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Tenore (1826) originally described Artemisia variabilis from the surroundings of Naples. Later on, Gussone (1843) gave this taxon also for Sicily. It was considered as a species in all the italian Floras of the last Century (Bertoloni,... more
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On the Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot. woodlands in Sardinia. The phytosociological analysis of Olea europaea. var. sylvestris woodlands occurring in Sardinia are here presented. The following sintaxa are described for the first... more
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This paper deals about some nitrophilous associations of northem Sardinia. These associations are included in the classes: Pegano-Salsoletea Br.-Bl. e O. de Bolòs 1957, Stellarietea mediae R. Tx., Lohm et Preising in R. Tx. 1950 and... more
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The vegetation map of S'Ena Arrubia Lagoon in centre-western Sardinia (1: 2,500 scale) is presented and some diachronic remarks are made by referring to historical data available. The main object of this cartography, after a research on... more
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Criterio B-EOO inferiore a 5000 Km2 e AOO inferiore a 500 Km2, inoltre la sua popolazione si ritrova in quattro locations; per la specie è stato osservato, e si prevede per il futuro, una riduzione dell'estensione dell'habitat per... more
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Categoria di rischio: Critically Endangered, CR B1ab (ii, iii, v)+ 2ab (v). Criterio DA causa della massima minaccia possibile, rappresentata attualmente dalla pressione turistica, in costante aumento negli ultimi anni, la specie,... more
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The results on the phytosociologic analysis on some shrub caducous meso-higrophylous communities are here presented. The study involves the north-western part of Sardinia (Italy), with major attention to the carbonatic and volcanic... more
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The trachyte-basalt biogeographic sub-district of the north-western Sardinian district, included in the coastal and hill sub-sector of the Sardinian sector, is characterised by two large effusive complexes: Rhyolites, Andesites and Dikes... more
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This study describes the vegetation of S'Ena Arrubia lagoon, in the Gulf of Oristano, in the centre-western coast of Sardinia. This lagoon is classified as: Special Protection Zone (SPZ) according to EEC Directive 79/409, community... more
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We present here the results from a phytosociological and synchorological study of the deciduous oak woods of Sardinia. This vegetation analysis has allowed the individuation of three new associations: Lonicero implexae-Quercetum... more
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The aims of this research were to contribute to the knowledge of the Mediterranean temporary wet habitats vegetation and to investigate the spatial distribution and the temporal successions of plant communities under different... more
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B. ANZALONE, Roma (I) PV AruuGONI, Firenze (I) G. AYMONIN, Paris (F) C. BALLETI'o, Genova (I) P. BAMPs, Meise (B) A. BOZZINI, Roma (I) A. CERUTI, Torino (I) F. CINELU, Pisa (I) C. CORTINI PEDROTTI, Camerino (I) A. DE PHILlPPIS, Firenze... more
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Contribution to the knowledge of the Sardinian Laurus nobilis L. stands, a priority habitat of the 92/43/EEC Directive. The results of the phytosociological study of the Sardinian Laurus nobilis L. stands are here presented. The... more
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Abstract This paper deals with the anatomical and histological study of a silicified specimen of a palm consisting of a part of the trunk surrounded by roots. The sample comes from the Lower Miocene of North West Sardinia. The comparison... more
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The trachybasalt biogeographic sub-district of the NW Sardinian district, included in the coastal and hilly sub-sector of the Sardinian biogeographic sector, is characterised by two large effusive complexes: that of the rhyolites,... more
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Uno studio della vegetazione condotto con metodo fitosociologico (Gehù & Rivas-Martinez, 1981) porta all'identificazione delle associazioni vegetali presenti in un territorio. Le piante infatti con la loro presenza indicano la condizione... more
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In this work we talk about coastal and littoral terrestrial habitats and plant communities in Northern Sardinia. We check the right attribution of different plant communities to their habitat type, among those indicated in the Annexe I of... more
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This paper presents a phytosociological study of the halophyle, chamaephytic and hemicryptophytic communities prevalently consisting of Limonium sp. pl., which are localised behind the dunes of Sardinian coastal sites on sandmuddy... more
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