Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 2021
Customer satisfaction is a vital component of service organisations that are significantly relate... more Customer satisfaction is a vital component of service organisations that are significantly related to service quality. One of the electronic service quality that has to be prioritised, is website quality. Therefore, this study will determine the influence of electronic service quality and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) toward repurchase intention on e-commerce in Indonesia. Data were obtained from Google Form Online Questionnaires which were distributed through a short-link in WhatsApp, LINE, and Twitter applications during April 2019. This study applied the purposive sampling method where 458 qualified samples were matched to the specific criteria. Structural Equation Model (SEM) supported by LISREL software was used to analyse the data. The findings show that there are positive and significant influences of electronic service quality of pleasant and utilitarian dimensions to eWOM construction and repurchase intention. This research suggests managerial implication to e-commerce in...
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan Radio Komunitas Dapur R... more Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan Radio Komunitas Dapur Remaja (RKDR) sebagai media informasi untuk mengembangkan potensi bagi kalangan anak muda di kawasan Cinangka, Sawangan Depok. Radio komunitas hingga saat ini masih dianggap menjadi media alternatif, untuk menjembatani minimnya informasi kepada masyarakat. radio komunitas disini menjadi sangat penting karena dianggap lebih mengetahui dan memahami persoalan dan isu-isu lokal di sekitarnya. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, riset ini menggunakan konsep radio komunitas dan pengembangan masyarakat,. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara kepada pengelola Radio Komunitas. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa Radio Komunitas Dapur Remaja (RKDR) telah menjalankan fungsinya sebagai media informasi bagi kepentingan warga komunitasnya. Namun informasi tersebut masih terbatas, dikarenakan program-program terkait pengembangan skill yang ...
Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies, 2019
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa bagaimana sebuah kemajuan dala... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa bagaimana sebuah kemajuan dalam teknologi informasi menghasilkan sebuah budaya baru dalam moda transportasi yang kemudian membentuk potensi konflik lintas budaya dengan pola konsumsi penggunaan trasnportasi yang sudah ada sejak lama dalam hal ini ojek pangkalan dengan ojek online. Studi ini berusaha menjelaskan, mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa konflik yang terjadi didasarkan pada pemberitaan di Koran Kompas tanggal 5 Januari 2018 tentang konflik ojek pangkalan dan ojek online di Bandung. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa konflik sudah dimulai sejak tahun 2010, kelompok ojek online hingga saat ini masih ditolak kehadirannya oleh kelompok ojek pangkalan yang menganggap bahwa kehadirannya merubah struktur sosial yang sudah terbangun sebelumnya. Alasan lainnya adalah adanya persepsi dan prasangka bahwa ojek online telah mengambil lahan penghasilan ojek pangkalan, sehingga pendapatannya menurun drastis. Faktor komunikasi ju...
The article aim is to understand how kompas.com dan sindonews.com on the period of 16 October 201... more The article aim is to understand how kompas.com dan sindonews.com on the period of 16 October 2017 up to 21 October 2017 framing the news related to food governance in Indonesia using Entman Framing Analysis. Entman Framing is an alternative method to see media differentiation in reveal the reality. According to the researcher, the two media possess its own differentiation in interpreting those realities, so that media could be considered as reader mindset influencer. The concept and theory of the article is agenda setting, reality construct, Entman Framing, news and online media. The article method is qualitative using news article as analysis unit. The result show that the two online media emphasize issue about food governance management system. But the assertion of the two news are different; kompas.com tend to build and develop the village and farmer regeneration aspect, while sindonews.com emphasized on reinforcement the management system of food governance.
CoverAge: Journal of Strategic Communication, 2018
Managing stakeholders in the era of digital society become more complicated and the corporate cri... more Managing stakeholders in the era of digital society become more complicated and the corporate crisis is highly potential to come forward. Consequently, to develop a long-term profitable relationship with the stakeholders requires dialogue based method. However, many corporate implement stakeholder relationship model remain derived from the understanding that corporate is the centre of all stakeholders, or corporate-centric model. A new model of system-centric than proposed in order to deal with the stakeholders in the era of digital society. The model implies that the corporate will be no longer being a central of stakeholders. It means the position of the corporate being a part of the system and involve symmetrical two-way communication strategy. This paper aimed at, firstly to elaborate a social network that would be potential to create the crisis if the corporate is not implementing the system-centric model that requires the development of multi-stakeholders learning dialogues. S...
The culinary business today is one of the most sought-after business alternatives in Depok. This ... more The culinary business today is one of the most sought-after business alternatives in Depok. This can be seen that out of 1000 business actors in Depok in 2018, most of them are doing business in the culinary sector. Because the development of the culinary business is increasing rapidly, culinary entrepreneurs, especially women, need various information related to this business. This study aims to find out the communication channels used by women culinary entrepreneurs in Depok to meet their information needs. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample was chosen using a purposive sampling technique based on the characteristics of women who have culinary business, both online and offline. Data were collected by sending questionnaires online through a google form. Within two weeks, as many as 96 respondents were willing to fill out and return the questionnaire. The results of the study show that in the current technological development, the role of commun...
