Papers by Iva Rosanda Žigo
Hum, Jun 13, 2023
The aim of this paper is to present the position of child characters in Croatian feature fiction ... more The aim of this paper is to present the position of child characters in Croatian feature fiction films. For this purpose, a content analysis of eleven selected films, made in the period from 1991 to 2020 was carried out. In the theoretical part, the paper starts from the assumption that film is a medium of mass communication that establishes a dialogue with the audience with a specific purpose and reason, therefore it often appears as an interpreter of social events. The aforementioned turned out to be particularly interesting in the analyzed films, in which it is precisely through the child's character that the broader social and cultural problems of today are pointed out. Following the theoretical starting points complemented by the content analysis of the selected films, research has shown that child characters in Croatian films mostly appear as important participants and witnesses, and more direct or indirect victims, as a rule, of family dramas and strained relationships between adults, most often parents.
Digitalna humanistika i slovensko kultiurno nasleđe II, 2023
U radu se aktualizira pitanje nužnosti uvođenja novih istraživačkih metoda u humanističko područj... more U radu se aktualizira pitanje nužnosti uvođenja novih istraživačkih metoda u humanističko područje znanosti. I dok nagli razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija evidentno utječe na sva područja znanosti, humanistička istraživanja na ovim našim prostorima još su uvijek u značajnoj mjeri usmjerena tradicionalnim pristupima i metodama. Nije to slučaj u međunarodnoj znanstvenoj zajednici u kontekstu koje se digitalna humanistika razvija i to u sklopu velikih interdisciplinarnih projekata već više od puna dva desetljeća. Stoga, uvođenje informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija postaje jedan od nužnih preduvjeta za realizaciju novih, suvremenom dobu prilagođenih humanističkih istraživanja. Navedeno potvrđuje i sve veći broj velikih europskih projekata usmjerenih istraživačima u humanističkom području znanosti, a kojima se ovo područje znanosti nastoji približiti suvremenim, novim tehnologijama potpomognutim znanstveno-istraživačkim trendovima.
Ključne riječi: CHANSE, digitalna humanistika, digitalni rječnik, informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, kulturna baština
Hum: časopis Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, 2022
Cilj je ovim radom predstaviti poziciju dječjega lika u hrvatskome dugometražnom igranom filmu pa... more Cilj je ovim radom predstaviti poziciju dječjega lika u hrvatskome dugometražnom igranom filmu pa je radi toga provedena analiza sadržaja
jedanaest odabranih filmova snimljenih u razdoblju od 1991. do 2020. godine. U teorijskome dijelu rada kreće se od pretpostavke kako je film,
u prvome redu, medij masovne komunikacije koji s određenom svrhom i razlogom uspostavlja dijalog s publikom pa se u skladu s ovim određenjem
nerijetko i pojavljuje kao interpretator društvenih zbivanja. Navedeno se pokazalo osobito zanimljivim u analiziranim filmovima, u kojima
se upravo kroz lik djeteta nastoji ukazati na šire socijalne i kulturne probleme današnjice. Slijedom navedenih teorijskih polazišta upotpunjenih
provedenom analizom sadržaja odabranih filmova, istraživanje je pokazalo kako se dječji likovi u hrvatskome filmu uglavnom pojavljuju
kao važni sudionici i svjedoci te izravnije ili posrednije žrtve u pravilu obiteljskih drama i zategnutih odnosa među odraslima, najčešće roditeljima.
