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Bergqvist D, Bjö rck M, Acosta S, Sternby NH, Ö gren M. Incidence and risk of venous thromboembolism in patients with verified arterial thrombosis: a population study based on 23 796 consecutive autopsies. This issue, pp 1897-1902; van... more
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      AtherosclerosisRiskProspective studiesPulmonary Embolism
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      InflammationCardiovascular diseaseLipidsProspective studies
Background This study was aimed at investigating whether a circadian rhythm of peripheral resistance exists in patients with orthotopic cardiac transplantation (OCT) and whether it parallels that of blood pressure (BP).
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      Autonomic Nervous SystemBlood PressureCircadian RhythmAutonomous Control
The aim of the CASTEL, a population-based (n ‫؍‬ 3282) prospective study which began 14 years ago, was to identify those items which had a prognostic impact in the elderly, and to evaluate whether the typical cardiovascular risk factors,... more
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      AgingArterial hypertensionCardiovascular RiskHeart Failure
In 1978 a random sample (367 men and 568 women aged 18-65 years) taken from the general population of a north-eastern Italian town was screened for cardiovascular risk; 16 years later, the women were invited to a second screening. Three... more
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      MenopauseAdolescentCardiovascular RiskLipids
The effects of captopril (SQ 14225) on renal function were studied in 10 hypertensive patients. After 7 weeks of treatment (75 to 500 mg/day) renal plasma flow was practically unchanged and glomerular filtration rate was only slightly... more
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      KidneyHypertensionProlineRenal Function
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    • Vascular Resistance
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    • Hypertension
Objective To ascertain whether body adiposity is associated with the C-344T polymorphism of the CYP11B2 gene codifying for aldosterone synthase.
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      PolymorphismHypertensionBlood PressureClinical Sciences
Objectives The 825T allele of the GNB3 gene is implicated in adipose distribution, predisposing to obesity and hypertension. Menopause is also considered a condition leading to excess adiposity and hypertension. The aim of the present... more
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Objectives Whether the C-344T polymorphism of the aldosterone synthase gene is important for blood pressure control remains controversial. It has been proposed that an association between this polymorphism and blood pressure might be... more
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      PolymorphismHypertensionBlood PressurePopulation based study
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      AdolescentArterial hypertensionItalyHypertension
The purpose of this study was to evaluate risk pattern and mortality in a general population epidemiologic study performed by a staff of hypertension specialists working as the "good father of a family," with lifestyle and therapeutic... more
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      Health CareHealth EducationLife StyleCardiovascular Risk
The question on whether the electrocardiographic criteria are reliable for detection of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and play a role in predicting outcome is open. Answer can only proceed from population-based studies over... more
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      Survival AnalysisElectrocardiographyPopulation based studyEuropean
Mortality and morbidity appear to be higher in a Cimbrian population representing an enclave of people who migrated from medieval Germany to the secluded Leogra valley in Italy.
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      Risk assessmentCardiovascular RiskItalyGermany
Background and aims: A blood glucose (BG) fall after an oral glucose load has never been described previously at a population level. This study was aimed at looking for a plasma glucose trend after an oral glucose load for possible blood... more
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      ObesityInsulin ResistanceBlood GlucoseInsulin
Objectives The 825T allele of the GNB3 gene is implicated in adipose distribution, predisposing to obesity and hypertension. Menopause is also considered a condition leading to excess adiposity and hypertension. The aim of the present... more
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The general belief that orthostatic hypotension (OH) predisposes to cardiovascular events is based on sparse and contradictory data, rarely derived from population studies.
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      AgingMultivariate AnalysisItalyHeart Failure
To analyze sex-specific relative and absolute risks associated with blood pressure (BP), we performed conventional and 24-hour ambulatory BP measurements in 9357 subjects (mean age, 52.8 years; 47% women) recruited from 11 populations. We... more
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      Risk assessmentHypertensionBlood PressureIncidence
The significance of white-coat hypertension in older persons with isolated systolic hypertension remains poorly understood. We analyzed subjects from the population-based 11-country International Database on Ambulatory Blood Pressure... more
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      Global HealthHypertensionBlood PressureIncidence