Papers by Valentina Petrucci
The aim of this paper is to show the preliminary results of the archaeological excavations, which... more The aim of this paper is to show the preliminary results of the archaeological excavations, which took place over five campaigns between June 2009 and July 2013. Until now it has been dug a area, covering about 4500 square meters, which has brought to light some spaces related to a thermal complex. The excavation have brought to light a public road, also, that defines the complex (and the entire block) on the northern side. The roadway of this urban street is parallel to the via Latina. Lo scavo delle Terme di Aquinum si è svolto nell'arco di cinque campagne di scavo 1 , tra il giugno 2009 e luglio 2013, sotto la direzione del prof. G. Ceraudo, docente di Topografia antica presso il Dipartimento di Beni Cul-turali dell'Università del Salento a Lecce. Il progetto di ricerca archeologica, che si inserisce nel più ampio "Progetto Ager Aquinas", portato avanti dal Laboratorio di Topografia Antica e Fotogrammetria dell'Ateneo leccese, nasce in collaborazione con la ...
Fasti Online Documents and Research, Jul 5, 2014
The aim of this paper is to show the preliminary results of the archaeological excavations, which... more The aim of this paper is to show the preliminary results of the archaeological excavations, which took place over five campaigns between June 2009 and July 2013. Until now it has been dug a area, covering about 4500 square meters, which has brought to light some spaces related to a thermal complex. The excavation have brought to light a public road, also, that defines the com-plex (and the entire block) on the northern side. The roadway of this urban street is parallel to the via Latina.
Papers by Valentina Petrucci