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      PhysicsScience EducationMathematics EducationCase Studies
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Peran pendidikan sangat penting untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang cerdas, kreatif dan inovatif serta mampu menjawab tantangan. Permasalahan yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Adakah pengaruh boarding school terhadap... more
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      PsychologyMathematicsBoarding School
Islamic education is currently still faced with various fundamental problems. According to Siahaan, the low quality and quality of Islamic education, in general, is influenced by several factors, including the curriculum, facilities,... more
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      BusinessIslamCurriculumEducational Institution
Sebagai pendidikan formal, madrasah dalam Sistem Pendidikan Nasional memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan lembaga sekolah pada umumnya, namun realitanya di lapangan masih terdapat perbedaan, khususnya dalam hal sarana prasararan dan... more
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The Covid-19 pandemic has had a wide impact on various aspects of human life, especially education, so it needs to be reorganized or managed again, in accordance with the demands of implementing learning during Covid-19. The aim is that... more
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      Computer ScienceDocumentationEmpowermentInterview
The modernization of Islamic education continues to be encouraged by structuring the Iranian education system based on the principles of Islamic teachings, without neglecting the modern education that has developed in the... more
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      Political ScienceIslamMass mediaModernization theory