Papers by Guanis B Vilela Junior
American Journal of Health Research, 2014
The objective of this research was to assess the quality of life of volunteers from the Universit... more The objective of this research was to assess the quality of life of volunteers from the University of São Paulo at different levels of physical activity. To evaluate the quality of life perception, the WHOQOL-bref. Nutritional status was evaluated through the body mass index (BMI). The level of physical activity was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (short version typical week). All these instruments were utilized to compose a computerized system of data collection. Among the findings it is highlighted that most of the 1,966 participants are single (65.9%), undergraduate students (52.6%) originated from the Campus of São Paulo city (50.9%), 32.3% are overweight and 65.5% meet the recommendation for regular physical activity. It was observed that the most active individuals exhibit higher scores in all areas of life quality which justifies actions to increase physical activity on the academic community.
Revista Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida, 2011
Resumo O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar a qualidade de vida (QV) de acadêmicos de Educa... more Resumo O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar a qualidade de vida (QV) de acadêmicos de Educação Física de ambos os sexos e de diferentes estados brasileiros. Participaram do estudo 85 estudantes de Ponta Grossa-PR (46 do sexo masculino e 39 do sexo feminino) e 61 estudantes de Campinas-SP (31 do sexo masculino e 30 do sexo feminino). A QV foi mensurada pelo WHOQOL-bref, para análise dos resultados foi utilizada a sintaxe australiana e a consistência interna através do coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. Para localizar as diferenças foi utilizado o teste de Kruskal-Wallis, seguido do teste de Mann-Whitney com o valor de p corrigido pela técnica de Bonferroni. A QV foi satisfatória e com os menores valores para o domínio ambiental, foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos para todos os domínios. Pode-se inferir a necessidade do investimento em políticas públicas. Palavras-chave: acadêmicos, educação física, qualidade de vida, WHOQOL-bref.
RESUMO Introdução: No Brasil, há uma grande escassez de instrumentos de investigação voltados a a... more RESUMO Introdução: No Brasil, há uma grande escassez de instrumentos de investigação voltados a avaliação da Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) que tratam dos diferentes aspectos do colaborador, em especial; os psíquicos, biomecânicos e ergonômicos. Objetivo: construir e validar um instrumento sobre QVT, compreensível e executável. A questão problema foi: Quais as etapas, contínuas para a construção e validação de um instrumento? Métodos: Utilizou-se para a pesquisa questionários impressos que possuíam inquérito pessoal. O instrumento proposto, foi construído com 25 questões, divididos em quatro domínios, a saber: variedade; autonomia e feedback; Identidade; significância e motivação. Para a metodologia em questão, foram seguidas as etapas de validação de um instrumento: 1-Validade de Conteúdo (ou Constructo); 2-Consistência interna; 3-Validade discriminante; 4-Validade de critério; 5-Validade concorrente e 6-Reprodutibilidade temporal. O instrumento referência para comparação destes critérios foi o Qualidade de Vida e Saúde (QVS-80). Resultados: Os dados apresentaram coesão, em relação ao instrumento pensado inicialmente, com alfa de Cronbach de 0,808 e 0,860, para consistência interna; Rho de Tarkonen (Rho1=0,810 e Rho2=0,887) para a validade discriminante; Kappa=0,63, para a reprodutibilidade temporal. Conclusões: O instrumento mostrou-se válido e confiável, podendo-se concluir que ele mede efetivamente aquilo a que se propõe, de forma consistente, demostrando sucesso, enquanto instrumento de avaliação da qualidade de vida no ambiente corporativo.
ABSTRACT Introduction: In Brazil, there is a great shortage of research instruments aimed at the evaluation of Quality of Life at Work (QVT) that deal with the different aspects of the employee, in particular; The psychic, biomechanical and ergonomic. Objective: to construct and validate an instrument on QVT, understandable and executable. The problem question was: What are the continuous steps for the construction and validation of an instrument? Methods: We used questionnaires for the survey that had personal inquiries. The proposed instrument was constructed with 25 questions, divided into four areas, namely: variety; Autonomy and feedback; Identity; Significance and motivation. For the methodology in question, the validation steps of an instrument were followed: 1-Validity of Content (or Construct); 2-Internal consistency; 3-Discriminant validity; 4-Validity of criterion; 5-Concurrent validity and 6-Time reproducibility. The reference instrument for comparison of these criteria was Quality of Life and Health (QVS-80). Results: The data presented cohesion, in relation to the instrument initially thought, with Cronbach's alpha of 0.808 and 0.86, for internal consistency; Rho de Tarkonen (Rho 1 = 0.810 and Rho 2 =0.887) for the discriminant validity; Kappa=0.63, for temporal reproducibility. Conclusions: The instrument proved to be valid and reliable, and it can be concluded that it effectively measures what it proposes, consistently, proving success, as an instrument for evaluating the quality of life in the corporate environment.
