Books by Paola Mollo
"In this fascinating and scholarly work by Mollo, there is an intellectual weaving of two similar... more "In this fascinating and scholarly work by Mollo, there is an intellectual weaving of two similar yet different plots, including characters, motifs and wordings and with two distinctive logical conclusions that arguably apply to each other. The aim which is achieved is to reconstruct the literary causes and goals (narrative logic) governing form and content in both accounts, in order to explain how this mirroring effect works to convey meaning to both stories."-Dr. Glen Reynolds, Univ. of Sunderland, UK
Papers by Paola Mollo
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 2022
It is generally agreed that Phoenician-Punic and Hebrew are characterized by a certain, if
not h... more It is generally agreed that Phoenician-Punic and Hebrew are characterized by a certain, if
not high, degree of mutual intelligibility. However, several features clearly differentiate
the two in terms of phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicon. After delineating the
history and dialectal subdivision of Phoenician-Punic, and then summarising the debate
surrounding both its position among the Semitic languages and its relations with the
languages and dialects of Syria-Palestine in the first half of the first millennium BCE, this
paper goes on to focus on noteworthy linguistic features of Phoenician-Punic through a
comparison with Hebrew and its dialectal varieties.
Cristianesimo nella Storia, 2020
The linguistic notion of empathy indicates the ability of speakers to identify themselves, to a g... more The linguistic notion of empathy indicates the ability of speakers to identify themselves, to a greater or lesser extent, with interlocutors or with a person/ thing referred to in the utterance. Hence, in this case empathy does not indicate the speaker's sympathy towards other people, but rather the point of view(s) he/she adopts. The studies of Susumu Kuno and Etsuko Kaburaki on some modern languages, published in 1977 and 1987, have shown how empathy directly affects syntax. The present paper aims to apply the notion of empathy to a specific class of BH verbs, namely the reciprocal verbs pg' and pgš meaning «to meet».
"Ancora per Aldo Manuzio" a cura di A. Scarsella e M. Menato, Biblioteca di Studi Goriziani, 2018
Alla fi ne degli anni ottanta del Quattrocento, terminato il suo periodo come magister a Carpi pr... more Alla fi ne degli anni ottanta del Quattrocento, terminato il suo periodo come magister a Carpi presso la famiglia Pio, Aldo Manuzio portò con sé a Venezia, dove stava per inaugurare quella che sarà una fortunatissima carriera da editore, una breve ma preziosa raccolta di operette scritte di suo pugno, intitolata Musarum Panagyris. Questa raccolta era composta di tre componimenti poetici (un panegirico, una parenesi iniziali, e una composizione in versi a chiusura) e una lettera in prosa centrale. I componimenti poetici erano indirizzati al suo discepolo di maggiore età, Alberto Pio, mentre la parte in prosa alla madre Caterina Pico, sorella del suo più famoso sodale e promotore, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. È probabile, come scrivono anche Bühler e Parkin 1 , che Manuzio abbia portato questa raccolta a Venezia per farla stampare da Baptista de Tortis con l'intento di farsi conoscere "in anticipo" nel nuovo entourage culturale.
Saul contro Davide: spunti per una lettura «psicologica» di I Samuele 18-20 I capitoli 18-20 del ... more Saul contro Davide: spunti per una lettura «psicologica» di I Samuele 18-20 I capitoli 18-20 del primo libro di Samuele narrano il periodo della vita di Davide presso la corte di Saul, ossia dal suo arrivo dopo avere sconfitto, ancora sconosciuto e fanciullo, il campione dei filistei Goliat, fino a quando si vede costretto a scappare dall'invidia di Saul che lo teme e lo vuole uccidere. In queste pagine si intrecciano molti temi: il legame tra Gionatan e Davide e il loro reciproco patto (berit), l'amore di Mical per Davide e il matrimonio dei due, la preferenza della gente per il giovane guerriero a dispetto di Saul, l'invidia del re e i suoi tentativi di uccidere Davide e, velatamente, anche il tema del dono della regalità. Tuttavia, il tema principe che percorre e scandisce l'intera vicenda è quello del piano di morte macchinato da Saul ai danni di Davide.
the reasons why the stories of samson and samuel can be read in parallel are well known: both are... more the reasons why the stories of samson and samuel can be read in parallel are well known: both are Nazirites; both are miraculously born to sterile mothers; both are Judges of israel -the former is a capricious warrior with superhuman strength, while the latter is a Prophet and Priest. as Judges, they are complementary: samuel completes the mission which has been left unfinished by samson, namely the liberation of the israelites from the hand of the Philistines.
