Conference Presentations by Martina Drventić Barišin
Book of abstracts of the 7th Children’s Rights Research Symposium Children’s Rights Research: Pushing the Boundaries, 2019
The Child Abduction Convention has the objective to secure the prompt return of the child, which ... more The Child Abduction Convention has the objective to secure the prompt return of the child, which was unilaterally removed across the border by one parent, back into his or her habitual environment. This mechanism corresponds to a specific idea of what
constitutes the best interests of the child. The abducted child should be returned promptly to his or her country of origin, where the courts are best positioned to determine the child’s best interest and issue a judgement on the substance of the dispute. The removal of the child can sometimes be justified by objective reasons related to its person or to the environment. The authorities deciding upon the return request have the possibility to question the return when there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation. This puts the courts in unenviable position where they need to find a balance between the interest of the child in general not to be wrongfully taken from his or her place of habitual residence and the need to protect individual child.
Knjiga sažetaka. Međunarodna konferencija o nestaloj djeci "Čija djeca su nestala djeca", 2018
Prekogranično roditeljsko odvođenje i zadržavanje djece posljedica je intenzivnih prekograničnih ... more Prekogranično roditeljsko odvođenje i zadržavanje djece posljedica je intenzivnih prekograničnih migracija radne snage, novih oblika životnih zajednica te nesređenih međusobnih pravnih odnosa roditelja, odnosno skrbnika djeteta. Hrvatska nadležna tijela u tim postupcima obvezuje međunarodni (Haška konvencija o građanskopravnim aspektima međunarodne otmice djece iz 1980 (dalje: Haška konvencija o otmici djece), Konvencija o pravima djece 1989.) i regionalni -europski pravni okvir djelovanja (Uredba Vijeća (EZ) br. 2201/2003 od 27. studenoga 2003. o nadležnosti, priznavanju i izvršenju sudskih odluka u bračnim sporovima i u stvarima povezanim s roditeljskom odgovornošću, kojom se stavlja izvan snage Uredba (EZ) br. 1347/2000 (dalje: Uredba Brussels IIbis); Povelja Europske unije o temeljnim pravima iz 2000.; Konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda iz 1950.) Polazište istraživanja je činjenica kako sustavna analiza kombinirane primjene međunarodnih, europskih i hrvatskih pravnih izvora u pogledu roditeljske otmice djece (unutar odnosno izvan EU) nikada nije učinjena i kako postoji potreba za prikupljanjem, obradom i analizom podataka koji će omogućiti objektivnu, kumulativnu i kvantitativnu analizu slučajeva, koja će biti javno dostupna, sa zadržanom anonimnošću. Angažmanom glavnog istraživača, suradnika, gosta istraživača te 4 doktoranda obradilo se postupanje četiri regionalno najveća općinska suda te nadležnih tijela u određenom razdoblju. Svrha istraživanja bila je potvrditi ili osporiti tvrdnju da nadležna hrvatska tijela pogrešno postupaju u predmetima prekograničnih otmica djece na način da se prikupe i znanstveno obrade predmeti općinskih sudova (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu, Općinski sud u Splitu, Općinski sud u Rijeci, Općinski sud u Osijeku) te postupanja drugih tijela u primjeni odredbi Haške konvencije o otmici djece te članaka 10. i 11. Uredbe Brussels IIbis, u postupcima započetim u razdoblju od srpnja 2013. do srpnja 2017. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su: 1. Utvrditi broj i način rješavanja relevantnih predmeta: a) anketiranjem dionika procesa pravosuđenja, b) prikupljanjem anonimiziranih odluka nadležnih tijela. 2. Statistički i znanstveno analizirati pojedine odluke, izraditi sažetke i komentare. 3. Učiniti javno dostupnima rezultate: a) široj hrvatskoj i međunarodnoj zainteresiranoj javnosti objavom na mrežnoj stranici i INCADAT bazi, b) izradom i objavom zaključaka s okruglog stola, c) objavom tri znanstvena rada.