Introduction: The present study aimed to identify the relationship between quality of life (QL) a... more Introduction: The present study aimed to identify the relationship between quality of life (QL) and physical activity (PA) in college students attending a Physical Education Course. Materials and Methods: The research had a traverse and descriptive method, with 85 college students (46 male and 39 female) from Ponta Grossa -PR municipal district. The level of PA (physical activity) by IPAQ (brief version) and QL were measured applying the WHOQOL-Bref. To verify association between sex and PA the test quisquare was used. In the WHOQOL analysis the U test of Mann-Whitney was used to examine the possible differences between sexes and to measure internal consistency the coeffi cient Alpha of Cronbach was used, for the analysis of relationship between PA and QL the Spearman's Rho correlation was used, with signifi cance of p <0.05 . Results: The results were satisfactory for PA (most of the participants were classifi ed as "very active") and QL (however the environmental domain presented the worst indexes in both sexes). Relationship between PA and QL was found just for the masculine sex. Conclusion: We also consider the necessity of carrying out prospective studies referring to the variables which were found and of investing in public policies which would focus on better life conditions for the population.
Mudanças no cotidiano reduziram oportunidades para o lazer infantil, sendo necessário verificá-la... more Mudanças no cotidiano reduziram oportunidades para o lazer infantil, sendo necessário verificá-las para levantar subsídios para políticas públicas. Este estudo refere-se à mudanças ocorridas em uma cidade em Minas Gerais, que podem estar ligadas à atividades infantis. Documentos fornecidos por instituições públicas foram analisados bem como respostas de pais de 20 crianças de uma escola privada, escolhidas aleatoriamente. Verificou-se que a população da cidade, bem como o número de carros e crimes aumentou, enquanto que o número de lugares públicos para o lazer permaneceu quase o mesmo. A maior parte do tempo estas crianças brincam dentro das suas próprias casas com atividades de baixo gasto enérgico; elas não têm muitos amigos para brincar. Mudanças na política pública social precisam ser realizadas para que o sistema de urbanização traga mais segurança aos moradores e garanta os direitos de criança ao lazer.
RESUMO Objetivos: avaliar a flexibilidade de dois grupos de crianças através de dois protocolos: ... more RESUMO Objetivos: avaliar a flexibilidade de dois grupos de crianças através de dois protocolos: 1) análise cinemática para determinação dos ângulos do quadril e da cintura escapular, em crianças que participam de um programa de iniciação esportiva (grupo experimental) e crianças que fazem apenas a educação física escolar (grupo controle). 2) O banco de Wells também para ambos os grupos. Métodos: análise cinemática bidimensional através da filmagem da realização da tarefa no banco de Wells e posterior digitalização dos pontos articulares para determinação dos ângulos. A amostra foi constituída por 46 crianças de 9 a 12 anos de idade, do gênero masculino, com idade média de 10,41 (± 1,08) anos, sendo 25 voluntários da Rede Estadual de Ensino, que participavam das aulas de educação física, e 21 alunos da escolinha de Basquetebol. Resultados: no banco de Wells foram 0,23m (± 0,06) para os participantes do programa de iniciação esportiva e 0,26m (± 0,06) para os alunos da escola. Este protocolo de avaliação pode trazer dados equivocados, pois a rigidez da coluna pode estar sendo compensada por uma ampla mobilidade da cintura escapular, ficando claro que métodos mais modernos de análise, como a cinemática, podem fornecer resultados mais confiáveis. As correlações entre o ângulo da cintura escapular e o Wells apresentaram correlações significantes (0,84 para o grupo da escola e 0,70 para o grupo da iniciação esportiva). As correlações entre o ângulo do quadril e o Wells também apresentaram significância em P< 0,01, em ambos os grupos, sendo de-0,86 para o grupo da escola e-0,76 para o grupo da iniciação esportiva. Tais resultados atestam a complexidade da medida da flexibilidade, uma vez que vários aspectos e parâmetros podem interferir nesta medida. ABSTRACT Objectives: To evaluate the flexibility of two groups of children through two protocols: 1) kinematic analysis to determine the angles of the hip and shoulder girdle, in children who participate in a sport initiation program (experimental group) and children attending only physical education classes (control group). 