Papers by Supriyono Supriyono
Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 2016
This is a single case study aiming at describing the implementation of leadership, the leadership... more This is a single case study aiming at describing the implementation of leadership, the leadership behavior, and the implementation of participative decision making at Darushsholihin Boarding School in Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia. This descriptive qualitative research used participative observation, interview, and documentation. The interactive analysis as advised by Huberman (1992) was employed. This research concluded that the leadership implementation consisted of enhancing the staffs and teachers professionalism and the academic and non academic achievements of the students. The leadership behaviour turned to be the tendency to benchmark, to conduct leaders and teachers discussions, to grow ruchul jihad, to promote reading habits, to promote partnership with parents and related parties, and to give continuous motivation. The decision making turned out to involve principals, staffs, teachers, and the community.
Abstract. This study was aimed at finding whether the instructional management of the combinatio... more Abstract. This study was aimed at finding whether the instructional management of the combination of Business Model Canvas and simulated students’ business group tasks could improve students’ mastery on the entrepreneurship education competencies and resulted the establishment of Students’ Enterprises by which students were self employed. This study used action research Method using two cycles instructional management intervention in two semesters. Subjects of this study were the 2015/2016third and fourth semesters of Balitar Islamic University taking the Entrepreneursahip education and consisting of 100 students from different classes. Data were collected using pre and post instructional assessment, questionnaires, and product assessment. Data were analyzed quantitatively by comparing the pre and post assessment results and by interpreting results of questionnaires and product assessment scores. Results of the study showed that the instructional management using the combina...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Management and Administration (CoEMA 2017), 2017
This study was aimed at disclosing the instructional behavior orientation at public middle school... more This study was aimed at disclosing the instructional behavior orientation at public middle schools in Blitar, East Java, Indonesia. The focuses of this study were: (1) design of the instructional supervision behavior orientation, (2) implementation of the instructional supervision behavior orientation, and (3) outcomes of the instructional behavior orientation. This research employed qualitative approach with multisite study design. Data were collected by using interview, documentation , and observation. Data were analyzed by using the combination of interactive and modified analysis. Results of this research revealed that the instructional supervision behavior orientation turned out to be the situational orientation of instructional behavior comprising 4 (four) orientation, i,e. Showing directively, Showing persuasively, Participating interactively and Trusting delegative-ly. Such orientations turned out to significantly relate to teachers' competency and performance enhancement.
Journal of Innovation research and Knowledge, 2022
This paper aims at designing The proposed G*GOLD Way Strategy for teachers to implement the so-ca... more This paper aims at designing The proposed G*GOLD Way Strategy for teachers to implement the so-called Kurikulum Merdeka At All School Levels in Indonesia. This proposed strategy was the result of Phenomenological and theoretical Synthesis Analysis. The analysis was done with reference to the descriptive qualitative research design. The new Indonesian movement of the Freedom Curriculum has aroused the need for teachers' assistance in designing a strategy for the so-called Kurikulum Merdeka implementation. Based on the need analysis, theoretical analysis of the curriculum and learning, and the analysis of G*GOLD principles, The modeling strategy was revealed to consist of ways to integrate the so-called 5 (five) ways to star teachers utilizing the principles of Greatness, Gratitude, Obedience, Love, and Discipline with the star mindset and the so-called JACK-B and Positivism Attitudes. Such strategies are parts of the instructional management and therefore considerations of the planning, implementation, and evaluation were included in the model. Further research in the forms of experimental research, case study, or research and development is advised to be done for strengthening the scientific and practical contribution to the Indonesian Curriculum Movement.
