Intervento tenuto il 14 dicembre 2023 all'Università per stranieri di Siena, in occasione dell'in... more Intervento tenuto il 14 dicembre 2023 all'Università per stranieri di Siena, in occasione dell'intitolazione a Michela Murgia della sala di lettura d'Ateneo.
In a scholarly paper, Javier Paricio accuses a colleague, Luca Casarotti, of not really being the... more In a scholarly paper, Javier Paricio accuses a colleague, Luca Casarotti, of not really being the author of an article he signed, which according to Paricio he could not have written because of his blindness and young age. This article responds to the accusation, and brings the debate back to the merits of the historiographical issues.
Isabella Bossolino - Chiara Zanchi (ed.), E pluribus unum. Prospettive sull’Antico. Per i Decennalia dei Cantieri d’Autunno: i seminari dell’Università di Pavia dedicati al mondo antico, 2023
The subject of this contribution is Ulpian's commentary on the suspecti tutoris accusatio, which ... more The subject of this contribution is Ulpian's commentary on the suspecti tutoris accusatio, which can be read in Justinian's Digest (Ulp. 35 ad ed. D. 26.10.1,3). Few modern interpreters have analyzed this fragment as a unitary text: among them, Siro Solazzi stands out, who, however, subjected the text to radical criticism. This article highlights the implications of Solazzi's reading on a linguistic and textual level, and proposes a different interpretation of the fragment, which considers the results achieved in the meantime by the studies on Latin didactic literature.
» D. MANTOVANI, Nefas est deorum formas insculpi anulis. Ateio Capitone e la storia di Roma in un... more » D. MANTOVANI, Nefas est deorum formas insculpi anulis. Ateio Capitone e la storia di Roma in un anello [Nefas est deorum formas insculpi anulis. Ateius Capito and the History of Rome in a Ring ]. .
If a pupil was assigned multiple guardians, a clause of the praetor’s edict established the proce... more If a pupil was assigned multiple guardians, a clause of the praetor’s edict established the procedure called provocatio ad satisdationem meant to identify who among these guardians would be administering the pupil’s patrimony. This clause, however, only concerned those tutors who were appointed by the father to his son in a will. In D., Ulpian sustained that, by analogy with the praetor’s edict, the provocatio ad satisdationem could also be applied to tutors nominated according to the law of the XII Tables, and to tutors appointed by the municipal magistrates. The article examines the textual peculiarities and the juridical perspective of Ulpian’s passage. Since many modern commentators hold that the compilers of Justinian’s Digest interpolated this excerpt, a new reading of its constitutio textus is needed. The analysis of the normative content of the text focuses especially on the reasons that guided Ulpian to endorse his interpretation of the edictal procedure on the provocatio ad satisdationem. For Ulpian, the appointment of a sole administrator of the pupil’s goods, rather than a collective management of the patrimony, best fulfilled the interests both of the pupil himself and of the guardians.
Relazione introduttiva al convegno "L'università in camicia nera: il caso pavese e il rifiuto di ... more Relazione introduttiva al convegno "L'università in camicia nera: il caso pavese e il rifiuto di Giorgio Errera al giuramento del 1931" (Pavia, 16 ottobre 2021).
The two seminal essays written by Yan Thomas and Jacques Chiffoleau – wose Italian edition has ju... more The two seminal essays written by Yan Thomas and Jacques Chiffoleau – wose Italian edition has just been published (L’istituzione della natura, a cura e con un saggio di M. Spanò, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2020) examine casuistry, understanding it as a reformulation of the different functions assigned to the idea of nature in the Roman and Medieval juridical knowledge. This contribution proposes an original interpretation of Thomas’ and Chiffoleau’s positions, with a comment to Michele Spanò’s essay.
Considerations on a recent book by Miguel Herrero Medina (Origen y evolución de la tutela impuber... more Considerations on a recent book by Miguel Herrero Medina (Origen y evolución de la tutela impuberum. Proteccion procesal a traves de la actio rationibus distrahendis y la accusatio suspecti tutoris, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2019).
The two seminal essays written by Yan Thomas and Jacques Chiffoleau – wose Italian edition has ju... more The two seminal essays written by Yan Thomas and Jacques Chiffoleau – wose Italian edition has just been published (L’istituzione della natura, a cura e con un saggio di M. Spanò, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2020) examine casuistry, understanding it as a reformulation of the different functions assigned to the idea of nature in the Roman and Medieval juridical knowledge. This contribution proposes an original interpretation of Thomas’ and Chiffoleau’s positions, with a comment to Michele Spanò’s essay.
