Marianna Capo
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Papers by Marianna Capo
si inquadra nell’attuale dibattito sul profilo professionale degli operatori dei nidi di infanzia in relazione al disegno di legge n. 1260 recante le Disposizioni in materia di sistema integrato di educazione ed istruzione dalla nascita fino a sei anni e del diritto dei bambini alle pari opportunità di apprendimento. L’esigenza di ripensare gli standard organizzativi dei servizi per l’infanzia, in modo da erogare prestazioni sempre più rispondenti ai bisogni dei bambini e delle famiglie che ne usufruiscono, ha posto il problema della riflessione sulla “qualità” della formazione continua degli operatori dei nidi da cui dipende strettamente la qualità degli interventi educativi (Catarsi & Sharmahd, 2012).
Si ritiene che una formazione possa dirsi di “qualità” laddove cerchi di intercettare i bisogni di crescita professionale manifesti ed impliciti degli attori che abitano un contesto professionale (Carli & Paniccia,1999). Nell’ambito della ricerca qui presentata, a partire dall’individuazione dei bisogni formativi dei soggetti interessati, si è evidenziata la necessità di:
- creare un contesto finalizzato alla riflessione e condivisione in gruppo delle esperienze professionali;
- implementare le competenze di documentazione delle pratiche.
Pertanto, è stato co-progettato un percorso formativo, avvalendosi della metodologia dell’atelier narrativo-autobiografico, declinato operativamente in un duplice registro orale e scritto (Formenti, 1998). La narrazione, in questo caso, ha rappresentato un mediatore biografico favorendo nei professionisti implicati nel percorso di ricerca, l’esplicitazione e la comprensione delle esperienze vissute. Inizia per il narrante quella che si può definire la “prova” biografica. Una prova che comprende spesso il racconto di vissuti ed esperienze difficili, ma che al tempo stesso “qualifica” il soggetto narrante riconoscendogli competenze, abilità e saperi impliciti (Polany, 1979; Vanhulle, 2009; 2012).
Quali le implicazioni formative della narrazione intesa quale dispositivo di lavoro pedagogico (Striano, 2002), ovvero di una formazione che privilegia il racconto di sé, delle esperienze professionali e la loro condivisione in un contesto di gruppo?
Le narrazioni, luoghi privilegiati della soggettività e della riflessività, inaugurano, lo spazio di una doppia “prova” biografica (Baudouin, 2010; Baudouin & Fretigné, 2013; Baudouin & Leclerc, 2013) comportando per il soggetto la “messa in racconto” di sé e delle proprie esperienze professionali ed al contempo la visibilizzazione del proprio “capitale biografico” (Delory-Momberger, 2010) in funzione di un progetto di sviluppo, insieme umano e professionale.
Keywords: lifelong learning, orientation, self-guided evaluation, competences for individual empowerment.
regional data (VI° Regional Conference on Immigration) show that Campania is no more a transit
region. An interesting feature of contemporary migration is the large percentage of highly educated
and qualified people: immigrants with high level of education and training came mostly from Eastern
Europe. Italy, moreover, is characterized by a high percentage of women among immigrants, which
has increased in recent years, particularly for people from some countries (in 2006, for example, a
percentage between 65% and 82% of the foreign workforce from countries of east such as Poland,
Ukraine, Moldova, are women); among the immigrant there is a high percentage of women working
both as housekeeper and as caregivers. This paper aims to offer a reflection on the training and
orientation training of those migrants in Campania who carry out the tasks of caregivers. The figure of
the maid or nanny makes up for the lack of an often disorganized welfare system, to meet the needs
of a population, as the Italian, where the negative trend of birth adds up to a constant aging of the
population and the progressive increase in longevity which makes constant assistance of the elderly
necessary and irreplaceable in a situation of unsustainable spending at the individual level, weighing
in fact entirely on public sector budgets of social assistance.