JISOS, 2022
The Covid-19 outbreak has intruded schools to work differently and most concerns raised by the co... more The Covid-19 outbreak has intruded schools to work differently and most concerns raised by the community are the interaction of students and learning entities. This paper is aimed to describe classroom society management during the covid-19 outbreak at Hidayatullah Tahfidz Global Islamic Schools. This study employed a single case study. Interviews, observation, and documentation were applied to reach this purpose. It was found out that. The notions of classroom society in Hidayatullah Tahfidz Global Islamic schools at the levels of Playgroup, Kindergarten, Primary School, and Middle School were patterned into two unique approaches in terms of virtual and social-distancing face to face instructional interactions. The schools shared similar approaches to school society management by planning student-teacher interaction in terms of virtual and offline classes and teachers' home visits, organizing teachers' tasks for virtual and off class interaction, conducting interactive relationships in virtual classes which were combined with the home visit and in the social-distancing off class sessions, and evaluate methods of virtual and off class interactions among teachers and parents
Presentation, 2018
This is a presentation on the regulation and requirements of Higher Education internal quality as... more This is a presentation on the regulation and requirements of Higher Education internal quality assurance
Bahan Ajar, 2021
This paper is a virtual class presentation for the students of the English Department of Balitar ... more This paper is a virtual class presentation for the students of the English Department of Balitar Islamic University. This contains brief contents on brain and behavior, mainly the relationship between the brain and nervous system.
Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education, 2021
This research aimed to establish an instructional supervision model for scientific-based English ... more This research aimed to establish an instructional supervision model for scientific-based English instruction at Islamic Junior Boarding Schools. Research questions were stated as to how was the formulation of the model. This research employed Research and Development with three phases of (1) foundational study seeking the potencies and problems using policy analysis, field study, and theoretical review; (2) design and development study by designing the hypothetical model and developing the model formulation to be validated; and (3) Try out the study by doing one group pre-post experimental and perceptional studies. Finally, the model was established informs of model book and tutorial usage. The model combined principles of clinical Supervision and collaborative orientation to control, which were compatible with the behavioural characteristic of Islamic Boarding Junior High Schools in a pesantren environment. This model obtained score validation of 89 %, categorized as valid, can be ...
JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research), 2019
This research was aimed at establishing, describing the implementation, and finding out the influ... more This research was aimed at establishing, describing the implementation, and finding out the influence of the English Keren Rek (EKR) Web Base Game Application Model. This research applied Qualitative and Quantitative approches with Research and Development Design by using adapted Sugiyono’s Model. This research consisted of three phases, which were first: foundational research to identify potencies and problems; second: design and development research; and third: experimental research. The valid final model contained of opening, home display, games display, learning materials, and evaluation. The validation score of overall model components was 77.75% which meant very propper. The tests validity and reliability values were (0.999) by alpa Corn-batch and (0.999) by using split half technique. The one-group pre and post test experimental research showed that before using the model, the average students’ achievement was (51) and after using the model it reached (85.05) by which the...
IJOLTL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 2016
This paper discusses reflection of ESP class instructional management for Agro Technology and Agr... more This paper discusses reflection of ESP class instructional management for Agro Technology and Agribusiness studies at the Faculty of Agriculture, Balitar Islamic University. The instructional management comprises analysis of students’ needs, competence and behavior, instructional preparation, instructional intervention using a combined pedagogical and instructional leadership approach, and instructional evaluation. This research was a reflective approach towards instructional practices. The study found out that instructional processes, the combined students centered task-based approach of language teaching and situational leadership approach, have resulted excellent achievement. Students successfully translated English texts to acceptable Indonesian conversion and worked out for producing final paper work of scientific articles and books transliteration. The combination of pedagogical and leadership approach in instructional management has satisfied the aims of ESP teaching for t...
Konstruktivisme: Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran, 2018
Riset ini mengungkapkan pengorganisasian supervisi pembelajaranberbasis tim partisipatif di tiga ... more Riset ini mengungkapkan pengorganisasian supervisi pembelajaranberbasis tim partisipatif di tiga sekolah menengah pertama di Blitar,Jawa Timur, Indonesia, Riset ini menggunakan studi multisitus denganrancangan analisis interaktif dan induksi ubahan. Data dikumpulkandengan cara interview, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Pengecekankeabsahan dilakukan dengan mengecek derajad kredibilitas,ketergantungan, konfirmabilitas, dan transferabilitas. Riset inimenemukan adanya supevisi pembelajaran dilakukan oleh pengawasdari dinas pendidikan, kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, dan gurusenior dalam mana tanggung jawab dan tanggung gugat dalamsupervisi berada pada kepala sekolah. Riset ini berkesimpulan bahwa:(1) berdasarkan peran supervisor dimana kepela sekolah sebagaipenanggung jawab supervisi dan dibantu oleh pengawas sekolah, wakilkerpala sekolah, dan guru senior, pengorganisasian supervisi ini dapatmeningkatkan hasil supervisi, kompetensi guru, dan kinerja guru, dan(2) berdasarkan alur kerja...
