborative practices. Daniele is currently involved in national and European research groups such as “FLeD Erasmus+ - Learning design for flexible education,” “Digital Education Hubs research on Italian Blended Learning Practices,” and “ARACNE Horizon, Advocating the Role of Silk Art and Cultural Heritage at National and European Scale.”
Daniele's research interests include educational technology, mobile learning, e-learning, immersive education, information literacy, digital interpretation, primary education, and faculty development. He is a member of several scientific societies, such as SIREM (Italian Society for Media Education), ASDUNI (Italian Society for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education), BERA (British Educational Research Association), and AIED (International Society for Artificial Intelligence in Education). Since 2020, he has also been exploring the applications and implications of AI in Education.
Address: Padua, Italy
After his PhD, he served as an adjunct professor in Computer Sciences Literacy at the University of Padua and worked as a post-doc for a research project aiming to bring mixed reality tools to primary schools for the same university. Daniele's research has focused on m-learning and mixed reality (AR + VR) applications in primary and secondary schools, as well as cultural heritage. He has attempted to integrate formal and informal contexts of learning using Activity Theory as a framework. Daniele has numerous publications, including the book “Teaching and Mobile Learning. Interactive Educational Design,” published by Taylor and Francis in 2021.
He has been employed since June 2022 at the University of Trento's Teaching-Learning Centre (FormID) and has been interested in improving HE teaching and learning practices, including assessment, with technology that can promote collaborative practices. Daniele is currently involved in national and European research groups such as “FLeD Erasmus+ - Learning design for flexible education,” “Digital Education Hubs research on Italian Blended Learning Practices,” and “ARACNE Horizon, Advocating the Role of Silk Art and Cultural Heritage at National and European Scale.”
Daniele's research interests include educational technology, mobile learning, e-learning, immersive education, information literacy, digital interpretation, primary education, and faculty development. He is a member of several scientific societies, such as SIREM (Italian Society for Media Education), ASDUNI (Italian Society for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education), BERA (British Educational Research Association), and AIED (International Society for Artificial Intelligence in Education). Since 2020, he has also been exploring the applications and implications of AI in Education.
Address: Padua, Italy
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Papers by Daniele Agostini
Full text: https://www.qtimes.it/?p=drawings-as-a-tool-for-assessing-mixed-reality-mobile-learning-experiences-a-case-study-on-heritage-education-in-italian-primary-school
information literacy)in the educationalsetting. Studentsshould be trained in these competencies, which
will be useful to them in their schooling, as well as in their later work and lives. The paper presents
the findings of an exploratory survey of 185 third- and fourth-year upper secondary school students
aged 16 to 18. The findings show students overestimate their critical skills and are overexposed to
information flows from the old and new media that make fact-checking difficult. There is also strong
demand for an approach that is both technological and humanistic towards educating about fake news.
una particolare attenzione educativa al fact-checking: ogni studente va formato a queste competenze che gli saranno utili durante il suo curricolo di studi e
successivamente anche nei contesti di lavoro e di vita. Sono competenze non
solo tecnologiche ma anche di critical thinking e oggi si esplicitano soprattutto come abilità di Information Literacy, ovvero come l’insieme di competenze
tecniche e metodologiche che mettono in grado la persona di sapere dove e
come cercare le informazioni, di filtrarle efficacemente e soprattutto di valutarle in modo adeguato (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). Nell’articolo vengono presentati i risultati di una indagine esplorativa su 184 studenti del terzo e quarto
anno di scuola secondaria di secondo grado (16-18 anni) dove esprimono il
loro parere sulle istituzioni che più dovrebbero occuparsi del problema (scuola
e Università). In particolare, vengono confrontate le percezioni e l’approccio
al fenomeno delle fake news da parte delle ragazze dei ragazzi che, pur presentando molte somiglianze, differiscono per alcuni aspetti fondamentali, come ad esempio la percezione delle proprie competenze tecnologiche e
l’importanza data alle differenti caratteristiche della fonte.
For these reasons we are starting a pilot project in collaboration with Italia Nostra (Association for the protection of the historical, artistic and natural heritage of Italy) involving students of the 5th class of primary schools (10-11 y. o.) with the aim to make them aware of the importance of the cultural heritage of the Walled Cities of Veneto and the landscape they belong. During the project they will be able to discover the transformations the territory has undergone over time using ancient, past and present maps.