By taking into account the principle of the sincere cooperation many of the EU regulations set th... more By taking into account the principle of the sincere cooperation many of the EU regulations set the obligation to the Member States to make a proper assessment of its own legal system and to notify or declare on the laws and schemes related to the ratione materiae of the regulation in matter. Among other, Member States are obliged to notify and nominate on a body responsible for certain actions prescribed by a regulation. Thus, the Regulation No 606/2013 on the Mutual Recognition of the Protection Measures in Civil Matters prescribes the obligation of the Member States to provide the information on authorities which are competent in the matters falling within its scope, including information on the authorities which are competent to order protection measures and issue certificates. Such a certificate grants protection measure that freely circulates throughout EU for 12 months. Adjudication of the protection measures is within Croatian system provided by misdemeanor and criminal courts, whereas a 606/2013 Regulation belongs to a civil matters package. Following a precise obligation of the Regulation, Republic of Croatia has indicated that it is not possible to issue a 606/2013 certificate due to a lack of the "issuing body". Against that background, the Regulation clearly prescribes the obligation of autonomous interpretation of the "issuing bodies", and that the national system may belong to either civil, criminal or administrative body. Hypothesis of the authors is that such a national interpretation can deprive the citizens of their rights and enjoyment of the same level of protection as in the rest of the EU. The objectives of this paper is to research the legal force of the notification that Member States provide to the European Commission, respectively whether the notification has a constitutive or indicative value and to assess the question of direct application of the regulation regardless the existence and content of the notification. The research will took into consideration the EU principles and CJEU case law on proper application of the EU secondary legislation and its affect to the legal rights that citizens are given by that legislation.
Papers by Martina Drventić Barišin
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2021
Europski sud za ljudska prava u nekoliko je predmeta utvrdio povrede Konvencije za zaštitu ljudsk... more Europski sud za ljudska prava u nekoliko je predmeta utvrdio povrede Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u predmetima međunarodnih građanskopravnih otmica djeteta vođenim u Republici Hrvatskoj. Utvrđene povrede prava na pošteno suđenje te prava na poštovanje privatnog i obiteljskog života proizlazile su iz činjenica dugotrajnosti i načina vođenja postupaka po zahtjevu za vraćanje djeteta. Izvršenje tih presuda još je u tijeku pred Odborom ministara, dok je najvažniji rezultat njihove provedbe usvajanje Zakona o provedbi Konvencije o građanskopravnim vidovima međunarodne otmice djece. Zakon donosi brojna proceduralna poboljšanja koja postupanja hrvatskih nadležnih tijela približavaju međunarodnim i europskim standardima. Ipak, odluka ESLJP-a u predmetu Adžić protiv Hrvatske (br. 2) upućuje na to kako i dalje ne postoji jasan odgovor na pitanje mogućnosti izricanja izvanrednih pravnih lijekova u predmetima otmice djece. Mogućnost izricanja izvanrednog pravnog lijeka ponavljanja postupka autorice rada ispituju s aspekta građanskog procesnog prava te međunarodnog privatnog prava. Svoj zaključak daju s obzirom na posebne okolnosti slučaja i sudsku praksu Europskog suda za ljudska prava u relevantnim predmetima drugih država ugovornica.
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Potreba za materijalnim pravilima radnog prava, koja štite radnika u odnosu na superiornoga poslo... more Potreba za materijalnim pravilima radnog prava, koja štite radnika u odnosu na superiornoga poslodavca, široko je prepoznata te je dio legislative još od nastanka radnog prava kao posebnoga područja privatnog prava. Percepcija po kojoj i pravila međunarodnog privatnog prava mogu služiti kao regulatorno sredstvo za postizanje određenih politika, uključujući i socijalnu, prihvaćena je tek naknadno. Danas na razini međunarodnog, europskog te nacionalnih prava postoje pravila koja uređuju sukob zakona i pri tome jačaju položaj radnika kao slabije strane u postupku. Kako bi se olakšao pristup radnika pravdi, na EU razini, Uredba Bruxelles I bis previđa kriterije nadležnosti u korist radnika. Direktiva o upućivanju radnika radnicima na raspolaganje daje i dodatnu mogućnost pokretanja postupka pred sudom države u koju su upućeni. Rad će prikazati način na koji je praksa Suda EU-a utjecala na potrebu izdvajanja posebnih pravila nadležnosti za pojedinačne ugovore o radu. U radu će se, kroz p...
