Papers by Aleksandra Krupa-Ławrynowicz
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
The paper discusses the research methods and the most important results of the interdisciplinary... more The paper discusses the research methods and the most important results of the interdisciplinary project “The Former Gestapo Headquarters and the Provincial Office of Public Security in Anstadt Avenue in Łódź. Interdisciplinary Site Research” conducted in 2019–2021. Considering the challenges faced by the archaeology of the contemporary past, a subdiscipline of archaeology, an attempt was made to link the results of archaeological research to the relatively well-known historical context of structural and functional transformations of the site explored, mostly the establishment of a Jewish school in Anstadt Avenue at the end of the 1930s, the operation of the Gestapo headquarters during the Second World War and of the communist Provincial Office of Public Security after the war, and the division of the site into police and school sections in 1957, which has been preserved to date. Also ethnographic research was carried out, which identified sources referring to the forms of remembr...
Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae, 2021
This paper presents the results of ethnographic and archaeological research into potential places... more This paper presents the results of ethnographic and archaeological research into potential places of epidemic burial (choleric cemeteries) in two communes in the northern part of the Polish Jurassic Highland, Janów and Mstów. In their descriptions and analysis, ethnographic sources (local memory, accounts provided by inhabitants) and archaeological sources (non-destructive prospecting, probing research) were applied. Apart from presentation of field material, the aim of the paper is to indicate the potential of a combined ethnoarchaeological method applied in research to the contemporary past and to the landscape understood as cultural heritage.
Archaeologia Historica Polona, 2020
Etnoarcheologia w praktyce. Z badań niedawnej przeszłości 1 Ethnoarchaeology in practice. From th... more Etnoarcheologia w praktyce. Z badań niedawnej przeszłości 1 Ethnoarchaeology in practice. From the research of recent past Zarys treści: W artykule przedstawione zostały wybrane aspekty, możliwości oraz ograniczenia metod i narzędzi etnoarcheologicznych, wykorzystywanych w badaniach niedawnej przeszłości. Praktykę etnoarcheologiczną zaprezentowano na przykładzie badań prowadzonych na północnych terenach Jury Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej. Tematem opisywanego projektu są miejsca objęte dyskursem wspólnotowym, wpisane w krajobrazy fizyczny i kulturowy pięciu gmin. Prace badawcze dotyczą miejsc ważnych dla lokalnych społeczności, stanowiących impuls do wieloaspektowego poznawania historii, kulturowej rzeczywistości, dziedzictwa kulturowego oraz tożsamości mieszkańców badanych terenów. Strategia badawcza stanowi propozycję interdyscyplinarnej metodologii-zestawienia i połączenia etnograficznych i archeologicznych procedur powiązanych z ustaleniami z zakresu historii i historii sztuki. Polega na wypracowaniu metod, które mogłyby służyć w badaniach krajobrazów fizycznego i kulturowego, poprzez zintegrowaną procedurę pozyskiwania i analizy źródeł etnograficznych, archeologicznych, pisanych oraz ikonograficznych.
Zeszyty Wiejskie, 2020
Artykuł poświęcony jest przedsięwzięciu zrealizowanemu w 2015 r. w gminie Mstów (pow. częstochows... more Artykuł poświęcony jest przedsięwzięciu zrealizowanemu w 2015 r. w gminie Mstów (pow. częstochowski, woj. śląskie), polegającemu na zainstalowaniu na terenie (w krajobrazie) tej jurajskiej gminy tablic informacyjnych pod wspólnym tytułem „Śladami Przeszłości po Gminie Mstów”. Tablice, prezentujące fotografie oraz krótką notatkę dotyczącą historii danego miejsca (dziś już często nieistniejącego lub posiadającego inny charakter), ustawione zostały w pierwotnych lokalizacjach obiektów wpisujących się w lokalną historię i dziedzictwo. Twórcami projektu są Urząd Gminy, „lokalni eksperci – pasjonaci” oraz mieszkańcy. To oni nie tylko dzielili się wspomnieniami (stanowiącymi bazę do tworzenia opisów), ale również otwierali swoje domowe archiwa i udostępniali unikatowe, bo niedostępne w tzw. oficjalnych opracowaniach, fotografie. Zaproponowany etnograficzny przypis jest komentarzem do tej terenowej ekspozycji, która służyć ma celom krajoznawczym, edukacyjnym, zachowaniu pamięci o miej...