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 2021
Customer satisfaction is a vital component of service organisations that are significantly relate... more Customer satisfaction is a vital component of service organisations that are significantly related to service quality. One of the electronic service quality that has to be prioritised, is website quality. Therefore, this study will determine the influence of electronic service quality and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) toward repurchase intention on e-commerce in Indonesia. Data were obtained from Google Form Online Questionnaires which were distributed through a short-link in WhatsApp, LINE, and Twitter applications during April 2019. This study applied the purposive sampling method where 458 qualified samples were matched to the specific criteria. Structural Equation Model (SEM) supported by LISREL software was used to analyse the data. The findings show that there are positive and significant influences of electronic service quality of pleasant and utilitarian dimensions to eWOM construction and repurchase intention. This research suggests managerial implication to e-commerce in...
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan Radio Komunitas Dapur R... more Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan Radio Komunitas Dapur Remaja (RKDR) sebagai media informasi untuk mengembangkan potensi bagi kalangan anak muda di kawasan Cinangka, Sawangan Depok. Radio komunitas hingga saat ini masih dianggap menjadi media alternatif, untuk menjembatani minimnya informasi kepada masyarakat. radio komunitas disini menjadi sangat penting karena dianggap lebih mengetahui dan memahami persoalan dan isu-isu lokal di sekitarnya. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, riset ini menggunakan konsep radio komunitas dan pengembangan masyarakat,. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara kepada pengelola Radio Komunitas. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa Radio Komunitas Dapur Remaja (RKDR) telah menjalankan fungsinya sebagai media informasi bagi kepentingan warga komunitasnya. Namun informasi tersebut masih terbatas, dikarenakan program-program terkait pengembangan skill yang ...
Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies, 2019
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa bagaimana sebuah kemajuan dala... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa bagaimana sebuah kemajuan dalam teknologi informasi menghasilkan sebuah budaya baru dalam moda transportasi yang kemudian membentuk potensi konflik lintas budaya dengan pola konsumsi penggunaan trasnportasi yang sudah ada sejak lama dalam hal ini ojek pangkalan dengan ojek online. Studi ini berusaha menjelaskan, mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa konflik yang terjadi didasarkan pada pemberitaan di Koran Kompas tanggal 5 Januari 2018 tentang konflik ojek pangkalan dan ojek online di Bandung. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa konflik sudah dimulai sejak tahun 2010, kelompok ojek online hingga saat ini masih ditolak kehadirannya oleh kelompok ojek pangkalan yang menganggap bahwa kehadirannya merubah struktur sosial yang sudah terbangun sebelumnya. Alasan lainnya adalah adanya persepsi dan prasangka bahwa ojek online telah mengambil lahan penghasilan ojek pangkalan, sehingga pendapatannya menurun drastis. Faktor komunikasi ju...
The article aim is to understand how kompas.com dan sindonews.com on the period of 16 October 201... more The article aim is to understand how kompas.com dan sindonews.com on the period of 16 October 2017 up to 21 October 2017 framing the news related to food governance in Indonesia using Entman Framing Analysis. Entman Framing is an alternative method to see media differentiation in reveal the reality. According to the researcher, the two media possess its own differentiation in interpreting those realities, so that media could be considered as reader mindset influencer. The concept and theory of the article is agenda setting, reality construct, Entman Framing, news and online media. The article method is qualitative using news article as analysis unit. The result show that the two online media emphasize issue about food governance management system. But the assertion of the two news are different; kompas.com tend to build and develop the village and farmer regeneration aspect, while sindonews.com emphasized on reinforcement the management system of food governance.
CoverAge: Journal of Strategic Communication, 2018
Managing stakeholders in the era of digital society become more complicated and the corporate cri... more Managing stakeholders in the era of digital society become more complicated and the corporate crisis is highly potential to come forward. Consequently, to develop a long-term profitable relationship with the stakeholders requires dialogue based method. However, many corporate implement stakeholder relationship model remain derived from the understanding that corporate is the centre of all stakeholders, or corporate-centric model. A new model of system-centric than proposed in order to deal with the stakeholders in the era of digital society. The model implies that the corporate will be no longer being a central of stakeholders. It means the position of the corporate being a part of the system and involve symmetrical two-way communication strategy. This paper aimed at, firstly to elaborate a social network that would be potential to create the crisis if the corporate is not implementing the system-centric model that requires the development of multi-stakeholders learning dialogues. S...
The culinary business today is one of the most sought-after business alternatives in Depok. This ... more The culinary business today is one of the most sought-after business alternatives in Depok. This can be seen that out of 1000 business actors in Depok in 2018, most of them are doing business in the culinary sector. Because the development of the culinary business is increasing rapidly, culinary entrepreneurs, especially women, need various information related to this business. This study aims to find out the communication channels used by women culinary entrepreneurs in Depok to meet their information needs. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample was chosen using a purposive sampling technique based on the characteristics of women who have culinary business, both online and offline. Data were collected by sending questionnaires online through a google form. Within two weeks, as many as 96 respondents were willing to fill out and return the questionnaire. The results of the study show that in the current technological development, the role of commun...
Papers by Diana Nana