Župan, M. (ed.), Prekogranično kretanje djece u Europskoj uniji, 2019
Intenzivne migracije koje su pogodile Europsku uniju u posljednjem desetljeću nisu izostavile dje... more Intenzivne migracije koje su pogodile Europsku uniju u posljednjem desetljeću nisu izostavile djecu. Na vrhuncu izbjegličke krize 2015. godine evidentirano je 1.322,845 zahtjeva za međunarodnom zaštitom na području europske unije, od kojih je 384.945 podneseno od strane djece mlađe od 18 godina. Maloljetnici bez pratnje posebno su ranjiva skupina zbog svoje dobi, udaljenosti od doma i razdvojenosti od roditelja ili skrbnika. Prema dostupnim izvješćima razlozi napuštanja zemalja su ekonomski i aspiracijski – siromaštvo i manjak prilika za obrazovanje i zapošljavanje. Početni dio poglavlja pružit će prikaz pravnog okvira zaštite djece migranata u mehanizmima međunarodnog prava i prava Vijeća Europe. Slijedit će prikaz mehanizama zaštite djece koji slijede ulasku maloljetnika bez pratnje na područje EU-a i podnošenju zahtjeva za međunarodnu zaštitu, kako je utvrđeno zakonodavstvom o azilu europske unije i pravom republike Hrvatske. Nastavno će se opisati mogućnost primjene odredbi međunarodnog privatnog prava u odnosu na maloljetnike bez pratnje. Na kraju poglavlja otvorit će se pitanje fenomena nestanaka maloljetnika bez pratnje.
SEE Law Journal, 1(6), 2019
This paper examines how the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs has clarified its competenc... more This paper examines how the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs has clarified its competence in cases involving a wrongful removal or retention of a child. The Directorate for Consular Affairs of the MFEA and a network of diplomatic missions and consular offices overseas deal with nine new cases of child abduction for the period between 2013-2017. The MFEA works in accordance with the Vienna Convention
on Consular Relations and with the Foreign Service Act. However, such regulations which would define the MFEA’s handling in child abduction cases have not been issued in Croatia yet. On the basis of research and a comparison of child abduction cases in Croatia and in some EU Member States, the authors suggest that Croatian legislature de lege ferenda takes into account provisions of a legal system of some EU countries when amending the Foreign Service Act or enacting the Consular Service Act.
Revija za evropsko pravo XX/1, 2018
Nach der Auflösung der Sozialistischen Föderativen Republik Jugoslawiens wurde die Republik Kroat... more Nach der Auflösung der Sozialistischen Föderativen Republik Jugoslawiens wurde die Republik Kroatien auf Grundlage einer Nachfolgeerklärung am 8. Oktober 1991 Vertragsstaat des Haager Übereinkommens über die zivilrechtlichen Aspekte internationaler Kindesentführung. Neben dem Haager Übereinkommen ist Kroatien auch Vertragspartei des Übereinkommens über die Zuständigkeit, das anzuwendende Recht, die Anerkennung, Vollstreckung und Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der elterlichen Verantwortung und der Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Kindern vvom 19. Oktober 1996, das am 1. Januar 2010 in Kroatien in Kraft getreten ist. Seit dem Beitritt der Republik Kroatien zur Europäischen Union am 1. Juli 2013 findet darüber hinaus auch die Brüssel IIa-Verordnung in Kroatien Anwendung. Für alle drei Instrumente ist dieselbe Zentralbehörde zuständig, die innerhalb des Ministeriums für Demographie, Familie, Jugend und Sozialwesen tätig ist: Das Amt für internationale Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet des Kindesschutzes und der Koordinierung der sozialen Sicherheit. Die Webseite des Ministeriums bietet leider nur sehr wenige Informationen5 ausschließlich in kroatischer Sprache über dieses Amt. Mehr Informationen lassen sich auch nicht auf dem Country Profile der Republik Kroatien auf der noch unvollständigen Webseite der Haager Konferenz für Internationales Privatrecht finden.
Pravni vijesnik 35/1, 2019
The purpose of the established system of the proceedings in cases of international child abductio... more The purpose of the established system of the proceedings in cases of international child abduction, as set out in the Hague Convention on Child Abduction, which has been strengthened, in relation to the EU Member States, by the provisions of the Brussels II bis Regulation, is to secure a prompt return of the child that has been wrongfully removed or retained to his/her Member State of origin. The return of the child must provide full protection of the child both in the state where the child was unlawfully resident and in the state where the child has to return. In these respect, the competent authorities have at their disposal legal mechanisms for provisional and protective measures provided for by the Brussels II bis Regulation and the Hague Convention on Measures for the Protection of Children. The possibility of taking these measures will depend on the national law of the state in question and on the specific circumstances of the case. In this paper, a legal framework will be presented for the imposition of provisional measures in cases of cross-border child abduction, which will be supported by the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Case examples gathered under the project “Cross-border removal and retention of a child – Croatian practice and European expectations” will illustrate the difficulties encountered by the courts in the Republic of Croatia when it comes to applying the relevant provisions.