Women are institutionally recognized as a determinant factor in maintaining the balance of socioeconomic
impacts, exactly referring to their key role in the world of production, for their subjectivity,
their history, their biographical experience, their desires and legitimate expectations.
The researcher Schlosseberg (Schlosseberg, 2005) designed and implemented specific programs and
interventions of training in which she alternates individual intervention to work in teams. Often to face
transition phases lived by immigrant women, it needs to adopt a real formative advisory, able to
implement the skills of self-determination of adult in training (Biasin, 2012). In a formative perspective,
the moments of transition propose the revival of a type of subjectivity, which is able to reflect an active
and creative inner (Paul, 2002). Innovative changes are, therefore, required in orientation and training
in work fields: it needs to introduce structural changes to allow the professionals involved in
relationships of care and assistance to take a proactive approach that will enable them to govern the
biographical processes. The activities of training and advisory, aimed to adults, are based on
dimensions of lived experience in order to individualize the transition, coupled with social and
relational context of reference.
Keywords: Biographical transition, transformative change, awareness.
orientation, motivation and support, with the aim of support students into the building of their learning
project through the analysis of core competences owned. The assessment of competence is centered
on the subject because he is considered as the protagonist of his story and the main maker of his own
adaptation to the life environment. In the 2012/2013 academic year, a pattern of Assessment of
competences, has been offered to the first year’s students of some Department of the University in
Naples Federico II. The service is developed into a guided auto assessment course of selfcompetences,
formed by different steps through which every student has the possibility to be an active
protagonist into an auto consciousness process. The auto assessment is operated by students that,
autonomously and free to decide, chose to follow the pattern of his assessment.
Keywords: lifelong learning, orientation, self-guided evaluation, competences for individual empowerment.
Capo Marianna
University of Naples “Federico II”
E-mail: [email protected]
The biographical event as special feature of subjective freedom
In the fields of social sciences there exists a lively debate between those who support social determinism and those who follow the freedom of individuals. We believe we have to insist on both the power of social influences and on individuals’ freedom to adapt to events which characterize a life course: “Man cannot be considered exclusively as an agent who is prey to social determinations […]he is able to intervene on what determines him”(De Gaulejac). Notwithstanding the different characteristics each individual disposes of, becoming a subject can be a liberating but complicated experience, especially in modern reality, where stimuli given to individuals to let them affirm their autonomy have increased, but at the same time there has been a reduction of social protections, that allow the individual to get higher autonomy. When facing biographical events, the subject has to reflect, to take decisions. The event represents a point of reference starting from which the subject, besides finding and summarizing new knowledge, can affirm his unity and coherence. The category of the event allows us to consider man in a different way as regards his acting and his adapting to a reference context. “The individual suffers an event from the outside but such event can come in useful as internal detector for the subject”(C.Newiadomski). The biographical event, that sets up as an occurrence which connects the internal life experience of the subject to his external reality, becomes an essential instrument to read, interpret and change the same reality, even if the result of such process cannot always come to an opportunity of subjective evolution. Man can choose whether to suffer passively an event, or to ‘manage’ it, so living an intrinsically motivated change. The active reception of the event helps the individual to pass from a static dimension, where he feels himself overcome by what happens to him, to the status of an actor who recognizes the event as an opening of new possibilities of action. Therefore, the biographical event essentially characterizes itself for a revealing and creative vocation. Negroni C. states that the end of an impasse or latent phase is triggered off by events which help the break with such status; so they are ‘catalysts’, that in questioning the subject as regards his role in the society, encourage in the same subject the taking of decisions, and therefore the start of a planning phase. The subject’s story can start from a biographical event. After all, as J.M. Baudouin says(2003)telling our own story means telling the ordeals wich marked our life. The story, inside which the constant dialectics between past and possible reveals itself, enables men to tell what has not worked in a project and in so doing it allows them to imagine and plan what should be done to correct it.”Conceiving a story is our instrument to face events and the surprises that characterize human condition, and to remedy to the insufficient taking of such condition”.(J.Bruner)
Keywords: biographical event, decision, action, story, subject, responsibility
si inquadra nell’attuale dibattito sul profilo professionale degli operatori dei nidi di infanzia in relazione al disegno di legge n. 1260 recante le Disposizioni in materia di sistema integrato di educazione ed istruzione dalla nascita fino a sei anni e del diritto dei bambini alle pari opportunità di apprendimento. L’esigenza di ripensare gli standard organizzativi dei servizi per l’infanzia, in modo da erogare prestazioni sempre più rispondenti ai bisogni dei bambini e delle famiglie che ne usufruiscono, ha posto il problema della riflessione sulla “qualità” della formazione continua degli operatori dei nidi da cui dipende strettamente la qualità degli interventi educativi (Catarsi & Sharmahd, 2012).
