State University of Medan
Educational Management
This study aims to address the problems of the eleven hypotheses proposed, which include 1) the direct influence of organizational culture on compensation, 2) the direct effect of work competence on compensation, 3) the direct influence... more
This study aims to answer several hypotheses about the direct influence of organizational culture, self-efficacy, work motivation, and job satisfaction on work motivation, job satisfaction, and lecturer performance. The research technique... more
This study was aimed to reveal the determining factors of the senior high school principals‘ organization commitment in Medan Municipality, and to find out a theoretical model which could describe the causal relationship among the latent... more
The purpose of this study is to determine and review: (1) teacher performance models that are built based on the associative causal relationship between exogenous variables and endogenous variables, (2) the effect of interpersonal... more
The purpose of this study is to determine theoretical model that can describe the causal relationship between latent variables that determine the job satisfaction of Junior High School principals, with 188 principals as respondents. Phase... more
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penentu komitmen organisasi kepala SMK di Kota Medan, dan menentukan model teoretik yang dapat menggambarkan hubungan kausalistik antarvariabel laten yang menentukan... more
The problem in this study is whether there is an effect of self-efficacy, management ability, internal communication and job satisfaction on the normative commitment of lecturers at Quality University Medan. The population of this study... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the principal supervision strategy in improving teachers performance at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Muslimin in Tebing Tinggi. This study used qualitative research methods. The data obtained based on... more
This research aims to determine and examine the effect of managerial competence on principals performance and the effect of working motivation on principals performance, and find a model for developing principals performance. This... more
Principal's leadership is a major factor in success of school. This explains that the importance of leadership as a key to the success of schools in developing their schools. The purpose of this research study was to obtain information... more
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh: (1) perilaku inovatif terhadap kepuasan kerja, (2) kepemimpinan pembelajaran terhadap kepuasan kerja, dan (3) perilaku inovatif dan kepemimpinan pembelajaran secara bersama-sama... more
Perilaku individu dalam organisasi efektif memperlihatkan morivasi kerja yang tinggi, kompetensi kerja yang baik, kepribadian yang baik, nilai-nilai yag dimiliki, kepuasan kerja, dan komitmen kerja. Perilaku individu berpengaruh terhadap... more
This study aims to Determine the influence of organizational culture on teachers' work motivation, organizational culture influence on teacher stress management, organizational culture influence to teacher affective commitment,... more
The purpose of this study is (1) to find a model of organizational commitment of the head of the ECE unit which is built based on an associative causal relationship between exogenous variables with an endogenous variable. (2) to test and... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the improvement of the Social science (IPS) teachers abilityin implementing cooperative learning model jigsaw type through clinical supervision in Junior High School (SMP) Negeri Kecamatan... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the improvement of the Social science (IPS) teachers abilityin implementing cooperative learning model jigsaw type through clinical supervision in Junior High School (SMP) Negeri Kecamatan... more
This study aims to determine the direct effect of Participatory Leadership, School Culture, and Management of Stress on the headmaster of Senior High School in Deli Serdang Regency. Research used quantitative method, the model is used by... more
This study aims to determine the principal academic supervision of teachers and supervision of competence of high school principal supervision by school supervisors in Central Aceh district. The type of research used is descriptive... more
This study aims to determine the effect of participatory leadership on lecturers' organizational commitment, the influence of quality culture on lecturer organizational commitment, the effect of job satisfaction on lecturers'... more