International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence
Dugogodišnji angažman anđelka Štimca pri HNk ivana pl. Zajca u rijeci obilježen je, kako značajni... more Dugogodišnji angažman anđelka Štimca pri HNk ivana pl. Zajca u rijeci obilježen je, kako značajnim repertoarnim potezima, tako i brojnim glumačkim i redateljskim ostvarenjima što ih je ostvario na ovoj pozor-nici. 1 ostavljajući po strani važnost određenoga povijesnoga, odnosno 1 Detaljnije o Štimčevu djelovanju u rijeci – glumačkom angažmanu i re-dateljskim ostvarenjima u car-mihec, rosanda žigo, 2010: 190 – 191. u ovu su tekstu iznijeti i podaci o Štimčevu školovanju, između ostaloga i njegovu odlasku u Beč u namjeri studiranja impostacije glasa, pohađanju reinhardtova seminara, itd. iako inficiran teatrom i prije toga putovanja, interesantno je istaknuti kako je upravo boravak u spomenutu gradu vjerojatno utjecao na njegovo kasnije stva-ralaštvo kako redateljsko, tako i glumačko. Beč, pak, Nikola Batušić određuje formativnim prostorom Branka Gavelle i bez obzira što je riječki redatelj ovdje boravio nešto kasnije, čini se važnim i u ovu nam kontekstu upozoriti na neke moguće poveznice koje bi valjalo preciznije istražiti. o njegovu je boravku u Beču, između ostaloga, Batušić zabilježio sljedeće: »inkubacija kazališnim Bečom počinje u Gavelle očito pod snažnim dojmom modernističkih predstava koje su frekventnije u tadanjem volkstheatru i josefstädtertheatru no u Burgthteatru, ali i tamošnji ravnatelj Paul schlentner ubrzo će i na toj pozornici početi slijediti stil i zov vremena. i dok se iz kasnijih Gavellinih teatrološko-socioloških rasprava
INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021
The goal of the paper is to present the structure, form, content and research aspects of the Post... more The goal of the paper is to present the structure, form, content and research aspects of the Postgraduate Doctoral Study Program in Media and Communication at the University North. The Program is primarily focused on the field of information and communication sciences, but unlike other comparable studies in Croatia, it puts great emphasis on interdisciplinary component. Regarding the structural and formal characteristics of the Program, paper clearly demonstrates its compliance with current documents and regulations at the national level and the level of the European Union. Next, we present the advantages of modular concept of the Program and elaborate on the importance of ensuring parallel development of teaching and research phase, which enables doctoral students to perform scientific research work from the beginning of their studies. In the part of the paper related to the content and research specifics of the Program, we elaborate the understanding of media and communication studies in the context of contemporary theoretical and methodological tendencies that explicitly display the need for redefinition and explore the possible paradigm shift. Consequently, the aim is to show that both Program curriculum and research developed in collaboration between professors/mentors and doctoral students are moving in the direction of understanding the "new" media as digital or computer media which are rooted in information and communication technology and which demonstrate their direct repercussions in the breadth and diversity of contemporary socio-cultural forms. By way of qualitative analysis of scientific literature, primarily one focused on discussing and understanding "new" media as computer media, as well as the analysis and examination of doctoral education guidelines in the European research domain and the European higher education domain, the paper presents the specifics of the doctoral education process and suggests the frame for understanding and successful performance of doctoral study in the field of media and communication. Motivated by the lack of systematic and comprehensive discussions that approach the study of new media as computer media from the perspective of postgraduate education, this paper will contribute to the theoretical consideration of the concept of media from a contemporary perspective. On the other hand, it will also contribute to understanding of the importance of doctoral training in the European research domain.
Kazalište : časopis za kazališnu umjetnost, 2012
Language, individual & society, 2016
Using the example of the film Black Swan (2010), directed by Darren Aronofsky, this paper will qu... more Using the example of the film Black Swan (2010), directed by Darren Aronofsky, this paper will question the relationship between man and animal. We will show the basic characteristics of Darren Aronofsky’s directing style, and in so doing we will warn that the works of film art are often not to be seen exclusively in the context of structural components. The centre of our interest is the questioning of relations between black-white, culture-nature, man-animal, with all of which we will try to show that the tragic fate of the heroine is primarily associated with the repressive and narcissistic moment which greatly marks the life of a modern man.