Duić, D., Petrašević, T. (eds.), ECLIC 3, 2019
A far-reaching freedom of movement of persons in the European Union imposes the EU legislator’s o... more A far-reaching freedom of movement of persons in the European Union imposes the EU legislator’s obligation to create a legal framework for regulating an increasing number of aspects arising from cross-border movements. The current legal arrangement of these aspects is to a great
extent related to the protection of family life and the rights of children. However, strong migrations have also affected people who are considered vulnerable in terms of their disability or age.
Travelling that has become easier, medical treatments available abroad, a desire to live in more attractive or more affordable countries in retirement, and a change of lifestyle in general, have made the elderly move more frequent during the past decade. Cross-border proceedings arising from the movement of older people have become more common before the courts of Member States. It is necessary to ensure that protective measures directed at vulnerable adults, which have been imposed by the authorities of one Member State, have their effect in another Member State. This situation implies the adoption of the rules of private international law that will regulate the issues as to authorities of which Member States are responsible for adopting protective measures, which law is applicable to such measures, under which conditions these
measures are to be recognized in that other Member State and the cooperation of the competent authorities. These issues are regulated by the Convention on the International Protection of Adults, adopted within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
While, on the one hand, the European Union is a Contracting State to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and is obliged to take its standards into account in its policies and legislation, on the other hand, very few Member States are Contracting Parties to
the Convention on the International Protection of Adults. At EU level, there are currently only recommendations for the regulation of private international law aspects related to mobility of vulnerable adult persons, which also include the adoption of a special regulation that will
govern these issues. However, among the existing recommendations, the winning attitude is the one that calls for Member States to ratify the Convention on the International Protection of Adults. Starting with the hypothesis that the European Union does not provide any effective
legal framework for the protection of vulnerable adults in cross-border cases, this paper will examine whether there is room for the introduction of enhanced mechanisms for the protection of adults at EU level and make proposals accordingly.
Pravni vijesnik 35/1, 2019
The purpose of the established system of the proceedings in cases of international child abductio... more The purpose of the established system of the proceedings in cases of international child abduction, as set out in the Hague Convention on Child Abduction, which has been strengthened, in relation to the EU Member States, by the provisions of the Brussels II bis Regulation, is to secure a prompt return of the child that has been wrongfully removed or retained to his/her Member State of origin. The return of the child must provide full protection of the child both in the state where the child was unlawfully resident and in the state where the child has to return. In these respect, the competent authorities have at their disposal legal mechanisms for provisional and protective measures provided for by the Brussels II bis Regulation and the Hague Convention on Measures for the Protection of Children. The possibility of taking these measures will depend on the national law of the state in question and on the specific circumstances of the case. In this paper, a legal framework will be presented for the imposition of provisional measures in cases of cross-border child abduction, which will be supported by the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Case examples gathered under the project “Cross-border removal and retention of a child – Croatian practice and European expectations” will illustrate the difficulties encountered by the courts in the Republic of Croatia when it comes to applying the relevant provisions.
Duić, D., Petrašević, T. (eds.), ECLIC 1, 2017
The system of the European family procedural law is based on the multiple cross-border institutes... more The system of the European family procedural law is based on the multiple cross-border institutes which are developing gradually. It represents a complex system of many interrelated regulations directly regulating the cross-border family relations, through which European legislator seeks to equalize, where possible, or to connect the rules on jurisdiction and recognition, declaration of enforceability and enforcement. Also, speaking about the legal sources of the European family procedural law it is necessary to signify the interpretative power of the European Court of Justice. This paper will discuss present actuality- the Brussels Ilbis Regulation Recast, respectively the Proposal COM (2016) 411/2 published by the European Commission on 30 July 2016. he proposal, in major, predicts changes regarding the rules of jurisdiction, provisional and protective measures and enforcement rules, and also introduces the new rules on incidental questions, right of the child to express his views and new rule on concentration of local jurisdiction. However, it is inevitable to raise the issue whether some other provision required changes in terms of additional explanation, referring to the rules on the transfer of jurisdiction,in the light of the new CJEU ruling in the case Child and Family Agency vs. JD.