Si ritiene che una formazione possa dirsi di “qualità” laddove cerchi di intercettare i bisogni di crescita professionale manifesti ed impliciti degli attori che abitano un contesto professionale (Carli & Paniccia,1999). Nell’ambito della ricerca qui presentata, a partire dall’individuazione dei bisogni formativi dei soggetti interessati, si è evidenziata la necessità di:
- creare un contesto finalizzato alla riflessione e condivisione in gruppo delle esperienze professionali;
- implementare le competenze di documentazione delle pratiche.
Pertanto, è stato co-progettato un percorso formativo, avvalendosi della metodologia dell’atelier narrativo-autobiografico, declinato operativamente in un duplice registro orale e scritto (Formenti, 1998). La narrazione, in questo caso, ha rappresentato un mediatore biografico favorendo nei professionisti implicati nel percorso di ricerca, l’esplicitazione e la comprensione delle esperienze vissute. Inizia per il narrante quella che si può definire la “prova” biografica. Una prova che comprende spesso il racconto di vissuti ed esperienze difficili, ma che al tempo stesso “qualifica” il soggetto narrante riconoscendogli competenze, abilità e saperi impliciti (Polany, 1979; Vanhulle, 2009; 2012).
Quali le implicazioni formative della narrazione intesa quale dispositivo di lavoro pedagogico (Striano, 2002), ovvero di una formazione che privilegia il racconto di sé, delle esperienze professionali e la loro condivisione in un contesto di gruppo?
Le narrazioni, luoghi privilegiati della soggettività e della riflessività, inaugurano, lo spazio di una doppia “prova” biografica (Baudouin, 2010; Baudouin & Fretigné, 2013; Baudouin & Leclerc, 2013) comportando per il soggetto la “messa in racconto” di sé e delle proprie esperienze professionali ed al contempo la visibilizzazione del proprio “capitale biografico” (Delory-Momberger, 2010) in funzione di un progetto di sviluppo, insieme umano e professionale.
Keywords: lifelong learning, orientation, self-guided evaluation, competences for individual empowerment.
regional data (VI° Regional Conference on Immigration) show that Campania is no more a transit
region. An interesting feature of contemporary migration is the large percentage of highly educated
and qualified people: immigrants with high level of education and training came mostly from Eastern
Europe. Italy, moreover, is characterized by a high percentage of women among immigrants, which
has increased in recent years, particularly for people from some countries (in 2006, for example, a
percentage between 65% and 82% of the foreign workforce from countries of east such as Poland,
Ukraine, Moldova, are women); among the immigrant there is a high percentage of women working
both as housekeeper and as caregivers. This paper aims to offer a reflection on the training and
orientation training of those migrants in Campania who carry out the tasks of caregivers. The figure of
the maid or nanny makes up for the lack of an often disorganized welfare system, to meet the needs
of a population, as the Italian, where the negative trend of birth adds up to a constant aging of the
population and the progressive increase in longevity which makes constant assistance of the elderly
necessary and irreplaceable in a situation of unsustainable spending at the individual level, weighing
in fact entirely on public sector budgets of social assistance.
Women are institutionally recognized as a determinant factor in maintaining the balance of socioeconomic
impacts, exactly referring to their key role in the world of production, for their subjectivity,
their history, their biographical experience, their desires and legitimate expectations.
