Università degli Studi di Padova
Department of General Psychology
In this study, 100 Italian eighth graders were divided into two groups to compare the effects of two instructional interventions e the first based on problem-solving through discussion, the second on individual problem-solving e on... more
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Background The Depression Questionnaire (QD) is an instrument designed to measure depression in an inpatientrehabilitation setting. This study proposes a reduced version of the original 24-item QD, to make it better suited to the... more
The inverted-T illusion was studied by the magnitude estimation method. The horizontal line in the inverted T is perceptually shorter than the same horizontal line presented singly, and the vertical line in the inverted T is perceptually... more
The greater reactivity in Type A subjects is a controversial issue. It is possible that anxiety, neuroticism and depression interact with Type A behaviour pattern, giving rise to different psychophysiological reactivity. To evaluate this... more
Averaging models have been proposed within the framework of Information Integration Theory . Nowadays, these models are applied in several psychological areas. However, statistical problems such as divergence, uniqueness, and goodness of... more
Trust influences interactions among individuals and organizations but has been an elusive concept to define and measure. The Organizational Trust Inventory (OTI) measures three dimensions of organizational trust, as defined by Cummings... more
The implementation of training programs often requires a complex design if effectiveness is to be accurately evaluated. Part of the difficulty lies in the fact that trainees must be presented with a series of ever-changing tasks in order... more
In the present study the use of Knowledge Space Theory (KST), jointly with Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), is proposed to develop a formal representation of the relations between the items of a questionnaire and a set of psychodiagnostic... more
Averaging Models have a large diffusion in several different areas of psychological and social research. They consist of a two parameters representation: a scale value for the subjective location of the stimulus on the response dimension... more
An important open issue in Functional Measurement is whether the three most important models of cognitive algebra are sufficient to describe the great majority of possible response behaviors. Generally speaking, the individual response R... more
Forty subjects were asked to evaluate the length in evolving horizontal lines. Evolving lines, presented for 750, 1500 and 3000 msec in the centre of a computer monitor, expanded symmetrically from the central point toward the two... more