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Archaeologia Historica Polona, 2019
The article presents selected aspects, possibilities and limitations of ethnoarchaeological metho... more The article presents selected aspects, possibilities and limitations of ethnoarchaeological methods and tools used in research on the recent past. Ethnoarchaeological practice was presented on the example of research conducted in the northern areas of the Polish Jurassic Highland. The theme of the project are places covered by the community discourse, inscribed in the physical and cultural landscape of five communes. Research works consider places important for local communities, which are an impulse to learn about history, cultural reality, cultural heritage and the identity of the inhabitants of the analysed areas in a multifaceted way. For researchers places inscribed into collective memory, which until now did not function in a wide scientific and journalistic discourse, etc. are of particular importance. The described research strategy adopts an interdisciplinary perspective. Thus, it is part of an ever stronger tendency – visible especially in studies of the recent past – to establish cooperation and dialogue between various scientific disciplines, each of which has different, specific methods of research for various types of sources and cultural messages. First of all, it uses the methods of modern cultural anthropology (ethnography) and refers to new trends in archaeology focused on the study of the latest times. Interdisciplinarity appears in the said project also because it is the result of research questions to which we will not find the answer in narrow scientific specialties. In the article, the authors, describing three examples from ethnoarchaeological field explorations, present not only an integrated procedure for obtaining and analysing ethnographic, archaeological, written and iconographic sources, which can be used in other research projects, but also indicate its cognitive values and those inscribed into the trend of the community ethnography and archaeology.
Kuděj, 2016
Abstrakt: V poslední době se i v zemích bývalého východního bloku při studiu událostí z dob nedáv... more Abstrakt: V poslední době se i v zemích bývalého východního bloku při studiu událostí z dob nedávno minulých stále více prosazuje mezioborový přístup. V Polsku byl tento postup uplat-něn při výzkumu reliktů stodol městečka Mstow, na jehož jižním okraji byly zřejmě na konci 19. století vystavěny. Komparace výsledků archeologického, etnologického a historického výzkumu přinesla řadu zajímavých informací a výzkumné aktivity podnítili v obyvatelích městečka zájem o osudy jedné jejich polozapomenuté kulturní památky. Klíčová slova: Mstow, stodoly, nedestruktivní výzkum, mezioborový výzkum, archeologie, etnologie, historie, Polsko.
Abstract: Recently also in the former Eastern Bloc countries started the interdisciplinary research of events from recent past years. In Poland, this procedure was applied in the research of relics of barns in the town Mstów town, where on the southern edge of the town were probably in the late 19 th century built. Comparison of the results of archaeological, ethnological and historical research has brought a lot of interesting information and research activities incite between local inhabitant's interest in the fate of one of their half-forgotten cultural monument.
Contemporary Past by Aleksandra Krupa-Ławrynowicz
Krajobrazy kulturowe ziemi lelowskiej, red. M. Skrzypczyk, Lelów, 2017
In the article, the authors present the process of ethnoarchaeological study into the anonymous f... more In the article, the authors present the process of ethnoarchaeological study into the anonymous forest grave located on the edge of the village of Konstantynów (Lelów Commune), which was conducted in 2016.
Archaeological research and analyses in the field of physical anthropology have demonstrated that the bone remains of a young man shot in the head found in the grave had no items (clothing, personal belongings) that would allow to identify him. Based on the degree of decomposition of organic matter and of bone mineralization it can be said that the grave is a few dozen years old, probably dating back to World War II. Only ethnographic studies (interviews with the inhabitants of Konstantynów) allowed to determine that the remains discovered belong to a German veterinarian serving in the army, who was shot in January 1945 by Soviet soldiers. The accounts gathered show the last moments of the man’s life and events that accompanied his burial.
