Pesando Fabrizio
Born in Ivrea (Italy) 01/23/1958. Full Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University " L'Orientale" of Naples.
I published over 100 books and papers on the history of Greece and Rome, on historical topography of the ancient cities and on the history and archaeology of Pompeii and Vesuvian settlements destroyed in 79 AD. From 2007 to 2011 I was Director of the Dipartimento del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico at the University of Naples "L'Orientale" .
From 2013 to 2017 I was scientific responsable of the Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi per l’Archeologia (CISA ) of the University “L’Orientale” of Naples. I am editor of Vesuviana. An International Journal on Pompeii and Herculaneum, founded in 2009.
From 2012 to 2015 I was editor of the journal AION. Storia Antica e Archeologia. and currently I am member of the scientific council of the journal Lucentum, Anales de la Universidad de Alicante, Prehistory, and Arqueología Historia Antigua.
Together with A. Giardina, in 2012 I edited the exhibition Roma Caput Mundi. Una città fra dominio e integrazione (Rome, Colosseum, Curia Iulia, Temple of Divus Romulus, 10-10, 2012- 3-10, 2013).
During 20 years of field researchs I directed excavations at Pompeii (“Progetto Regio VI” and “Rileggere Pompei”: 2001-2013); at Alba Fucens (2006-2008) ; at Aveia (Fossa, Aq, 2009-2013).
From 2009 to 2015 I was the scientific director of the project "Southern Latium and Campania Underwater Survey”, which had the aim of documenting the submerged structures of roman villae maritimae along the coasts of Latium.
From 2016 I am involved in the study of the Roman settlements of ancient Picenum (the Augustan Regio V), with a particular attention to the archaeological evidences of the ager Cuprensis, damaged by the disastrous earthquake of August 24, 2016.
Among my books: Oikos e ktesis. La casa greca in età classica, Quasar, Roma 1987; La casa dei Greci, Longanesi, Milano 1989 (II ed. 2006); Le insulae 3 e 4 della Regio VI di Pompei, Rome 1990; Libri e biblioteche, "Vita e costumi dei Romani antichi" n. 17, Quasar, Roma 1994; Domus. Edilizia privata e società pompeiana tra III e I secolo a.C., Monografie della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei 12, L' ‘Erma’ di Bretschneider, Roma 1997; (ed. by), L’Italia Antica. Culture e forme del popolamento nel I millennio a.C., Carocci Editore, Roma 2005; F. Pesando, M.P.Guidobaldi, Pompei, Ercolano, Oplontis, Stabiae, Guide Archeologiche Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006; F. Coarelli, F. Pesando (ed. by), Rileggere Pompei I. L’insula 10 della Regio VI, Roma, L' ‘Erma’ di Bretschneider, 2006; (ed. by), Rileggere Pompei III. Ricerche sulla Pompei sannitica. Campagne di scavo 2066-2008, Pompei 2010; A. Giardina, F. Pesando (ed. by), Roma Caput Mundi. Una città tra dominio e integrazione, Milano, Electa, 2012; Pompei. Le Età di Pompei, Milano, Il Sole 24Ore Cultura, 2012; Pompei. Guida per un giorno (Itinerari Archeologici 2.0, vol. 1), 2013 (e-book); Pompei. L’arte di abitare, Milano, Il Sole24 Cultura, 2013; F. Pesando, M. Giglio, Rileggere Pompei V. L’insula 7 della Regio IX, Roma 2017; F. Pesando (con F. Pompei), Archeomarche 1. Le valli e i porti del Piceno antico. (Itinerari archeologici 2.0, vol. 2), 2019 (e-book).
I published over 100 books and papers on the history of Greece and Rome, on historical topography of the ancient cities and on the history and archaeology of Pompeii and Vesuvian settlements destroyed in 79 AD. From 2007 to 2011 I was Director of the Dipartimento del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico at the University of Naples "L'Orientale" .
From 2013 to 2017 I was scientific responsable of the Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi per l’Archeologia (CISA ) of the University “L’Orientale” of Naples. I am editor of Vesuviana. An International Journal on Pompeii and Herculaneum, founded in 2009.
From 2012 to 2015 I was editor of the journal AION. Storia Antica e Archeologia. and currently I am member of the scientific council of the journal Lucentum, Anales de la Universidad de Alicante, Prehistory, and Arqueología Historia Antigua.
