Papers by Marco Rienzi
forthcoming in «Il Pensiero»
M. RIENZI, "Capovolgendo la dialettica. Tra Hegel e Severino", forthcoming in «Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica» (Received: 04/02/2023, Approved: 10/05/2023).
The aim of this paper is to identify some of the theoretical places with respect to which both He... more The aim of this paper is to identify some of the theoretical places with respect to which both Hegel and Severino delineate the physiognomy of their dialectical logics. The thesis that is advanced intends to show how, although starting from the same gesture, the two thinkers nevertheless arrive at different, in some ways even antithetical, outcomes. By bringing back what resulted in Hegel to the level of the original, Severino's dialectics can in fact be read as an attempt to «overturn» the Hegelian one. The argumentation has consequently been divided into two phases: the first aims to show the theoretical starting point common to Hegel and Severino, and therefore a brief incursion into their philosophical itineraries was deemed necessary; the second, on the other hand, provides a discussion of Severino's overturning, finally placing it in critical relation to a «non-foundationalist» reading of Hegelian philosophy.
in Quaderni di Inschibboleth, n. 18, 2/2022, pp. 79-96, 2022
in La filosofia futura, n. 17/2021, pp. 187-198, 2021
Discutendo la concezione delle proposizioni analitiche per come questa emerge entro il testo-rece... more Discutendo la concezione delle proposizioni analitiche per come questa emerge entro il testo-recentemente ripubblicato-Sul fondamento della conoscenza di Moritz Schlick, il presente saggio intende palesare, forte di alcune osservazioni severiniane, come determinate nozioni fondamentali quali quelle dell'"analiticità", della "tautologia" e della "proposizione" si risemantizzino entro l'ontologia severiniana. Discussing the conception of analytical propositions as it emerges within Moritz Schlick's-recently reissued-Über das Fundament der Erkenntnis, this essay intends to reveal, on the strength of some Severinian observations, how certain fundamental notions such as 'analyticity', 'tautology' and 'proposition' are once again semanticized within Severinian ontology.
in Quaderni di Inschibboleth, n. 16, 2/2021, pp. 203-220, 2021
Books by Marco Rienzi
Emanuele Severino. Con l'Occidente, oltre l'Occidente, 2023
concept illustration of white marble male classical bust on pedestal with overlaid glitch colorfu... more concept illustration of white marble male classical bust on pedestal with overlaid glitch colorful frame face portion from 3d rendering on grey background. © Rrose Ai miei genitori 9 Note e ringraziamenti 10. Secondo la celebre definizione kantiana; cfr. ivi, B 25; tr. it. cit., p. 67: «Chiamo trascendentale ogni conoscenza che in generale si occupa non tanto di oggetti, quanto invece del nostro modo di conoscere gli oggetti, nel senso che un tale modo di conoscenza dev'essere possibile a priori».
Conference Presentations by Marco Rienzi
21st Conference of the International Network of Transcendental Philosophy and German Idealism: Di... more 21st Conference of the International Network of Transcendental Philosophy and German Idealism: Dialectic in Classical German Philosophy, University of Barcelona, Barcelona
Conference: XXV World Congress of Philosophy. Philosophy across Boundaries, Università La Sapienza, Roma, 2024
Cycle of seminars: Prima e dopo il logos, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano, 2023
Conference: Parole, cose e simboli. Tra antiche e nuove rappresentazioni del reale, Università di Palermo, Palermo, 2024
Conference: 74th Annual Meeting of the Metaphysical Society of America: Identity, Difference and the Difference Metaphysics Makes, Fordham University, New York, 2024
Workshop:Wittgenstein and Hegel on the Foundations of Logic, University of Vienna (Austria), 2023
Papers by Marco Rienzi
Books by Marco Rienzi
Conference Presentations by Marco Rienzi