Studi Classici e Orientali 59 (2013), Pisa
Il presente studio intende illuminare problemi di interpretazione di Is 51,9a emergenti dai testi... more Il presente studio intende illuminare problemi di interpretazione di Is 51,9a emergenti dai testimoni della versione siriaca Peshitta. Si individuano sostanzialmente due modi di intendere la costruzione sintattica del versetto ebraico, a cui si conformano le diverse letture proposte dai mss siriaci 7a1, 9a1 e dalle Bibbie poliglotte di Parigi e Londra. La resa della LXX e delle altre versioni greche antiche, analogamente, oscilla, fornendo ulteriori conferme sulla presenza di difficoltà di interpretazione già in epoca antica. Tale problematicità, a nostro parere, deriva dall'ambiguità sintattica del testo ebraico.
Book Reviews by Paola Mollo
Review of Biblical Literature, 2019
Paolo Mollo's short study of Judg 13 and 1 Sam 1–2 seeks to demonstrate a deliberate engagement b... more Paolo Mollo's short study of Judg 13 and 1 Sam 1–2 seeks to demonstrate a deliberate engagement between this pair of birth narratives. Although the subtitle of this work (Explaining the Narrative Logic of Literary Montage) may suggest a methodological contribution to the field of narrative criticism, Mollo instead works closely with her two texts to suggest that it is the narrative role played by these children in their adulthood that shapes the distinctive features of each birth narrative and its perceived divergence from a literary type-scene. A version of this research has been published as an article in Henoch, and the alternate title " Did It Please God to Kill Them? " draws attention to Mollo's most distinctive contribution to study of the birth narratives, a contrast between the fate of Samson's parents and Samuel's adoptive stepbrothers. 1 Mollo's intratextual approach is firmly rooted in final-form analysis of the Masoretic Text; recourse to textual variants is confined to the reference to Samuel as Nazirite in 4QSam a 1:13. Mollo focuses our attention on the convergent and divergent development of motifs and excludes questions of echo and source or model and emulation. The type-scene studies that Mollo surveys emphasize conformity to and divergence from a norm inferred from, and brought into being by, the body of texts perceived to belong to a type-scene.
Dio della terra, dio del cielo: Dalle religioni semitiche al giudaismo e al cristianesimo Brescia... more Dio della terra, dio del cielo: Dalle religioni semitiche al giudaismo e al cristianesimo Brescia, Italy: Paideia, 2011. Pp. 350. Paper. €35.50. ISBN 9788839408136.
This book, described by author Scott Ashmon as an "endeavor of over a decade," is a revision of h... more This book, described by author Scott Ashmon as an "endeavor of over a decade," is a revision of his doctoral dissertation. In this work he explores a large corpus of birth annunciation texts preserved from the ancient Near East, provides translations, and makes a literary analysis, giving a useful, broad, and fresh comparison of texts from the Hebrew Bible and Egyptian, Ugaritic, Hittite, and Sumerian literature.
Conference Presentations by Paola Mollo
Books by Paola Mollo
Papers by Paola Mollo
not high, degree of mutual intelligibility. However, several features clearly differentiate
the two in terms of phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicon. After delineating the
history and dialectal subdivision of Phoenician-Punic, and then summarising the debate
surrounding both its position among the Semitic languages and its relations with the
languages and dialects of Syria-Palestine in the first half of the first millennium BCE, this
paper goes on to focus on noteworthy linguistic features of Phoenician-Punic through a
comparison with Hebrew and its dialectal varieties.
Book Reviews by Paola Mollo
Conference Presentations by Paola Mollo
not high, degree of mutual intelligibility. However, several features clearly differentiate
the two in terms of phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicon. After delineating the
history and dialectal subdivision of Phoenician-Punic, and then summarising the debate
surrounding both its position among the Semitic languages and its relations with the
languages and dialects of Syria-Palestine in the first half of the first millennium BCE, this
paper goes on to focus on noteworthy linguistic features of Phoenician-Punic through a
comparison with Hebrew and its dialectal varieties.