Together with A. Giardina, in 2012 I edited the exhibition Roma Caput Mundi. Una città fra dominio e integrazione (Rome, Colosseum, Curia Iulia, Temple of Divus Romulus, 10-10, 2012- 3-10, 2013).
During 20 years of field researchs I directed excavations at Pompeii (“Progetto Regio VI” and “Rileggere Pompei”: 2001-2013); at Alba Fucens (2006-2008) ; at Aveia (Fossa, Aq, 2009-2013).
From 2009 to 2015 I was the scientific director of the project "Southern Latium and Campania Underwater Survey”, which had the aim of documenting the submerged structures of roman villae maritimae along the coasts of Latium.
From 2016 I am involved in the study of the Roman settlements of ancient Picenum (the Augustan Regio V), with a particular attention to the archaeological evidences of the ager Cuprensis, damaged by the disastrous earthquake of August 24, 2016.
Among my books: Oikos e ktesis. La casa greca in età classica, Quasar, Roma 1987; La casa dei Greci, Longanesi, Milano 1989 (II ed. 2006); Le insulae 3 e 4 della Regio VI di Pompei, Rome 1990; Libri e biblioteche, "Vita e costumi dei Romani antichi" n. 17, Quasar, Roma 1994; Domus. Edilizia privata e società pompeiana tra III e I secolo a.C., Monografie della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei 12, L' ‘Erma’ di Bretschneider, Roma 1997; (ed. by), L’Italia Antica. Culture e forme del popolamento nel I millennio a.C., Carocci Editore, Roma 2005; F. Pesando, M.P.Guidobaldi, Pompei, Ercolano, Oplontis, Stabiae, Guide Archeologiche Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006; F. Coarelli, F. Pesando (ed. by), Rileggere Pompei I. L’insula 10 della Regio VI, Roma, L' ‘Erma’ di Bretschneider, 2006; (ed. by), Rileggere Pompei III. Ricerche sulla Pompei sannitica. Campagne di scavo 2066-2008, Pompei 2010; A. Giardina, F. Pesando (ed. by), Roma Caput Mundi. Una città tra dominio e integrazione, Milano, Electa, 2012; Pompei. Le Età di Pompei, Milano, Il Sole 24Ore Cultura, 2012; Pompei. Guida per un giorno (Itinerari Archeologici 2.0, vol. 1), 2013 (e-book); Pompei. L’arte di abitare, Milano, Il Sole24 Cultura, 2013; F. Pesando, M. Giglio, Rileggere Pompei V. L’insula 7 della Regio IX, Roma 2017; F. Pesando (con F. Pompei), Archeomarche 1. Le valli e i porti del Piceno antico. (Itinerari archeologici 2.0, vol. 2), 2019 (e-book).
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Books by Pesando Fabrizio
Papers by Pesando Fabrizio
when they were not very rich. Among these rooms, two forms can be istinguished: the lavatrina, a space with simple cleaning facilities, probably warmed up by a cauldron and provided with a hipbath; the alneum, a bathing suite with more complex cleaning and wellness facilities. A very interesting example of these two sorts of rooms is offered by the Protocasa del Granduca Michele (vi, 5, 5). This house built at the end of the third century B.C., was provided with a lavatrina. Around the mid-second century B.C. the dwelling was restored and, at the rear, a columned courtyard with a new bathing suite was introduced. The analysis of domestic contexts in the Mediterranean of Hellenistic time has provided interesting comparison cases and has allowed to verify the diffusion of these facilities in domestic contexts.
when they were not very rich. Among these rooms, two forms can be istinguished: the lavatrina, a space with simple cleaning facilities, probably warmed up by a cauldron and provided with a hipbath; the alneum, a bathing suite with more complex cleaning and wellness facilities. A very interesting example of these two sorts of rooms is offered by the Protocasa del Granduca Michele (vi, 5, 5). This house built at the end of the third century B.C., was provided with a lavatrina. Around the mid-second century B.C. the dwelling was restored and, at the rear, a columned courtyard with a new bathing suite was introduced. The analysis of domestic contexts in the Mediterranean of Hellenistic time has provided interesting comparison cases and has allowed to verify the diffusion of these facilities in domestic contexts.