Društveni ogledi 3, 2015
Jedna od konzekvencija suvremene intenzivne mobilnosti je značajno povećanje broja prekograničnih... more Jedna od konzekvencija suvremene intenzivne mobilnosti je značajno povećanje broja prekograničnih obiteljskih predmeta. Pravni sustavi na ovu pojavu odgovaraju normiranjem (kako na nacionalnoj, tako i na međunarodnoj razini), u okviru kojega se u području pravne zaštite najranjivijih, prije svega djece, naglasak stavlja na rad i funkcioniranje sustava središnjih tijela. Sustav središnjih tijela ima presudnu ulogu u prekograničnoj naplati uzdržavanja, te time čini jednu od ključnih poluga u smanjenju siromaštva vjerovnika uzdržavanja. Predmetom je ovoga rada pozicioniranje sustava središnjih tijela u rješavanju međunarodno obilježenih obiteljskih predmeta, pojašnjenje djelokruga njihova rada u predmetima uzdržavanja te u kontekstu Hrvatske konkretna obrada relevantnih propisa, poglavito Uredbe br. 4/2009.
The Croatian National Seminar endeavored to gather judges, lawyers, social workers and other lega... more The Croatian National Seminar endeavored to gather judges, lawyers, social workers and other legal practitioners in order to identify problems which these stakeholders face when applying European and international instruments in family and succession matters. It showed that a good practice in cross-border cases has been established but there is still ample room for improvement. The general conclusion is that more training and information for all stakeholders of cross-border family and succession procedures have to be provided, in particular when it comes to the recently introduced Regulations on Property Regimes, the Public Documents Regulation and the Brussels II bis Regulation Recast. Cooperation between the various participants throughout the system has to be developed and fostered (at level of court consultants, judges and Central Authorities, as well as among all other participants in the decision-making process). Cooperation of judges from different Member States should be encouraged through the use of the European Judicial Network (EJN) and informal judicial cooperation. Education should ensure full impact of CJEU decisions. All levels of national courts are encouraged to address the CJEU with preliminary references. The national application of the European and international framework will be enhanced by the entry into force of the new Croatian PIL Act of January 2019, the provisions of which explicitly point users to the pertinent instrument. Application of the Brussels II bis Regulation and Maintenance Regulation poses relatively few problems. The identified problematic issues (compulsory counselling as a prerequisite for divorce proceedings, hearing of the child in proceedings, the circumstances relevant for the determination of habitual residence, processing of the transfer of jurisdiction, indexing and automatic adjustment of maintenance obligations, public bodies as maintenance creditors) are partly elaborated by national doctrine. However, they are not fully implemented in practice. Certain issues require executive intervention in terms of implementing rules and a modification of the electronic court data system to ensure identification of international cases. When adopting national legislation, more attention should be paid to its aligning with the outward framework for an international dispute in an overlapping situation. The intervention would also be welcomed when it comes to specialization of judges, and in particular the specialization of judges by chambers in second instance courts. In relation to cross-border child abductions, national implementing legislation should improve the application of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention and various regulations.
Prekogranično kretanje djece u Europskoj uniji, 2019
Intenzivne prekogranične migracije, novi oblici životnih zajednica i neriješeni pravni odnosi rod... more Intenzivne prekogranične migracije, novi oblici životnih zajednica i neriješeni pravni odnosi roditelja/skrbnika i djece doprinose rastućem broju prekograničnih otmica djece. Međunarodna otmica djece defnirana je kao nezakonito odvođenje ili zadržavanje djeteta u državi drugoj od one njegova uobičajenog boravišta. Takvo odvođenje temelji se na jednostranoj odluci jednog od roditelja, bez pristanka ili odobrenja drugog roditelja. Zadržavanje djeteta izvan okvira dogovorenih uvjeta, u državi u koju je zakonito odvedeno, izjednačava se s protupravnim zadržavanjem. Isto tako, ako roditelj ostvaruje svoje pravo na kontakte s djetetom u inozemstvu i ne vrati dijete u državu uobičajenog boravište na dogovoreni datum, smatra se da je taj roditelj počinio otmicu djeteta. Prekogranična otmica djeteta štetno utječe na dobrobit djeteta. Ona podrazumijeva naglu promjenu djetetove okoline koja narušava stabilnost te ga otuđuje od roditelja s kojim je živjelo prije otmice.
Conference Presentations by Martina Drventić Barišin
constitutes the best interests of the child. The abducted child should be returned promptly to his or her country of origin, where the courts are best positioned to determine the child’s best interest and issue a judgement on the substance of the dispute. The removal of the child can sometimes be justified by objective reasons related to its person or to the environment. The authorities deciding upon the return request have the possibility to question the return when there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation. This puts the courts in unenviable position where they need to find a balance between the interest of the child in general not to be wrongfully taken from his or her place of habitual residence and the need to protect individual child.