The researcher Schlosseberg (Schlosseberg, 2005) designed and implemented specific programs and
interventions of training in which she alternates individual intervention to work in teams. Often to face
transition phases lived by immigrant women, it needs to adopt a real formative advisory, able to
implement the skills of self-determination of adult in training (Biasin, 2012). In a formative perspective,
the moments of transition propose the revival of a type of subjectivity, which is able to reflect an active
and creative inner (Paul, 2002). Innovative changes are, therefore, required in orientation and training
in work fields: it needs to introduce structural changes to allow the professionals involved in
relationships of care and assistance to take a proactive approach that will enable them to govern the
biographical processes. The activities of training and advisory, aimed to adults, are based on
dimensions of lived experience in order to individualize the transition, coupled with social and
relational context of reference.
Keywords: Biographical transition, transformative change, awareness.
orientation, motivation and support, with the aim of support students into the building of their learning
project through the analysis of core competences owned. The assessment of competence is centered
on the subject because he is considered as the protagonist of his story and the main maker of his own
adaptation to the life environment. In the 2012/2013 academic year, a pattern of Assessment of
competences, has been offered to the first year’s students of some Department of the University in
Naples Federico II. The service is developed into a guided auto assessment course of selfcompetences,
formed by different steps through which every student has the possibility to be an active
protagonist into an auto consciousness process. The auto assessment is operated by students that,
autonomously and free to decide, chose to follow the pattern of his assessment.
Keywords: lifelong learning, orientation, self-guided evaluation, competences for individual empowerment.
Capo Marianna
University of Naples “Federico II”
E-mail: [email protected]
The biographical event as special feature of subjective freedom
In the fields of social sciences there exists a lively debate between those who support social determinism and those who follow the freedom of individuals. We believe we have to insist on both the power of social influences and on individuals’ freedom to adapt to events which characterize a life course: “Man cannot be considered exclusively as an agent who is prey to social determinations […]he is able to intervene on what determines him”(De Gaulejac). Notwithstanding the different characteristics each individual disposes of, becoming a subject can be a liberating but complicated experience, especially in modern reality, where stimuli given to individuals to let them affirm their autonomy have increased, but at the same time there has been a reduction of social protections, that allow the individual to get higher autonomy. When facing biographical events, the subject has to reflect, to take decisions. The event represents a point of reference starting from which the subject, besides finding and summarizing new knowledge, can affirm his unity and coherence. The category of the event allows us to consider man in a different way as regards his acting and his adapting to a reference context. “The individual suffers an event from the outside but such event can come in useful as internal detector for the subject”(C.Newiadomski). The biographical event, that sets up as an occurrence which connects the internal life experience of the subject to his external reality, becomes an essential instrument to read, interpret and change the same reality, even if the result of such process cannot always come to an opportunity of subjective evolution. Man can choose whether to suffer passively an event, or to ‘manage’ it, so living an intrinsically motivated change. The active reception of the event helps the individual to pass from a static dimension, where he feels himself overcome by what happens to him, to the status of an actor who recognizes the event as an opening of new possibilities of action. Therefore, the biographical event essentially characterizes itself for a revealing and creative vocation. Negroni C. states that the end of an impasse or latent phase is triggered off by events which help the break with such status; so they are ‘catalysts’, that in questioning the subject as regards his role in the society, encourage in the same subject the taking of decisions, and therefore the start of a planning phase. The subject’s story can start from a biographical event. After all, as J.M. Baudouin says(2003)telling our own story means telling the ordeals wich marked our life. The story, inside which the constant dialectics between past and possible reveals itself, enables men to tell what has not worked in a project and in so doing it allows them to imagine and plan what should be done to correct it.”Conceiving a story is our instrument to face events and the surprises that characterize human condition, and to remedy to the insufficient taking of such condition”.(J.Bruner)
Keywords: biographical event, decision, action, story, subject, responsibility