The learning process will be on site, situated and enhanced by AR tools and devices equipped with apps we are developing specifically for this project. The applications will show maps, data, AR 3D artifacts and other multimedia elements merged in a kind of treasure hunt, with riddles and puzzles to apply, enhance and evaluate their knowledge.
We will utilise a wide range of research tools, including interviews, questionnaires and focus groups on both technologies and methodologies used to obtain immediate feedback on the real impact of such educational project. On the pedagogical side, the focus will be on a constructivistic approach in teaching and learning stimulating the students to become active citizens, well aware of their historical identity: as informed and responsible persons, they will be able to better preserve their heritage.
Books by Daniele Agostini
Readers of this book will understand how user and device innovative interactions are borderline with attention deficit disorder, digital amnesia, and information overload. The book develops educational knowledge on how to manage mobile technology and specific learning disorders to monitor the use of smartphones and technology tools and to empower their role in learning enhancement processes.
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Full text: https://www.qtimes.it/?p=drawings-as-a-tool-for-assessing-mixed-reality-mobile-learning-experiences-a-case-study-on-heritage-education-in-italian-primary-school
information literacy)in the educationalsetting. Studentsshould be trained in these competencies, which
will be useful to them in their schooling, as well as in their later work and lives. The paper presents
the findings of an exploratory survey of 185 third- and fourth-year upper secondary school students
aged 16 to 18. The findings show students overestimate their critical skills and are overexposed to
information flows from the old and new media that make fact-checking difficult. There is also strong
demand for an approach that is both technological and humanistic towards educating about fake news.
una particolare attenzione educativa al fact-checking: ogni studente va formato a queste competenze che gli saranno utili durante il suo curricolo di studi e
successivamente anche nei contesti di lavoro e di vita. Sono competenze non
solo tecnologiche ma anche di critical thinking e oggi si esplicitano soprattutto come abilità di Information Literacy, ovvero come l’insieme di competenze
tecniche e metodologiche che mettono in grado la persona di sapere dove e
come cercare le informazioni, di filtrarle efficacemente e soprattutto di valutarle in modo adeguato (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). Nell’articolo vengono presentati i risultati di una indagine esplorativa su 184 studenti del terzo e quarto
anno di scuola secondaria di secondo grado (16-18 anni) dove esprimono il
loro parere sulle istituzioni che più dovrebbero occuparsi del problema (scuola
e Università). In particolare, vengono confrontate le percezioni e l’approccio
al fenomeno delle fake news da parte delle ragazze dei ragazzi che, pur presentando molte somiglianze, differiscono per alcuni aspetti fondamentali, come ad esempio la percezione delle proprie competenze tecnologiche e
l’importanza data alle differenti caratteristiche della fonte.
For these reasons we are starting a pilot project in collaboration with Italia Nostra (Association for the protection of the historical, artistic and natural heritage of Italy) involving students of the 5th class of primary schools (10-11 y. o.) with the aim to make them aware of the importance of the cultural heritage of the Walled Cities of Veneto and the landscape they belong. During the project they will be able to discover the transformations the territory has undergone over time using ancient, past and present maps.
The learning process will be on site, situated and enhanced by AR tools and devices equipped with apps we are developing specifically for this project. The applications will show maps, data, AR 3D artifacts and other multimedia elements merged in a kind of treasure hunt, with riddles and puzzles to apply, enhance and evaluate their knowledge.
We will utilise a wide range of research tools, including interviews, questionnaires and focus groups on both technologies and methodologies used to obtain immediate feedback on the real impact of such educational project. On the pedagogical side, the focus will be on a constructivistic approach in teaching and learning stimulating the students to become active citizens, well aware of their historical identity: as informed and responsible persons, they will be able to better preserve their heritage.
Readers of this book will understand how user and device innovative interactions are borderline with attention deficit disorder, digital amnesia, and information overload. The book develops educational knowledge on how to manage mobile technology and specific learning disorders to monitor the use of smartphones and technology tools and to empower their role in learning enhancement processes.