Beni comuni: potenzialità e limiti di una categoria all'incrocio tra politica e diritto Prima di ... more Beni comuni: potenzialità e limiti di una categoria all'incrocio tra politica e diritto Prima di cominciare, una doverosa deminutio auctoris: benché io abbia una formazione giuridica, non sono uno specialista dei beni comuni; sono uno studioso di diritto romano. È vero che in questi anni c'è stato chi, come l'ex vicepresidente della Corte Costituzionale Paolo Maddalena, ha proposto di ripartire dal diritto romano per dare un fondamento alla categoria dei beni comuni. Non voglio però prendere qui posizione sulla domanda se fare quest'operazione di archeologia giuridica, vale a dire rintracciare la continuità tra una categoria moderna e il suo strato storico profondo, sia o meno utile allo scopo. Il discorso mi porterebbe troppo lontano dalle questioni che vorrei affrontare in quest'articolo. Mi limito a segnalare che alla posizione continuistasi oppone quella di chi al contrario ritiene necessario pensare i beni comuni come una frattura nella storia giuridica, tanto moderna e contemporanea quanto antica. Era di quest'opinione, ad esempio, Stefano Rodotà, di cui si può vedere in proposito il saggio Verso i beni comuni, ora compreso nella raccolta di scritti uscita postuma con il titolo Vivere la democrazia (Laterza 2018).
Bisogna essere eloquenti sui salari. A proposito di Marta Fana -Simone Fana, Basta salari da fame... more Bisogna essere eloquenti sui salari. A proposito di Marta Fana -Simone Fana, Basta salari da fame!, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2019, pp. XX-172
If a pupil was assigned multiple guardians, a clause of the praetor’s edict established the proce... more If a pupil was assigned multiple guardians, a clause of the praetor’s edict established the procedure called provocatio ad satisdationem meant to identify who among these guardians would be administering the pupil’s patrimony. This clause, however, only concerned those tutors who were appointed by the father to his son in a will. In D., Ulpian sustained that, by analogy with the praetor’s edict, the provocatio ad satisdationem could also be applied to tutors nominated according to the law of the XII Tables, and to tutors appointed by the municipal magistrates. The article examines the textual peculiarities and the juridical perspective of Ulpian’s passage. Since many modern commentators hold that the compilers of Justinian’s Digest interpolated this excerpt, a new reading of its constitutio textus is needed. The analysis of the normative content of the text focuses especially on the reasons that guided Ulpian to endorse his interpretation of the edictal procedure on the provocatio ad satisdationem. For Ulpian, the appointment of a sole administrator of the pupil’s goods, rather than a collective management of the patrimony, best fulfilled the interests both of the pupil himself and of the guardians.
Intervento tenuto il 14 dicembre 2023 all'Università per stranieri di Siena, in occasione dell'in... more Intervento tenuto il 14 dicembre 2023 all'Università per stranieri di Siena, in occasione dell'intitolazione a Michela Murgia della sala di lettura d'Ateneo.
In a scholarly paper, Javier Paricio accuses a colleague, Luca Casarotti, of not really being the... more In a scholarly paper, Javier Paricio accuses a colleague, Luca Casarotti, of not really being the author of an article he signed, which according to Paricio he could not have written because of his blindness and young age. This article responds to the accusation, and brings the debate back to the merits of the historiographical issues.
Isabella Bossolino - Chiara Zanchi (ed.), E pluribus unum. Prospettive sull’Antico. Per i Decennalia dei Cantieri d’Autunno: i seminari dell’Università di Pavia dedicati al mondo antico, 2023
The subject of this contribution is Ulpian's commentary on the suspecti tutoris accusatio, which ... more The subject of this contribution is Ulpian's commentary on the suspecti tutoris accusatio, which can be read in Justinian's Digest (Ulp. 35 ad ed. D. 26.10.1,3). Few modern interpreters have analyzed this fragment as a unitary text: among them, Siro Solazzi stands out, who, however, subjected the text to radical criticism. This article highlights the implications of Solazzi's reading on a linguistic and textual level, and proposes a different interpretation of the fragment, which considers the results achieved in the meantime by the studies on Latin didactic literature.
» D. MANTOVANI, Nefas est deorum formas insculpi anulis. Ateio Capitone e la storia di Roma in un... more » D. MANTOVANI, Nefas est deorum formas insculpi anulis. Ateio Capitone e la storia di Roma in un anello [Nefas est deorum formas insculpi anulis. Ateius Capito and the History of Rome in a Ring ]. .
If a pupil was assigned multiple guardians, a clause of the praetor’s edict established the proce... more If a pupil was assigned multiple guardians, a clause of the praetor’s edict established the procedure called provocatio ad satisdationem meant to identify who among these guardians would be administering the pupil’s patrimony. This clause, however, only concerned those tutors who were appointed by the father to his son in a will. In D., Ulpian sustained that, by analogy with the praetor’s edict, the provocatio ad satisdationem could also be applied to tutors nominated according to the law of the XII Tables, and to tutors appointed by the municipal magistrates. The article examines the textual peculiarities and the juridical perspective of Ulpian’s passage. Since many modern commentators hold that the compilers of Justinian’s Digest interpolated this excerpt, a new reading of its constitutio textus is needed. The analysis of the normative content of the text focuses especially on the reasons that guided Ulpian to endorse his interpretation of the edictal procedure on the provocatio ad satisdationem. For Ulpian, the appointment of a sole administrator of the pupil’s goods, rather than a collective management of the patrimony, best fulfilled the interests both of the pupil himself and of the guardians.