The COVID-19 pandemic challenges all segments of society and calls for rapid and effective interv... more The COVID-19 pandemic challenges all segments of society and calls for rapid and effective interventions in health-care system, business, the economy and the education system. In the context of higher education, the doctoral level is specific due primarily to its organizational and program characteristics. The goal of this paper is to assess the success of the implementation of consultation segment and teaching process at University North Postgraduate Doctoral Study in Media and Communication, which continued with the Program despite the situation in which the entire education system in Croatia migrated to distance learning practically in a day. The goal is also to show that digital competencies and skills of professors and students are key to the successful implementation of distance learning. Investing in mastering these skills and raising them to a higher level is the key to a successful education of the future. Such conclusion is confirmed by two key documents crucial for our research-UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (2018) and especially Bologna Digital 2020 White Paper on Digitalisation in the European Higher Education Area (2019). The later emphasizes that Europe needs new directions and visions for a contemporary higher education in digital age. Digitalisation is therefore not just an extra challenge, but also an efficient tool capable of detecting the key challenges of 21 st century higher education. The research utilizes an interview technique conducted by way of synchronous communication, via videoconference and telephone. Through videoconferencing, a semi-structured group interview method was implemented on a sample of 43 doctoral students divided into two groups. In the first group, which represents the first year of study, 23 doctoral students have participated in the interview. In the second group, which represents the second year of study, 20 doctoral students have participated. The semi-structured individual interview method was conducted by telephone on a sample of five professors teaching at doctoral Program. Research results show that the situation caused by COVID-19 pandemic sped up certain processes in the areas of higher education that anyway desperately call for a change and are especially highlighted in the above mentioned documents. Research also points to the need for reorganization of doctoral study programmes, particularly in the context of methods and approaches to the research segment. Additional interventions are needed in transfer skills workshops planning, all aiming at the increase of scientific and technical information literacy of doctoral candidates. Furthermore, results show that certain ECTS generating obligations included in doctoral study programme (such as working visit to some foreign University) are made much easier precisely by to modern ICT technologies. Although the doctoral level of studying substantially differs from other two education cycles, it cannot be the justification for the fact that doctoral-level specific research of necessary digital adaptations is scarce. This work aims at filling the research void and offers guidelines for adjusting the doctoral level of studying to challenges and demands of digital age. We will also show that digital transformation changes not only the educational system, but also economic, cultural and social surrounding, which makes new/digital skills 'conditio sine qua non' for an active and fulfilling participation in this new reality.
SAGE Open, 2021
Narrative voices in Ismet Prcić’s memoir/novel “Shards” are many; this article primarily focuses ... more Narrative voices in Ismet Prcić’s memoir/novel “Shards” are many; this article primarily focuses on what we refer to as the voice of the “silenced narrator” that appears to speak from a deep (“s ubdiegetic”) narrative level shaped by the unconscious workings of traumatic experience. Starting from psychological insights into traumatic states (Elbert and Schauer, Hunt, Crossley, etc.) and tracing the encoded symptoms of this illness across the text, the discussion moves on to a theoretical level to investigate notions proposed by authors such as Genette (to discuss narrative levels), Ricœur (in examining the construction of self), Caruth (in evaluating narrative implications of the literary voicing of trauma), Antonio Damasio (in exploring the source and the nature of the trauma-related destruction of the narratively voiced “I”), and others. These are used to establish the concept of a narrative subject whose voice emerges from the deep zone of their “proto-self” (Damasio), to be weav...
Studies in Media and Communication, 2019
This paper discusses communication processes in the context of performative arts and focuses on s... more This paper discusses communication processes in the context of performative arts and focuses on staged events as communicative events which disperse messages across different levels and in different directions in order to construct meanings in a multi-layered way, to include artistic, ideological, political and other dimensions. The core issue is the role of the director as the motivating and organizing stance of all the processes that evolve on stage. The modalities of organizing theatrical acts intertwine as the process of directing unfolds, stage after stage, and the ultimate goal to reach the audience needs to be kept in focus the entire time. It is possible to distinguish four such stages mediated specifically by directing itself. Organization of events to be set on the stage and sustained by strategies of communication starts with the abandonment of the literary template, with the articulation of the theatrical concept. The next stage is described in terms of a confrontation b...