Papers by Martina Drventić Barišin
on Consular Relations and with the Foreign Service Act. However, such regulations which would define the MFEA’s handling in child abduction cases have not been issued in Croatia yet. On the basis of research and a comparison of child abduction cases in Croatia and in some EU Member States, the authors suggest that Croatian legislature de lege ferenda takes into account provisions of a legal system of some EU countries when amending the Foreign Service Act or enacting the Consular Service Act.
extent related to the protection of family life and the rights of children. However, strong migrations have also affected people who are considered vulnerable in terms of their disability or age.
Travelling that has become easier, medical treatments available abroad, a desire to live in more attractive or more affordable countries in retirement, and a change of lifestyle in general, have made the elderly move more frequent during the past decade. Cross-border proceedings arising from the movement of older people have become more common before the courts of Member States. It is necessary to ensure that protective measures directed at vulnerable adults, which have been imposed by the authorities of one Member State, have their effect in another Member State. This situation implies the adoption of the rules of private international law that will regulate the issues as to authorities of which Member States are responsible for adopting protective measures, which law is applicable to such measures, under which conditions these
measures are to be recognized in that other Member State and the cooperation of the competent authorities. These issues are regulated by the Convention on the International Protection of Adults, adopted within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
While, on the one hand, the European Union is a Contracting State to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and is obliged to take its standards into account in its policies and legislation, on the other hand, very few Member States are Contracting Parties to
the Convention on the International Protection of Adults. At EU level, there are currently only recommendations for the regulation of private international law aspects related to mobility of vulnerable adult persons, which also include the adoption of a special regulation that will
govern these issues. However, among the existing recommendations, the winning attitude is the one that calls for Member States to ratify the Convention on the International Protection of Adults. Starting with the hypothesis that the European Union does not provide any effective
legal framework for the protection of vulnerable adults in cross-border cases, this paper will examine whether there is room for the introduction of enhanced mechanisms for the protection of adults at EU level and make proposals accordingly.
constitutes the best interests of the child. The abducted child should be returned promptly to his or her country of origin, where the courts are best positioned to determine the child’s best interest and issue a judgement on the substance of the dispute. The removal of the child can sometimes be justified by objective reasons related to its person or to the environment. The authorities deciding upon the return request have the possibility to question the return when there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation. This puts the courts in unenviable position where they need to find a balance between the interest of the child in general not to be wrongfully taken from his or her place of habitual residence and the need to protect individual child.
on Consular Relations and with the Foreign Service Act. However, such regulations which would define the MFEA’s handling in child abduction cases have not been issued in Croatia yet. On the basis of research and a comparison of child abduction cases in Croatia and in some EU Member States, the authors suggest that Croatian legislature de lege ferenda takes into account provisions of a legal system of some EU countries when amending the Foreign Service Act or enacting the Consular Service Act.
extent related to the protection of family life and the rights of children. However, strong migrations have also affected people who are considered vulnerable in terms of their disability or age.
Travelling that has become easier, medical treatments available abroad, a desire to live in more attractive or more affordable countries in retirement, and a change of lifestyle in general, have made the elderly move more frequent during the past decade. Cross-border proceedings arising from the movement of older people have become more common before the courts of Member States. It is necessary to ensure that protective measures directed at vulnerable adults, which have been imposed by the authorities of one Member State, have their effect in another Member State. This situation implies the adoption of the rules of private international law that will regulate the issues as to authorities of which Member States are responsible for adopting protective measures, which law is applicable to such measures, under which conditions these
measures are to be recognized in that other Member State and the cooperation of the competent authorities. These issues are regulated by the Convention on the International Protection of Adults, adopted within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
While, on the one hand, the European Union is a Contracting State to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and is obliged to take its standards into account in its policies and legislation, on the other hand, very few Member States are Contracting Parties to
the Convention on the International Protection of Adults. At EU level, there are currently only recommendations for the regulation of private international law aspects related to mobility of vulnerable adult persons, which also include the adoption of a special regulation that will
govern these issues. However, among the existing recommendations, the winning attitude is the one that calls for Member States to ratify the Convention on the International Protection of Adults. Starting with the hypothesis that the European Union does not provide any effective
legal framework for the protection of vulnerable adults in cross-border cases, this paper will examine whether there is room for the introduction of enhanced mechanisms for the protection of adults at EU level and make proposals accordingly.