Journal of Academic Research and Sciences (JARES), 2016
The paper focuses on the description of how character education is effectively developed and imp... more The paper focuses on the description of how character education is effectively developed and implemented. Using qualitative descriptive method, the writer presents efforts for character education in various countries and synrthesizes to formulate a proposed effective character education system. Character education in Indonesia has been the priority and the implentation is mandated to be included in all subject matters through curriculair and extra-curriculair activities. Effective practical implementation must be taken care off. The suggestive development and implementation of the character education include the strenghtenning of being valued people as in ikhsan, being good creatures of Allah as in Iman, and being able to do good deeds and moral action in the community as in Islam. These can be done through academic lessons, habituations, creativity-action and services. Character development is suggested to be internalized in the wholistic education system by developing the wh...
Konstruktivisme: Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran, 2016
This paper presents a reflective study on people character development efforts using G*GOLD (Grea... more This paper presents a reflective study on people character development efforts using G*GOLD (Greatness, Gratitude, Obedience, Love, and Discipline) Approach. This study focuses on the reflection of how G*GOLD Approach has contributed to the people character development and this aims at describing the potential impact to contribute to people character development. It has been found out that this approach potentially makes contribution to people character development. Therefore, it is suggested that a further scientific research on the G*GOLD Approach in developing people character for the benefit of the Nation character building is conducted.
Konstruktivisme: Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran, 2015
This study aims at describing pilot projects to increase teachers’ professionalism in English pro... more This study aims at describing pilot projects to increase teachers’ professionalism in English proficiency. Pilot project was conducted by Yayasan Pendidikan Jayawijaya, Papua regarding efforts to increase school quality management from national into international qualification. Reflective analysis using qualitative approach was used for analysis. This study revealed that strategies to conduct the policy asserted psychological perspectives focusing and maintaining motivation, expectation and andragogy implementation. Teachers’ problems were approached through constructive relation. The pilot project that initially was administered for English teachers, has been implemented successfully for all teachers at the Yayasan.
Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 2016
This research focused on the improvement of Cakranegara playgroup childhood educational Managemen... more This research focused on the improvement of Cakranegara playgroup childhood educational Management in Mataram, using an action research approach. The purpose of this research was to expand the childhood educational management especially in planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. This qualitative research was an action research that emphasized trying out the concept of ideas into practices and was expected to enhance the quality of the Cakranegara playgroup childhood educational program. This research was started with a preliminary-study at the childhood education to capture the practices of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. Data were collected by: using: (1) interview (2) observation, and (3) documentation. Results of this research showed that there was a significant improvement in the practices of Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling on the basis of management theories.
Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 2015
Journal of Academic Research and Sciences (JARES), 2018
This research was aimed at revealing the integrated participative instructionalsupervision planni... more This research was aimed at revealing the integrated participative instructionalsupervision planning carried out at three public middle schools in Blitar, East Java. Thisstudy followed qualitative approach by using multisite case study design. This study washeld in three different public middle schools in Blitar, East Java. Data was collected byusing Observation, Interview, and Documentation. To ensure the data validity andreliability, assessments on credibility, dependability, conformability, and transferabilitywere employed. Subjects were chosen by purposive sampling with snow ballingtechnique involving district supervisors, principals, and senior teachers. Data wasanalyzed using interactive and modified induction methods. This research concluded thatThe integrated participative instructional supervision resulted the enhancement ofteachers’ performance and students learning outcomes as well as to the attainment of thedepartment of education and culture and schools’ visions and miss...
Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 2016
Educatio, 2022
The study was aimed to obtain the construct of the Journey Castle Game model for teaching and lea... more The study was aimed to obtain the construct of the Journey Castle Game model for teaching and learning grammar for the eighth-grade students in Junior High School. The design in this study is research and development (R and D). The subject of this study was .30 students of a random school from SMPI Ibnu Mas'ud, SMP Mamba'us Sholihin, and SMP Anharul Ulum also six teachers for a random school in Blitar Regency. This study used a quantitative approach using a questionnaire and a qualitative by using interviews, observations, and documents. The process of developing the "Journey Castle Game" media as a learning medium. The study finding's revealed; (1) the model of the journey castle game to increase grammar mastery for the eighthgrade students in high school students especially tenses whereas richer-developed consist of three tenses (simple present, present continuous, and simple past) with two guide books that are guide book for teacher, and guide book for students. (2) The developed "Journey Castle" game was valid, it proved by the result of media validators have a total score of 271 and the percentage is 82%. In the scoring criteria for the "Very Valid" Category, this value falls within the range of 81% to 100%. The media validators also provided comments and suggestions that are used to develop the media that has been generated.
JARES, 2022
This research was aimed to establish, to find out the effectiveness, and to know the teacher's an... more This research was aimed to establish, to find out the effectiveness, and to know the teacher's and student's responses of Flash Ludo Game as a vocabulary learning media for first grade students of Junior High School. The researcher was applied Research and Development (R&D) design whis is adapted from Sugiyono. It consisted of five phases, they were: data collection and finding potentials and problems, design and development, expert validation and revision, product trial, and final product. The final product of the model consisted of three kinds of flashcards, a set of ludo game, and three kinds of guidebooks. The result of design and development showed that the model was very valid, the average of material and media experts was 92.5%. The product trial was done with 20 seventh grade students as participants. The onegroup pre-post test showed that before using the model, the average student's score was (45.80) and after using the model, it reached (84.05). From the t-test analysis, the researcher found that the sig (2.tailed) value was .000, it showed that the Sig. value (2-tailed) <0.05, in means that was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test. The result of teacher's and student's responses showed that the model was very proper, with the average result was 94%. The vocabulary learning media was effective and improve student's vocabulary achievement for the first grade students of Junior High School.
Papers by Supriyono Supriyono
The objectives of this academic paper is to present results of comparative analysis between Symbiotic Relationship of higher education and Industry and Academic Capitalism in order to understand meanings of both concepts and to find the implication towards the higher education management in Indonesia.
The focus of this paper is how character education is develeped and implement effectively. Using qualitative descriptive method, the writer presents efforts for character education in various countries and synrthesizes to formulate a proposed effective character education system. Character education is indeed very important to consider for developing good citizen both for the development and building of morality, norms, and values for better lives. It has been concerns of many countries in the world including Indonesia, the United States of America, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand.
Character education is done through academic lessons, habituations, creativity-action-and services. It is suggested that character development is internalized in the wholistic education system by developing the whole students’ potential through various active learnings and habituation.
Since character education in Indonesia has been the priority and the implentation is mandated to be involved in all subject matters through curriculair activities and extra-curriculair activities, effective practical implementation shall be taken care off. The basic things to develop would be the strenghtenning of being valued people as in ikhsan, being good creatures of Allah as in Iman, and being able to do good deeds and moral action in the community as in Islam. Finally, this paper is expected to be useful for the scholars, students, educators, and education share and stake holders including parents.
Key Terms: Character, Character Education, Islamic Perspective
peradaban, teknologi, dan ilmu pengetahuan baru dan terbarukan. Saat
ini kita memasuki era yang mudah berubah (voletile), tidak menentu
(uncertain), komplex (complex), dan ambigu (ambigious) yang mendatangkan tantangan dan peluang (challenges and opportunities). Kondisi semacam
ini memerlukan pergerakan pendidikan dengan strategi-strategi yang
mantab dan yang dapat mendesrupsi cara kerja para pendidik dan
kemam-=puan adaptasi perubahan secara tepat. Faktanya pendidikan
telah mendapatkan tantangan untuk menampilkan agile strategy dalam
menghadapi dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan dan perkembangan
zaman, ilmu pengetahuan, dan teknologi. Untuk menemukan strategi
yang tangkas (agile) tersebut, tulisan ini menyajikan konsep menjadi
dosen merdeka cara G*GOLD Way. Pada akhirnya penulis mengharapkan para pembaca mendapatkan inspirasi dan menemukan
strategi-strategi tangkasnya sendiri dengan menggunakan referensi
konsep G*GOLD WAY.