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L'articolo presenta una sperimentazione didattica volta all'insegnamento delle discipline storiche e geografiche nelle scuole secondarie attraverso l'utilizzo di metodologie didattiche innovative e di applicazioni multimediali on e off line. L'occasione viene fornita dalle commemorazioni per il centenario della Prima Guerra Mondiale, i luoghi oggetto della sperimentazione sono infatti quelli che all'epoca costituirono il fronte italo-austriaco. La sperimentazione ha previsto la preparazione di un dossier con documenti storici di vario genere legati ad alcuni itinerari di guerra, uno di pianura, l'altro di montagna, caratteristici della guerra su questo fronte. Gli studenti, con l'aiuto di storici locali e attraverso il dossier, la webquest, l'utilizzo di moodle, di fonti iconiche e cinematografiche e la visita sui luoghi in oggetto, hanno ricostruito le vicende storiche relative alla Grande Guerra e hanno poi imparato a sintetizzarle attraverso record che poi hanno geo referenziato su una mappa di Google Earth, con il corredo di foto e video oggi ripresi nei medesimi luoghi. Il tutto grazie all'utilizzo di una piattaforma GIS opensource creata dallo Scholar's Lab dell'Università della Virginia. La sperimentazione ha ottenuto l'interesse di Europeana, che l'ha proposta nei suoi meeting di Berlino e Parigi (2014) e attualmente è utilizzata da numerose scuole al fine di geolocalizzare i principali itinerari di guerra lungo il fronte italo-austriaco.
Abstract inglese:
The article presents an educational experimentation designed to teach history and geography in secondary schools through the use of innovative teaching methods and multimedia applications both online and offline. The opportunity is provided by the commemorations of the centenary of the First World War, the places object of experimentation are the former Italian-Austrian front. The experimentation has provided for the preparation of a dossier with historical documents of various kinds related to certain routes of war, one in the plain, the other in mountain, both peculiar of the war on this front. Students, with the help of local historians, through the dossier, the webquest, the use of Moodle, the use of iconic and cinematographic sources and through the visit of places in question, have reconstructed the historical events related to the Great War. They have also learned to synthesize them through the creation of records, the georeferentiation on a map of Google Earth and sets of photos and videos taken in the same places today. All of these activities were made possible thanks to the use of a opensource GIS platform created by the Scholar's Lab at the University of Virginia. The experimentation has received interest from Europeana, who proposed it in his meetings in Berlin and Paris (2014) and is currently used by many schools to geolocalize the main routes of war along the Italian-Austrian front.
L'articolo presenta una sperimentazione didattica volta all'insegnamento delle discipline storiche e geografiche nelle scuole secondarie attraverso l'utilizzo di metodologie didattiche innovative e di applicazioni multimediali on e off line. L'occasione viene fornita dalle commemorazioni per il centenario della Prima Guerra Mondiale, i luoghi oggetto della sperimentazione sono infatti quelli che all'epoca costituirono il fronte italo-austriaco. La sperimentazione ha previsto la preparazione di un dossier con documenti storici di vario genere legati ad alcuni itinerari di guerra, uno di pianura, l'altro di montagna, caratteristici della guerra su questo fronte. Gli studenti, con l'aiuto di storici locali e attraverso il dossier, la webquest, l'utilizzo di moodle, di fonti iconiche e cinematografiche e la visita sui luoghi in oggetto, hanno ricostruito le vicende storiche relative alla Grande Guerra e hanno poi imparato a sintetizzarle attraverso record che poi hanno geo referenziato su una mappa di Google Earth, con il corredo di foto e video oggi ripresi nei medesimi luoghi. Il tutto grazie all'utilizzo di una piattaforma GIS opensource creata dallo Scholar's Lab dell'Università della Virginia. La sperimentazione ha ottenuto l'interesse di Europeana, che l'ha proposta nei suoi meeting di Berlino e Parigi (2014) e attualmente è utilizzata da numerose scuole al fine di geolocalizzare i principali itinerari di guerra lungo il fronte italo-austriaco.
Abstract inglese:
The article presents an educational experimentation designed to teach history and geography in secondary schools through the use of innovative teaching methods and multimedia applications both online and offline. The opportunity is provided by the commemorations of the centenary of the First World War, the places object of experimentation are the former Italian-Austrian front. The experimentation has provided for the preparation of a dossier with historical documents of various kinds related to certain routes of war, one in the plain, the other in mountain, both peculiar of the war on this front. Students, with the help of local historians, through the dossier, the webquest, the use of Moodle, the use of iconic and cinematographic sources and through the visit of places in question, have reconstructed the historical events related to the Great War. They have also learned to synthesize them through the creation of records, the georeferentiation on a map of Google Earth and sets of photos and videos taken in the same places today. All of these activities were made possible thanks to the use of a opensource GIS platform created by the Scholar's Lab at the University of Virginia. The experimentation has received interest from Europeana, who proposed it in his meetings in Berlin and Paris (2014) and is currently used by many schools to geolocalize the main routes of war along the Italian-Austrian front.