The work described is carried out as part of the research project of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “Miejsca pamięci i zapomnienia. Badania interdyscyplinarne północnych terenów Jury Krakowsko- Częstochowskiej” (“Places of Memory and Oblivion. Interdisciplinary Studies of the Northern Areas of Polish Jurassic Highland”) planned for the years 2014-2019. The research focuses on specific places in the physical and cultural landscape that are significant to the local communities, creating and maintaining their identity, and present in their collective memory, and particularly those that have not been described in greater detail in scientific or tourist publications.
Papers by Aleksandra Krupa-Ławrynowicz
Abstract: Recently also in the former Eastern Bloc countries started the interdisciplinary research of events from recent past years. In Poland, this procedure was applied in the research of relics of barns in the town Mstów town, where on the southern edge of the town were probably in the late 19 th century built. Comparison of the results of archaeological, ethnological and historical research has brought a lot of interesting information and research activities incite between local inhabitant's interest in the fate of one of their half-forgotten cultural monument.
Contemporary Past by Aleksandra Krupa-Ławrynowicz
Archaeological research and analyses in the field of physical anthropology have demonstrated that the bone remains of a young man shot in the head found in the grave had no items (clothing, personal belongings) that would allow to identify him. Based on the degree of decomposition of organic matter and of bone mineralization it can be said that the grave is a few dozen years old, probably dating back to World War II. Only ethnographic studies (interviews with the inhabitants of Konstantynów) allowed to determine that the remains discovered belong to a German veterinarian serving in the army, who was shot in January 1945 by Soviet soldiers. The accounts gathered show the last moments of the man’s life and events that accompanied his burial.
The work described is carried out as part of the research project of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “Miejsca pamięci i zapomnienia. Badania interdyscyplinarne północnych terenów Jury Krakowsko- Częstochowskiej” (“Places of Memory and Oblivion. Interdisciplinary Studies of the Northern Areas of Polish Jurassic Highland”) planned for the years 2014-2019. The research focuses on specific places in the physical and cultural landscape that are significant to the local communities, creating and maintaining their identity, and present in their collective memory, and particularly those that have not been described in greater detail in scientific or tourist publications.
Abstract: Recently also in the former Eastern Bloc countries started the interdisciplinary research of events from recent past years. In Poland, this procedure was applied in the research of relics of barns in the town Mstów town, where on the southern edge of the town were probably in the late 19 th century built. Comparison of the results of archaeological, ethnological and historical research has brought a lot of interesting information and research activities incite between local inhabitant's interest in the fate of one of their half-forgotten cultural monument.
Archaeological research and analyses in the field of physical anthropology have demonstrated that the bone remains of a young man shot in the head found in the grave had no items (clothing, personal belongings) that would allow to identify him. Based on the degree of decomposition of organic matter and of bone mineralization it can be said that the grave is a few dozen years old, probably dating back to World War II. Only ethnographic studies (interviews with the inhabitants of Konstantynów) allowed to determine that the remains discovered belong to a German veterinarian serving in the army, who was shot in January 1945 by Soviet soldiers. The accounts gathered show the last moments of the man’s life and events that accompanied his burial.
The work described is carried out as part of the research project of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “Miejsca pamięci i zapomnienia. Badania interdyscyplinarne północnych terenów Jury Krakowsko- Częstochowskiej” (“Places of Memory and Oblivion. Interdisciplinary Studies of the Northern Areas of Polish Jurassic Highland”) planned for the years 2014-2019. The research focuses on specific places in the physical and cultural landscape that are significant to the local communities, creating and maintaining their identity, and present in their collective memory, and particularly those that have not been described in greater detail in scientific or tourist publications.