Tulisan ini menyajikan pemikiran manajemen instruksional masyarakat
pembelajar yang disebut Masyarakat Kelas (Classroom Society) yang
mengembangkan karakter pelajar Pancasila dengan praktik pendidik merdeka. Tulisan ini diharapkan menjadi inspirasi bagi para pengambil kebijakan dan pendidik berinovasi dalam manajemen pendidikan dan pembelajaran merdeka belajar.
Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di SMP dan SMA Anharul Ulum YPKHD Kademangan Kabupaten Blitar pada tanggal 26 Februari 2018. Materi Pelatihan ini meliputi pokok-pokok latih Pemahaman hakekat pendidikan, Membaca Jati Diri, Melakukan Desrupsi Diri, Zero Mind Process, Temukan Makna Santripreneurial, Temukan Anugrah Allah dengan Pendekatan G*GOLD Way, Berkarya dengan Pendekatan Haji, dan Pilar Kekuatan Anharul Ulum. Diharapakan bahan ajar ini bisa menstimulasi para Dewan Asatidz, Asatidziah, dan Santri Anharul Ulum untuk melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan mengenai supervisi Pendidikan dan menghasilkan kajian kajian relevansinya dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Diharapakan bahan ajar ini bisa menstimulasi mahasiswa untuk melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan mengenai supervisi Pendidikan dan menghasilkan kajian kajian relevansinya dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Diharapakan bahan ajar ini bisa menstimulasi mahasiswa untuk melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan mengenai supervisi Pendidikan dan menghasilkan kajian kajian relevansinya dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Diharapakan bahan ajar ini bisa menstimulasi mahasiswa untuk melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan mengenai supervisi Pendidikan dan menghasilkan kajian kajian relevansinya dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Diharapakan bahan ajar ini bisa menstimulasi mahasiswa untuk melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan mengenai supervisi Pendidikan dan menghasilkan kajian kajian relevansinya dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Diharapakan bahan ajar ini bisa menstimulasi mahasiswa untuk melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan mengenai supervisi Pendidikan dan menghasilkan kajian kajian relevansinya dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Diharapakan bahan ajar ini bisa menstimulasi mahasiswa untuk melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan mengenai supervisi Pendidikan dan menghasilkan kajian kajian relevansinya dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Diharapakan bahan ajar ini bisa menstimulasi mahasiswa untuk melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan mengenai supervise Pendidikan dan menghasilkan kajian kajian relevansinya dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Diharapakan bahan ajar ini bisa menstimulasi mahasiswa untuk melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan mengenai supervise pembelajaran dan menghasilkan kajian kajian relevansinya dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Dengan banyaknya perkembangan metode Riset dan Pengembangan diharapkan bahan ajar ini dapat memberikan informasi otentik dari Riset dan Pengembangan Model Borg dan Gall dan menjadi inspirasi bagi para mahasiswa untuk melakukan penelitian Riset dan Pengembangan yang bisa di sesuaikan dengan konteks dan tidak meninggalkan kaidah-kaidah penelitian yang valid.
Semoga bermanfaat dan beguna untuk pembelajaran, referensi penelitian, dan literatur yang digunakan untuk studi-studi yang berhubungan dengan Riset dan Pengembangan.
These materials are expected to be of great use for the students to learn experimental design and enable them to decide to conduct such researches. These are written concisely and completely for discussion. These are references for synchronous and Asynchronous classes with Learning Management System—Edlink dan YouTube. Students are provided opportunities to explore more with other resources.