2) The Wells test also for both groups. Methods: bidimensional kinematic analysis; through the filming of the realization of task (Wells test) and subsequent digitalization of the joint points to determine the angles. The sample consisted of 46 children 9-12 years old, male, with a mean age of 10.41 (± 1.08) years, 25 volunteers from the State Schools that participated in physical education classes and 21 students from Basketball School. Results: in Wells test were 0.23 M (± 0.06) for participants in the sport initiation program and 0,26m (± 0.06) for school students. This evaluation protocol can bring erroneous data because the rigidity of the column may be being compensated by the high mobility of the shoulder girdle, making clear that the most modern methods of analysis, such as kinematics, can provide more reliable results. The correlations between the angle of the shoulder girdle and the Wells test showed significant correlations (0.84 to the school group and 0.70 for the sport initiation group). The correlations between the hip angle and Wells test also were significant at P <0.01 in both groups, (-0.86 for the school group;-0.76 for the sport initiation group). These results confirm the complexity of flexibility measures since several aspects and parameters may affect it .
Actually the strength training has been widely used in different contexts and for different purpo... more Actually the strength training has been widely used in different contexts and for different purposes: athletic, recreational, esthetic and therapeutic. Undoubtedly, one of the most widely used exercises in strength training, aiming at the development of the muscles is the squat. The present study aimed to review several anatomical, biomechanical and kinesiological aspects of the squat exercise, as well as their possible variations as differences in lower limb positioning, the effects in the amplitude of the execution, differences between guided and non-guided exercise and the differences in positioning of the bar related to the trunk. The understanding of several variations can influence in the correct prescription, correction and orientation of this exercise for strength training or rehabilitation. In this way, after the review of several papers about this exercise, we can conclude that the different variations and conditions imposed on the squat exercise may result in changes in t...
RESUMO Objetivo: realizar uma breve revisão da literatura sobre a largada nos 100 m rasos no atle... more RESUMO Objetivo: realizar uma breve revisão da literatura sobre a largada nos 100 m rasos no atletismo. Método: foi utilizada a base de dados do Google Acadêmico e Pubmed. Os termos utilizados foram em número de seis: sprinters, start block, biomechanics, kinematics, 100m running, kinetics. Foram encontrados 7890 artigos de acesso livre e gratuito utilizando-se como estratégias de buscas individualizadas em duas categorias de unitermos, sendo elas: 1) sprinters, start block, biomechanics, kinematics e 2) 100m running, kinetics. Para a seleção dos artigos a serem lidos o critério utilizado foi, que todos os unitermos utilizados estivessem presentes no titulo e/ou no resumo dos mesmos. Estabelecido este critério obtivemos 18 artigos para a presente revisão. Conclusão: a largada nos 100m rasos apresenta elevada complexidade técnica que pressupõe a parametrização de variáveis biomecânicas tais como: forças (horizontal, vertical e resultante) aplicadas pelo atleta sobre o bloco, tempo de reação, torques gerados pela vigorosa extensão do quadril, movimentos contra laterais de membros superiores, impulso horizontal gerado pela perna dominante, dentre outros. Tais variáveis são consequência da capacidade do atleta em controlar diferentes graus de liberdade para que o movimento seja eficiente. ABSTRACT Objective: To conduct a brief review of the literature about the start in the 100 meter in athletics. Method: we used the base of Google Scholar and Pubmed. The terms used were six: sprinters, start block, biomechanics, kinematics, 100m running, kinetics. We found 7890 articles for free access using as individualized search strategies in two categories of key words, which are: 1) sprinters, start block, biomechanics, kinematics and 2) 100m running, kinetics. For the selection of articles to read the criteria used were that all key words used were present in the title and / or summary thereof. Established this criterion obtained 18 articles for this review. Conclusion: the start in the 100m has high technical complexity that requires the parameterization of biomechanical variables such as strength (horizontal, vertical and resulting) applied by the athlete on the block, reaction time, torque generated by the powerful hip extension, movements against side of the upper limbs, horizontal thrust generated by the dominant leg, among others. These variables are the result of the athlete's ability to control different degrees of freedom for the movement to be efficient.