European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2017
The biggest change in film reception occurred in the moment when the film audience began to watch... more The biggest change in film reception occurred in the moment when the film audience began to watch films over the Internet, or with devices that can connect to it, i.e. computers, laptops and smartphones. The paper redefined notions of contemporary audience and different horizons of expectations, and a new horizon of expectations has been established, and that is the horizon of device expectations. Also, we have redefined the conative function i.e. the empty spaces function, individual and social reception of the film, while the theory of production relations in the case of the production of art has been applied to the film industry. The paper applies to the film received through social networks requirements of all characteristics of new media, which is also a novelty in scientific thinking.
Croatica et Slavica Iadertina, 2013
Prihvaćanje teorije i tehnike glume što ih je svojim Sistemom inaugurirao K. S. Stanislavski u po... more Prihvaćanje teorije i tehnike glume što ih je svojim Sistemom inaugurirao K. S. Stanislavski u poslijeratnoj se hrvatskoj kazališnoj umjetnosti poistovjećivalo s priklanjanjem i odobravanjem onih ideja koje je zastupala tada dominantna politička misao. Slučaj je to i riječkoga teatra pa je o isključivo estetskom utjecaju Stanislavskoga u razdoblju prevladavajuće socrealističke književne koncepcije (tijekom kojega je i sovjetski teatar predstavljao u nas jedinu ispravnu orijentaciju u promišljanju kazališnoga čina) gotovo nemoguće govoriti. Nasljedovanje je, doduše, tek ponekih segmenata što ih je u kontekstu psihološkoga realizma zagovarao ovaj ruski redatelj i glumac u povijesti riječkih kazališnih izvedbi ipak razvidno, i to nerijetko zapravo nakon 1952. godine. Iz toga ćemo se razloga, u drugom dijelu ovoga rada, nešto više osvrnuti upravo na izvedbu dramatiziranoga Krležina romana Na rubu pameti premijerno prikazanoga u Rijeci 1965. godine.
Monografija je nastala kao rezultat djelomice prerađene i prilagođene doktorske disertacije Utjec... more Monografija je nastala kao rezultat djelomice prerađene i prilagođene doktorske disertacije Utjecaj redateljskih poetika na formiranje riječkoga nacionalnoga glumišta (1946. – 1980.), koja je obranjena na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2012. godine. U središtu razmatranja jest problematika režije koja se prikazuje kroz dijakronijski presjek, s osobitim naglaskom na jedno od značajnijih razdoblja u razvoju riječkoga kazališta – od završetka Drugoga svjetskoga rata do osamdesetih godina dvadesetoga stoljeća. Pritom je osobita pažnja posvećena uplivu gospodarskih, kulturnih, političkih i društvenih strujanja prvenstveno iz razloga što su ona imala presudan utjecaj na formiranje svih aspekata kazališnoga života u pojedinim povijesnim odsječcima. Studija razmatra četiri razdoblja u povijesti riječkoga kazališta. Prvo razdoblje vezano je uz gostujuće talijanske kazališne predstave koje se smatraju pretečama redateljske umjetnosti. Ovo se razdoblje proteže na period osamnaesto...