Relazione introduttiva al convegno "L'università in camicia nera: il caso pavese e il rifiuto di ... more Relazione introduttiva al convegno "L'università in camicia nera: il caso pavese e il rifiuto di Giorgio Errera al giuramento del 1931" (Pavia, 16 ottobre 2021).
The two seminal essays written by Yan Thomas and Jacques Chiffoleau – wose Italian edition has ju... more The two seminal essays written by Yan Thomas and Jacques Chiffoleau – wose Italian edition has just been published (L’istituzione della natura, a cura e con un saggio di M. Spanò, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2020) examine casuistry, understanding it as a reformulation of the different functions assigned to the idea of nature in the Roman and Medieval juridical knowledge. This contribution proposes an original interpretation of Thomas’ and Chiffoleau’s positions, with a comment to Michele Spanò’s essay.
Considerations on a recent book by Miguel Herrero Medina (Origen y evolución de la tutela impuber... more Considerations on a recent book by Miguel Herrero Medina (Origen y evolución de la tutela impuberum. Proteccion procesal a traves de la actio rationibus distrahendis y la accusatio suspecti tutoris, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2019).
The two seminal essays written by Yan Thomas and Jacques Chiffoleau – wose Italian edition has ju... more The two seminal essays written by Yan Thomas and Jacques Chiffoleau – wose Italian edition has just been published (L’istituzione della natura, a cura e con un saggio di M. Spanò, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2020) examine casuistry, understanding it as a reformulation of the different functions assigned to the idea of nature in the Roman and Medieval juridical knowledge. This contribution proposes an original interpretation of Thomas’ and Chiffoleau’s positions, with a comment to Michele Spanò’s essay.
Beni comuni: potenzialità e limiti di una categoria all'incrocio tra politica e diritto Prima di ... more Beni comuni: potenzialità e limiti di una categoria all'incrocio tra politica e diritto Prima di cominciare, una doverosa deminutio auctoris: benché io abbia una formazione giuridica, non sono uno specialista dei beni comuni; sono uno studioso di diritto romano. È vero che in questi anni c'è stato chi, come l'ex vicepresidente della Corte Costituzionale Paolo Maddalena, ha proposto di ripartire dal diritto romano per dare un fondamento alla categoria dei beni comuni. Non voglio però prendere qui posizione sulla domanda se fare quest'operazione di archeologia giuridica, vale a dire rintracciare la continuità tra una categoria moderna e il suo strato storico profondo, sia o meno utile allo scopo. Il discorso mi porterebbe troppo lontano dalle questioni che vorrei affrontare in quest'articolo. Mi limito a segnalare che alla posizione continuistasi oppone quella di chi al contrario ritiene necessario pensare i beni comuni come una frattura nella storia giuridica, tanto moderna e contemporanea quanto antica. Era di quest'opinione, ad esempio, Stefano Rodotà, di cui si può vedere in proposito il saggio Verso i beni comuni, ora compreso nella raccolta di scritti uscita postuma con il titolo Vivere la democrazia (Laterza 2018).
Bisogna essere eloquenti sui salari. A proposito di Marta Fana -Simone Fana, Basta salari da fame... more Bisogna essere eloquenti sui salari. A proposito di Marta Fana -Simone Fana, Basta salari da fame!, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2019, pp. XX-172
If a pupil was assigned multiple guardians, a clause of the praetor’s edict established the proce... more If a pupil was assigned multiple guardians, a clause of the praetor’s edict established the procedure called provocatio ad satisdationem meant to identify who among these guardians would be administering the pupil’s patrimony. This clause, however, only concerned those tutors who were appointed by the father to his son in a will. In D., Ulpian sustained that, by analogy with the praetor’s edict, the provocatio ad satisdationem could also be applied to tutors nominated according to the law of the XII Tables, and to tutors appointed by the municipal magistrates. The article examines the textual peculiarities and the juridical perspective of Ulpian’s passage. Since many modern commentators hold that the compilers of Justinian’s Digest interpolated this excerpt, a new reading of its constitutio textus is needed. The analysis of the normative content of the text focuses especially on the reasons that guided Ulpian to endorse his interpretation of the edictal procedure on the provocatio ad satisdationem. For Ulpian, the appointment of a sole administrator of the pupil’s goods, rather than a collective management of the patrimony, best fulfilled the interests both of the pupil himself and of the guardians.