Actually the strength training has been widely used in different contexts and for different purpo... more Actually the strength training has been widely used in different contexts and for different purposes: athletic, recreational, esthetic and therapeutic. Undoubtedly, one of the most widely used exercises in strength training, aiming at the development of the muscles is the squat. The present study aimed to review several anatomical, biomechanical and kinesiological aspects of the squat exercise, as well as their possible variations as differences in lower limb positioning, the effects in the amplitude of the execution, differences between guided and non-guided exercise and the differences in positioning of the bar related to the trunk. The understanding of several variations can influence in the correct prescription, correction and orientation of this exercise for strength training or rehabilitation. In this way, after the review of several papers about this exercise, we can conclude that the different variations and conditions imposed on the squat exercise may result in changes in t...
Revista Brasileira de …, Jan 1, 2009
Revista Brasileira de …, Jan 1, 2009
SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online Browse SciELO, SciELO Library Error Detector An une... more SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online Browse SciELO, SciELO Library Error Detector An unexpected error occurred in SciELO servers. Click on the SciELO logo to browse the SciELO Library or use the browser &amp;amp;quot;BACK&amp;amp;quot; button to return to the previous page. ...
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the acute effects of an upper limb static-stretc... more The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the acute effects of an upper limb static-stretching (SS) protocol on the maximal concentric jump performance. We recruited 25 young healthy, male, resistance trained individuals (stretched group, n = 15 and control group, n = 10) in this study. The randomized between group experimental protocol consisted of a three trials of maximal concentric jump task, before and after a SS of the upper limb. Vertical ground reaction forces (vGRF) and surface electromyography (sEMG) of both gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) and vastus lateralis (VL) were acquired. An extensive SS was employed consisting of ten stretches of 30 seconds, with 15 seconds of rest, and 70-90% of the point of discomfort (POD). ANOVA (2x2) (group x condition) was used for shoulder joint range of motion (ROM), vGRF and sEMG. A significant interaction for passive ROM of the shoulder joint revealed significant increases between pre-and post-SS protocol (p < 0.001). A significant interaction demonstrated decreased peak force and an increased peak propulsion duration between pre-and post-stretching only for stretch group (p = 0.021, and p = 0.024, respectively. There was a significant main effect between groups (stretch and control) for peak force for control group (p = 0.045). Regarding sEMG variables, there were no significant differences between groups (control versus stretched) or condition (pre-stretching versus post-stretching) for the peak amplitude of RMS and IEMG for both muscles (VL and GL). In conclusion, an acute extensive SS can increase the shoulder ROM, and negatively affect both the propulsion duration and peak force of the maximal concentric jump, without providing significant changes in muscle activation.
Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, Jan 10, 2015
The purposes of this study were to measure the acute effects of knee wraps on knee and hip joint ... more The purposes of this study were to measure the acute effects of knee wraps on knee and hip joint kinematics, dynamic muscle activation from the vastus lateralis and gluteus maximus, and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during the back squat exercise at two different intensities. Fourteen resistance-trained men (age: 24±4 years, height: 176±6cm, body mass: 81±11kg, back squat 1RM: 107±30kg, 3±1 years of back squat experience) performed one set of 3 repetitions under four different conditions, to a depth of ∼90 degrees of knee joint flexion, and in random order: with knee wraps at 60% 1RM (KW60), with knee wraps at 90% 1RM (KW90), without knee wraps at 60% 1RM (NW60), and without knee wraps at 90% 1RM (NW90). The dependent variables obtained were vertical and horizontal bar displacement, peak joint angle in the sagittal plane (hip and knee joints), concentric and eccentric muscle activation (by integrated electromyography) from the vastus lateralis (VL) and gluteus maximus (GM), and...