As a driver of development and progress, education has been at the centre of everyone's i... more As a driver of development and progress, education has been at the centre of everyone's interest at all times. Issues and problems of education, reforms aimed at modernizing the education that need to be introduced as soon as possible are in the focus of contemporary discussions. However, modernization of education system requires deep and thorough analysis of reforms applied in the past, as well as the analysis of present situation and it's social, cultural and scientific characteristics. As a society and as civilization in general we seem to have left behind the Humboldtian idea of university and education after the first taste of ICT benefits. Unable to precede them, the education must go hand in hand with changes that fuel the development. Today these changes are much faster and the classical education system is not able to keep up with them. The purpose of this paper is to offer an analysis of previous targets of the education system and detect the essential characteristics of the present situation, preparing that way the foundation for mapping of the path we should follow in the future. By means of qualitative analysis of past and present educational policies, authors will offer possible answer to the question where we want to arrive so that we could be able to choose the path we want to take. If "Historia est magistra vitae", then history also offers us a glimpse of the future. Any relevant prognosis based on qualitative research of internal logic of the development of specific scientific discipline, education science in general and all manifestations of that logic necessarily addresses three time periods: past, present and future. In that context this work will show that the element of technology played a key role in the organization of Universities and educational policies from the emergence of writing to Gutenberg and up to modern ICT. We are not sceptical in our approach to technology. Quite the contrary! We will highlight its importance, especially due to the fact that science and education always imply understanding and use of information, which makes the ICT an essential component in rethinking of educational policies in all existing segments. At the same time, however, work emphasizes the need for serious consideration of the element of anthropocentricity and the necessity to actively include it into educational policies. In accordance with that, work provides an analysis of continuity and representation of Humanities and Social sciences in creation of educational policies and shows the undoubtable importance of those segments in predicting and forming the educational systems of the future. Results of the research confirm the conclusion that science follows the experience of tradition and of accepting and confirming changes. It reflects contemporary views and needs, but also contains inherited ideas and methods that can help it discover new possibilities for the future. Finally, work emphasizes the thesis which hasn't been appropriately articulated in scientific literature, namely the need for balancing and communicative connection of two very important components-STEM area of science and disciplines from Humanities and Social sciences. In synergy based on well-structured strategies of interdisciplinary research, these two poles can and should play a decisive role in shaping of educational policies of the future.
Croatian Studies Review, 2019
The authors present one of the ways that dramatic creativity is encouraged and promoted in the Re... more The authors present one of the ways that dramatic creativity is encouraged and promoted in the Republic of Croatia, namely the competition for the Marin Držić Award, which was introduced by the Croatian Ministry of Culture in 1991. The authors are particularly interested in the manner and extent to which women, that is, authors and playwrights, are represented in the arena of contemporary trends in national theatrical and dramatic creativity.
Papers by Iva Rosanda Žigo
Ključne riječi: CHANSE, digitalna humanistika, digitalni rječnik, informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, kulturna baština
jedanaest odabranih filmova snimljenih u razdoblju od 1991. do 2020. godine. U teorijskome dijelu rada kreće se od pretpostavke kako je film,
u prvome redu, medij masovne komunikacije koji s određenom svrhom i razlogom uspostavlja dijalog s publikom pa se u skladu s ovim određenjem
nerijetko i pojavljuje kao interpretator društvenih zbivanja. Navedeno se pokazalo osobito zanimljivim u analiziranim filmovima, u kojima
se upravo kroz lik djeteta nastoji ukazati na šire socijalne i kulturne probleme današnjice. Slijedom navedenih teorijskih polazišta upotpunjenih
provedenom analizom sadržaja odabranih filmova, istraživanje je pokazalo kako se dječji likovi u hrvatskome filmu uglavnom pojavljuju
kao važni sudionici i svjedoci te izravnije ili posrednije žrtve u pravilu obiteljskih drama i zategnutih odnosa među odraslima, najčešće roditeljima.
Ključne riječi: CHANSE, digitalna humanistika, digitalni rječnik, informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, kulturna baština
jedanaest odabranih filmova snimljenih u razdoblju od 1991. do 2020. godine. U teorijskome dijelu rada kreće se od pretpostavke kako je film,
u prvome redu, medij masovne komunikacije koji s određenom svrhom i razlogom uspostavlja dijalog s publikom pa se u skladu s ovim određenjem
nerijetko i pojavljuje kao interpretator društvenih zbivanja. Navedeno se pokazalo osobito zanimljivim u analiziranim filmovima, u kojima
se upravo kroz lik djeteta nastoji ukazati na šire socijalne i kulturne probleme današnjice. Slijedom navedenih teorijskih polazišta upotpunjenih
provedenom analizom sadržaja odabranih filmova, istraživanje je pokazalo kako se dječji likovi u hrvatskome filmu uglavnom pojavljuju
kao važni sudionici i svjedoci te izravnije ili posrednije žrtve u pravilu obiteljskih drama i zategnutih odnosa među odraslima, najčešće roditeljima.