… da Educação Física/ …, Jan 1, 2008
A participação de adolescentes em atividades esportivas de alto rendimento pode provocar alteraçõ... more A participação de adolescentes em atividades esportivas de alto rendimento pode provocar alterações em aspectos biológicos e comportamentais relacionados à saúde e qualidade de vida (QV) desta população. Desta forma, o presente estudo objetivou analisar a relação da QV com parâmetros antropométricos em atletas juvenis. O estudo foi desenvolvido no município de Ponta Grossa, Paraná, com 75 atletas (39 do sexo masculino). Foram coletados dados da massa corporal e estatura para cálculo do índice de massa corporal (IMC), circunferência abdominal (CA) e QV (através do WHOQOL-Bref). Para análise estatística foram utilizados o teste U de Mann-Whitney e a correlação de Spearman. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas para os meninos nos valores de IMC (p=0,017), CA (p=0,009) e QV geral (p=0,040), além dos domínios psicológico (p=0,002) e meio ambiente (p=0,048). As correlações indicaram uma relação positiva para o IMC (r=0,536; p=0,001) e CA (r=0,394; p=0,017) em relação à QV das meninas. Pode-se concluir que os meninos apresentaram valores superiores para QV geral em relação às meninas e que as variáveis antropométricas correlacionaram-se diretamente com a QV em meninas.
Acta Scientiarum. …, Jan 1, 2008
… da Educação Física/ …, Jan 1, 2011
CITATIONS 0 READS 15 5 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also worki... more CITATIONS 0 READS 15 5 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Development and validation of the software ACET, orthopedics specific, due to calculate the anteversion acetabular angle for total hip reconstruction surgeries. View project Development and validation of the software HERGOS for the evaluation of quality of life in corporate environment. Multiplatform (iOS, Android and Windows) into Portuguese, English and Chinese. View project Alex Gordia Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia RESUMO Objetivou-se verificar a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade em adolescentes e sua associação com variáveis sociodemográficas. Foram investigados 608 adolescentes (14 a 20 anos) do município da Lapa, Paraná. O índice de massa corporal foi utilizado para determinar o sobrepeso e obesidade com base nos critérios de Conde e Monteiro (2006) e da Organização Mundial da Saúde (1995). A condição socioeconômica (CSE) foi avaliada de acordo com o Critério de Classificação Econômica do Brasil. Foram utilizados os testes do Qui-quadrado, ANOVA two-way e regressão logística binária (p<0,05). As prevalências de sobrepeso e obesidade dos adolescentes foram de 11,0% e 2,0%, respectivamente. Adolescentes pertencentes à CSE A tiveram 3,3 vezes mais chance de ter excesso de peso em relação aos seus pares de menor poder aquisitivo (RC=3,34;IC95%:1,27-8,77). Os achados demonstram que intervenções que visem modificações no peso corporal deste segmento da população devem considerar a CSE.
The lack of low cost devices apt to collaborate both researches and clinical intervention s quali... more The lack of low cost devices apt to collaborate both researches and clinical intervention s quality for health promotion is quite significant, peculiarly in developing countries. The objective of this study consisted in calculating the accuracy of the hardware Kinect™ by Microsoft™. Methods: anthropometric data were collected from a subject in orthostatic position, at four different distances from the optical axes of the hardware, on X, Y and Z. The normality and the variances homogeinity of the data were stated through Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Barlett’s tests, in this order. It has been adopted a significance P < 0.05 for all the statistical tests, and the size effect for all of the spatial coordinates (in the four different placements) exceeded 0.80. Results: the relative error presented no significant differences in all of those distances in the three spatial axels and the accuracy averaged 0.047m; such result allows to conclude that the hardware presents satisfactory both scientific and clinical applicability, embracing potentially human movement investigations and interventions, as well as orthopedics, physiotherapy, physical education, and sports among others.
Objetivo: O presente estudo objetivou comparar duas versões do questionário WHOQOL e suas respect... more Objetivo: O presente estudo objetivou comparar duas versões do questionário WHOQOL e suas respectivas facetas na aplicabilidade para idosos. Métodos: A pesquisa de caráter transversal e comparativo, em que participaram 40 idosas praticantes de atividade física na cidade de Campinas (SP). Aplicaram-se os instrumentos WHOQOL-BREVE, composto por 26 questões em escala Lickert circunscritas a quatro domínios (Domínio I-Físico, Domínio II-Psicológico, Domínio III-Relações Sociais e Domínio IV-Meio-Ambiente), e o WHOQOL-OLD composto 24 questões na mesma escala circunscritas a seis facetas (Faceta 1-Funcionamento dos sentidos, Faceta 2-Autonomia, Faceta 3-Atividades passadas, presentes e futuras, Faceta 4-Participação social, Faceta 5-Morte e Morrer e Faceta 6-Intimidade). Para análise da consistência interna foi utilizado o coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. Utilizou-se a correlação de Spearman para analisar a relação dos domínios com as facetas, para um nível de significância de p<0,05. Resultados: Os resultados demonstram os maiores valores do para o Domínio II-Psicológico (72,61+12,67) e Faceta 1-Funcionamento dos sentidos (74,21+17,80), enquanto os menores valores foram apresentados para o Domínio III-Relações Sociais (68,33+14,26) e Faceta 2-Autonomia (59,53+16,62). Verificaram-se correlações significativas do domínio psicológico com as facetas de participação social e de atividades passadas, presentes e futuras, além de correlação entre o domínio relações sociais com a faceta intimidade. Conclusão: O WHOQOL-BREVE demonstrou-se estar próximo aos 70 pontos (qualidade de vida satisfatória). Já o WHOQOL-OLD teve os resultados comprometidos pelas facetas: atividades passadas, presentes e futuras, morte e morrer e intimidade.
Revista Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida, 2010
... física Quality of life and balance capacity during aging process of women who practices physi... more ... física Quality of life and balance capacity during aging process of women who practices physical activity Guanis de Barros Vilela Junior Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba UNIMEP Piracicaba Brasil [email protected] ...
Papers by Guanis B Vilela Junior
ABSTRACT Introduction: In Brazil, there is a great shortage of research instruments aimed at the evaluation of Quality of Life at Work (QVT) that deal with the different aspects of the employee, in particular; The psychic, biomechanical and ergonomic. Objective: to construct and validate an instrument on QVT, understandable and executable. The problem question was: What are the continuous steps for the construction and validation of an instrument? Methods: We used questionnaires for the survey that had personal inquiries. The proposed instrument was constructed with 25 questions, divided into four areas, namely: variety; Autonomy and feedback; Identity; Significance and motivation. For the methodology in question, the validation steps of an instrument were followed: 1-Validity of Content (or Construct); 2-Internal consistency; 3-Discriminant validity; 4-Validity of criterion; 5-Concurrent validity and 6-Time reproducibility. The reference instrument for comparison of these criteria was Quality of Life and Health (QVS-80). Results: The data presented cohesion, in relation to the instrument initially thought, with Cronbach's alpha of 0.808 and 0.86, for internal consistency; Rho de Tarkonen (Rho 1 = 0.810 and Rho 2 =0.887) for the discriminant validity; Kappa=0.63, for temporal reproducibility. Conclusions: The instrument proved to be valid and reliable, and it can be concluded that it effectively measures what it proposes, consistently, proving success, as an instrument for evaluating the quality of life in the corporate environment.
ABSTRACT Introduction: In Brazil, there is a great shortage of research instruments aimed at the evaluation of Quality of Life at Work (QVT) that deal with the different aspects of the employee, in particular; The psychic, biomechanical and ergonomic. Objective: to construct and validate an instrument on QVT, understandable and executable. The problem question was: What are the continuous steps for the construction and validation of an instrument? Methods: We used questionnaires for the survey that had personal inquiries. The proposed instrument was constructed with 25 questions, divided into four areas, namely: variety; Autonomy and feedback; Identity; Significance and motivation. For the methodology in question, the validation steps of an instrument were followed: 1-Validity of Content (or Construct); 2-Internal consistency; 3-Discriminant validity; 4-Validity of criterion; 5-Concurrent validity and 6-Time reproducibility. The reference instrument for comparison of these criteria was Quality of Life and Health (QVS-80). Results: The data presented cohesion, in relation to the instrument initially thought, with Cronbach's alpha of 0.808 and 0.86, for internal consistency; Rho de Tarkonen (Rho 1 = 0.810 and Rho 2 =0.887) for the discriminant validity; Kappa=0.63, for temporal reproducibility. Conclusions: The instrument proved to be valid and reliable, and it can be concluded that it effectively measures what it proposes, consistently, proving success, as an instrument for evaluating the quality of life in the corporate environment.